Android Instrumentation Tests Stuck "Running Tests" Forever Android Studio - android-gradle-plugin

I use Android Espresso Tests with latest Android Studio 2.1.2 and Tests are running ok but it does not seems like the standalone test app returns back the results to reflect back to Android Studio and it shows Running Tests Forever

I realize this is an old question, but I just ran into this and didn't see any other search results that had the same problem.
In my case, this was caused by the code under test having a stack overflow exception, which it seems that the test runner failed to handle. I was only able to figure it out by looking at the "Android Monitor" and looking in the logcat.
So if you get to the point where AS just sits at "running test" forever, you might want to look in logcat for an exception that the test runner couldn't handle.

You have to try removing testCoverageEnabled option from build.gradle file if it's there.
possible duplicate
Gradle build tool long for android Tests

In case this helps anyone.
In my case, I was setting the idle state wrongly(false instead of true) after doing a background task, so espresso was stuck thinking that was idle.

You can add an exit test class like this and include this in your Test Suite or Executor in the last
import android.os.Looper;
import androidx.test.rule.ActivityTestRule;
import androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4;
import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
import static androidx.test.InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation;
public class ExitTests {
public ActivityTestRule<MainActivity> myActivityTestRule =
new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, false, true);
public void init(){
if(Looper.myLooper() == null)
public void Exit() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {"am", "force-stop", ""});
Here is the Test Suite
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
#Suite.SuiteClasses({ABC.class, ExitTests.class})
public class TestExecutionOrder {


Java Selenium 'Cannot resolve symbol Test' TestNG

I have a problem with TestNG. I cannot run a test.
I am getting this error:
POM.xml has no errors.
Here is the code in test page:
import Pages.SearchPage;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import core.Web.AllListeners.*;
public class Search extends Listener {
#Test(groups = "Regression")
public void ticketBookingFunctionality() {
new SearchPage()
Where can be the problem?
You need to add the following testng related jar files within your project.

Androidx ServiceTestRule cannot find my service

To be fair, I am not testing the service, but am using a service as part of my test classes to test a Bluetooth library. So my test class needs to create a service that invokes the Bluetooth library. The test class then needs to bind to this service to perform the tests. However, attempting to start the service always gives me the following error which leads to a Nullpointer exception
W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.example.androidhdpadapter.test/com.lampreynetworks.ahd.oxp.transport.BluetoothTestService } U=0: not found
At this stage, the test class is very simple:
package com.lampreynetworks.ahd.oxp.transport;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4;
import androidx.test.rule.ServiceTestRule;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import static;
public class AndroidServiceBluetoothAdapterTests
private final static String TAG =
public final ServiceTestRule serviceRule = new ServiceTestRule();
public void testAndroidBluetoothAdapter() throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException
Context context = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().getTargetContext();
Intent intent = new Intent(context, BluetoothTestService.class);
IBinder binder = serviceRule.bindService(intent);
BluetoothTestService service = ((BluetoothTestService.TestManagerBinder) binder).getService();
There are NUMEROUS posts regarding problems with testing services and I have tried all of them (messing with file dependencies, conflicts between androidx.test and, etc.). I have also tried invoking the service in the standard manner without ServiceTestRule, but that likely failed because there is no AndroidManifest for the test that specifies the service (I don't know if that can be done).
Maybe it is not possible to use Androidx's ServiceTestRule unless one is actually testing a service that is part of an application. Here I am testing a Bluetooth Library that is typically invoked by a service, and this test service is NOT part of the library, but exists only in the androidTests directory.
The reason I am doing this is that Android has buggy Bluetooth and on some platforms, the Bluetooth spontaneously shuts down and then restarts. My Bluetooth Library tries to recover from this shutdown. The recovery works BUT for every spontaneous shutdown and recovery, I get a service leak. That is what I am trying to solve in a simplified framework instead of a full-fledged application.

How to run Karate from java application not from JUnit test

I managed to run Karate tests using Junit. But what I want is to run Karate from java application instead of Junit runner.
Currently I'am running from JUnit:
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Test;
#CucumberOptions(tags = {"~#ignore"})
public class TestParallel {
public void testParallel() {
KarateStats stats = CucumberRunner.parallel(getClass(), 5, "target/surefire-reports");
assertTrue("scenarios failed", stats.getFailCount() == 0);
I tried calling the Junit class from my application main using the code below:
JUnitCore junit = new JUnitCore();
Result result =;
But I have this error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/intuit/karate/cucumber/CucumberRunner
Yes, please use the Java API, documented here:
Note that you won't get reports if you go down this path.
I solved the problem by removing the test scope from the karate dependencies in the pom.
Everything works fine including the reports and the output.

Error in selenium webDriver while executing the normal test case

Here is my code for selenium webDriver
package com.pack;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
public class GoogleSearchTest {
public static void main(String...args) {
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
String appTitle = driver.getTitle();
System.out.println("Application title is :: "+appTitle);
Below is the Error I am getting:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
WebDriver cannot be resolved to a type
FirefoxDriver cannot be resolved to a type
at com.pack.GoogleSearchTest.main(
I need to understand why I am getting that error.
Looks like you are trying to run the code that is already having compilation issues. You should be seeing a tab called "Problems", where it shows all/ any possible errors and warnings. Do you see anything in that tab? If so it will walk through the steps that you need to follow to overcome the issue.
The other option is to download a fresh copy of eclipse IDE and configure your selenium. Let me know which one worked for you.

How to use selenium-server-standalone-2.0rc2 while creating script with RC

package com.html;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class Html5 extends TestCase{`enter code here`
Selenium selenium1;
public void setUp()
selenium1=new DefaultSelenium("localhost",4444,"*firefox","");
Error appearing in com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium; and DefaultSelenium("localhost",4444,"*firefox",""); line.
Please suggest.
First :
What the enter code here string does there ?
Secondly :
If there is an error in the import com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium; and in the new DefaultSelenium, it's certainly that the jars are not in your classpath
selenium-server-standalone contains the Selenium server classes, but not the client ones, where DefaultSelenium is. You'll have to bring the client jars in your classpath, that is selenium2-java for this version I think
I think you need to give Path to firefox.exe in your Constructor..So
selenium1 = new DefaultSelenium("localhost",4444,"*firefox",""); Goes like
selenium1 = new DefaultSelenium("localhost",4444,"*firefox C:\Documents and Settings\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe","");
Try this once.