Make visible a text box based upon input of a combo box using a lookup that stores multiple values - vba

my first ever attempt at VBA and I'm struggling with this little challenge
I can make it work when using a combo box getting the values from another table, but when I use the lookup and allow it store multiple values it gives me run-time error '13' Type mismatch
Private Sub DEPARTMENT_AfterUpdate()
Me.test3.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Here's the little bit of code I'm using
Can I ask is it possible? if so could someone point me in the right direction
Many thanks

If I'm understanding this clearly, you have a combobox and a textbox on a form. You want the textbox to become visible depending on what is selected from the combobox list?
If that is the case then in form load:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.txtboxname.Visible = False
End Sub
In combobox click event:
Private Sub comboboxname_Click()
If Me.comboboxname.ListIndex = 0 Then
Me.txtboxname.Visible = True
ElseIf Me.comboboxname.ListIndex = 1 Then
Me.txtboxname.Visible = True
Me.txtboxname.Visible = False
End Sub
The numbers that correspond with the ListIndex are in order from top to bottom. 0 is typically the first selection on the combobox list. Play around with the numbers to make sure it works the way you want it to.
Hope this helps.


What's the proper use of ListBox control and case statement in MS Access

I'm using MS Access 2010, and am trying to get a textbox control named txtCamposOrden to return text based on multiple selection in a ListBox control named lstExamenes using the event AfterUpdate() and the Case statement, but I get Mismatch error; if I leave the listbox control empty the textbox does return the text after the "Case Else" part of the code. Here's my code:
Private Sub lstExamenes_AfterUpdate()
'Evaluate listbox control lstExamenes:
Select Case lstExamenes.Value
Case "BHC;EGO"
'Generate fields belonging to selected analysis:
txtCamposOrden.Value = "Hematocrito"
txtCamposOrden.Value = "Hematocrito; VDRL"
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
Thanks in advance for your help!

Make Text Box visible with condition

I am new at VBA and I am trying some code and I could not find a solution or where I am doing wrong.
What I want: The combination of two different text boxes make another text box visible(so it starts in useform not visible). With one condition I could do it using select case(LLL) but when I try it with another variant it does not work(XXX). There is no error message, the code runs but does not show the text box.
Sub Visible()
If userform.TextBox5.Value = "XXX" And userform.TextBox10.Value = "245" Then
userform.TextBox1.Visible = True
userform.T_1.Visible = True
End If
Select Case True
Case userform.TextBox5.Value = "LLL", userform.TextBox10.Value >= "145"
If userform.Option000.Value = True Then
userform.TextBox1.Visible = True
userform.T_1.Visible = True
userform.TextBox1.Visible = False
userform.T_1.Visible = False
End If
End Select
I understand some of your questions I must say that my code is quite big one cause it is linked to SAP in order to get some values from there and due to its size the complete code is splitted in modules and I am only sharing the module where I am facing problems.
There is one case for select case statement cause it was the only way that it worked close for what I need. I have a lot of variables for the fields TextBox5 and TextBox10 the values of these textboxes come from SAP and when I combine them, other Text Boxes shall be visible depending on the variables given. The problem is that for just one combination (this one is the one that I applied the select case statement) I need another variable (option000) so that TextBox1 and T_1 become visible. When I tried to do it only with if statements it did not worked.

Using PreviousControl property with nested subforms and controls

I am creating a custom floating number pad so that tablet users can more easily tap numerical data into a form. I'm using toggle buttons (the idea is to eventually highlight them briefly). The following code for the number pad works on my main form's controls. When I click on the 1 button, then a 1 is put into the active control of the main form
Private Sub Form_Activate()
FocusForm = Application.Screen.PreviousControl.Parent.Name
FocusControl = Application.Screen.PreviousControl.Name
End Sub
Private Sub Toggle1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'Add a 1 to the currently selected control
Dim refControl As Control
If FocusForm = "" Then End
Set refControl = Forms(FocusForm).Controls(FocusControl)
If (IsNull(refControl)) Then
refControl = "1"
refControl.Text = refControl.Text & "1"
End If
End Sub
However, if I navigate into the subform then the Screen.PreviousControl properties return the main form's name and the subform's name, but I can't then seem to be able to refer to the subform control's name as well. Bascially I'm looking for a line that does the following
FocusForm = Application.Screen.PreviousControl.Parent.Name
FocusSubform = Application.Screen.PreviousControl.Name
FocusSubformControl = ?????
Similarly, my subform has its own nested subform and I would like to do the same with this
FocusForm = Application.Screen.PreviousControl.Parent.Name
FocusSubform = Application.Screen.PreviousControl.Name
FocusSubform2 = ?????
FocusSubform2Control = ?????
The in-built floating number pad on the tablets is very fiddly to use, hence my coding of this custom one, however if someone knows where I might find code for a customisable number pad that writes directly into whatever window is active, this would similarly be much appreciated!
If called from a subform,Screen.PreviousControlreturns the name of the mainforms subfom-control (as mainform needs to be active to get the subform control (nested in mainform) active), not the subform (but they can have same name, just change controls name and you won't get subforms name returned, but subforms control name!).
Now how to get previous control of the subform? By its.ActiveControlproperty, as form was active before, its active control must be the previous control. (if you want to get previous control, when you stay on the same subform, you need to store it in a module variable)
As there may be multiple subforms inside of subforms, we just loop while the control is a subform and set it to the next subform.ActiveControltill finished.
Why bother with names, if you can use references? This enables using multiple instances of a form.
Just store the reference to the control in Form_Activate and use it inMouseUp:
'On top of forms code module
Option Explicit
Private PreviousFormControl As Access.Control
Private Sub Form_Activate()
On Error Resume Next ' ignore error if no previous control availible
Set PreviousFormControl = Application.Screen.PreviousControl ' this stores the reference not the name!
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Handle error here, e.g. disable controls, show msg, ...
End If
On Error GoTo 0 'Reset error handler (not needed only to remind you not just to ignore all errors!
Do While TypeOf PreviousFormControl Is SubForm ' Loop till control is not subform
Set PreviousFormControl = PreviousFormControl.Form.ActiveControl ' if subform, previous control of it is its current ActiveControl
End Sub
Private Sub Toggle1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'Add a 1 to the currently selected control
PreviousFormControl.Text = PreviousFormControl.Text & "1" ' concat "1" to controls text, no need to handle empty text as it can only be an vbNullString(""), even if Null, then Null & "1" => "" & "1" => "1"
End Sub
however if someone knows where I might find code for a customisable number pad that writes directly into whatever window is active
Of course you can use any Virtual Keyboard running on windows that fit your needs. But then you may have to handle things like bring keyboard to front on wanted position.
numpad emulator was the first open source app I found on quick search, but looks goods on short test. Of course there may be better solutions out there, just search and test.

Multi valued combo box field visible and invisible another field in MS Access 2016

I have a field called country with multi valued combo box. There are 10 values in the combo box. I need another field to be visible when a value from country field is selected otherwise invisible. I tried to use below VBA script but it gives an error as below
Runtime error 13
types incompatible
I am using the code below for which I get the above error:
Private Sub country_Click()
If country.Value = "11. OTHER" Then
Me.country_txt.Visible = True
Me.country_txt.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
I am beginner to use MS Access. Can anyone please help.
I am able to solve the issue by slightly changing the script. I used the below script and it works fine.
Private Sub country_Click()
If Then
Me.country_txt.Visible = True
Else Me.country_txt.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
So here the issue got resolved when the value of the combo box was called as integer. In the list "11. OTHERS" is the 11th value. So did the trick.

Enable/Disable Fields with certain criteria MS Access

I have a form in MS Access that I'm trying to create for insurance claims. I have all the fields that I need to be filled in but what I'd like to be able to do is enable or disable those fields depending on certain actions of the users. So the flow of the form is like this: I have a Frame at the top with two radio buttons, one for a single-claim incident and one for a multi-claim incident. If the user clicks the single-claim button everything continues with no problem. If the user clicks the multi-claim incident button, a combo box appears to the side with a dropdown list of MultiClaim_Incident_ID numbers that they need to select from. What I'm trying to do is if the user selects the Multi-Claim Incident button AND does not select an Incident ID number from the dropdown down list (i.e. leaves it at default value) then the rest of the form is disabled until corrected as well as clear all the fields...
It seems like it should be pretty straightforward but I can't seem to get it to work, I'm not sure if my logic is flawed or what. Here's an abridged version of my VBA code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.SM_Frame.Value = 1
Me.MultiClaim_Drpdwn.Value = Null
End Sub
Private Sub SM_Frame_AfterUpdate()
If SM_Frame.Value = 1 Then
Me.MultiClaim_Incident_ID_Label.Visible = False
Me.MultiClaim_Drpdwn.Visible = False
ElseIf SM_Frame.Value = 2 Then
Me.MultiClaim_Incident_ID_Label.Visible = True
Me.MultiClaim_Drpdwn.Visible = True
ElseIf SM_Frame.Value = 2 & MultiClaim_Drpdwn.Value = Null Then
Me.Incident_Date = Null
Me.Incident_Date.Enabled = False
Me.Claimant_Name.Value = ""
Me.Claimant_Name.Enabled = False
ElseIf SM_Frame.Value = 1 Then
Me.Incident_Date.Value = ""
Me.Incident_Date.Enabled = True
Me.Claimant_Name.Value = ""
Me.Claimant_Name.Enabled = True
MsgBox ("Everything can continue as is")
End If
End Sub
Let me just say that getting sequences like these right is NOT straightforward AT ALL! So don't feel bad about not getting it right on the first try. I have to create things like that about once a month and still need a lot of tries until it works in all situations.
Try to seperate to concerns:
You already have SM_Frame_AfterUpdate(). Do in it what you must to handle changing from Value 1 to 2, namely making the Combobox visible, but STOP there. You dont know what will happen to the fields with information from SM_Frame alone, you need to wait for MultiClaim_Drpdwn. Also, do what is needed to go from 2 to 1, namely hide the Combobox.
Next, create an AfterUpdate-handler MultiClaim_Drpdwn_AfterUpdate(). Use THAT to deal with the fields (enable/disable, set empty) according to its value.
Once you have that in place, you only have some edge cases remaining. For example, you want the fields to behave like MultiClaim_Drpdwn_AfterUpdate() states right after you change the SM_Frame. Thats easy once you understand that you can just happily CALL MultiClaim_Drpdwn_AfterUpdate() from within SM_Frame_AfterUpdate(), best done at the very end. These eventhandlers are still just normal functions, already public and available for anyone. This will make things chain nicely when you come from the radiobutton or not when you come from the Combobox.
In an "elseif" series, once a condition is true, the rest is ignored.
So, your
ElseIf SM_Frame.Value = 2 & MultiClaim_Drpdwn.Value = Null Then
is never reached, because you've got
ElseIf SM_Frame.Value = 2 Then
In the same idea, the "ElseIf SM_Frame.Value = 1 Then" after the MsgBox is totally useless, because it's hidden by "If SM_Frame.Value = 1 Then"
Try to use the step-by-step debug mode to see that.