SQL: calculate value based on two different conditions - sql

Below is my table schema:- Appointments
| schID | appointment_date | amount | location |
I want to fire a single query where I can get the sum of amount, total appointment_date this year i.e 2016 and remaining appointment_date this year i.e 2016.
So I wrote the below query to calculate the above fields:-
SELECT sum(a.amount) as total,
count(distinct a.appointment_date) as total_appointment,
count(distinct a2.appointment_date) as remaining appointments
from Appointments a
LEFT JOIN Appointments a2 ON a.schID = a2.schID
WHERE a2.appointment_date > GETDATE() AND year(a.appointment_date) = 2016
group by a.location
The above query doesnt return value as per requirement :(
The database belongs to SQL Server.

You can use conditional aggregation for this:
SELECT sum(amount) as total,
count(appointment_date) as total_appointment,
WHEN appointment_date > GETDATE() AND YEAR(appointment_date) = 2016
THEN DATE(appointment_date)
END) as remaining appointments
from Appointments a
group by a.location

You shouldn't need a join for this type of query:
SELECT sum(a.amount) as total, count(a.appointment_date) as total_appointment,
sum(case when a.appointment_date > getdate() then 1 else 0
end) as remaining appointments
from Appointments a
where year(a.appointment_date) = year(GETDATE() );
If you need the breakdown by location, then include location in both the select and group by clauses.


SQL help to display no. of openings for all branches for each month of a year

Hi I need to generate a SSRS report to show how many centers got opened for each month in a calendar year under each branch. report will have 13 columns, first column being all the branches in each row and remaining 12 columns will have months of an year as header. I'm trying to get a result of each branch having no. of openings per month, so I can feed SSRS to display in tabular format. If a branch doesnt have any openings for any month, I need to display 0.
Branch table
CenterOpen table
below is the SQL I had written
WITH months(MonthNumber) AS (
MonthNumber + 1
MonthNumber < 12
cteBranch(BranchID, BranchName, TargetOpenDate, Month, Count) as (
MONTH(CS.TargetOpenDate) as Month,
count(Month(CS.TargetOpenDate)) as Count
Branch B
left join goal.CenterOpenSchedule CS ON CS.BranchID = B.BranchID
cross join cteBranch
order by
BranchID asc,
MonthNumber asc
If I use cross join, months are repeating for each branch, how to resolve this? your help is highly appreciated.
Not sure which database you are on.
There are different ways to extract month/year from date.
Based on your example SQL, I'm going to use MONTH()
select branchName,
count(case when month(centerOpenDate) = 1 then branchId end) Jan_Count
count(case when month(centerOpenDate) = 12 then branchId end) Dec_Count
from Branch b
join CenterOpen co
on (b.BranchId = co.BranchId)
where year(centerOpenDate) = <your year filter>
group by branchName
This will take care of your below requirements:
" first column being all the branches in each row and remaining 12 columns will have months of an year as header."
and also -
"If a branch doesnt have any openings for any month, I need to display 0."
Your question is not explicit, but you seem to want a single year -- so you need to filter on the year.
The rest is basically conditional aggregation:
select b.branchName,
sum(case when month(co.centerOpenDate) = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as jan,
sum(case when month(co.centerOpenDate) = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as feb,
. . .
sum(case when month(co.centerOpenDate) = 12 then 1 else 0 end) as dec
from Branch b join
CenterOpen co
on b.BranchId = co.BranchId
where year(co.centerOpenDate) = #year
group by b.branchName

How to get the asked columns for each customers

I have this table called table a
I need to get the CustomerID, sum(Income) of 2015, sum(Income) of 2016, did he ever bought productId A (boolean), is the total sum(income)> 1000 (boolean), number of total InvoiceID
all that in one query and the results should be with 1 row per customer.
please help I don't even know how to start!
This is basically conditional aggregation:
select customerid,
sum(case when extract(year from date) = 2015 then sales end) as sales_2015,
sum(case when extract(year from date) = 2016 then sales end) as sales_2016,
max( product = 'A' ) as ever_bought_a,
sum(income) > 1000 as sum_exceeds_1000,
count(*) as num_invoices
from t
group by customerid;
You haven't specified a database, so this is really psuedocode. You'll need to adapt it for your particular database.

how to return total sold p / year for several years in columnar format?

The SQL below give me the columns for Account, Name and the Total Sale for the year of 2015.But how, if possible, can I add another column for the previous year of 2014 ?
select a.AcctNo, b.Name, Sum(a.TotSold) as [ Total Sold ]
from Orders as A
Join Accounts as b on a.AcctNo = b.AcctNo
where (a.PurchaseDate between '1/1/2015' and '12/31/2015' )
Group by a.AcctNo, b.Name
You can use conditional aggregation:
select o.AcctNo, a.Name,
Sum(case when year(PurchaseDate) = 2015 then TotSold else 0 end) as tot_2015,
Sum(case when year(PurchaseDate) = 2014 then TotSold else 0 end) as tot_2014
from Orders o Join
Accounts a
on a.AcctNo = o.AcctNo
where PurchaseDate >= '2014-01-01'
PurchaseDate < '2016-01-01'
Group by o.AcctNo, a.Name ;
Use ISO standard formats for date constants.
When using dates, try not to use between. It doesn't work as expected when there is a time component. The above inequalities work regardless of a time component.
Use table aliases that are abbreviations of the table name. That makes the query easier to follow.

Bring through a newly created calculated column in another query

I have 2 separate queries below which run correctly.Now I've created a calculated column to provide a count of working days by YMs and would like to bring this through to query1(the join would be query1.Period = query2.Yms)
please see the query and outputs below.
SELECT Client, ClientGroup, Type, Value, Period, PeriodName, PeriodNumber, ClientName
FROM metrics.dbo.vw_KPI_001_Invoice
select YMs,sum(case when IsWorkDay = 'X' then 1 else 0 end) from IESAONLINE.Dbo.DS_Dates
where Year > '2013'
group by YMs
Query 1
Client ClientGroup Type Value Period PeriodName PeriodNumber ClientName
0LG0 KarroFoods Stock 5691.68 201506 Week 06 2015 35 Karro Foods Scunthorpe
Query 2
YMs (No column name)
201401 23
Would the following work:
SELECT Client, ClientGroup, Type, Value, Period, PeriodName, PeriodNumber, ClientName, cnt
FROM metrics.dbo.vw_KPI_001_Invoice q1
INNER JOIN (select YMs,sum(case when IsWorkDay = 'X' then 1 else 0 end) as cnt from IESAONLINE.Dbo.DS_Dates
where Year > '2013'
group by YMs ) q2 ON q1.Period = q2.YMs
If a value isn't always available then you might consider changing the INNER JOIN to an OUTER JOIN.

Grouping multiple selects within a SQL query

I have a table Supplier with two columns, TotalStock and Date. I'm trying to write a single query that will give me stock totals by week / month / year for a list of suppliers.
So results will look like this..
SupplierA 50 100 2000
SupplierB 60 150 2500
SupplierC 15 25 200
So far I've been playing around with multiple selects but I can't get any further than this:
SELECT Supplier,
SELECT Sum(TotalStock)
FROM StockBreakdown
WHERE Date >= '2014-5-12'
GROUP BY Supplier
) AS StockThisWeek,
SELECT Sum(TotalStock)
FROM StockBreakdown
WHERE Date >= '2014-5-1'
GROUP BY Supplier
) AS StockThisMonth,
SELECT Sum(TotalStock)
FROM StockBreakdown
WHERE Date >= '2014-1-1'
GROUP BY Supplier
) AS StockThisYear
This query throws an error as each individual grouping returns multiple results. I feel that I'm close to the solution but can't work out where to go
You don't have to use subqueries to achieve what you want :
SELECT Supplier
, SUM(CASE WHEN Date >= CAST('2014-05-12' as DATE) THEN TotalStock END) AS StockThisWeek
, SUM(CASE WHEN Date >= CAST('2014-05-01' as DATE) THEN TotalStock END) AS StockThisMonth
, SUM(CASE WHEN Date >= CAST('2014-01-01' as DATE) THEN TotalStock END) AS StockThisYear
FROM StockBreakdown
GROUP BY Supplier
You may need to make the selects for the columns return only a single result. You could try this (not tested currently):
SELECT Supplier,
SELECT Supplier, Sum(TotalStock) AS StockThisWeek
FROM StockBreakdown
WHERE Date >= '2014-5-12'
GROUP BY Supplier
) tmp1
WHERE tmp1.Supplier = Supplier
) AS StockThisWeek,
SELECT TOP 1 StockThisMonth FROM
SELECT Supplier, Sum(TotalStock) AS StockThisMonth
FROM StockBreakdown
WHERE Date >= '2014-5-1'
GROUP BY Supplier
) tmp2
WHERE tmp2.Supplier = Supplier
) AS StockThisMonth,
This selects the supplier and then tries to create two columns StockThisWeek and StockThisMonth by selecting the first entry from the select you created before. As through the GROUP BY there should only be one entry per supplier, so you don't lose and data.