I am getting custom posts on a page, and used add to any sharing plugin, the problem is that the plugin is sharing the page url instead of post url.
solved the issue by passing the permalink in shortcode..
I have a practise repository in GitHub (see https://jdomleo.github.io/vue-deploy-practise).
Navigate to "About" in the navigational list at the top:
You will see in the URL, it has appened /about, as expected. However, if I give people the URL https://jdomleo.github.io/vue-deploy-practise/about, they get a 404 error from GitHub Pages.
My question is, how can I configure my Vue.js project to allow deep linking?
See link to GitHub repository https://github.com/JDomleo/vue-deploy-practise.
You have to add a custom 404.html page to your github pages that reroutes the request using javascript.
The first problem though is that you have enabled HTML5 History Mode, that requires a server to be set up to handle that and I don't think github pages allows for it.
Once you fixed that you have a couple of options.
Here is one example on how the 404 page uses the local storage to reroute the app. https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-host-your-angular-reactjs-vuejs-spa-on-github-pages-2d9ab102ac7b
Another is simple to change the url to a fragment instead of path, similar to the method used in this library https://github.com/rafrex/spa-github-pages. This library maight even just work for you.
Show the Visit Website link for the VAST clickThrough. By default in we desktop, whole ima3 container is clickable and redirecting to clickThrough url. Is there anyway to show the clickThrough url like youtube?
I have tried with custom click element. But it will only for web mobile. In the web desktop it won't work.
Demo Link:
Just an update on this ticket, the user seem to contact goolgle ima sdk, and they say that is just not possible
I am creating shopify app and there i gave option for video url or iframe in backend and now i want to access it on checkout thank you page.
Reference url of checkout page:
If you'd like to place content on the order status page (also known as the thank you page) then try creating a ScriptTag with the scope property set to order_status.
You can add content boxes to the page using the Shopify.Checkout.OrderStatus.addContentBox() JavaScript API.
HI trying to run an import io api on a php page and no data is detected.
Is it possible to obtain data from here
or similar web pages?
Yes, you can create an API to a PHP page. I have created an API for this website, without any issue.
You can also paginate nicely with this website, as the URL pattern is consistent and you do not need cookies.
If you would like to chat about a specific issue or website, I would suggest contacting support#import.io for further help.
I am working with an app we are developing and I am getting a 404 on Soundclouds link.
//connect.soundcloud.com/sdk.js ?
please advise as this is the link they provide to connect
You should contact them as the link to the JS is clearly not loading. You need a new URL.
You can load http://connect.soundcloud.com/sdk.js in your web browser to see that it is not available.
It is possible that you are not authorized to view this file and it is displaying the 404 message hiding the not authorized condition. If this is the case you will need to get authentication information.