Beacon scan in Objective C - objective-c

I'm trying to scan Beacon device in objective c. I'm having multiple brand beacon (estimote,gimbal and etc). I wont to go to use them api. I want unique for objective c to detect the beacon device.

You can see a tutorial for ranging beacons in Objective C here:


Deducing cellular network iPhone

Is it possible to know cellular network/Operator for any mobile number provided (Not for the current sim used in mobile) in objective c?

Determining Frequency of Music Played on Phone

I'm a beginner programmer in C++ trying to develop a program that requires me to know the frequencies of the music that is being played through the earphones. It has to be digital, by analyzing the music file itself.
So for example, I would know that at time t, frequencies a b c d e are played.
Is it possible to do this?

Is there something that iBeacon offers that can't be done on iOS 6 using Core Bluetooth?

I've been starting to read about the above and on BLE devices in general and trying to find the differences between those 2 frameworks. Is there something that the iBeacon API offers beside the option to use startMonitoringForRegion with CLBeaconRegion (which will basically "wake up" or notify the app that you're in range)?
To my understanding on iPhone 4S and up I can get a list of BLE devices and check their signal strength on iOS 6 sure, i't will not be as simple as the API for ranging but still, am I missing something?
Yes, the CoreLocation APIs allow you to see iBeacon devices where CoreBluetooth does not. See my in depth discussion of this here:
This may not matter if you want to roll your own Bluetooth LE devices that are fully visible by CoreBluetooth. But such devices are somewhat more complex and more power-hungry. iBeacons by contrast are transmit only and send a minimal amount of data.
The bottom line is that if you want your app to see standard iBeacons, CoreBluetooth simply will not do the job.

Library for scanning barcodes with iPad 2 front camera?

Which libraries are available for scanning barcodes with the iPad 2 front camera - not the back camera?
The library in the best case features image processing functionality to make up for the missing autofocus.
Related: Which barcode would you suggest for best recognition rate (for an ID with about 8 digits)?
The objc directory in ZXing has Objective C wrapper classes that interface to the ZXing C++ port and provide for camera selection. There's not much in the way of documentation for the objc classes but there is a sample macruby app that may work as a guide.
The ZXing C++ port is most reliable on QR codes. There is 1D code support, but it's not heavily used. If you're going to be reading with a fixed-focus camera, QR codes are generally much more reliably read than 1D codes.

Mac OS X bluetooth programming sample?

I am trying to develop an application using bluetooth in my Mac mini. However, after searching all over net, all that I could find was the "Bluetooth Device Access Guide" from Apple, and not a single sample program!
Can anyone suggest of any sample code for this available ?
what I am trying to do in my program:
I want to pair my iPhone with my Mac programmatically over the PAN profile, and then send data (streams) both ways. I paired them manually, and I was successfully able to transfer data. I just want to do that programmatically!
[In 2016] I suspect you want CoreBluetooth
The Core Bluetooth framework provides the classes needed for your iOS and Mac apps to communicate with devices that are equipped with Bluetooth low energy wireless technology
You can do things like discover paired devices around you, read and write, and it documents best practices!