VB.NET Listbox item color [duplicate] - vb.net

So I'm trying to make a listbox with 2 buttons.
Listbox is supposed to display files from a specific folder (I get back to this)
And the two buttons are supposed to be called "Set.." (As in set directory)
and Update (As the list will be refreshed (Something I do every time the Windows Form Runs.
So as of now, when I start my application, and go to the form with the listbox, the listbox is empty. When pressing "Update", the List box picks up files from an address located on my Harddrive (So this is a static address located in my code).
It also finds 7 different extensions (Filetypes), and lists all of them correctly.
My problem is as follows, I want the set Button to open a File Dialog for the user on First-Time Runtime, so the user himself can choose what folder the program "Indexes or Searches" if you will. And then when he runs the application again, and finds the listbox, he can only press Update, and the listbox shows the content of the folder he choose last time.
The Set - button doesn't do anything in my code right now.
Second up, I want each filetype to be labeled or colored with a specific color.
Like; .txt should be blue, .jpg is red, ect..
Running Visual Studio 2013 if that helps.
Also, when checking my code, if you have any suggestions too, how I can improve the code, make it easier, shorter, and just to change things to avoid duplicate codes, please let me know.
Here is from the Design in VS2013
Private Sub Form_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath = "xxx\xxx\xxx\xxx"
Private Sub updateButtonGame_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles updateButtonGame.Click
If FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath = "xxx\xxx\xxx\xxx" Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ListFiles(ByVal folderPath As String)
Dim fi = From f In New IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath).GetFiles().Cast(Of IO.FileInfo)() _
Where f.Extension = ".z64" OrElse f.Extension = ".nds" OrElse f.Extension = ".BIN" OrElse f.Extension = ".smc" OrElse f.Extension = ".ISO" OrElse f.Extension = ".nes" OrElse f.Extension = ".gb"
Order By f.Extension
Select f
For Each fileInfo As System.IO.FileInfo In fi
End Sub
Another thing, this is more optional..
My list is completely black, so I choose to have the "Items" in the Listbox turn Light gray.
I played around with something called e.Graphics in hope to achieve Coloring a specific filetype, and it turned ALL items either Black, Red, or whatever I put it to.
But after removing the code, all Items turns into the same color as the Background color of the Listbox. So I can no longer see the elements actually being there, other than the Scroll-bar popping up on the side (Since its many Items in the folder I picked)
Also, I am not that good with coding/visual studio yet, as I started around 1 week ago to date.
Started with VB 2010 and then went to VS2013 to see if I managed to fix some issues, also related to List Box.
If I explained rather poorly, let me know and I'll update with better info.
Project was also first created in VB 2010, and then "Migrated" or opened in VS 2013.

A much, much better way to do this is with a ListView and an ImageList with some standard images for Text, Image, PDF etc in the list, then just set the image key for each item when you add them to the list.
Alternatively, you could emulate the same thing in a listbox (using OwnerDrawFixed) to draw a specified image to indicate the file type. A really good way to implement this is as an ExtenderProvider using code similar to that below as a starting point. As an EP, you can link any cbo or listbox to an image list to provide image cues very much like the ListView works:
The reason you do not see your colored item idiom very often is that whatever colors you pick will not look right on all systems. The more colors, the more likely and more often they wont have enough contrast, be readable etc with the user's color scheme. You also dont need a "Legend" to explain what the colors mean - an image is self explanatory. That said, the DrawItem code would be something like this:
NB: Listbox control is set to OwnerDrawFixed, ItemHeight = 16
Private Sub lb_DrawItem(sender As Object,
e As DrawItemEventArgs) Handles lb.DrawItem
Dim TXT As Color = Color.Black
Dim JPG As Color = Color.Green
Dim PDF As Color = Color.Blue
Dim EXE As Color = Color.Gray
Dim SEL As Color = SystemColors.HighlightText
Dim thisColor As Color = Color.Orange
Dim ndx As Integer = e.Index
' isolate ext ans text to draw
Dim text As String = lb.Items(ndx).ToString()
Dim ext As String = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(text).ToLowerInvariant
' dont do anything if no item being drawn
If ndx = -1 Then Exit Sub
' default
' color selector
Select Case ext
Case ".jpg"
thisColor = JPG
Case ".txt"
thisColor = TXT
Case ".exe"
thisColor = EXE
Case ".pdf"
thisColor = PDF
End Select
' override color to use default when selected
If (e.State And DrawItemState.Selected) = DrawItemState.Selected Then
thisColor = SEL
End If
' render the text
TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, text, lb.Font, e.Bounds,
thisColor, TextFormatFlags.Left)
' default
End Sub
Works on My SystemTM


Font Family and Font Size Combo Box Coding Bugs

it's been a while since I posted. Haven't had much time for programming for a while. Just got back into it a couple of days ago. I'm working on a personal project which is a kind of Project Manager with a fairly complete text editor. I am working with VB.NET in the Visual Studio IDE. I have been trying to mimic the behaviour of Word and other editors as follows:
FONT FAMILY: This code actually works to change the Font Family in the Font Picker Combo Box in real time according to text formatting at cursor position. i.e. click on different text formats in the Rich Text Box and the Font Family is displayed in the Combo Box! I am using a Tool Strip Combo Box!
BUG: The Font Family code (i.e. penultimate snippet) removes the formatting from text when it is reselected after formatting?
FONT SIZE: This code changes the Font Size in the Font Size Combo Box when Ctrl+Shift+< OR Ctrl+Shift+> keyboard shortcuts are used.
BUG: The Font Size code (i.e. Last snippet) affects Font Size when using the ,.<> keys because these keys are configured in the code to alter the value of the Font size in the Font Size ComboBox. So, pressing the keys causes the Font Size in the Combo Box to increase or decrease which also means the font in the RTB increases or decreases?!
WHAT I NEED: 1. Selecting formatted text should not remove formatting, but Font Family should be displayed in Combo Box according to formatting in the RTB. 2. The Font Size Combo Box value should only be altered when I use the keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl+Shift+< OR Ctrl+Shift+> to display the true Font Size in real time. Using the current code increments/reduces in steps of 2 rather than one Font Size at a time??? I realize this code is fairly simple and understand roughly why it's not working, but I can't seem to find a way to fix the issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Rich Text Box (i.e. RTB = Description):
Private Sub tbSelectFont_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tbSelectFont.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim NewFont As New Font(tbSelectFont.SelectedItem.ToString(),
Description.SelectionFont = NewFont
End Sub
Private Sub tbSelectSize_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tbSelectSize.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim NewSize As Single = tbSelectSize.SelectedItem
Dim NewFont As New Font(Description.SelectionFont.Name, NewSize, Description.SelectionFont.Style)
Description.SelectionFont = NewFont
End Sub
'Display Installed Fonts In Font Picker (tbSelectFont):
Dim fonts As New InstalledFontCollection()
For fntFamily As Integer = 0 To fonts.Families.Length - 1
'Display Font Size in Font Size Picker:
For fntSize = 10 To 75
Private Sub Description_SelectionChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Description.SelectionChanged
If Description.SelectionFont IsNot Nothing Then
Dim fontSize As Single = Description.SelectionFont.Size
tbSelectSize.Text = fontSize
tbSelectFont.Text = Description.SelectionFont.Name
End If
End Sub
If (Keys.Control AndAlso Keys.Shift AndAlso e.KeyCode = Keys.Oemcomma) Then
tbSelectSize.Text -= 1
ElseIf (Keys.Control AndAlso Keys.Shift AndAlso e.KeyCode = Keys.OemPeriod) Then
tbSelectSize.Text += 1
End If
THIS CODE WORKS, BUT WHEN YOU SELECT FORMATTED TEXT IT THROWS AN EXCEPTION OR REMOVES FORMATTING: System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'
how to get the fontsize of a certain line in a richtextbox in c# using winforms
Dim fontName As String = Description.SelectionFont.Name
Dim fontSize As Single = Description.SelectionFont.Size
tbSelectFont.Text = fontName
tbSelectSize.Text = fontSize
tbSelectFont.SelectedIndex = tbSelectFont.FindStringExact(Description.SelectionFont.Name)
tbSelectSize.SelectedIndex = tbSelectSize.FindStringExact(Description.SelectionFont.Size)
THIS CODE WORKS, BUT WHEN YOU SELECT FORMATTED TEXT IT THROWS AN EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'
SOURCE: how to get the fontsize of a certain line in a richtextbox in c# using winforms - MarkusEgle's solution.
Dim comboBox1Index As Integer = tbSelectFont.FindStringExact(Description.SelectionFont.Name)
Dim comboBox2Index As Integer = tbSelectSize.FindStringExact(Description.SelectionFont.Size.ToString())
tbSelectFont.SelectedIndex = comboBox1Index
tbSelectSize.SelectedIndex = comboBox2Index

Change Font Style on All Instances of a String in a RichTextBox

I'm working on a VB.NET 4.5 project in VS2013.
I have a richtextbox on a form and when a button is clicked I need to toggle the BOLD setting on all instances of a specific string found in the richtextbox.
I put together some code based on this question.
Private Sub ToggleBold()
rtxtOutputText.SelectionStart = rtxtOutputText.Find("##$%", RichTextBoxFinds.None)
rtxtOutputText.SelectionFont = New Font(rtxtOutputText.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
End Sub
However when the toggle bold button is clicked it only bolds the first instance of the string "##$%".
How can I set all instances of the string to bold? There can also be several of them strung together ("##$%##$%##$%"), so each of those would need to be bolded too.
(I know I mentioned toggling bold, but I'll set up the toggle portion later, right now I'm just trying to get the bold on all instances working right...)
Just add a loop to it and use the RichTextBox.Find(String, Int32, RichTextBoxFinds) overload to specify from where to start looking. Look from the current index + 1 so that it doesn't return the same again.
You also ought to actually select the word as well, so that you're sure the bold applies to the current instance only and not the text around it.
Private Sub ToggleBold()
'Stop the control from redrawing itself while we process it.
Dim LookFor As String = "##$%"
Dim PreviousPosition As Integer = rtxtOutputText.SelectionStart
Dim PreviousSelection As Integer = rtxtOutputText.SelectionLength
Dim SelectionIndex As Integer = -1
Using BoldFont As New Font(rtxtOutputText.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
While True
SelectionIndex = rtxtOutputText.Find(LookFor, SelectionIndex + 1, RichTextBoxFinds.None)
If SelectionIndex < 0 Then Exit While 'No more matches found.
rtxtOutputText.SelectionStart = SelectionIndex
rtxtOutputText.SelectionLength = LookFor.Length
rtxtOutputText.SelectionFont = BoldFont
End While
End Using
'Allow the control to redraw itself again.
'Restore the previous selection.
rtxtOutputText.SelectionStart = PreviousPosition
rtxtOutputText.SelectionLength = PreviousSelection
End Sub
Credit to Plutonix for telling me to dispose the font.

Remove previous selection highlighting in RichTextBox without scrolling

I have a form with a RichTextBox (RTB) and a listBox.
When the end user selects an item in the listbox, any matched text in the RTB is highlighted (full code removed for brevity).
re = New Regex(txtToFind)
For Each m In re.Matches(rtbMain.Text)
rtbMain.[Select](m.Index, m.Length)
rtbMain.SelectionColor = Color.White
rtbMain.SelectionBackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Highlight
When the user left mouse clicks in the RTB I want the previously highlighted text to be cleared. This is the standard windows behaviour - If you manually select some text in an RTB with the mouse, it is highlighted, click anywhere back in the RTB and the highlighting disappears. My programatically selected text remains selected.
I have some partially working code (below). I can clear all the highlighted text, but it is by process of selecting everything, changing the colour back and then deselecting it again. I know it is not efficient, the RTB flickers and I am sure it is not the correct way to do it. Can I emulate the standard windows behaviour?
Also using my code, it scrolls to the first line when entering the RTB a second time.
I get around this the first time by returning the top visible line index before clearing the text and then selecting that line again afterwards and using ScrollToCaret(). This only works on the first pass. Subsequent MouseDown events select the top row regardless of where the user has clicked so nothing can be manually highlighted in the RTB.
Private Sub rtbMain_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles rtbMain.MouseDown
Dim topIndex As Integer = rtbMain.GetCharIndexFromPosition(New System.Drawing.Point(1, 1))
Dim topLine As Integer = rtbMain.GetLineFromCharIndex(topIndex)
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then
'Do nothing (Context Menu)
rtbMain.SelectionColor = Color.Black
rtbMain.SelectionBackColor = Color.White
rtbMain.Select(topIndex, 0)
End If
End Sub
I need my code to emulate the standard windows behaviour - clear selected text highlighting on MouseDown and leave the mouse cursor where the user has clicked.
Any help anyone can offer is gratefully appreciated.
I think you may be overthinking this one.
In the right click event, try RtbMain.SelectionLength = 0

Color-picker showing color names

Does anyone know of a color-picker for Visual Studio (Visual Basic) that shows the names of the standard colors?
For example, in Visual Studio, you can alter the color of a control using a color-picker that has tabs of "Custom", "Web" and "System". The Web & System options show a list of the color names, whereas Custom supplies (mainly) RGB (which is what the VB ColorPicker control does).
there is precious little to one of these until you want to do like VS and present System Colors apart from Named Colors, make it a popup or some such. Example using colors as the BackGround:
' capture the names
Private _Colors As String()
' get the names
' add qualifiers to skip SystemCOlors or
' Transparent as needed
Function GetColorNames As String()
For Each colorName As String In KnownColor.GetNames(GetType(KnownColor))
End If
' post the names to a CBO:
On the form CBO, set the DrawMode to OwnerDrawFixed, then:
Private Sub cboSheetBackColor_DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs)
Handles cboSheetBackColor.DrawItem
Dim Bclr As Color, Fclr As Color
' get the colors to use for this item for this
Bclr = Color.FromName(_Colors(e.Index).ToString)
Fclr = GetContrastingColor(Bclr) ' see below
With e.Graphics
Using br As New SolidBrush(Bclr)
.FillRectangle(br, e.Bounds)
End Using
Using br As New SolidBrush(Fclr)
cboSheetBackColor.Font, br,
e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y)
End Using
End With
End Sub
You can just draw a swatch like Windows/VS does by defining a rectangle to fill. Generally, thats swell, but in the case where you are doing something like defining a background color it rather helps to show how it looks with text on it and more of the color than the little bitty swatch - hence the filled CBO Item rect.
The standard window Text color will not show up on all of them. For a "light" theme, Violet and Black etc will hide/make the color name impossible to read. GetContrastingColor is a function which evaluates the Brightness of the current color and then returns either White or Black:
Public Function GetContrastingColor(ByVal clrBase As Color) As Color
' Y is the "brightness"
Dim Y As Double = (0.299 * clrBase.R) _
+ (0.587 * clrBase.G) _
+ (0.114 * clrBase.B)
If (Y < 140) Then
Return Color.White
Return Color.Black
End If
End Function
You can then use all this in a Class which inherits from ComboBox, or build a UserControlif you like distinct controls. You can also leave it as code in a DLL which is called on those occasions. I should mention there are also perhaps a dozen such critters on CodeProject.
I don't know about an existing control but you can use the KnownColor enumeration and the SystemColors class to get all the names of those Color values. You can then build your own control, e.g. custom ComboBox, with that data.

Show only latest lines in VB Label

In a VB label, if there are more lines than the fixed height can support, then the additional lines get cut off and the user only sees the first couple of lines.
I need it to be completely opposite. I want to see the latest 5 or 6 lines. What that means is that if there is more lines than the fixed height of the label can show, then instead of simply cutting them off, all the lines should move up with the latest one at the bottom. The top lines can be cut off, but the latest one needs to be in the bottom.
Example of what I am trying to do
If you look at a console and enter a command like dir, then it lists the latest directories, but you see latest read directory at the bottom. Basically, you see the latest directory it read. You only see the latest 5 or 6 directories it read instead of seeing every printed line.
Another Example: Look a textbox. If you type in more text than the height, then you see that the textbox autoscrolls with you on the text and shows the latest lines while the older ones keep moving up and eventually get cut-off until you move the scroll bar up. I need it to be exactly the same, except without scroll bars.
One more example: If you set the TextAlign property of the label to Bottom Center, then you see the text move up as you add more lines. The problem occurs when the label is filled with the lines and the text exceeds the height and gets cut off. That shouldn't happen. The text at top should get cut off, but the latest line should keep coming from the bottom.
Solutions recommended by others
The only solution that I have been given is to create a custom control derived from the label.
Is there any other way that this can be done?
Thank You for your help.
Drop a button and a label on a NEW form (so as not to mess up your existing code) and copy and paste the code below and click the button repeatedly and see if this solves your issue.
obviously if it does you still have to mess with the code so it suits your particular needs.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Static TextLines As Generic.List(Of String) = Nothing
Static SingleLineHeight As Integer = Nothing
Static maxrows As Integer
Static qty As Integer = Nothing
Dim text As String = Nothing
Dim counta As Integer = Nothing
maxrows = 6
' Initalise
If TextLines Is Nothing Then TextLines = New Generic.List(Of String)
If SingleLineHeight = 0 Then
Label1.Text = "Test Line"
SingleLineHeight = Label1.Font.Height
Label1.Text = ""
End If
qty = qty + 1
text = "Line Number " & qty
Label1.Text = ""
If TextLines.Count > maxrows - 1 Then TextLines.RemoveAt(0)
For counta = 0 To TextLines.Count - 1
Label1.Text = Label1.Text & TextLines(counta) & vbCrLf
End Sub