Can anyone tell me how to rollback on these settings?
Found this (also updated in the like above):
Remove-NetTransportFilter –SettingName InternetCustom
the cmd execution of registerRExt.exe
I am trying to install RRE(Revolution R Enterprise) v7.5 with RR0 3.2.2(Revolution R Open) on a SQL Server 2016 RC0 default instance. All the steps shown in the have been completed and the error occurs in the Post installation Server configuration scripts. The script has also been replaced by the updated script for RC0 shown on the msdn site but still I get the same error on running the registerRExt.exe file.
The site shows while installing the instance the account name for Server Database engine has to be MSSQLSERVER, however this had also resulted in an error stating wait on database recovery handle failed which was sorted by changing the account name of Database engine to NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM(I provided this info as it can also be the cause of the problem) . Now I need to sort the user pool failure. Any help would be appreciated..thanks in advance
SQL 2016 RC1 was just released
SQL RC1 has a newer version 8.0.1 version of RRE. I suggest your try to install it and reply to this thread again if you hit the same failure. has the details on where to find Microsoft R Open 8.0.1 and Revolution R Enterprise 8.0.1.
If the issue persists RevoScaleR\rxLibs\x64\registerrext.log would have more details on the exact failure - do share that.
I was able to sort out the issue..It was because I was installing the SQL server on domain controller and ignored the warning while install, but then changing some rules and demoting it from Server Manager worked and the install was successful.
However I do know there may be some better solution to that as all the other user accounts got reset in the process.
I am going crazy. My windows server 2008 r2 keep restarting by itself each 2 minutes. I cannot see the view logs.. Pls suggest what can be performed.. I saw the fixing in registry part but for me I am very fresh there .. And our system is life...
Thank you in advance.
Did you try this link?
To Stop automatic restart of server please un-check the marked option
in below snap shot. Also try to boot server in safe mode and check for
the similar kind of issue? Another useful step is go to run and type
msconfig|startup|uncheck startup items which are not required.
I want to create a system notification between SQL server Express and Visual studio 2012 (Vb.NET), i looked for this example [Microsoft] (
I followed all the instructions, but the result wasn't right, the event handler of the changing doesn't happen !!!!
and i noted that in sql server management studio: in the [databasename] -->service broker--> queues--> System Queues --> dbo.EventNotificationErrorsQueue and dbo.QueryNotificationErrorsQueue.
i don't know how to fix this problem, and why it happened.
My problem was solved, so i want to share the answer to everyone :
the authentication of the database was the problem so I changed the authentication to 'sa' then the handling work perfectly, using :
We're trying to install community edition of Bonita Soft 6.2.1, and we've created the BONITA and JORNAL databases on MS SQL SERVER 2005. We enabled XA Transaction support like the instructions said and we've tried both JDBC4 and jDTC driver. In the log errors, I see that it tries to create a table with a BOOLEAN data type field. But SQLServer has no boolean datatype, is that right ?
Does anybody has a clue ?
Thanks in Advance
open file on tomcat/bin folder.
Edit this line: DB_OPTS="-Dsysprop.bonita.db.vendor=your db vendor", then restart server and try again.
what is meaning this error , when I want to install sql server 2005 ?
> TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Setup
None of the selected features can be installed or upgraded. Setup cannot proceed since no effective change is being made to the machine. To continue, click Back and then select features to install. To exit SQL Server Setup, click Cancel.
The message is pretty self-descriptive. The installation doesn't believe you're making any changes to the machine. Google/MSDN/Microsoft Help is a much better forum for this question than stackoverflow.
It thinks you are upgrading a systme already installed rather than a new instance. Check installed programs to see if there is a previous version; if you are doing a new instance make sure you specify it as you go through the wizard.