Compare Excel sheets values to update a third value - vba

Example file So I have two sheets that each have lists of part numbers, plant where they come from and two columns on costs. What I need to do is scan them and if Sheet A and Sheet B both have a row with matching part numbers and the plant they come from, then A's two cost values are updated to match B's costs.
The next step is then to highlight all cells in Sheet A that are not on Sheet B and highlight all cells in Sheet B that were copied to Sheet A. I think this last part can be done at the same time the cell is being copied I'm just not sure how to do any of this.

This is a formula method.
Because you will not be changing all the values and I assume you want to keep those that do not have a match, then in an empty column next to the figures on sheet 1 put the following formula:
Then copy over one column and down the the end of the data.
The INDEX((Sheet2!$D$3:$D$7=$A3)*(Sheet2!$B$3:$B$7=$C3),) will create an array of 0 and 1's the same size as the data reference on sheet 2. In this instance it will create a 1 dimensional array that is 5 objects.
The position of these objects of 0 and 1 are relative to the rows. So for the first formula the return array will be {0,1,0,0,0} because only the second row of the data matches both the plant and the part number.
The MATCH(1,INDEX(...),0) then finds the first object in that array that is 1 and returns the relative position, in this case 2 as it is the second in the array.
The Outer INDEX(Sheet2!F$3:F$7,...) then returns the value in the range Sheet2!F$3:F$7 whose relative position is equal to the 2 passed from the MATCH(). So Sheet2!F4.
If no MATCH is found then the whole thing will throw a #N/A error so we capture that error with IFERROR(...,G3) and tell the formula to return the value in column G instead.
This will give you all the proper values:
Then you can copy and paste just the values back to the original spots and hide the columns with the formulas:
Sheet2 for reference:
If you want vba to do the last part of copy and past and hiding then use the macro recorder and then clean up the code.


VBA excel Copy Paste

Hi, I am totally new to Excel VBA. Firstly, I want to copy the data when the condition is met(copy data with reference to 144)
Secondly, compare the cells, if it is IT Operations(Table1) to IT Operations(Table2) then copy the price(money) to column F. If the variable is no there then leave blank.
This can be done with formulas. Here is one way of thinking about filling column F, with the prices for the matching items in column E, by matching the number given in the last row in E (144 Total); which i shall assume is E10 in this case.
Total formula in F1 which you then drag down is:
=IFERROR(IFERROR(VLOOKUP(E1,INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET($H$1,MATCH(1*LEFT($E$10,FIND(" ",TRIM($E$10),1)-1),$G:$G,0)-1,,1,1))&":"&CELL("address",OFFSET($I$1,MATCH($E$10,$G:$G,0)-1,,1,1))),2,FALSE),VLOOKUP(E1,G:I,3,FALSE)),"")
In steps:
Extract the number of interest e.g. 144, and get rid of any trailing/leading whitespace using:
LEFT($E$10,FIND(" ",TRIM($E$10),1)-1)
Find which row this value is in as this will be the first row of the lookup range for this number. *1 converts text to a number.
MATCH(1*LEFT($E$10,FIND(" ",TRIM($E$10),1)-1),$G:$G,0)
This gives row 9.
We can use something simpler to find the last row of the range, which holds 144 Total
This gives row 15. So we know the data lies between rows 9 and 15 for 144.
We can turn this into a range to use in a VLOOKUP with INDIRECT and OFFSET.
=CELL("address",OFFSET($G$1,MATCH(1*LEFT($E$10,FIND(" ",TRIM($E$10),1)-1),$G:$G,0)-1,,1,1))&":"&CELL("address",OFFSET($H$1,MATCH($E$10,$G:$G,0)-1,,1,1))
This gives us $G$9:$H$15. Note adjustments of -1, to put OFFSET back in the right row, and that the OFFSET start cells are in different columns to provide the columns required for the VLOOKUP.
So we can now lookup column E values e.g. Enhancement, in our newly defined range which is accessed via INDIRECT:
=VLOOKUP(E1,INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET($H$1,MATCH(1*LEFT($E$10,FIND(" ",TRIM($E$10),1)-1),$G:$G,0)-1,,1,1))&":"&CELL("address",OFFSET($I$1,MATCH($E$10,$G:$G,0)-1,,1,1))),2,FALSE)
This is saying VLOOKUP(E1,$G$9:$H$15,2,FALSE) i.e. get the price column from the range for the item specified in E1.
If this is not found i.e. returns #N/A, we can use this to first check if this is because of the merged cell that holds the 144 Total; where the value is actually in column G not H, and use an IFERROR to say, if not found in $G$9:$H$15 then try for a match using columns G:I and return column 3.
Which with pseudo formula, using priorLookup as placeholder, for the formula described in the steps above, looks like:
If this still returns #N/A, we know the value is not present and we should return "". This we can handle this with another IFERROR:
So giving us the entire formula stated at the start.
Here it is used in the sheet:

Return values from other workbook

Have a question about formula which will resolve my issue.
In my main workbook I need to compare data from two sources.
One of the columns must retrieve data(amounts) from other workbook.
I want formula which will search for all amounts in column G and will skip all blank cells. Tried to use VLOOKUP, INDEX and SMALL functions but no effect.
Each day amounts are different and I need to match them in main file and find exeptions.
Any ideas?
How about an array formula such as the following?
The formula would have to be placed into cell I2 as an array formula (which must be entered pressing Strg + Shift + Enter). Then you can drag down the formula to get all the other values.
It doesn't have to be in column I but it has to be in row 2 because this formula get's the n-th Number from the list which is not = 0. The n-th place is (in this formula) row()-1. So for row 2 it will be 2-1=1 and thus the 1st number. By dragging down the formula you get the 2nd, 3rd, etc. number. If you start with the formula in cell I5 instead then it would have to be adjusted to be as follows:
You could loop through the column and store each value >0 in an array and then compare or you loop through the column and compare directly...
something like:
Dim i as Integer = 0
Foreach value in Maintable
If otherworkbook.cells(i,7) = value Then '7 for G
do your stuff
End If
i = i + 1
While i < otherworkbook.rows.count
I think that could be the right approach

How to compare a list of rows to another list of rows in Excel?

I am trying to figure out if there are any differences between a list of data with another. In order for a row of data to "match" with another row, the row must have the same values in their corresponding column. The rows themselves do not have to be in any particular order. In particular, I am dealing with a parts list, where there are part numbers, descriptions, etc. I am trying to figure out if any rows of data are different from rows of data from another list.
I found Compare two sheets using arrays, which may have the answer to my problem, but I am having trouble figuring out how to adapt to my code due to inexperience in Visual Basic.
I was able to get it to work for a single column of data, comparing one column of data from one sheet to another, but cannot get it to compare entire rows of data.
Here is an example of I want this to work:
Sheet 1 Sheet 2
Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2
Row 1 22a 33 11 11
Row 2 22a 33a 22a 33
Row 3 55 22b 55 23b
The code in the link will tell you what is not in sheet 1 but in sheet 2 and vice versa. In this example, I would like the code to tell me Sheet 1 Row 2 and Sheet 1 Row 3 are not in Sheet 2, and Sheet 2 Row 1 and Sheet 2 Row 3 are not in Sheet 1 (Sheet 1 Row 1 and Sheet 2 Row 2 match).
If that is ok by you, you can do it without VBA using the following formula:
Assuming that each of your tables start in A1 (so that the tables with three entries span A1:B3), and entering this formula into C1 (and copying it down), press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER when entering the formula to create an array formula, this will show the word "Unique" in column C if the pair in that row on that sheet is not in any of the row-pairs on sheet 2.
You can then use conditional formatting to highlight unique rows, filter on the tables to include only unique rows, or some other way of doing what you need.
NOTE 1: I have entered my numbers in Sheet6 and Sheet7 instead of 1 and 2. The formula written above goes into Sheet6.
NOTE 2: My language use ; instead of , as function separator, so if yours use , you need to change that.
NOTE 3: You will need to expand the ranges Sheet7!$A$1:$A$3 and Sheet7!$B$1:$B$3 if your set grows (this will happen automatically if new rows are inserted in between the old ones). The best is still probably to create named ranges for each of the 4 columns, exchange the references with those, and manage the named ranges instead of the formulas.
NOTE 4: If your data set contains the character "|", you need to change that as well, to match some character that you for sure do not have there.
Alternatively you could in column C on each cheet enter (assuming first entry in C1)
and copy this down, then run the solution from your copied example using that C column instead of on A1 and B1.

Get Unique data from excel by button click?

I am new to excel macros. need some help from you.I have a excel file with 2 sheets.
in sheet one i have some data
In second sheet i need a button which will fetch the distinct C column(Mname) and their ID.
Like most Excel problems, this can be done with a macro, but could also be done with just formulas. Macros are often more trouble than they're worth, so here's the formula option. There are some interesting downsides to using formulas in this way, mainly that if you do too much in a single workbook, calculation will be very slow. But as long as you're dealing with less than a few thousand rows, it shouldn't be a problem.
On your primary worksheet, enter this formula in D2, and then drag it to auto-fill down however many rows you forsee using. When you're done, you can hide column D, if it suits you.
The COUNTIF formula looks for how many elements in column C match the contents of $C2 (where $C2 is a (partially) relative reference, so the row number will change when you auto-fill into other rows). If the count is less than 2 (the element in $C2 is unique), then the IF formula returns an index number: 1 for the first unique element in the column, 2 for the second, so on. All cells in column D where the corresponding cell in C is not unique are filled with 0.
On your second sheet, you will fill columns A and B with 'lookup' formulas, searching for positive values in column D of the primary sheet. Most people use VLOOKUP() for lookups, I prefer a combination of INDEX() and MATCH(). And here's a great example of why, since our 'unique index' is not in the first column of the primary sheet (so VLOOKUP wouldn't work!).
=IFERROR(INDEX('Primary Sheet'!$A:$A,MATCH(ROW(A2)-1,'Primary Sheet'!$D:$D,0)),"")
and for the 'Mname' column of the second sheet,
=IFERROR(INDEX('Primary Sheet'!$C:$C,MATCH(ROW(B2)-1,'Primary Sheet'!$D:$D,0)),"")
These lookup formulas are based on their own row number. So the formula in cell A2 is looking for the row in column D of Primary Sheet that contains the unique index 2-1=1. The formula in A3 looks for the index 3-1=2, etc. The IFERROR() formula that is wrapped around the lookup formula ensures that if the sought-after index is not found, the formula returns an empty string (""), which looks like a blank cell. This way you can prepare a large number of rows on your secondary sheet with these lookup formulas. And if there are only a small number of unique Mnames on Primary Sheet, your secondary sheet won't have columns full of #N/A errors.

Copy corresponding values from reference to a new list in Excel 2007

I hope somebody can help me; I've been trying to figure out how to do this all day long.
I have one sheet with a list with corresponding values, e.g. Columns A, B, C make a group of values that have to be together.
In another sheet, I have some values from Column A, but not all of them, and want to automatically add the corresponding columns B and C to it.
So I thought about making a macro that copies the first value from Column A in the incomplete sheet, searches for it in the reference sheet, copies the corresponding values from B and C, pastes them next to A in the incomplete sheet, then copies the next value from A and searches for it in the reference table, and so on...
I tried but couldn*t make it work - any ideas? I've wasted way too much time on that problem already! Would do it by hand but have like 40,000 rows of data.
If you know how to do it, help would be MUCH appreciated.
Based on these assumptions:
Complete data is in Sheet1, columns A:C starting at row 2 (Headings in row 1)
Incomplete data in sheet2, column A starting at row 2 (Headings in row 1)
put this formula in sheet2 cell B2
put this formula in sheet2 cell C2
copy these formula down for as many rows as you have data
you can leave the formulas in place, or copy paste values to make permanent