How to write values to table? - azure-stream-analytics

We create a ASA job, in the query we want to create a table and write some values to the table, the values is our aggregation value.
[Key] nvarchar(max),
UtcTimestamp datetime,
Value nvarchar(max)
select 'Key1' as [Key], system.timestamp as UtcTimestamp, 'value1' as Value into Temp from input
select 'Key2' as [Key], system.timestamp as UtcTimestamp, 'value2' as Value into Temp from input
but it will make an error: duplicate output names are not allowed " temp", so how to write more values into the table 'Temp' ?
We can use the specified output only once in our query, is there anyway we can write more values to one output?

Nothing is "created" as a result of CREATE TABLE statement in ASA, it is just a way to specify simple input schema. Therefore it can not be used for the output only inputs.
You can however just union result of two query statements like this:
SELECT 'Key1' AS [Key], System.Timestamp AS UtcTimestamp, 'value1' AS Value
INTO output
FROM input
SELECT 'Key2' AS [Key], System.Timestamp AS UtcTimestamp, 'value2' AS Value
FROM input
Note the into being used only once, and UNION is unlike SQL doesn't distinct values.


SQL Server - Is it possible to have multiple values between column1 and column2?

I want to ask about SQL Server BETWEEN operator.
Normally, it can be used like this.
WHERE 'value' BETWEEN column_name1 AND column_name2
WHERE column_name BETWEEN 'value1' AND 'value2'
but in my case, I have multiple values, and want to put it on value zone
WHERE 'value1, value2, value3' BETWEEN column_name1 AND column_name2
Is this possible?
You can use something like below if that can work for you. Put these values in a temporary table variable.
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES ('2017-05-06')
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES ('2017-06-23')
SELECT * FROM Table a JOIN #tbl b
ON 1=1
WHERE b.DateVal BETWEEN CreationDate AND ModificationDate
Otherwise, you can always compare it value by value.

Get the wrong line ID in ms sql

I have an INSERT statment wich inserts large amount of data into tableA from tableB.
Here is a very simple code example:
INSERT [dbo].[tableA]
SELECT field1 [field_1]
FROM [dbo].[tableB]
WHERE [codeID] IN (SELECT [codeID] FROM #tempTable WHERE RecordMarker = 1)
There is a temporary table wich holds codeIDs (at least 1 or more) needed to insert to tableA.
But there would be incorrent data in tableB what cannot be inserted into tableA. For example an numberic(30,2) field cannot map to numeric(13,2). In this case I get an excetpion and the statement has been terminated.
How can I get the CodeID or the wrong line number in tableB if I get an error? Now I have just the error message but no line number.
For example:
Msg 8115, Level 16, State 8, Line 1
Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric.
The statement has been terminated.
EDIT: There are more than one field in the table with different field types. So the numeric type is just an example.
Please try the following:
INSERT [dbo].[tableA]
SELECT field1 [field_1]
FROM [dbo].[tableB]
WHERE [codeID] IN (SELECT [codeID] FROM #tempTable WHERE RecordMarker = 1)
AND [codeID] <= 9999999999999.99;
FROM [dbo].[tableB]
WHERE [codeID] > 9999999999999.99;
If you know the type of the destination field you're having the issue with, in this case a numeric of (13,2) precision, you can run a SELECT with a TRY_CONVERT on the potential problem field against your temp table and filter for NULL results. You could add a WHERE clause to your insert statement if you wanted to ensure that it would run successfully and not try to insert those "bad" rows.
CREATE TABLE #t (x NUMERIC(30,2),field2 varchar(10))
SELECT 123456789.23,'x'
SELECT 12345678901212343.23,'y'
SELECT 12345678923523523235.23,'z'
SELECT 42.0, 'a'
SELECT *, TRY_CONVERT(NUMERIC(13,2),x,1) [Converted to numeric(13,2)] FROM #t

Extract Row ID from Table - Insert Then Select

Is it Possible to extract the ID of the record being inserted in a table at the time of inserting dat particular record into that table ??? Reference to Sql Server
Read about INSERT with OUTPUT. This is in my experience the easiest way of achieving an atomic INSERT outputting an inserted value.
Example, assuming that Table contains an auto-incremented field named ID:
SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM #outputResult
You can select the ID afterwards with

How do I return the column name in table where a null value exists?

I have a table of more than 2 million rows and over 100 columns. I need to run a query that checks if there are any null values in any row or column of the table and return an ID number where there is a null. I've thought about doing the following, but I was wondering if there is a more concise way of checking this?
[COLUMN_1] is null
or [COLUMN_2] is null
or [COLUMN_3] is null or etc.
Your method is fine. If your challenge is writing out the where statement, then you can run a query like this:
select column_name+' is null or '
from information_schema.columns c
where c.table_name = 'table_name'
Then copy the results into a query window and use them for building the query.
I used SQL Server syntax for the query, because it looks like you are using SQL Server. Most databases support the INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, but the syntax for string concatenation varies among databases. Remember to remove the final or at the end of the last comparison.
You can also copy the column list into Excel and use Excel formulas to create the list.
You can use something similar to the following:
declare #T table
ID int,
Name varchar(10),
Age int,
City varchar(10),
Zip varchar(10)
insert into #T values
(1, 'Alex', 32, 'Miami', NULL),
(2, NULL, 24, NULL, NULL)
;with xmlnamespaces('' as ns)
select ID,
select *
from #T as T2
where T1.ID = T2.ID
for xml path('row'), elements xsinil, type
).value('count(/row/*[#ns:nil = "true"])', 'int') as NullCount
from #T as T1

Simulate a table with multiple rows just with SELECT statement

If I can do the following select statement to create a table with one value
SELECT 'myname' AS 'Name'
this will return a table with column = Name and one value = myname
how can I work around this to return one column with multiple values from just the select statement
I don't want to do this :
DECLARE #tmp TABLE (Name varchar(50))
INSERT INTO #tmp (Name) VALUES ('myname1'),('myname2')
Just from a single SELECT statement if possible
Or, you can use the multiple VALUES in the SELECT, like:
FROM (VALUES ('myname1'),('myname2')) AS X([name])
If you're wanting to simulate a table with multiple rows just with SELECT statement, this can typically be done with UNION of rows:
SELECT 'myname1' AS 'Name' UNION
SELECT 'myname2' UNION
SELECT 'myname3'
-- etc
In case you want to simulate sequential data like in your example.You can define a recursive CTE and use it like a table.
Below code will generate 10 records
;With Users as
Select 1 as ID, CAST('Username1' AS varchar(25)) as Name
union all
Select ID + 1 , CAST('Username'+CAST(ID+1 AS varchar(5) ) AS varchar(25))
from Users
where ID < 10
Here is SQL Fiddle!3/d41d8/12452
But CTE cannot be used in multiple statements.If you need to use it in multi statements. Then insert data from CTE to Temp Table or Table Variable.