How to get all text between <strong> </strong> in MS word to turn Bold using VBA? - vba

Basically I want to transform the text in between the tags into bold. This text will always be in the comments. The current code doesnt do anything.
I am not really sure if this code makes any sense at all, but I usually use VBA for Excel and word seems to be a bit trickier.
Sub Bold()
Dim eCom As Comment
Dim iFound As Integer
Dim rbold As Range
Dim iDot As Integer
Dim flag As Boolean
Dim aDoc As Document
Set aDoc = ActiveDocument
flag = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each eCom In ActiveDocument.Comments
iFound = InStr(eCom.Range.Text, "<strong>")
iDot = 0
If iFound > 0 Then
iDot = InStrRev(eCom.Range, "</") - iFound + 1
Set rbold = aDoc.Range(Start:=eCom.Range.Start + iFound, End:=eCom.Range.Start + InStrRev(eCom.Range, "<"))
Selection.Font.Bold = wdToggle
End If
Next eCom
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

There are a few problems here. First, it appears that the Comment Ranges do not use the same numbering as the document ranges. So
Set rbold = aDoc.Range(Start:=eCom.Range.Start + iFound, End:=eCom.Range.Start + InStrRev(eCom.Range, "<"))
is not actually the range in the comments, it is instead a range in the document starting with the place in the comment that has the strong html tag.
Second, even if this was working, it would start the bolding in the wrong place, starting with "strong>"
Third, there's no reason to select the range, just set it to bold.
This code will do what you want (I commented out a line as I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to do):
Sub Bold()
Dim eCom As Comment
Dim iFound As Integer
Dim rbold As Range
Dim iDot As Integer
Dim flag As Boolean
Dim aDoc As Document
Dim newCom As Comment
Set aDoc = ActiveDocument
flag = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each eCom In ActiveDocument.Comments
iFound = InStr(eCom.Range.Text, "<strong>")
iDot = 0
If iFound > 0 Then
'iDot = InStrRev(eCom.Range, "</") - iFound + 1
Set rbold = eCom.Range
rbold.MoveEnd Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-(Len(rbold) - InStrRev(rbold, "</") + 1)
rbold.MoveStart Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=iFound + Len("<strong>") - 1
rbold.Bold = True
End If
Next eCom
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


Apply the Hidden behavior on the whole row

I have a file with multiple tables and by using the below code I am trying to access the rows which have specific terms using an array.
I successfully select the whole rows but when I try to apply the Hidden behavior on the whole row then VBA through an error.
Getting error on below the line
Selection.Font.Hidden = True
Below is my whole code
Sub test()
Dim SearchArr() As Variant, Cnt As Integer, Arrcnt As Integer
Dim WrdApp As Object, FileStr As String, WrdDoc As Object, aRng As Range
Dim TblCell As Variant
Set WrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
WrdApp.Visible = True
'********** change address to suit
FileStr = "C:\Users\krishna.haldunde\Downloads\DE\DE\International_DE.docx"
Set WrdDoc = WrdApp.Documents.Open(FileStr)
SearchArr = Array("French", "Spanish")
'loop tables
For Cnt = 1 To WrdApp.ActiveDocument.Tables.Count
'loop search word
For Arrcnt = LBound(SearchArr) To UBound(SearchArr)
'loop through table cells
For Each TblCell In WrdApp.ActiveDocument.Tables(Cnt).Range.Cells
Set aRng = TblCell.Range
'If TblCell.RowIndex = WrdApp.ActiveDocument.Tables(Cnt).Rows.Count Then Exit For
If InStr(LCase(aRng), LCase(SearchArr(Arrcnt))) Then
Selection.Font.Hidden = True
End If
Next TblCell
Next Arrcnt
Next Cnt
End Sub
Can anyone help me out to understand where i am doing issue so, i can rectify it.
I think it's more effective to reduce the row height to an exact minimum value.
Something like this works for me.
Sub Test()
SearchArr = Array("sdg", "sdh", "dsf")
'loop tables
For Cnt = 1 To ActiveDocument.Tables.Count
'loop search word
For Arrcnt = LBound(SearchArr) To UBound(SearchArr)
'loop through table cells
For Each tblCell In ActiveDocument.Tables(Cnt).Range.Cells
Set aRng = tblCell.Range
If InStr(LCase(aRng), LCase(SearchArr(Arrcnt))) Then
ActiveDocument.Tables(Cnt).Rows(tblCell.RowIndex).HeightRule = wdRowHeightExactly
ActiveDocument.Tables(Cnt).Rows(tblCell.RowIndex).Height = 1
End If
Next tblCell
Next Arrcnt
Next Cnt
End Sub

Find nearest Heading above the MS Word table

I am enumerating tables in Microsoft Word in a following way:
Dim doc As Document, t As Table
Set doc = ActiveDocument
For Each t In doc.Tables
Next t
Now I would like to find the nearest paragraph with "Heading 2" style above the table and get it's text into a variable. Great if it could be accomplished without changing the selection focus in the document.
I can enumerate paragraphs in the document, but how to determine that some paragraph is above some table?
I solved that by building a list of paragraph start positions:
Private Type CaptionRec
Text As String
EndPos As Long
End Type
Dim caps() As CaptionRec
Dim i As Long
Dim p As Paragraph
ReDim caps(0)
i = 0
For Each p In doc.Paragraphs
If p.Style = "Überschrift 2" Then
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve caps(i)
caps(i).Text = TrimGarbageAtEnd(p.Range.Text)
caps(i).EndPos = p.Range.Start 'Ok, this should be the end, not the start
End If
Next p
... and finding the minimum distance between table start and a "Heading 2" paragraph from array:
Public Function GetClosestCaption(tableStart As Long, ByRef caps() As CaptionRec) As String
Dim cap As CaptionRec, distance As Long, minDistance As Long, res As String, i As Long
minDistance = 2147483647 'Max long
res = ""
For i = LBound(caps) To UBound(caps)
cap = caps(i)
distance = tableStart - cap.EndPos
If distance >= 0 Then
If distance < minDistance Then
minDistance = distance
res = cap.Text
End If
End If
Next i
GetClosestCaption = res
End Function
The routine gets called in a following loop:
Public Sub MainRoutine()
For Each t In doc.Tables
If table_validity_criteria_go_here Then
caption = GetClosestCaption(t.Range.Start, caps)
For Each r In t.Rows
'Enumerate rows
Next r
End If
Next t
End Sub
An alternative is to reverse the logic. Instead of processing the tables and then looking for the associated heading, find the headings then process the tables within the range of the heading level, For example:
Sub FindHeading2Ranges()
Dim findRange As Range
Dim headingRange As Range
Set findRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With findRange.Find
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = True
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleHeading2)
Do While .Execute
Set headingRange = findRange.GoTo(What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="\HeadingLevel")
If headingRange.Tables.Count > 0 Then
ProcessTables headingRange, TrimGarbageAtEnd(findRange.text)
End If
findRange.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
End Sub
Sub ProcessTables(headingRange As Range, caption As String)
Dim t As Table
For Each t In headingRange.Tables
If table_validity_criteria_go_here Then
For Each r In t.Rows
'Enumerate rows
Next r
End If
Next t
End Sub

Adding a new word to each subsequent cell in Word VBA

I have been working on this code that takes misspelled words from a document and then turns them into a table with all the misspelled words on one column. Then the words are spellchecked and the corrections appear on the other column. My code does everything that I want it to, however only the first word appears on each cell. What am I doing wrong?
Sub SuperSpellCheck()
Dim doc1 As Document
Dim doc2 As Document
Dim tb As Table
Set doc1 = ActiveDocument
Set doc2 = Documents.Add
Dim badw As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim sugg As SpellingSuggestions
Dim sug As Variant
err = doc1.SpellingErrors.Count
For Each badw In doc1.SpellingErrors
doc2.Range.InsertAfter badw & vbCr
Set tb = ActiveDocument.Content.ConvertToTable(Separator:=wdSeparateByParagraphs, NumColumns:=1,
NumRows:=ActiveDocument.SpellingErrors.Count, AutoFitBehavior:=wdAutoFitFixed)
With tb
.Style = "Table Grid"
.ApplyStyleHeadingRows = True
.ApplyStyleLastRow = False
.ApplyStyleFirstColumn = True
.ApplyStyleLastColumn = False
.PreferredWidthType = wdPreferredWidthPercent
.PreferredWidth = 100
End With
err2 = ActiveDocument.SpellingErrors.Count
i = 1
Set sugg = doc2.Range.GetSpellingSuggestions
For Each rng In doc2.Range.SpellingErrors
With rng
If sugg.Count > 0 Then
Set sug = .GetSpellingSuggestions
tb.Cell(i, 2).Range.InsertAfter sug(1)
End If
End With
End Sub
Not connected to your problem but you need to change these lines
Err = doc1.SpellingErrors.Count
err2 = ActiveDocument.SpellingErrors.Count
Dim errors1 as Long, dim errors2 as Long
errors1 = doc1.SpellingErrors.Count
errors2 = doc2.SpellingErrors.Count
Err is an object in VBA that holds the errors generated by your code. You also haven't declared those variables. Add Option Explicit at the very top of your code module and you will be alerted to any undeclared variables. To turn this on automatically in future go to Tools | Options | Editor and ensure that Require Variable Declaration is checked.
I would change
Dim sugg As SpellingSuggestions
Dim sug As Variant
Dim docSugg As SpellingSuggestions
Dim rngSugg As SpellingSuggestions
Dim sug As SpellingSuggestion
This will make it clearer what each of these represents.
SpellingSuggestions is a collection of SpellingSuggestion objects so you can use sug to loop through the collection.
i = 1
Set sugg = doc2.Range.GetSpellingSuggestions
For Each rng In doc2.Range.SpellingErrors
With rng
If sugg.Count > 0 Then
Set sug = .GetSpellingSuggestions
tb.Cell(i, 2).Range.InsertAfter sug(1)
End If
End With
In this block of code you start off by setting the undeclared variable i to a value of 1, but you don't then increase that value. This will result in all your spelling suggestions being inserted in the same cell. Also, when you insert the spelling suggestion you only ever insert the first one as you don't have a means of looping through them. So I would rewrite this as:
i = 1
Set docSugg = doc2.Range.GetSpellingSuggestions
For Each rng In doc2.Range.SpellingErrors
With rng
If docSugg.Count > 0 Then
Set rngSugg = .GetSpellingSuggestions
For Each sug In rngSugg
tb.Cell(i, 2).Range.InsertAfter sug
End If
End With
i = i + 1
EDIT: If you only want the first suggested spelling then use:
i = 1
Set docSugg = doc2.Range.GetSpellingSuggestions
For Each rng In doc2.Range.SpellingErrors
With rng
If docSugg.Count > 0 Then
Set rngSugg = .GetSpellingSuggestions
tb.Cell(i, 2).Range.InsertAfter rngSugg(1)
End If
End With
i = i + 1

Word VBA - How to edit the text in cells in tables in Header

I dont do much word work, but I need to amend the address in the headers of a batch of letters. The address is held in tables in the headers. I also need to retain the formatting.
Below is the code I have ended up with - am I getting close?
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim hf As Word.HeaderFooter
Dim lr As ListRow
Dim updated As Boolean
Dim tableCount As Integer
Dim t As Integer
Dim c As Cell
Set doc = wd.Documents.Open(Filename:=fi.Path, ReadOnly:=False)
For Each hf In doc.Sections(1).Headers()
tableCount = hf.Range.Tables.Count
For t = 1 To tableCount
For Each c In hf.Range.Tables(t).Range.Cells
If InStr(1, c.Range.Text, AddLOneOld) > 0 Then
updated = True
c.Range.Text = Replace(c.Range.Text, AddLOneOld, AddLOneNew)
End If
If InStr(1, c.Range.Text, AddLTwoOld) > 0 Then
updated = True
c.Range.Text = Replace(c.Range.Text, AddLTwoOld, AddLTwoNew)
End If
If InStr(1, c.Range.Text, AddLThreeOld) > 0 Then
updated = True
c.Range.Text = Replace(c.Range.Text, AddLThreeOld, AddLThreeNew)
End If
Next c
Next t
Next hf
If updated Then
Set lr = filesUpdated.ListRows.Add
lr.Range(1, 1) = fi.Path
End If
doc.Close False
This is the nearest I have got it to go as far as running, but all it does now is produce the error
"Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action"

Run Time Error '1004': Paste Method Of worksheet Class Failed error

Copy pasting 1 line of text from word to excel using VBA.
When the code reaches the below line I am getting the below error.
Run Time Error '1004': Paste Method Of worksheet Class Failed error
But if I click Debug button and press F8 then it's pasting the data in excel without any error.
This error occurs each time the loop goes on and pressing debug and F8 pasting the data nicely.
I did several testing and unable to find the root cause of this issue.
Also used DoEvents before pasting the data code but nothing worked.
Any suggestions?
I am posting the code since both of you are saying the same. Here is the code for your review.
Sub FindAndReplace()
Dim vFR As Variant, r As Range, i As Long, rSource As Range
Dim sCurrRep() As String, sGlobalRep As Variant, y As Long, x As Long
Dim NumCharsBefore As Long, NumCharsAfter As Long
Dim StrFind As String, StrReplace As String, CountNoOfReplaces As Variant
Dim oWord As Object
Const wdReplaceAll = 2
Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
vFR = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value
On Error Resume Next
Set rSource = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rSource Is Nothing Then
For Each r In rSource.Cells
For i = 2 To UBound(vFR)
If Trim(vFR(i, 1)) <> "" Then
With oWord
NumCharsBefore = .ActiveDocument.Characters.Count
With .ActiveDocument.Content.Find
.Font.Bold = False
.Execute FindText:=vFR(i, 1), ReplaceWith:=vFR(i, 2), Format:=True, Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
ActiveSheet.Paste'Error occurs in this line pressing debug and F8 is pasting the data
StrFind = vFR(i, 1): StrReplace = vFR(i, 2)
NumCharsAfter = .ActiveDocument.Characters.Count
CountNoOfReplaces = (NumCharsBefore - NumCharsAfter) / (Len(StrFind) - Len(StrReplace))
.ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=False
If CountNoOfReplaces Then
x = x + 1
ReDim Preserve sCurrRep(1 To 3, 1 To x)
sCurrRep(1, x) = vFR(i, 1)
sCurrRep(2, x) = vFR(i, 2)
sCurrRep(3, x) = CountNoOfReplaces
End If
CountNoOfReplaces = 0
End With
End If
Next i
Next r
End If
'Some more gode goes here... which is not needed since error occurs in the above loop
End Sub
If you want to know why I have chosen word for replacement then please go through the below link.
Also used the code from the below link to get the number of replacements count.
Characters(start, length).Delete() method really seems not to work with longer strings in Excel :(. So a custom Delete() method could be written which will work with decoupled formating informations and texts. So the text of the cell can be modified without loosing the formating information. HTH.
Add new class named MyCharacter. It will contain information about text and
formating of one character:
Public Text As String
Public Index As Integer
Public Name As Variant
Public FontStyle As Variant
Public Size As Variant
Public Strikethrough As Variant
Public Superscript As Variant
Public Subscript As Variant
Public OutlineFont As Variant
Public Shadow As Variant
Public Underline As Variant
Public Color As Variant
Public TintAndShade As Variant
Public ThemeFont As Variant
Add next new class named MyCharcters and wrap the code of the new
Delete method in it. With Filter method a new collection of MyCharacter is created. This collection contains only the characters which should remain. Finally in method Rewrite the text is re-written from this collection back to target range along with formating info:
Private m_targetRange As Range
Private m_start As Integer
Private m_length As Integer
Private m_endPosition As Integer
Public Sub Delete(targetRange As Range, start As Integer, length As Integer)
Set m_targetRange = targetRange
m_start = start
m_length = length
m_endPosition = m_start + m_length - 1
Dim filterdChars As Collection
Set filterdChars = Filter
Rewrite filterdChars
End Sub
Private Function Filter() As Collection
Dim i As Integer
Dim newIndex As Integer
Dim newChar As MyCharacter
Set Filter = New Collection
newIndex = 1
For i = 1 To m_targetRange.Characters.Count
If i < m_start Or i > m_endPosition Then
Set newChar = New MyCharacter
With newChar
.Text = m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Text
.Index = newIndex
.Name = m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.Name
.FontStyle = m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.FontStyle
.Size = m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.Size
.Strikethrough = m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.Strikethrough
.Superscript = m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.Superscript
.Subscript = m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.Subscript
.OutlineFont = m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.OutlineFont
.Shadow = m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.Shadow
.Underline = m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.Underline
.Color = m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.Color
.TintAndShade = m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.TintAndShade
.ThemeFont = m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.ThemeFont
End With
Filter.Add newChar, CStr(newIndex)
newIndex = newIndex + 1
End If
Next i
End Function
Private Sub Rewrite(chars As Collection)
m_targetRange.Value = ""
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To chars.Count
If IsEmpty(m_targetRange.Value) Then
m_targetRange.Value = chars(i).Text
m_targetRange.Value = m_targetRange.Value & chars(i).Text
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To chars.Count
With m_targetRange.Characters(i, 1).Font
.Name = chars(i).Name
.FontStyle = chars(i).FontStyle
.Size = chars(i).Size
.Strikethrough = chars(i).Strikethrough
.Superscript = chars(i).Superscript
.Subscript = chars(i).Subscript
.OutlineFont = chars(i).OutlineFont
.Shadow = chars(i).Shadow
.Underline = chars(i).Underline
.Color = chars(i).Color
.TintAndShade = chars(i).TintAndShade
.ThemeFont = chars(i).ThemeFont
End With
Next i
End Sub
How to use it:
Sub test()
Dim target As Range
Dim myChars As MyCharacters
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set target = Worksheets("Demo").Range("A1")
Set myChars = New MyCharacters
myChars.Delete targetRange:=target, start:=300, length:=27
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
To make it more stable, you should:
Disable all events while operating
Never call .Activate or .Select
Paste directly in the targeted cell with WorkSheet.Paste
Cancel the Copy operation with Application.CutCopyMode = False
Reuse the same document and not create one for each iteration
Do as less operations as possible in an iteration
Use early binding [New Word.Application] instead of late binding [CreateObject("Word.Application")]
Your example refactored :
Sub FindAndReplace()
Dim dictionary(), target As Range, ws As Worksheet, cell As Range, i As Long
Dim strFind As String, strReplace As String, diffCount As Long, replaceCount As Long
Dim appWord As Word.Application, content As Word.Range, find As Word.find
dictionary = [Sheet1!A1].CurrentRegion.Value
Set target = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
' launch and setup word
Set appWord = New Word.Application
Set content = appWord.Documents.Add().content
Set find = content.find
find.Font.Bold = False
' disable events
Application.Calculation = xlManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
' iterate each cell
Set ws = target.Worksheet
For Each cell In target.Cells
' copy the cell to Word and disable the cut
Application.CutCopyMode = False
' iterate each text to replace
For i = 2 To UBound(dictionary)
If Trim(dictionary(i, 1)) <> Empty Then
replaceCount = 0
strFind = dictionary(i, 1)
strReplace = dictionary(i, 2)
' replace in the document
diffCount = content.Characters.count
find.Execute FindText:=strFind, ReplaceWith:=strReplace, format:=True, Replace:=2
' count number of replacements
diffCount = diffCount - content.Characters.count
If diffCount Then
replaceCount = diffCount \ (Len(strFind) - Len(strReplace))
End If
Debug.Print replaceCount
End If
' copy the text back to Excel
ws.Paste cell
' terminate Word
appWord.Quit False
' restore events
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
How about change it from: activesheet.paste
activecell.pastespecial xlpasteAll
This post seems to explain the problem and provide two solutions:
Two items come to light in this post:
Try using Paste Special
Specify the range you wish to paste to.
Another solution would be to extract the targeted cells as XML, replace the text with a regular expression and then write the XML back to the sheet.
While it's much faster than working with Word, it might require some knowledge with regular expressions if the formats were to be handled. Moreover it only works with Excel 2007 and superior.
I've assemble an example that replaces all the occurences with the same style:
Sub FindAndReplace()
Dim area As Range, dictionary(), xml$, i&
Dim matchCount&, replaceCount&, strFind$, strReplace$
' create the regex object
Dim re As Object, match As Object
Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
re.Global = True
re.MultiLine = True
' copy the dictionary to an array with column1=search and column2=replacement
dictionary = [Sheet1!A1].CurrentRegion.Value
'iterate each area
For Each area In ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
' read the cells as XML
xml = area.Value(xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet)
' iterate each text to replace
For i = 2 To UBound(dictionary)
If Trim(dictionary(i, 1)) <> Empty Then
strFind = dictionary(i, 1)
strReplace = dictionary(i, 2)
' set the pattern
re.pattern = "(>[^<]*)" & strFind
' count the number of occurences
matchCount = re.Execute(xml).count
If matchCount Then
' replace each occurence
xml = re.Replace(xml, "$1" & strReplace)
replaceCount = replaceCount + matchCount
End If
End If
' write the XML back to the sheet
area.Value(xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet) = xml
' print the number of replacement
Debug.Print replaceCount
End Sub
DDuffy's answer is useful.
I found the code can run normally at slowly cpu PC .
add the bellow code before paste, the problem is sloved:
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:1"))'wait 1s or more