Redux Reducer: key injection into state - dynamic

First, I do understand this is a mutated state change; I know shame on me. Sometimes the correct way doesn't appear to be the smartest or I at least don't know any better.
Let me explain, I wan't to inject keys into my state without creating and exchanging old state and new state for predefined items. I simply want to inject keys for a while and if I don't then they are all cleared anyway. My initial state looks like
{graphSite: {site: "default", graphBrowser: { graphID: '', graphKey:'' }, browsable:[] }};
my reducer looks like this **using babel es7 object spread operator
case BROWSER: { state.graphSite.browsable[] = action.payload
return {...state}
So this will work but redux dev tools doesnt show the state change though the browsable array is accessible perhaps this is because I went against the grain though if I extend the changes to:
case BROWSER: { state.graphSite.browsable[] = action.payload
return {...state,
graphSite: {...state.graphSite,
graphBrowser: {...state.graphSite.graphBrowser},
browsable: {...state.graphSite.browsable} }
now browsable shows correctly in the tool, but ideally I these are the same thing.
So the question is what is the best way to manipulate the state for dynamic keys that are not in the initial store state. This works just feels like I'm doing something wrong because I manipulated the original state.

The title confused me in the first place. dynamic key injection sounds way too fancy for me :P.
Anyway, you actually want to add a new pair to your browserble.
You had:
case BROWSER: { state.graphSite.browsable[] = action.payload
return {...state}
This is wrong (assuming state comes form reducer parameter), because you are directly modifying the state object.
One of the principle of redux is that Changes are made with pure functions. (redux docs).
case BROWSER: {
const nextState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state)); // deep copy your state
nextState.graphSite.browsable[] = action.payload
return nextState
This isn't most effecient code, JSONoperations are expensive. It is just to demonstrate the principle of not mutating the state object directly.

Alright, I couldn't see in the context of the object spread how to append variable keys and without created initial store states. This is pretty straightforward after copying the state then returning the appended like so; both worked this one is just now not modifying the original state.
case BROWSER: { let browser = {...state}
browser.graphSite.browsable[] = action.payload
return {...state,
graphSite: {...state.graphSite,
graphBrowser: {...state.graphSite.graphBrowser},
browsable: {...browser.graphSite.browsable}
Destructuring works great here
case BROWSER: { let {graphSite: {browsable: browser}} = state
browser[] = action.payload
return {...state,
graphSite: {...state.graphSite,
graphBrowser: {...state.graphSite.graphBrowser},
browsable: {...browser}
I also realize I could use something like deepFreeze or immutable to check for these but practicing.


Does returning a value in a Vuex action defeat the whole purpose of the Store?

Say I have an action like this:
async getYoutubeReport({ commit }, payload) {
return await this.$axios
).then((res) => {
let today = utils.yearMonthDay(new Date())
let report = => utils.yearMonthDay(new Date(Report.createdAt)) == today)
commit('SET_YOUTUBE_REPORT', report)
return report
Does this make any sense at all?
After all, the whole purpose of the Vuex Store is to horizontally make variables accesible across the app which can easily be done with reactive getters.
If the answer is "Yes, it is totally Fine", under which circumstances would make sense?
IMO, the only circumstance where I see it useful and where I do it is for showing a message response from the API in your Vue component.
If you need to access your state data you should use reactive getters.
Otherwise, there is no reason to maintain a vuex store and use data returned from your API.

Vue.js Vuex State Never Updates With push()

I have a Vuex store that manages an array (state.all), and I have a button that calls a Vuex action which performs an HTTP call and then appends the the data in the response to state.all by way of a mutation. However, the state never gets updated and the components never update.
In order prove that I was not crazy, I used two alert()s inside of the mutation to make sure I knew where I stood in the code. The alert()s were always fired with proper values.
Here is the truncated Vuex store (this is a module):
const state = {
all: []
// actions
const actions = {
runner ({ commit, rootState }, { did, tn }) {, payload)
.then(function (response) {
const mutations = {
setNewConversations(state, new_conv) {
for (let new_c_i in new_conv) {
let new_c = new_conv[new_c_i]
alert(new_c) // I always see this, and it has the correct value
if (!(new_c in state.all)) {
alert('I ALWAYS SEE THIS!') // testing
When I go to test this, I see my two alert()s, the first with the value I expect and the second with "I ALWAYS SEE THIS!" but nothing happens to my v-for component and the state never updates, despite the state.all.push().
What is the next step to troubleshooting this issue? There are no errors in the JS console, and I cannot figure out any reason the state would not be updated.
Thank you!
One possible solution is instead of pushing to the current state value, store the previous value of state.all in a new array and push the new changes to that new array.
Once done, assign that new array to state.all like the following below.
setNewConversations(state, new_conv) {
const prevState = [...state.all];
for (let new_c_i in new_conv) {
let new_c = new_conv[new_c_i]
if (!(new_c in prevState)) {
state.all = prevState;
Given that you said that removing the alert makes it work makes me wonder if you are just observing the value in the wrong place. I can't be sure from what you've given.
Remember that Javascript is single-threaded, and your mutation has to complete before any other Vue-injected reactivity code can run.
If you really wanted the value to be shown before the mutation is complete, you could probably call Vue.nextTick(() => alert(...)), but the better answer is to check for the updates somewhere else, such as in a computed that calls the getter for the state.all array.
(By the way, I find that using either console.log(...) or the vue-dev-tools is much faster than alert() for arbitrary debugging.)

Vuex: Weird question on weird behavior of vuex. I need at least one mutation and a commit to update or assign to my store objects

I'm trying to set token to my store.token I know this is not a best option without using mutation but I'm doing something like this:
methods : {
const self = this;
this.$store.state.token = "new token";
this.$store.state.cleavage= "yes";
this.$store.commit('settoken', "somethingrandom");
Then on my store.js:
export const store = new Vuex.Store({
state : {
token : '',
mutations : {
Right now it works fine... it sets up. But when I remove the mutation from store.js or remove the commit on my molester() it wont assign the value to token. Why is this happening?
To set the value of state in store, we have to interact with Vuex api via mutations/commits.
By trying to set the state without a mutation, this goes against the design of Vuex (having a manageable store/state)
Typically trying to set state without mutations (say within an action) will throw an error, but I also believe that by getting the state via ‘$store.state’ will only return the state (and not return the instance of state)
This is done to maintain immutability throughout your application state
If you're expecting to see the change appear in the Vue dev tools you won't see any changes to state unless they occur through a mutation or until another mutation is called.

React Native call this.setState inside function

I'm using a xml parser react-native-xml2js in react native, but this "plugin" uses a specific function for parse the xml, I wasn't found a correct way to use "this" within the function, I've tried using bind() in the callback but doesn't work as expected when using bind it fills my variable moments later after executed, so I don't know how to use it, this is my code:
state = { artcicles: null }
componentDidMount() {
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((response) => {
parseString(response, function (err, result) {
articles: JSON.stringify([0].item)
console.log('RAW: ' +[0].item);
console.log('THIS: ' + this.state.articles);
When calling this.state.articles in render() at beginning shows null but a second later it fills the articles variable but at that moment the app shows the error when I'm trying to access to the variable.
Any ideas?
I can help you observe something. In React, setState is asynchronous, so the code on the following line after setState will be executed immediately after the setState call is placed in the event loop.
Your true issue is that those console.logs are working perfect, you aren't crazy. They are just being executed before setState has completed.
The secret trick here is that setState accepts a second parameter which is a callback that will be executed after the state is updated. You could place all your following logic inside that statement.
Here is a sampler pack:
this.setState({ dogs: 350 }, () => { console.log('The state has been updated.') })
The second parameter to setState() is an optional callback function that will be executed once setState is completed and the component is re-rendered. Generally we recommend using componentDidUpdate() for such logic instead.
In yours, it could look like this:
componentDidMount() {
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((response) => parseString(response, (err, result) =>
articles: JSON.stringify([0].item),
}, () => {
console.log('THIS:', this.state.articles)
Checkout the modification I did on the console.log. It too can accept multiple parameters.
A list of JavaScript objects to output. The string representations of each of these objects are appended together in the order listed and output. Please be warned that if you log objects in the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox what you get logged on the console is a reference to the object, which is not necessarily the 'value' of the object at the moment in time you call console.log(), but it is the value of the object at the moment you click it open.
I like that definition additionally because it speaks to the asynchronous nature of live references. One function by itself can be synchronous, but due to the callstack and function queue, you can load up an infinite number of functions into the queue and they will complete in a random order based on how long each one takes to complete because only one passes through the callstack at a time, on the main thread. Of course, it seems random order to us, but it's actually the mathematically exact fastest path through all those functions, assuming they are all deterministic.
Fast forward to the code in your question, setState doesn't care to stop surrounding code from executing unless you explicitly tell it to. That's what the callback is for, if you need to run some bonus code.
While we are talking about setState, I should mention also that you can pass a function to it. Imagine that the second parameter callback is your method of looking into the future after setState. The opposite of that is looking into the past, which is where the functional setState comes in handy by giving you closure around the previous unit of time. The previous state also happens to be the current state of whatever you are updating.
Here is a sampler pack for that:
this.setState((prevState) => {
// hello I like cats.gif
// we could run some fascinating code here
// as long as we return an object
return {
articles: [ ...prevState.articles, { new: 1, article: true }],
It gives you a safe window to guarantee state integrity through your update. I showed that example there as spreading an Array into a new Array and appending it with an object to demonstrate similar to a real scenario you might need to refer to the current state as part of your operations.
In a real scenario, you might sharpen that up to this, which capitalizes on implicit return of an Object literal (requires fat arrow syntax):
this.setState(prevState => ({
articles: [ ...prevState.articles, { new: 1, article: true }],
Hopefully that helps us see the climate of what is happening. In React, it is important to undergo a formal change management process, so every time you are getting or setting data, you need to be careful who is reading or writing data and from where, like which functions and which part of the program. React's way of taming JavaScript is to try to force data to always flow unidirectionally, immutably, and deterministic.
It makes things easier to reason about if everything is flowing one way. That only works if you require immutability and prefer a deterministic system. It means most functions are written declaratively, so they declare what the state looks like at the start of a function, do stuff, then declare what the state is at the end of the function.
React makes you think you are writing mostly pure JavaScript, but really it is managing your state using a first in, first out technique to avoid race conditions when perhaps thousands of components are trying to write to the state at the same time. While the user is in the browser rolling their face across the keyboard triggering all kinds of events, and we must not block the main thread or else suffer poor UX.
A formal change management process means there is probably an official pattern that you should use every time you get or set data. Luckily, the patterns are usually what you would do if you were writing pure JavaScript. Reactive programming and immutability help tame the wild asynchronous concurrency gods.
Sorry, we are digressing a bit, but I had to do it for science.
it's very important what you are doing before, during, and after this.setState(). It's a special function, a class method on the Component Class. I hope I have helped us understand a couple of its secrets today.
You were seeking to perform two operations in one setState call. Normally, you only do one which is to set the state :) Your intended usage is fine. We do nest one additional dimension, but it's fine because you are just performing one more operation. I wouldn't recommend it if you were doing a chain of functions in the callback.
Notice the React documentation that states,
Generally we recommend using componentDidUpdate() for such logic instead.
The reason it says that is componentDidUpdate() is listening for state changes, so you can run logic there that is listening for certain conditions and then acting. It saves you from having to care about performing a second operation after setState at the callsite.
Imagine you did this.state.hasFetchedStuff = true inside your componentDidMount() and then had something like this in componentDidUpdate():
componentDidUpdate() {
if (this.state.hasFetchedStuff) {
That can free your componentDidMount from having to care about anything after getting the data, which is perhaps good decoupling and a nice separation of concerns.
I converted this post into a Medium article as well and added much more detail:
In the render() method you can use an inline If:
{this.state.articles && (
// Display articles
When articles stops being null the element right after && will appear and while it's null, no errors will be thrown.
Instead of using null for the initial value you can use an empty array []. That way your articles state variable is never in a consistent state. Also, you can avoid having a manual bind in your callback and use arrow functions instead which will keep the current scope. This way you'll have the correct closure to use this.state.
parseString(response, (err, result) => {
articles: JSON.stringify([0].item)
This answer to some tricky
componentDidMount() {
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((response) => {
parseString(response, function (err, result) {
articles: JSON.stringify([0].item)
console.log('RAW: ' +[0].item);
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('THIS: ' + this.state.articles);
}, 1000);

Sending static props to component via selector, best practice

I sometimes have need to send static props to a component, but the data actually comes from my Redux store. I.e. I need a access to state to fetch the data.
With static, I mean that this data won't change during the life of the component, so I don't want to select it from the store on each render.
This is how I solved it at first (the mapStateToProps part):
(state, ownProps) => ({
journalItemType: selectJournalItemType(state, ownProps.journalItemTypeId)
The component gets a JournalItemTypeId and the mapStateToProps looks it up in the store and sends the journalItemType to the component. JournalItemType is static metadata and won't change very often, and certainly not during the life of the component.
static propTypes = {
The problem with this is that I call the selector at each render. Not a big performance hit, but feels wrong anyway.
So, I changed to this:
(state, ownProps) => ({
getJournalItemType: () => selectJournalItemType(state, ownProps.journalItemTypeId)
The first thing I do in the components constructor is to call getJournalItemType and store the result in the local state. This way the selector is only called once.
static propTypes = {
getJournalItemType: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
journalItemType: props.getJournalItemType()
Is this the right way to do this?
Another way would be to let the component know about state so the component could call the selector itself. But I think it's cleaner to keep the state out of the component.
I could also call the selector and fetch the static data earlier in the call chain, but I don't have state naturally available there either.
Why would I store JournalItemTypes in the Redux store if it is static data? All of the apps metadata is in my redux store so it can be easily refreshed from the server. By keeping it in Redux I can treat metadata in the same way as all other data in my synchronisation sagas.
Added clarification after Mika's answer
I need to use the local state because the component is a quite complex input form with all sorts of inputs (input fields, camera, qr-reader, live updated SVG sketch based on input).
A JournalItem in my app is "all or nothing". I.e. if every required field is filled in the user is allowed to save the item. My store is persisted to disk, so I don't want to hit the store more often than needed. So the JournalItem-object (actually an lives in state until it's ready to be saved.
My selectors are memoized with reselect. This makes my first solution even less impacting on performance. But it still feels wrong.
The component gets updated via props due to other events, so it's re-rendered now and then.
You have a few different options here:
Option 1: the original way
This is the most basic and most 'Redux' way of doing it. If your selectJournalItemType function is moderately light, your app won't suffer much of a performance hit as mapStateToProps is only called when the store is updated according to react-redux docs.
Option 2: the constructor
It is generally recommended to avoid using the Component's state with Redux. Sometimes it is necessary (for example forms with inputs) but in this case it can, and in my opinion should, be avoided.
Option 3: optimizing option 1
If your function is computationally expensive, there are at least a few ways to optimize the original solution.
In my opinion one of the simpler ones is optimizing the react-redux connect. Short example:
const options = {
pure: true, // True by default
areStatesEqual: (prev, next) => {
// You could do some meaningful comparison between the prev and next states
return false;
export default ContainerComponent = connect(
Another possibility is to create a memoized function using Reselect