Avoid creating full-package field in Intelij IDEA - intellij-idea

When I have field, which is not created at the moment time, I usually hit alt + enter and do -> Create field
The problem is, when I create field, I have full package field, for example
com.blabla.ClassName, but I want to create field without package prefix.

File | Settings | Editor | Code Style | Java | Imports
Then select: Never, use short name and add import


How to fill with space for pretty logger messages?

Is there a way to fill with spaces after the variable $nameIdDocument so that the 2nd variable (${resultPreventRequest.documentType}) always shows up at the spot ?
I like to have logger messages aligned vertically. I would like to have PASSEPORT and RESIDENCE_PERMIT start at the same position.
Here the code I execute, and the image attached is what is printed by the logger.
LOGGERCTRLONE.info("Correctly Read document | doctype found : $nameIdDocument | ${resultPreventRequest.documentType}")
logger output
I tried the java syntax with %s-20 but it does nothing, regardless where it is positioned.
I have looked up online and there is no subject about this alignment problem in Kotlin.
The Java syntax to use with formatting would be like %-20s. The conversion type, s in this case, always goes last.
fun main() {
println("%-25s | %-22s | %s".format("Correctly Read document", "some document.xyz", "some document type"))
println("%-25s | %-22s | %s".format("Incorrectly Read document", "another document2.xyz", "another document type"))
Correctly Read document | some document.xyz | some document type
Incorrectly Read document | another document2.xyz | another document type
Kotlin doesn't provide any built-in logging feature. The logging library you're using might have a cleaner way to do this.

How to use the scenario as prerequisite of another scenario

first feature file
Feature: CRMSmokeTest
In order to make sure that CRM Key functionalities working as expected.
Given I have entered the CRM URL
Scenario Outline:Quick Search using AccountID
Given AccountID is selected in The Quick Search
When user enter the <AccountID> in search field
And Click on Quick Search button
And Close the Alerts
Then Title of the page contains <AccountID>
| AccountID |
| 116999 |
Second Feature File
Feature: CRM Ticket Open, Add and Amend
In order to verify thay user able to open and amend existing ticket
Also to verify that user is able to create a new Ticket
Given I have entered the CRM URL
And AccountID is selected in The Quick Search
Scenario Outline: Add a new Ticket
When user enter the <AccountID> in search field
And Click on Quick Search button
And Close the Alerts
Then Title of the page contains <AccountID>
When User click on Add New link on Ticket Section
And Select the <Departmnet> and <SubTeam> from the list
And Enter the <Subject> of the ticket
And Select the <Product>
And Select the <TicketCategory> and <TicketSubCategory>
And Enter the <Comments> and <PersonSpokeTo>
And Click on Finish
Then A new Ticket is created
| AccountID | Department | SubTeam | Subject | Product | TicketCategory | TicketSubCategory | Comments |
| 116999 | Customer Services | ContractEnquiry | Test Ticket | Home Insurance | Account Management | Customer Zone | Test Comments |
I would like to use the Scenario in my first feature file as the prereq of my scenario in second feature file.
What is the best practice to so
Also When filling a big data form what is the best approach to write scenario. The way I have written the scenario in second feature file is the only approach or we can write this better way?
Calling a different scenario because it satisfies the prerequisites of the current scenario breaks the isolation required to make each scenario runnable on its own. No scenario should rely on any other scenario.
Instead of copying and pasting the steps from the first scenario, write a short Given step that performs the same things as the first scenario.
Judging on the scenario title, create a Given step similar to:
Scenario Outline: Add a new Ticket
# New 'Given' step that basically does the same thing as scenario #1
Given user performed a quick search for account <AccountID>
# Now continue on with the rest of the scenario
When User click on Add New link on Ticket Section
And Select the <Departmnet> and <SubTeam> from the list
And Enter the <Subject> of the ticket
And Select the <Product>
And Select the <TicketCategory> and <TicketSubCategory>
And Enter the <Comments> and <PersonSpokeTo>
And Click on Finish
Then A new Ticket is created
| AccountID | Department | SubTeam | Subject | Product | TicketCategory | TicketSubCategory | Comments |
| 116999 | Customer Services | ContractEnquiry | Test Ticket | Home Insurance | Account Management | Customer Zone | Test Comments |
The implementation of this step will depend on the architecture of your tests, but the step should:
Go to the CRM URL
Select AccountId in the quick search
Enter the given Account Id in the search box
Click the quick search button
Close the alerts when the show up
If you find yourself writing code that seems to exist in your other steps consider refactoring your code into Page Models, and then initializing those page models and calling methods on them from your step definitions. The basic control flow of your test will go:
Feature file --> Step definition --> Page model --> Selenium --> Web browser

Why does Cucumber only read what's in parentheses in an example table?

I'm having difficulties with parentheses in a cucumber examples table. I've included an example table to highlight the issue.
Category |Code Type |Routes |
Child (Under 6) |CHI |GA1, GA2, DU1, CO3 |
Student |STU |GA1, GA2, DU1, CO3, SL4, EN3, LI5 |
Standard |STA |AA1 |
When the examples table is read in it is only picking up the text (Under 6) - not Child (Under 6).
I have tried escaping the parentheses but it didn't work. I can't change the category to not include parentheses.
I've searched and searched and haven't been able to find anything that even references this issue.
Any help appreciated.

Selenium "StoreText" to use in other field

Please help,
I want to use the value that i stored using storeText.
My problem is, how do i use this on the other fields of the page?
Thanks in advance!
For example:
I want to get the name of this customer, and verify it on another site if its existing by entering the name on the search field on another site?
See the "Variable substitution" paragraph of the documentation, it even has a nice example of usage for storing a name from multiple fields:
Variable substitution
Variable substitution provides a simple way to include a previously
stored variable in a command parameter. This is a simple mechanism, by
which the variable to substitute is indicated by ${variableName}.
Multiple variables can be substituted, and intermixed with static
store | Mr | title
storeValue | nameField | surname
store | ${title} ${surname} | fullname
type | textElement | Full name is: ${fullname}
Why don't you get the text from the webelement store it in a global static variable and call the variable in the other test case?

cucumber (LoadError) for my model

I'm sure this is basic as I'm a new Rails user and want to do Cucumber right. I spent the weekend reading the Pragmatic book and have a small project I want to create and use it. I intentionally set up my first feature as broadly as possible so that it wouldn't be brittle depending too much on how it works on the rails side. I created a new rails app using DanielKehoe's starter on github. I think I got the user figured out. But when I attempt to use Cucumber to creating my first table of Reference Units which would be a table of constants, I expected that cucumber would drive me to create a Reference Units model but I spent all morning trying to get it to do so using the book, Railscasts and stackoverflow to push me to where I'm at now. I went ahead and generated a model for Reference Units, controller with a new action and an empty view. But it now cannot figure out that I have Reference Unit model with a (LoadError). Odd because it's there in the app.
Here's my current feature:
Feature: I want to have Reference Units that I can refer to so they can be used elsewhere. That way
they can be updated in one place. I want to create and edit these Units.
Given I am logged in as the following user:
| name | "Testy McUserton" |
| password | "please" |
| email | "testy#userton.com" |
Scenario: Adding Reference Units
When I go to the new Reference Units page
And I fill in the following:
| commodity | "corn" |
| language | "en" |
| wholesale unit | "xton" |
| retail unit | "xliter" |
| receipt unit | "dollar" |
Then it should create a new Reference Unit
here is my step definition:
Given /^I am logged in as the following user:$/ do |table|
sign_up valid_user
When /^I go to the new Reference Units page$/ do
visit new_reference_unit_path
When /^I fill in the following:$/ do |table|
#reference_unit = Reference_unit.create!(table.rows_hash)
Then /^it should create a new Reference Unit$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
new_reference_unit_path is in my feature/support/paths.rb as:
when /the new Reference Units page/
Running this in 3.1.3 the following is in red:
Scenario: Adding Reference Units # features/user_can_create_units.feature:10
When I go to the new Reference Units page # features/step_definitions/user_create_unit_reference.rb:6
Expected /Users/sam/apps/keriakoo/app/models/reference_unit.rb to define Reference_unit (LoadError)
./app/controllers/reference_units_controller.rb:4:in `new'
./features/step_definitions/user_create_unit_reference.rb:7:in `/^I go to the new Reference Units page$/'
features/user_can_create_units.feature:11:in `When I go to the new Reference Units page'
As I mentioned above. the reference_unit.rb file is in the correct place. Of course, I haven't added any methods or attributes to it expecting cucumber to guide me at the right time. I'm sure it's something simple, but I tried all kinds of combinations of words and capitalization to shake something loose, sam
OK, I think I hit on the clue. Digging around, I used the --backtrace option on cucumber and it pointed me to a dependency with a key word of "const". OK, it doesn't like something in the text. Looking around for info on two-word models, I can tell that my model was correct: ReferenceUnit. But looking at my error output, it was looking for Reference_unit. So for laughs I altered the regex for that step to be "When /^I go to the new Reference units page$" the error went away. So the syntax of the first line is important, and not 'freestylin' as I suspected.