Connecting maps into react-native app - react-native

I have some API of maps (2GIS). Maps on JS. How can I connect them to my app on react-native?
I tried to find some possible ways, but without result. I am a newbie on react-native

If you want to use a native component that nobody wrote a React Native component for, you will to do it yourself.
It's not very hard for most things. You can learn how to do it for iOS and Android in the linked docs.


How do I implement Google Maps to work on Web, Andriod and iOS in React Native?

I am fairly new to React Native and I am trying to implement a map that can be used in Web, Android and iOS.
The resources I have found online, are for implementing Android and iOS with react-native-maps or just in Web with react-native-web-maps. Is there an easy way to incorporate all of them in React Native?
I am also using the Expo CLI to run the server. I have not run npm run eject to create the OS-specific files as I am trying to make the code as cross-platform as possible.
I don't know if any package works straight away for all environments but you can conditionally render map component for mobile and for web.
I have used these following packages in mobile and web versions of Expo app, they work pretty similarly and are easy to use and implement:
-mobile: #react-navigation/native
-web: #react-google-maps/api

Using Baidu Map for react native/expo

I'm building a React Native App for a Chinese Company. I'm using Expo.
I really would love to use Google Maps, but it is not allowed there...
The best solution I found was to use Baidu Map,
I searched for SDKs and found some of them in GitHub.
I decided to use this one:
which provides great documentation.
Although, I'm having some trouble implementing it to the app. I think that they don't support expo.
Does anyone here ever have a similar problem?
Or used another map...
Would really save my life!
This library uses native (Android & iOS) SDKs and provides a React Native API on top of them. Expo does not yet support custom native modules, which means you'll have to eject from it to use this package (or any other that uses BaiduMap or other native code).
I'm guessing they probably have a web based JS SDK instead which you could try to integrate into your app via a <WebView /> instead?

Any documentation about pure React Native without using EXPO?

I want to learn React Native but, without using EXPO
Why do i not using EXPO? (source: Youtube Channel "McAbout Digital")
Lack of support for geolocation
No support for Payment API
Slow image rendering
Limited access to Firebase setting
Advanced animation support
Wherever i google about React Native the EXPO is always there too.
I'm looking for pure react native documentation/tutorial
Apart from project setup almost everything is same in the docs for both versions,
but if you are looking for a good tutorial series you can start learning by
UDEMY - React Native Practical Guid which is a paid course but worth it.

Ionic 2 webview or native

I didn't find information at ionicframework website. For example, I saw many examples from react-native from website, and for example by using react-native I could render on google map custom objects, shapes, marker animation e.t.c, but on the other hand, Ionic2 renders google map as webview. So, is Ionic 2 will be native or webview based?
I am not sure, if I understood your question but i will try to answer.
React Native and Ionic 2 is two really different thing. React Native use native components and Ionic 2 use HTML components in WebView. So if you want to use Google Maps in Ionic 2, you have to use Google Maps javascript SDK, but if you want to use it in React Native you will use Google Maps native mobile SDK wrapped in some React component.
But there is lot of Cordova plugins that can provide native functionality for your Ionic app. For example Google Maps plugin that will give you native mobile map SDK:
Hope I helped you.

How to use JavaScriptCore in React Native android apps

We are building a React Native application on Android. We have a requirement of creating a separate JSC virtual machine instance in a thread. We do not want to use same JSC context which is used by React Native.
We have searched a lot on web and also tried to figure out how React Native is using JSC, but we are not able to find the same.
It will be very helpful if anyone can suggest us directions for the same.
Perhaps you should take a look at this:
or dive deep into React Native's Android source code.