Why does my comparator not work after first loop? - vba

I have a pretty simple If Else statement in my code that looks like this:
If GUI.editedFH = "" Then
fhNumField.Value = fhNumField.List(0)
fhNumField.Value = editedFH
End If
This block of code is in a UserForm_Initialize() sub that I call fairly often after users use the form to edit or delete rows of data. I unload the form and reload it as a way to "refresh" the data presented in the form.
The code fails at the first line in that If statement. VBE throws this error
Run-time error '1004':
Application-defined or object-defined error
GUI.editedFH is a global string that is declared in a separate module. GUI is the name of the module, and editedFH is the string variable name. I put a watch on GUI.editedFH and I'm getting String as the type and the value that I want.
When I hardcode string values in, instead of GUI.editedFH, it still doesn't work i.e.
If "abc" = "" Then
End If
The part that is most confusing is that I can compare strings like this elsewhere, and it is seemingly random on when the error will throw. It will work the first time through the initialize and a few subsequent times, but eventually it will throw an error.


VLookup in VBA userforms - string lookup value

I have got an issue with a vlookup function in VBA userform. Using below code it only seems to work when it is numeric value, however I have got values like G9000 which when selected throw error back I have tried to cast it as string but mismatch error comes up. There is multiple threads on the subject online, however it doesn't seem to work in my case. I am using this to update value in one of the boxes using change event. What am I doing wrong?
Private Sub cb_safety_observers_id_Change()
With Me
.tb_safety_observersName = Application.VLookup(Val(Me.cb_safety_observers_id), employeeSheet.Range("emp_list"), 2, 0)
End With
End Sub

Subroutine will not compile

I'm using Access VBA, and I keep getting
Compile error: Argument not optional
whenever I try to pass a collection into a function. What is going on?
Private Sub btnTest_Click()
Dim GarbageLanguages As New Collection
GarbageLanguages.Add "VBA"
PrintCollectionCount (GarbageLanguages) '<-- error happens here
End Sub
Public Sub PrintCollectionCount(c As Collection)
Debug.Print c.Count
End Sub
Short Answer
Remove the parentheses from the following line:
PrintCollectionCount (GarbageLanguages)
Long Answer
For better or worse (mostly worse), VBA has both functions and subroutines:
Function - expression that must return a value
Subroutine - statement that cannot return a value
Unfortunately, using each of them requires slightly different syntax. Suprisingly, this is not a valid subroutine call:
Instead, you need to use one of these two options:
Call Subroutine(arguments)
Subroutine arguments
It's even more unfortunate that when you use the wrong syntax, all you get is extremely cryptic error messages. Finally, it's also hard to get used to not using parenthesis because single arguments that are primitive types instead of objects actually work fine:
Subroutine(SomeString) ' works
Subroutine(SomeInteger) ' works
Subroutine(SomeObject) ' does not work
Subroutine(SomeString, SomeInteger) ' does not work
Aside from memorizing the awful error messages, you can try to train yourself to look out for whenever a space gets automatically inserted after the subroutine's name. This:
gets changed to this:
Subroutine (argument) '<-- RED FLAG

VBA: Run-time error '5825' Object has been deleted

I was putting this code ActiveDocument.Variables("time1").Delete before End Sub and I get that error "Object has been deleted" so that if a variable "time1" exist, it will be deleted at the end of the procedure. I understand why I get that code because "time1" has already deleted on the first run but I want to skip and end the sub if it encounter errors. I tried to do this
On Error Goto here
End sub
but I still get that Error. Why is it that the error handler did not work?
You should be able to avoid this if you are not interested in whether the Variable existed or not.
ActiveDocument.Variables("time1") = ""
should remove a Variable called "time" if there is one, and execute without errors if there is not.
In a similar way,
ActiveDocument.Variables("time1") = "something"
will create the Variable if it does not exist.
This is one of the things that makes Variables slightly easier to work with than Custom Document Properties, although it does mean that empty variables are not allowed.

Compile Error Expected Function Or Variable

I'm new and trying to learn VBA. When I'm typing in the code I get Compile Error Expected Function Or Variable.
Is something regarding the activecell, but can't figure it out.
Sub Testare()
Dim FilmName As String
Dim FilmLenght As Integer
Dim FilmDescription As String
FilmName = ActiveCell.Value
FilmLenght = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value
If FilmLenght < 100 Then
FilmDescription = "Interesant"
FilmDescription = "Suficient"
End If
MsgBox FilmName & " is " & FilmDescription
End Sub
This error happens also when a Sub is called the same as variable (i.e. in one Sub you have for loop with iterator "a", whilst another Sub is called "a").
This gives an error that fits to your description.
It is possible to make your code fail in two different ways:
Place a very large value in D10
Place a text value in D10
This will result in either an overflow error or type mismatch error.
I know this was asked a while ago, but I ended up with the same error when I created a Sub within a worksheet with the Sub Name the same as the Worksheet name.
Unfortunately when this happens, no error is highlighted by a compile; the error only appears at run time. Also, the offending line is not highlighted, which makes it a bit difficult to find.
Changing the Sub name solves it though.
Here is what caused this error in my case:
Inside a new Public Function that I was starting to write, I began to type a statement, but needed to copy a long varname from another location, so I just inserted the letter a to prevent Excel from popping-up the uber-annoying Compile Error: Expected Expression dialog. So I had this:
myVarName = a
I then attempted to step-through my code to get to that point, and when Excel entered that function I received the message "Compile Error: Expected Function Or Variable". To resolve, I just changed the placeholder to a number:
myVarName = 1
And all continued just fine.

How to check if a Paragraph is in a Table or not in MS-Word macro?

The paragraph object in the Word has a property called Range. Within this Range object has a property called Cells.
For paragraph that are not in a table, this property Paragraph.Range.Cells is set to "". This can be seen in the Watches window in debug mode.
For paragraph that are in a table, the property Paragraph.Range.Cells has other properties in it, for example it has a property called Count.
I am using this property of Paragraph.Range.Cells to determine if the paragraph is in a table or not. However, I cant seem to figure out how to test this.
For example, I cannot simply test like this...
If paragraph.Range.Cells <> Null Then.... or even
If IsNull(paragraph.Range.Cells) Then ...
It throws a Run-time error '5907' There is no table at this location
So, how would I test for this? thanks
You can use the Information property:
If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) Then
'What ever you'd like to do
End If
Hence you don't need any manual error catching mechanisms.
You can't call the Cells method unless the paragraph is in a table. You need to use a different method to determine whether the range is in a table.
You can use either...
paragraph.Range.Tables.Count > 0
Note that the second one looks more obvious, but is actually slower (only a problem if you're doing this inside a loop).
*Edited (if Err=) changed to (If Err<>)
You can simply allow the error to happen and catch it using OnError statement
Dim ParagraphIsTable As Object
OnError Resume Next 'allows errors to happen but execute next instruction
ParagraphIsTable = paragraph.Range.Cells
If Err <> 5907 Then '(this is to check for a specific error that might have happened)
'No Error occured, this means that ParagraphIsTable variable must contain a value
' Do the rest of your code here
' an Error occured, this means that this is not a table
' do whatever
End If
OnError Goto 0 ' This cancels the effect of OnError Resume Next
' Which means if new errors happen, you will be prompt about them