Default Filename for GetOpenFilename - vba

I'm looking to set a default filename in GetOpenFilename. I'm using GetOpenFilename because it was in an example for using UNC paths (which I require) and from what I've read you cannot do that with ChDir or ChDrive using FileDialog. Is there anything that exists that will allow presetting of the filename and work with UNC paths?
I've tried sticking the filename into the FileFilter section of GetOpenFilename and that does not work. From what I have found it looks like this may not be possible but my limited knowledge of VBA may be the issue as well.
I'm stuck with using UNC because the data is located on a network and not everyone maps it to the same drive or even maps it at all.

In Excel if you look in Application.Dialogs() you'll find a long list of predefined dialog boxes used in Excel that you can call upon. GetOpenFilename is the same situation, because it is predefined, the customization options are minimal.
To use the generic file dialog box (i.e. not custom within Excel) you can use Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen), this will allow for further customisation including the initial filename text.
Public Sub Sample()
Dim Dlg As FileDialog
Set Dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
Dlg.InitialFileName = "Sample"
Set Dlg = Nothing
End Sub


VBA for Word - UNC Paths

I have a Word document that uses VBA forms to generate the document content based on selection boxes. The VBA copies and pastes from other word documents into the main document. I use explicit paths to specify where it should go find the word documents.
It would be nice to use UNC paths instead, to remove some of the "explicitness" of the file locations (c:\Files\Example\Content\PROFILE.docx) and maybe replace it with something like "..\Content\Profile.docx "
Example of the code:
Sub GenerateProfile()
Dim currentPathProfile As String
currentPathProfileText = ActiveDocument.Path
currentPathProfileText = currentPathProfileText & "c:\Files\Example\Content\PROFILE.docx"
Documents.Open FileName:=currentPathProfileText
Dim currentPathProfileDoc As Document
Set currentPathProfileDoc = Documents(1)
Call CopyWholeContent
Call PasteWholeContent
End Sub
If the other word documents are in a relative path position to the template holding the code you can do it. It is easier if they are in a subfolder. Generate the path of ThisDocument (your code holder) and use that as a base.
However, rather than pull from documents, why not have the text stored in your template in the form of AutoText and use that instead? If the information is needed in more than one template, it can be stored in a global template as AutoText. This is much more flexible and less prone to problems, IMO.

Macro (VBA) in Excel is failing on colleagues PC but works on mine when colleague is logged in

I'm developing VBA tools to automate a series of long winded administration tasks, the code runs fine in the following circumstances.
When I am logged into my PC
When my colleague is logged into my PC
When I am logged into my colleagues PC
However it fails to complete correctly, when my colleague runs it on her PC.
The specific area it is failing in is:
'creates 2 dims for location of the two files that need opening based on the critera set on the home page
Dim newdata As String
newdata = Range("f11").Value
Dim olddata As String
olddata = Range("f12").Value
Dim fileextension As String
fileextension = Range("f14").Value
Dim fulllocationolddata As String
fulllocationolddata = Range("f13") & olddata & fileextension
Dim fulllocationnewdata As String
fulllocationnewdata = Range("f13") & newdata & fileextension
'open file containing OLDDATA c&p previous days data to the conversion tool
'then shuts the old data workbook
Workbooks.Open Filename:=fulllocationolddata
Workbooks("Stockfile Conversion Tool.xlsm").Activate
Sheets("OLD STOCK").Activate
Workbooks(olddata).Close SaveChanges:=False
The final line (Workbooks(olddata).Close SaveChanges:=False) does not shut the workbook, then later in the macro I open another workbook of the same name but as it's already open it just activates the window and the rest of the code falls apart.
If anyone has any ideas where I'm going wrong it would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your assistance
Making my comments to an answer here:
Whether Workbooks("Name of the Workbook") is working or not depends on the settings in System control - Folder Options - View - [ x ] Hide extensions for known file types.
If this is set, then Excel's file extensions .xlsx, .xlsm, ... are not visible in Explorer or other file listings. Only the file names of the Excel files are visible. If so, then Workbooks("Name of the Workbook") will work.
If Hide extensions for known file types is not set, then Excel's file extensions .xlsx, .xlsm, ... are visible in Explorer or other file listings. If so, then Workbooks("Name of the Workbook") will not work. Then only Workbooks("Name of the Workbook.xlsx"), giving the name and the extension, will work.
But Workbooks("Name of the Workbook.xlsx") will also work if Hide extensions for known file types is set. So using the full name inclusive extension should be preferred.
So for the concrete question:
If olddata only contains the name of the workbook and not the file extension then Workbooks(olddata) will only work if Hide extensions for known file types is set in Folder Options. It will fail, if that option is not set and the file extensions are visible in Explorer. But Workbooks("Stockfile Conversion Tool.xlsm") will always work independent of whether Hide extensions for known file types is set or not. So Workbooks(olddata & fileextension) should also always work if olddata only contains the name of the workbook and fileextension contains .xlsx for example.

Activate window of another Visio instance

Currently I have a file name stored in string called filename. The file stored in the string is currently open. Issue is, this file could some times be opened in another instance of Visio.
I want to activate the file that is stored in filename string
My current method does not capture this - The code below only checks if the filename exists among the current/one instance of Visio.
For Each objDoc In objVisio.Documents
If objDoc.Name = filename Then
Exit for
End If
How can I activate this file to bring it forward?
windows(filename & " - Microsoft Visio").activate
is not working either
I've tried
Dim objVisio as Visio.Application
Set objVisio = GetObject(filename).Application
which isn't working (maybe due to filename string only having the file name and not the entire file path as well)
Any other brute force methods available out there?
Any help is appreciated!
Try something like this:
AppActivate "Microsoft Visio"
I guess another option is to look into this:
I haven't worked extensively with Visio in VBA, so I am interested to see the true answer here.

Show files only (not folders) in a Office.FileDialog window?

I have a procedure using the Office.FileDialog object that goes to a remote folder, sets a FileDialog.Filter to search for a specific file in that folder (i.e., .Filter = "\\PATH\MYFILE*.pdf"), and then uses FileDialog.Show to display a window containing only that target file. When the window is displayed, it contains not only my target file but also all of the sub-folders in the target folder. How can I display only the files, and not the sub-folders?
As filtering applies only to files, and there's nothing of the kind in fileDialogType - I don't think what you're asking for is possible in VBA.
This will show only .pdf Files in the FileDialog. Just Add the specific path to the folder you want to open the FileDialog to in the quotations after ChDir "YourFile_Path".
Dim myFile As String
ChDir "C:\Users\Documents"
myFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(Title:="Import pdf File", FileFilter:="Pdf Files *.pdf (*.pdf),")

I have the file name open...Now how do I actually get the file itself to open?

I have a code that allows me to use an open file dialog to select a file. Once selected, the file path displays in Form3. What I'm trying to do from there is click Command_Button1 (Open) and physically open the file.
I can provide codes and JPEGs...but won't cloud this up until it is necessary :) I'm not using Common Dialog so the code is somewhat lengthy.
I looked online for a few hours yesterday and the closest I got was how to get it to open an Excel file...but this isn't Excel.
P.S. I'm new to if this isn't as simple as a few lines of code and I'm missing the difficulty of it, please let me know. It seems like it should be a simple enough process...
Edit 1:
#mehow, Do you think it could be because the whole path name isn't displaying? I double clicked Open and nothing happened like you said
If you already know the path then..
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
dim myPath as String
myPath = "C:\files\file1.exe"
Dim shell As Object
Set shell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
shell.Open myPath
End Sub