How to get output from PowerShell automation? -

I am trying to get output and post output from PowerShell instance into textbox. My code:
Private Sub ViewServiceLogToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ViewServiceLogToolStripMenuItem.Click
Using ps As PowerShell = PowerShell.Create()
Dim logFilePathName As String = "some path to log file"
ps.AddScript(String.Format("get-content {0} -wait", logFilePathName))
Dim outputCollection As PSDataCollection(Of PSObject) = New PSDataCollection(Of PSObject)
AddHandler outputCollection.DataAdded, AddressOf LogFileOutput
Dim result As IAsyncResult = ps.BeginInvoke(Of PSObject, PSObject)(Nothing, outputCollection)
End Using
End Sub
Sub LogFileOutput(send As Object, data As DataAddedEventArgs)
LogTextBox.Text += data.ToString
End Sub
I am unsure if this is running. Placing break point inside LogFileOutput handler sub is never raised. Thanks.


How to save checkbox value in xml using

I know, maybe this is a question that comes up quite often, but I haven't been able to work on it.
How can I save this checkbox values in an XML file using VB.Net ?
Private Sub ChkVul_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ChkVul.Click
If ChkVul.Checked = True Then
Me.pnlInsert.Visible = True
Me.pnlInsert.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Before I provide you with an answer, I wanted to recommend a slight code change. Since you are setting the Boolean value of pnlInsert.Visible based on a condition, which itself returns a Boolean value, simply get rid of the conditional check in the first place:
pnlInsert.Visible = ChkVul.Checked
Now to your question. What you are essentially asking is how to write a value to an XML file. Something to consider is that XML is only a markup language. At the end of the day, an XML file is simply a file that contains formatted text.
If you do not already have an XML file to read from, simply create a new instance of a XDocument (documentation). If you do have an XML file, then create a new instance of a XDocument by calling the static XDocument.Load method (documentation). Here is a function that takes in a file location and attempts to load a XDocument, if it is unable to then it returns a blank XDocument with a single <root> element:
Private Function LoadOrCreateXml(filename As String) As XDocument
Dim document = New XDocument()
document.Add(New XElement("root"))
If (Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename) AndAlso IO.File.Exists(filename)) Then
document = XDocument.Load(filename)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
' for the sake of this example, just silently fail
End Try
Return document
End Function
Now that you have an XDocument, it is just a matter of writing the value. You did not provide any details as to where the value should go or what the tag name should be, so I am going to assume that it should be a child of the <root /> element and the value would look something like this: <ChkVul>true/false</ChkVul>.
To do this, we will need to get the <root /> element by calling the Element method (documentation) on the XDocument to get the element and then call the Add method (documentation) on the resulting XElement to add our node with the value:
Dim document = LoadOrCreateXml("my-xml-file.txt")
document.Element("root").Add(New XElement("ChkVul", ChkVul.Checked))
The final piece of all this is to write the in-memory XDocument back to the file. You can leverage the XDocument.Save method (documentation):
Dim filename = "my-xml-file.txt"
Dim document = LoadOrCreateXml(filename)
document.Element("root").Add(New XElement("ChkVul", ChkVul.Checked))
Maybe this is what you have in mind. I tested this with other controls,
Public Class Form1
Private SavePath As String = IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop),
"MyControls.xml") 'some valid path <-----------<<<
Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
SaveCheckedState(ChkVul, "ChkVul", True)
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Shown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown
If IO.File.Exists(SavePath) Then
MyControls = XElement.Load(SavePath)
For Each el As XElement In MyControls.Elements
Dim ctrl() As Control = Me.Controls.Find(el.#name, True)
If ctrl.Length > 0 Then
Dim chkd As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo = ctrl(0).GetType().GetProperty("Checked")
Dim chkdV As Boolean = Boolean.Parse(el.#checked)
chkd.SetValue(ctrl(0), chkdV)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ChkVul_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ChkVul.CheckedChanged
If ChkVul.Checked Then
Me.pnlInsert.Visible = True
Me.pnlInsert.Visible = False
End If
SaveCheckedState(ChkVul, "ChkVul")
End Sub
Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadioButton1.CheckedChanged
SaveCheckedState(RadioButton1, "RadioButton1")
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
SaveCheckedState(CheckBox1, "CheckBox1")
End Sub
Private MyControls As XElement = <controls>
Private Sub SaveCheckedState(Ctrl As Control,
Name As String,
Optional Save As Boolean = False)
If Ctrl.GetType().GetProperty("Checked") IsNot Nothing Then
Dim chkd As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo = Ctrl.GetType().GetProperty("Checked")
Dim chkdV As Boolean = CBool(chkd.GetValue(Ctrl))
Dim ie As IEnumerable(Of XElement)
ie = From el In MyControls.Elements
Where el.#name = Ctrl.Name
Select el Take 1
Dim thisXML As XElement
If ie.Count = 0 Then
thisXML = <ctrl name=<%= Name %>></ctrl>
thisXML = ie(0)
End If
thisXML.#checked = chkdV.ToString
End If
If Save Then
Catch ex As Exception
' Stop
End Try
End If
End Sub
End Class

My consol app close after start but its works normaly if i start the normal way

I simpily made a consol app which is a TCP-server if i start the normal way like go to the .exe and start with click it works normaly soo not that is the problem as i think. What i want to do is just read the last line from that consol Here is my code
I got this code from another website
Sub Go()
Dim p As New Process
p.StartInfo.FileName = mainloc & "\ut\server.exe"
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
AddHandler p.OutputDataReceived, AddressOf HelloMum
End Sub
Sub HelloMum(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataReceivedEventArgs)
End Sub
Private Delegate Sub UpdateTextBoxDelegate(ByVal Text As String)
Private Sub UpdateTextBox(ByVal Tex As String)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Dim del As New UpdateTextBoxDelegate(AddressOf UpdateTextBox)
Dim args As Object() = {Tex}
Me.Invoke(del, args)
RichTextBox1.Text &= Tex & Environment.NewLine
End If
End Sub
And my problem is when i start this code with the Go sub the consol app show up for a second then it close by that second before it close it read the first two line then close, Before you ask in the consol app there is this line Console.ReadLine()
I am totally have no idea what i can do.
Thanks for any help

Wait until download is complete before starting other tasks

I am trying to download a file, and then run some adb commands. However when downloading, i could not get it to update the progress bar using
downloadFile(url,filename)` command.
A bit of searching it said that the command was blocking the UI thread, so i decided to use Task.Run() (a solution to my previous post to run ADB Commands when it blocked the UIThread).
This made no difference. Another solution that i found is to use
downloadFileAsync(url, filename)
The progress bar is updating!
But, the ADB commands are running before the file is downloaded! They are declared after, but they are still being run before the file is downloaded, which I don't want.
Here is the code:
Private Sub btnFlashRecovery_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFlashRecovery.Click
'Insert ommited Code here (removed to simplify question)
'id is variable obtained from a previous code that was ommited here
Dim fileName As String = "downloads/twrp-" & id & ".img"
DownloadFile(url, fileName)
'run the right commands
LabelToOutput = txtBoxRecovery
Dim commands(3, 3) As String
commands = {{"adb", "reboot bootloader", "Rebooting to bootloader"},
{"fastboot", "flash recovery" & "downloads/twrp-3.1.1-0.img", "Flashing recovery: (make sure device is plugged, otherwise it will not output anything)"},
{"fastboot", "reboot", "Rebooting device"}
'Task to run after
Task.Run(Sub() runComands(commands))
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateProgressBar(ByVal a As Integer)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Dim args() As String = {a}
Me.Invoke(New Action(Of String)(AddressOf UpdateProgressBar), args)
End If
ProgressBar1.Value = CInt(a)
End Sub
Public Sub DownloadFile(urlAddress As String, location As String)
Using webClient = New WebClient()
AddHandler webClient.DownloadFileCompleted, AddressOf Completed
AddHandler webClient.DownloadProgressChanged, AddressOf ProgressChanged
' Start downloading the file
webClient.DownloadFileAsync(New Uri(urlAddress), location)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Using
End Sub
' The event that will fire whenever the progress of the WebClient is changed
Private Sub ProgressChanged(sender As Object, e As DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs)
' Update the progressbar percentage only when the value is not the same.
End Sub
' The event that will trigger when the WebClient is completed
Private Sub Completed(sender As Object, e As AsyncCompletedEventArgs)
If e.Cancelled = True Then
MessageBox.Show("Download has been canceled.")
MessageBox.Show("Download completed!")
End If
End Sub
Do it like this:
'Need Async keyword with the method
Private Async Sub btnFlashRecovery_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFlashRecovery.Click
'Insert ommited Code here (removed to simplify question)
'id is variable obtained from a previous code that was ommited here
Dim fileName As String = "downloads/twrp-" & id & ".img"
'You need to AWAIT the result of the task
Await Task.Run(Sub() DownloadFile(url, fileName))
'run the right commands
LabelToOutput = txtBoxRecovery
Dim commands(3, 3) As String
commands = { {"adb", "reboot bootloader", "Rebooting to bootloader"},
{"fastboot", "flash recovery" & "downloads/twrp-3.1.1-0.img", "Flashing recovery: (make sure device is plugged, otherwise it will not output anything)"},
{"fastboot", "reboot", "Rebooting device"}
'Task to run after
'Await here, too, to allow the UI to remain responsive
Await Task.Run(Sub() runComands(commands))
End Sub

Cannot update textbox -crossthreading

I am trying to make an application to run multiple (adb specially) commands and get the output and display in a label.
First of all, i need to start the process to execute the commands. Thanks to stackoverflow and #pasty I found this (second reply): How to get Output of a Command Prompt Window line by line in Visual Basic?
Well, i thought that because it outputted to the console, it would be simple to just write it to the label. BIG MISTAKE! It gives me a cross threading error!
A little bit of googling and stack overflow I found this: accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on
Well, i tried to implement that, but the program just crashes freezes.
Here is the code:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' store error output lines
Dim executable As String() = {"adb", "adb"}
Dim arguments As String() = {"help", "reboot"}
For i As Integer = 0 To 0
Dim process = New Process()
process.StartInfo = createStartInfo(executable(i), arguments(i))
process.EnableRaisingEvents = True
AddHandler process.Exited, Sub(ByVal sendera As Object, ByVal ea As System.EventArgs)
Console.WriteLine(". Processing done.")
End Sub
' catch standard output
AddHandler process.OutputDataReceived, Sub(ByVal senderb As Object, ByVal eb As DataReceivedEventArgs)
If (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(eb.Data)) Then
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}> {1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"), eb.Data))
End If
End Sub
' catch errors
AddHandler process.ErrorDataReceived, Sub(ByVal senderc As Object, ByVal ec As DataReceivedEventArgs)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("! {0}", ec.Data))
Dim a As String = String.Format("! {0}", ec.Data)
End Sub
' start process
Dim result = process.Start()
' and wait for output
' and wait for errors :-)
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateTextBox(ByVal a As String)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Dim args() As String = {a}
Me.Invoke(New Action(Of String)(AddressOf UpdateTextBox), args)
End If
Label1.Text += "a"
End Sub
Private Function createStartInfo(ByVal executable As String, ByVal arguments As String) As ProcessStartInfo
Dim processStartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo(executable, arguments)
processStartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(executable)
' we want to read standard output
processStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
' we want to read the standard error
processStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True
processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
processStartInfo.ErrorDialog = False
processStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
Return processStartInfo
End Function
And the source code:
The call to process.WaitForExit() will block the UI thread until the spawned process exits, but while processing the output in the process.OutputDataReceived event you are calling Me.Invoke which tries to run the code on the UI thread, which is blocked, so the program freezes. You could move the logic in Button1_Click onto another thread, e.g.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
... current logic
End Sub
End Sub
That way the UI thread won't be blocked and the Me.Invoke call won't cause a deadlock.

Reading Output from cmd asynchronously

I'm using this code:
Shared sb_OutputData As New StringBuilder()
Shared sb_ErrorData As New StringBuilder()
Shared proc As Process = Nothing
Private Sub cmd()
If proc IsNot Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim info As New ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe")
' Redirect the standard output of the process.
info.RedirectStandardOutput = True
info.RedirectStandardInput = True
info.RedirectStandardError = True
' Set UseShellExecute to false for redirection
info.UseShellExecute = False
proc = New Process
proc.StartInfo = info
' Set our event handler to asynchronously read the sort output.
AddHandler proc.OutputDataReceived, AddressOf proc_OutputDataReceived
AddHandler proc.ErrorDataReceived, AddressOf proc_ErrorDataReceived
' Start the asynchronous read of the sort output stream. Note this line!
End Sub
Private Shared Sub proc_ErrorDataReceived(sender As Object, e As DataReceivedEventArgs)
'Console.WriteLine("Error data: {0}", e.Data)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub proc_OutputDataReceived(sender As Object, e As DataReceivedEventArgs)
' Console.WriteLine("Output data: {0}", e.Data)
End Sub
Sub CmdWrite(arguments As String)
Dim writeStream As StreamWriter = proc.StandardInput
End Sub
It works exactly as I want, be able to retrieve cmd output and error data without closing it (and asynchronously), however, I'm not able to know when the command is finished executing. I'd like to know when it reaches the end of the stream for me to grab all the output and do something with it...
I've been searching for quite long, and can't find an answer to this.
Help please?
The stream is open is long as the command window is open. You can't tell when they stop or start. If the command you're running doesn't indicate its end with a unique/detectable pattern, you're stuck, unless you can edit the script you're running and insert a string - which you can't guarantee won't show in the normal output - in between the command calls.