How to stop automatic recalculation in excel - vba

In the excel sheet pictured below I would like the recalculation to stop for the top portion from Row 1-5. And what I mean with recalculation is that for example cell M2, H4, S4 have the today() formula and every time I open it it recalculates. I would like for it to calculate once and once I save as to not recalculate again once opened again. Any suggestions? I have tried
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End Sub

Well, setting Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual at the time of Workbook_Open may not always assure you the desired result as there is a possibility that the Excel might be in xlCalculationAutomatic while opening your file.
So the workaround is, open Excel and set calculation to manual either in VBE or through menus and then open your file.
In VBE, type Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual in immediate window then hit Enter and then open your file.
In Excel, for 2007 version, click on Formula Menu, go to Calculation Group, in Calculation Options select Automatic/Manual. For older versions, Tools > Options > Calculation.

I don't have the reputation to post a comment to ask a clarifying question, so I will post an answer instead (making an assumption about what your answer would be).
As long as you never want those cells to recalculate (and don't mind losing the formula), the easiest solution would be to convert them to values.
simple macro to achieve this for first 5 rows:
sub ConvertToValues()
Dim rngToValues as Range
set rngToValues = YourSheet.UsedRange.Rows("1:5").EntireRow
rngToValues.Value = rngToValues.Value
end sub

I would suggest evaluating the function in VBA on events you want.
If you want TODAY function to calculate on your request, I would create a button with a macro that reevaluates TODAY.
How I would implement this depends on if you want/need to have the cell as a formula.
If it is enough to have the calculated value, you can calculate in VBA and set the value to the cells you want.
If you want to have a formula and keep the last evaluated TODAY value, you can set the formula to the cell.
Range("M2").Formula = Date() & "other formula part"
The easiest solution is to set todays value in some cell, in VBA
Sub Macro1 ()
Range("A5").Value = Date()
End Sub

I would suggest to add the below subroutine under Workbook_Open in PERSONAL.XLSB (to be saved at %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART) so that it gets loaded whenever Excel application is launched.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.CalculateBeforeSave = False
End Sub
While Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual will set the calculation mode to Manual (3rd Option in the below screenshot), Application.CalculateBeforeSave = False will untick the checkbox to Recalculate workbook before saving


Excel 2003 - Workbook_Activate bug for ActiveSheet.Calculate

Excel 2003, Windows 7 Professional SP1
Working on workbook A, which contains custom functions.
Workbook B is opened or edited
Back to workbook A, which Workbook_Activate sub is the following:
Private Sub Workbook_Activate
End Sub
This procedure should force the calculation of custom functions of workbook A, which cells display #VALUE during the edition of workbook B.
Below are the bugs I get on my computer, I hope you can help me with them!
When the workbook (not the whole Excel window) IS NOT in state ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal (i.e. it is full screen or minimized)
When the workbook IS in state ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal and the workbook has a width > 725 pixels (!)
The function Workbook_Activate is fired all the way (good thing).
The function ActiveSheet.Calculate is not fired (or without effect).
Breakpoints don't stop the code.
You can't run any code that edits cells, or run Application.CalculateFull, without getting a display bug such as entire ranges where the text or border vanish until the ranges have been selected.
In procedure Workbook_Activate, if we add ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal before ActiveSheet.Calculate:
When the workbook IS NOT in state ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal and the Excel window IS maximized
ONLY in this case, the bugs remain. It's the only case where function ActiveSheet.Calculate is not fired. ActiveWindowmethods don't fire either.
Obs.: Application.EnableEvents = False doesn't change anything. (It's probably not even triggered.)
Thank you!
I found a simple solution to avoid the bug.
Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Activate()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
... But it was not acceptable, because the calculation was set to "Manual" by default on any other opened workbook.
The best solution is here: Excel 2003 - Display bug with conditional formatting

Closing a userform that is in workbook A from workbook B

I'm new to VBA so there might be a simple answer to this question but if there is I sure haven't found it. What I am doing is copying data from several workbooks into one master workbook. I have writen the code for this and it works fine. The only problem is the workbooks where I'm retriving the data have userforms that automatically initiate when the workbook is accesed. This means that when I run my code to copy the data it hangs at each userform and wont continue until I've physically closed each userform. So my question is: Is there a way to remotely close the userforms in the raw data workbooks from my master workbook VBA code? Thanks in advance.
to close all userforms, (if you want a specific one , change my code)
sub Close_Userforms()
Dim Form as VBA.Userform 'if not work change to Object
For each Form in VBA.Userform
'can add a condition, like : if ="Whatever" then
unload Form 'if you don't want to lose the data from the userforms, Form.Hide, and later re-loop and Form.Show
next Form
edit : can also if Typename (Form)="Whatever" then , for the condition
Assuming you mean that the forms pop up when you open the workbooks, disable events before doing so:
Application.Enableevents = False
Workbooks.Open ...
Application.Enableevents = True
for example.
I would suggest trying
Application.EnableEvents = False
Further reading.
Short description: All events (Workbook_Open, Workbook_BeforeSave etc), that usually fires upon opening or closing a workbook, will be ignored.
I have written the following functions to make all macros a bit simpler (and faster). Simply place these functions in a regular module.
Public Function CalcOff()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
End Function
Public Function CalcOn()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function
Begin your macro with:
And then end your macro with:
Remember that you need to put "CalcOn" in all places that exits the running macro.
Disabling ScreenUpdating makes the code "run in background" (nothing will be displayed).
Setting Calculation to manual improves the speed of the code, since no calculations will be made when changing data. But it's very important to exit all macros with "CalcOn", otherwise your sheet won't calculate (and that's not funny), and it will look like Excel has frozen (since ScreenUpdating would still be turned off).
However, if you by any chance happen to break a running code without exiting it the proper way (running "CalcOn"), simply close the Excel application and reopen it. Or run a macro that ends with the "CalcOn" code. Or create a new macro with that simple line.

Application.Calculation depending on workbook

I'm managing a workbook with more than 200 000 formulas (some really complicated array formulas) which means that I can't let Excel automatically calculate all the cells every time I click somewhere (it takes around 8 hours to calculate everything).
Instead of that, the calculation is set to manual and I have the following VBA code executed when Calculation.xlsm is opened:
With Application
.CalculateBeforeSave = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
I use custom buttons to calculate only some parts of the 200k cells when needed.
I noticed that Excel does keep track of that setting in each workbooks, which means that if I open my Calculation.xlsm, Excel remembers that the calculation is set to manual. If I open my Values.xlsx, Excel does remember that the calculation is set to automatic. This was before I tried to copy values from Calculation.xlsm to Values.xlsx.
Now, because I'm using VBA in Calculation.xlsm to copy values to Values.xlsx, Excel does apply the Application.Calculation setting to that workbook too, which means that if I open it with a new instance of Excel, the calculation will still be set to manually.
If I add a Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic before closing the Values.xlsx with VBA in my Calculation.xlsm workbook, it will work, but Excel will also start to compute the 200k cells in my Calculation.xlsm workbook, which I obviously don't want.
So my question is about how to actually set the calculation of Excel based on a specific workbook instead of with the Application object. This is based on the fact that Excel does keep track of that setting depending on which workbook is opened (you can just do the test and create 2 different .xlsx files, one with the calculation enabled and the other with the calculation disabled and Excel will remember these settings).
I know I could use the Worksheets.Range.Calculate method to calculate my Values.xlsx workbook before closing it, but the calculation will still be set to manual if I open it in a new instance of Excel after that.
EDIT 3:20pm: Not sure if I was clear enough, English isn't my native language. In short, I have Calculation.xlsm with VBA and Calculation set to manual. I have Values.xlsx with no VBA and Calculation set to automatic. If I open Values.xlsx with the following VBA code in Calculation.xlsm, Excel will automatically convert my Values.xlsx workbook to manual calculations.
Calculation.xlsm code:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
With Application
.CalculateBeforeSave = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
End Sub
Sub someFunction()
Set WB = Application.Workbooks.Open("Values.xlsx")
Set WBws = WB.Sheets("mySheet")
End Sub
After the execution of someFunction(), Values.xlsx calculation is set to manual. That's the problem. I would like it to stay on automatic (and I can't add VBA to that file, it must be all done from Calculation.xlsm like above).
EDIT 3:40pm: Could I just have my big workbook with Application.Calculation set to manual, put all the data I need in the clipboard (I only need the values, not the formulas), close it (will the VBA still continue to execute even if I close the workbook from which it is executed?), set Application.Calculation to Auto (since there is no open workbook), then open the destination workbook to paste the values (will Excel still keep the data in the clipboard since the other workbook is closed?), then save and close that workbook, set back the calculation to manual (no workbook opened) and reopen the original workbook from which the code was executed?
One way to do this would be to create a new instance of Excel. While this is probably slower, and might be more difficult to work with in cases where you don't close the book/application within the function, but for simple case like your example, it may be easiest to implement:
Sub someFunction()
Dim newExcel as Excel.Application
Set newExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set WB = newExcel.Workbooks.Open("Values.xlsx")
Set WBws = WB.Sheets("mySheet")
Set newExcel = Nothing
End Sub
The Application.Calculation property is relative to that instance of the application, not other instances.
Alternatively, you can use an application-level event handler. I suspect this might be faster but I have not tested it for speed.
Modified slightly from this very similar question (which also asks about conditionally disabling an Application-level property).
I was just worrying about if the code would still be executed if I close the workbook from which it is launched
Then just use the normal Workbook_BeforeClose event handler to restore the desired Application.Calculation property (for the entire application/all other open workbooks).
The rest of the answer:
Create an application-level event handler, create a class module named cEventClass and put this code in it:
Public WithEvents appevent As Application
Dim ret
Private Sub appevent_WorkbookActivate(ByVal wb As Workbook)
Call ToggleCalculation(wb, ret)
End Sub
Use the following in a standard module named mod_Caclulate:
Option Explicit
Public XLEvents As New cEventClass
Sub SetEventHandler()
If XLEvents.appevent Is Nothing Then
Set XLEvents.appevent = Application
End If
End Sub
Sub ToggleCalculation(wb As Workbook, Optional ret)
If wb.Name = ThisWorkbook.Name Then
ret = xlCalculationManual
ret = xlCalculationAutomatic
End If
Application.Calculation = ret
End Sub
Put this in the Workbook_Open event handler of the workbook which you always want to be manual calculation:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
'Create the event handler when the workbook opens
Call mod_Caclulate.SetEventHandler
Call mod_Caclulate.ToggleCalculation(Me)
End Sub
This will create the event handler only when the specific workbook is opened, and the handler will toggle the Calculation property whenever you switch views to a different workbook.
Note: If you "end" run-time or do anything while debugging which would cause state loss, you will lose the event handler. This can always be restored by calling the Workbook_Open procedure, so an additional safeguard might be to add this also in the ThisWorkbook code module:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
' Additional safeguard in case state loss has killed the event handler:
' use some workbook-level events to re-instantiate the event handler
Call Workbook_Open
End Sub

Making excel graphs appear/disappear

I want a graph only to appear when a condition is fulfilled. To be more precise: I have a drop down menu that changes the content of a graph. If the menu point "Total revenue" is clicked, I want a second graph to appear. I am new to VBA and this is what I came up with so far:
Sub Iffuntion()
Dim SelectedChart As Range
Dim notVisible As Boolean
If Range("D100").Value = Range("E100").Value Then
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Testchart").Visible = True
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Testchart").Visible = notVisible
End If
End Sub
It works, but I have to execute the VBA to make the graph appear/disappear and I would like that to happen automatically. Also the condition should eventually be in another worksheet to keep the sheet with the graphs nice and tidy. I read that to achieve this I have toI have to activate the other worksheet. Would you recommend this way or is there a better solution?
Thanks for the help and best regards!
EDIT: Here is the link to a sample file with the proposed solution of Cor_Blimey, that I couldn't get to work properly. The interconnections in the excel are more complicated than they would have to be, but I wanted to be as accurate ad possible in displaying what is actually happening in my excel. Thanks for taking a look!
Assuming you mean that they change, from a data validation drop down list, the contents of a cell then you can put your code into the Worksheet's Worksheet_Change event. This event is fired when the user changes the content of a cell (or by an external link).
Then test for the cell being the right cell then run your code.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Intersect(Target, Me.Range("D100"))
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
If rng.Value = Me.Range("E100").Value Then
Me.ChartObjects("Testchart").Visible = True
Me.ChartObjects("Testchart").Visible = False
End If
End If
End Sub

Call a function when only a specific Excel cell changes on Formula Recalculation

As far as i know, Worksheet_Calculate is called when the value of any cell in a worksheet changes on Formula recalculation.
Is there a way so that i need a function to be called only when a specific cell changes on Formula Recalculation
To make something happen when a specific cell is changed, you need to embed the relevant selection change event within the file Worksheet_Change(byval target as Range). We can re-calculate a worksheet when your cell changes as follows:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(byval target as range)
If target.address = Range("YourCell").Address Then Application.Calculate
End Sub
Now what you want to do is switch off calculations the rest of the time. If you only want to switch off calculations on the single sheet (and not your whole file), you will need to turn calculations off when it is activated, and on when deactivated e.g.
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
Of course, your requirements to re-calculate may be considerably more complex than the example above. Firstly, you may open the file whilst on the sheet in question in which case you should use the Workbook_Open event to detect your sheet, and set calculations accordingly
Then you may have several cells that may require some sort of calculation. Presumably the reason you want to switch off calculations is that the file is running too slowly. If so, and you are identifying all the input cells, you could enter the outputs using code. One method would be to enter the formulas using this guide to entering formulas in Excel Visual Basic. You could then replace the formula with the calculated value e.g. Range("YourCell") = Range("YourCell") stopping the number of formulas in the sheet constantly growing
Let me see if I interpret your question correctly. You want to know if it is possible to only kickoff a macro if a particular cell (or group of cells) is changed.
The answer is Yes. To tweak Ed's code a little.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(byval target as range)
If Not Intersect(target.address, Range("YourCells")) is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
I think your use of "function" is throwing people off. That's why Ed's answer is so elaborate.
Ok. It is possible that you stated your question correctly and you just want to gain efficiency. In that case, Ed's answer solves your immediate problem, but will cause the spreadsheet NOT to calculate automatically when you change other cells.