Phalcon: save reference to new record in one transaction - orm

Im trying to save a reference to a new object in a single transaction as shown here in the documentation under 'implicit transactions':
I am creating two new objects of the same class, one is then referencing the other. From the documentation, the save should be performed on TreeNodeA when TreeNodeB is saved and the ID will be passed to TreeNodeB->parent_tree_node_id
This doesnt seem to be working, and it still being passed as an object as Im getting the error on the save function:
Object of class TreeNodes could not be converted to string
I've tried writing a saveTreeParentNodeId function in the model and also setting it using the alias, but neither seem to work.
$treeNode = new TreeNodes();
$parentNode = $treeNode->findFirst();
$treeNodeA = new TreeNodes();
$treeNodeA->tree_id = $parentNode->tree_id;
$treeNodeA->tree_parent_node_id = $parentNode;
$treeNodeA->tree_level_id = 2;
$treeNodeA->node_desc = "Test Node A";
$treeNodeB = new TreeNodes();
$treeNodeB->tree_id = $parentNode->tree_id;
$treeNodeB->tree_parent_node_id = $treeNodeA;
$treeNodeB->tree_level_id = 3;
$treeNodeB->tree_desc = "Test Node B";
The model:
class TreeNodes extends MyModel
public $node_id;
public $tree_id;
public $tree_parent_node_id;
public $tree_level_id;
public $node_desc;
public function getSource()
return "TreeNodes";
public function setTreeParentNodeId(TreeNodes $parentNode){
$this->tree_parent_node_id = $parentNode->node_id;
public function initialize()
'alias' => 'organisation',
'reusable' => true
'alias' => 'type',
'reusable' => true
'alias' => 'parentNode'
By updating the model to use belongsTo, Phalcon recognises the parentNode.
'alias' => 'parentNode'
This enables $treeNodeA to save implicitly when $treeNodeB is saved.
$treeNodeA->parentNode = $parentNode;
Unfortunately, $treeNodeB with a reference to $treeNodeA as the parentNode is NOT saved. No error message is returned either, just 'true'.

In the documentation example you linked, they assign the $robotPart object to $robot->robotPart. robotPart refers to the linked RobotPart object and not to the ID ( to which you are trying to assign your object )
$treeNodeB = new TreeNodes();
$treeNodeB->tree_id = $parentNode->tree_id;
// $treeNodeB->tree_parent_node_id = $treeNodeA;
$treeNodeB->parentNode = $treeNodeA;
You should use parentNode here because this is the name you gave to your relationship via hasOne.
I haven't tested this myself, but by following the documentation's logic, this should push you in the right direction.
Alter you model relationships so you have both sides of the relation
// let Phalcon know that "tree_parent_node_id" is a reference to "node_id"
'tree_parent_node_id', // your column
'TreeNodes', // referenced table
'node_id', // referenced table column
'alias' => 'parentNode',
'foreignKey' => true
// let Phalcon know that "node_id" is being referenced as a FK in "TreeNodes"
'node_id', // PK
'TreeNodes', // referenced table
'tree_parent_node_id', // referenced table column
array('foreignKey' => ['message' => 'FK constraint error between node_id and tree_parent_node_id'])


PDO's fetch method passes wrong parameter to constructor class (in Yii)

Model class MyModel has following behavior
public function behaviors() {
return [
'CTimestampBehavior' => [
'class' => 'zii.behaviors.CTimestampBehavior',
'createAttribute' => null,
'updateAttribute' => 'update_time',
'setUpdateOnCreate' => true
In code, in controller I write something like
$model = new MyModel();
$dataReader = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->selectDistinct('some fields')
->leftJoin('some table')
->where('some criteria')
while ($item = $dataReader->readObject('MyMode', $model->getAttributes())) {
**//!!! HERE item array is with model attributes, which are empty**
$items[] = $item;
disaster, it's not working, items is array, each of element holding empty list of attributes, like no data fetched from db
If I write
$dataReader = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->selectDistinct('some fields')
->leftJoin('some table')
->where('some criteria')
while ($item = $dataReader->readObject('MyModel', MyModel::model()->getAttributes())) {
//!!! HERE item array is with model attributes, which hold correct data, taken from db
$items[] = $item;
it's working
If I get rid off CTimestamp behavior, both cases work.
If I debug first case, I realize that, after pdo fetchobject is done, it calls constructor with scenario="current_timestamp()". Question is why? And where I missstepped?
If you read readObject() documentation you will find that second argument is not list of fields, but list of constructor arguments. CActiveRecord has only one constructor argument - $scenario. $dataReader->readObject('MyMode', $model->getAttributes()) essentially assigns random value as scenario, since it will get first value from $model->getAttributes(). In your case you probably need:
$item = $dataReader->readObject('MyModel', []);

How to make field enum migration yii2

I make field ENUM and the result is error when I use yii migrate/up on CMD windows.
public function up()
$tableOptions = null;
if ($this->db->driverName === 'mysql') {
$tableOptions = 'CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE=InnoDB';
$this->createTable('{{%user_social_media}}', [
'social_media' => $this->ENUM('facebook', 'google', 'twitter', 'github'),
'id' => $this->primaryKey(),
'username' => $this->string(),
'user_id' => $this->integer(11),
'created_at' => $this->integer(11),
'updated_at' => $this->integer(11),
], $tableOptions);
There is no enum() method at the moment since not every DB is supporting ENUM fields. You can do it manually though:
'social_media' => "ENUM('facebook', 'google', 'twitter', 'github')",
This solution is for Mysql only
For related Postgresql content visit here
Actually the best way of working this and keeping your migrations clean would be by using some tool/helper like the one provided by the yii2mod team
this way you can build the enum functionality on code, works like a charm.
i.e. an enum for genderType
namespace common\models\enums;
use yii2mod\enum\helpers\BaseEnum;
* Class GenderType
* #package yii2mod\settings\models\enumerables
class GenderType extends BaseEnum
// add as many genders as you need
const MALE_TYPE = 'MALE';
public static $list = [
self::MALE_TYPE => 'Male',
self::FEMALE_TYPE => 'Female',
Use the following methods to access your Enum:
createByName() - Creates a new type instance using the name of a
getValueByName() - Returns the constant key by value(label)
createByValue() - Creates a new type instance using the value.
listData() - Returns the associative array with constants values and
getLabel()- Returns the constant label by key
getConstantsByName() - Returns the list of constants (by name) for
this type.
getConstantsByValue() - Returns the list of constants (by
value) for this type.
isValidName() - Checks if a name is valid for
this type. isValidValue() - Checks if a value is valid for this type.

A new entity was found through the relationship. Doctrine

The application has thrown an exception!
A new entity was found through the relationship 'Core\Model\Filter#category' that was not configured to cascade persist operations for entity: Core\Model\Category#00000000314fc99200005639c0395a5e. To solve this issue: Either explicitly call EntityManager#persist() on this unknown entity or configure cascade persist this association in the mapping for example #ManyToOne(..,cascade={"persist"}). If you cannot find out which entity causes the problem implement 'Core\Model\Category#__toString()' to get a clue.
This function cause an exception.
Some comits in code.
It is ZendFramework 2.
protected function handleCategory( $data, \Core\Model\Project $project )
$filter = $this->sl()->get( "Core\Filter\JSON\Category" );
$filter->setData( $data );
if( !$filter->isValid() ){
$id = #$data[ 'id' ];
$report = array(
'id' => $id,
'messages' => $filter->getMessages()
return $report;
$filteredData = $filter->getValues();
$repo = $this->em()->getRepository( "Core\Model\Category" );
$category = $repo->findOneBy(
'id' => $filteredData[ 'id' ],
'project' => $project->getId()
$b = false;
if( !$category ){
$b = true;
$category = new \Core\Model\Category;
$category->setProject( $project )
->setCreatedAt( new \DateTime() );
$category->setUpdatedAt( new \DateTime() );
/* Hydrate Category */
$hydrator = $this->sl()->get( "Core\Hydrator\JSON\Category" );
$hydrator->hydrate( $filteredData, $category );
/* Persist Category */
/* Return Filter Data */
$filterData = $hydrator->get();
/* Hydrate Filter */
$filterHydrator = $this->sl()->get( 'Core\Hydrator\JSON\Filter' );
//$filtersObj = array();
foreach($filterData as $i => $fdata)
$filterObj = new \Core\Model\Filter;
$filterHydrator->hydrate($fdata, $filterObj);
/*Breaks after any flush after second persist*/
return true;
I tried to solve this problem by:
MERGE, but get another exception, A managed dirty+entity [...]
cascade={"persist"}, but nothing happend.
rewrite code in that what you see, i made all persists in one function one by one with one EntityManager.(If i missing something please tell me)
Never work before with ZendFramework. I love Symfony with app/console manager, all entities with tables creates authomatically.
Solved this problem with adding
And we can remove
To do script faster. I paste it in the end.
I think this is not good idea, but it works.
I still waiting for your answers.

Yii: in a view _view, ho to add a related grid [sortable and searchable]?

I've Client [1->N] Delivery
In _view of Client I want Delivery related to my client
This is in my ClientController
public function actionView($id)
$client = $this->loadModel($id);
$delivery_provider = new CActiveDataProvider(
array (
'criteria' => array (
'condition' => 'client_id = :c_id',
'params' => array (':c_id' => $client->id),
), // fine dei criteri
) // fine array di definizione cactiveprovider
); // fine del CActive provider
'model'=> $client,
'delivery_provider' => $delivery_provider,
Then modules/admin/views/client/_view.php I add my CGridView. ... but ... it's not searchable and not sortable (but pagination works...)
How to proceed ?
Since Delivery is a model it's better to use the CActiveRecord::search() instead. This method is automatically generated for you if you used Gii.
For searching you have to capture the results of the search form / filters using $this->setAttributes($_GET['Delivery']); assuming your inputs have names of the form Delivery[attribute_name].
public function actionView($id){
$client = $this->loadModel($id);
$delivery = new Delivery('search');
'model'=> $client,
'delivery_provider' => $delivery->search(),

Yii -CExistValidator for external key

In a simple project with Yii I have a model:
* The followings are the available columns in table 'checkins':
* #property integer $id
* #property integer $user_id
* #property integer $item_id
* #property double $lat
* #property double $long
The two values $user_id and $item_id belong to other two tables:
public function relations()
// NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related
// class name for the relations automatically generated below.
return array(
'user' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Users', 'user_id'),
'item' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Items', 'item_id'),
I defined some validator:
public function rules()
// NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that
// will receive user inputs.
return array(
array('user_id, item_id, lat, long', 'required'),
array('item_id', 'exist', 'on'=>'create', 'attributeName'=>'id', 'className'=>'Items'),
array('user_id, item_id', 'numerical', 'integerOnly'=>true),
array('lat, long', 'numerical'),
// The following rule is used by search().
// Please remove those attributes that should not be searched.
array('id, user_id, item_id, lat, long', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),
When in the actionCreate the method save() execute all the validators are working but not the one designed to check the presence of the external key in the model Items
array('item_id', 'exist', 'on'=>'create', 'attributeName'=>'id', 'className'=>'Items'),
And in case I try to save a Checkins that has a value in item_id without having the same id in the Items I don's any validation error.
Is this the right approach?
I think it is most likely because you don't set the model's scenario to 'create' before saving (I'm just guessing that, because you don't attach the $checkin->save() code in the controller's actionCreate.). The other validation worked most likely because they aren't set to a specific scenario (i.e. they will work in all validation.).
For example if there is no Item with id 5, the code below
$checkin = new Checkin();
$checkin->text = 'test';
$checkin->item_id = 5;
if (!$checkin->validate()){
will work normally since the Checkin's scenario is not set to 'create' (the default is 'insert'). But I tried the code below
$checkin = new Checkin();
$checkin->scenario = 'create';
//or you can set it in the instantiation
//$checkin = new Checkin('create');
$checkin->text = 'test';
$checkin->item_id = 5;
if (!$checkin->validate()){
This will result a validation error.
Can you paste your model saving code?