Prevent vba generated PowerPoint table from auto-sizing rows - vba

I have a large macro that generates and populates a table in powerpoint based on excel values. I manually resize the rows based on specific parameters, but I've run into the very annoying issue that I cannot seem to prevent the rows from auto-resizing if the text would overflow from that particular cell. I've tried using the textframe and textframe2 "autosize" property but this gives an error on the first call saying that the specified value is out of range. The error number is -2147024809 (80070057), although I doubt that will be of any use. Is there a way to prevent this autosizing beyond writing code to manually shorten the text when it will overflow?

the answer to your question is yes; you can do this. This topic is discussed in the following thread: Understanding format of tables in PowerPoint (VBA 2010) (resize text to cell)
However, I don't know if this technique still 'works' for ppt 2016. I had such code implemented, and then I 'upgraded' to office 2016; now it doesn't work.
With that being said, this was my code (resized the text until it 'fit'):
Do Until (table.rows(1).height + table.rows(2).height < TABLE_HEIGHT) or (table.Cell(2, 2).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.size = 1)
If table.Cell(1, 1).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.size = 1 Then
table.Cell(1, 1).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.size = 27
table.Cell(2, 2).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.size = table.Cell(2, 2).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.size - 1
table.Cell(2, 3).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.size = table.Cell(2, 2).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.size
table.Cell(1, 1).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.size = table.Cell(1, 1).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.size - 1
End If
In order to restore some functionality in ppt 2016, I decided to rewrite my code to limit the number of lines shown to prevent the 'resize' table call:
table.Cell(1, 1).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange = table.Cell(1, 1).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.lines(1,2)
table.Cell(2, 2).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange = table.Cell(2,2).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.lines(1,1)
table.Cell(2, 3).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange = table.Cell(2, 3).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.lines(1,1)
In theory, you can use the .height; .Textrange; and the height of your font to figure the size of font you need inorder to 'shrink' the text to fit.

What do you want to happen when there is too much text to fit into a cell? There is no UI concept in PowerPoint to prevent row auto resizing based on cell overflow as there is nowhere for the additional text to go as demonstrated by typing in a cell within PowerPoint. Therefore there is no API to do the same. I would record the row before and after inserting the text and truncate word by word as you say until the row height returns to the original value.


VBA PowerPoint Table Cell's Format

I have been looking everywhere for this solution but can't seem to find it anywhere.
I want to access these offsets percentage of the cell so I can make the image smaller
But when I use this code
With $SHP.Table.Cell(1, $i).Shape.Fill
.TextureOffsetX = 25
.TextureOffsetY = 25
This happens:
Texture tile turns to true and my picture is being repeated itself.

Getting Text To Fit A Shape

I am coding using PowerPoint VBA and am trying to place text inside a rectangle shape, but ensure that the text fits (so there is no overflowing). I do not want the shape itself to resize, but the text to resize.
I have seen that I can use
oShp.TextFrame2.AutoSize = msoAutoSizeTextToFitShape
However, the problem with this is that the text will only resize after the user has clicked on the textbox when PowerPoint is in normal mode. I want this functionality when the PowerPoint is running!
I would be grateful to know is there a way to get the text automatically resized or do I need to find an alternative method?
Thank you for any comments!
I thought I would answer my question and close the thread.
After doing much research I found that there was no apparent method to get the text to auto-resize itself when the PowerPoint Show runs. I tried a number of approaches e.g. inserting text, trimming the text and turning word wrap off and on - however, none of these worked. I note (Bhavesh) I was fully aware of how to select the auto-size text settings via PowerPoint's GUI.
In the end my solution was to make a do loop and change the size of the text.
Below I pasted my key lines in the hope that it might help someone else who is trying to do the same. I made a variable overflow which attempts to assess if the height of the shape's textbox is bigger than the size of the rectangle.
Dim overflow As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
counter = 0
With ActivePresentation.Slides(i).Shapes(stringToTest)
overflow = CInt((.TextFrame.TextRange.BoundHeight) - (.Height - .TextFrame.MarginTop - .TextFrame.MarginBottom))
Do While overflow > 16 And counter < 50
'*** I note that the shape is overflowing when its value is >0 but I found 16 to be the most "aesthetically pleasing" number!
'*** Also using a counter prevents the code from potentially getting stuck in an infinite loop
If .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size > 20 Then
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size - 1
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size - 0.5
End If
'**** By reducing the font size by 0.5 this provided a better fit for the text _
'**** (even better than using on PowerPoint's auto-size function!)
counter = counter + 1
overflow = CInt((.TextFrame.TextRange.BoundHeight) - (.Height - .TextFrame.MarginTop - .TextFrame.MarginBottom))
End With
In shape format, under text options, choose the option to shrink text on overflow.
Then, using .Shapes("Title 1").TextFrame.TextRange we input text via VBA.
The text automatically changes its font size.

How to fit column width in macro?

I wrote a macro which copies table from excel to word. In excel all columns have different width. In Word I want to fit my table to one page - margins in Word are 1.5 cm from left and right. Number of rows in my table changes, number of columns is stable (this is 14). How can I set column width to be equal? I wonder if it's possible to set the same column width regardless of the amount of text in headlines. I create swdth variable which I then divide by 14 (all my columns) and I have my table on one page...
This code doesn't work properly. I have all rows in one page, but columns have different width.
Table.Rows.SetHeight RowHeight:=InchesToPoints(0.17), HeightRule:=wdRowHeightExactly
Table.Rows(1).SetHeight RowHeight:=InchesToPoints(0.59), HeightRule:=wdRowHeightExactly
sWdth = InchesToPoints(6.22)
WordTable.PreferredWidthType = wdPreferredWidthPoints
WordTable.PreferredWidth = sWdth
sWdth = sWdth / 14
Giving all columns the same with is as simple as:
but it's not apparent what this has to do with keeping the table on one page.
I've seen similar questions recently. As always...
#1) Turn on the Macro Recorder
#2) Click through the steps you need to perform
#3) Turn off the Macro Recorder
Hit Alt+F11 and you should see all the code you need to do whatever you want to do. Remember, the Macro Recorder is your friend!

Programming in VBA the selection of multiple rows in a Word 2014 table

I want to change the font of all even rows in a large table in Microsoft Word (most versions, I use 2014) to red
I tried a simple loop :
For ii=2 to ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows.Count step 2
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = wdRed
This sometimes hangs, sometimes it works, but takes hours (my table has 14000 rows...)
Then I had the idea : Manually, I can select a row by left-clicking on its left, then add additional rows to the selection by Ctrl-left-click on their left.
And I can then modify the font of all rows selected at once.
So let's see if doing the same programmatically is faster ! I tried something like
For ii=4 to ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows.Count step 2
Selection.Add (ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows(ii))
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = wdRed
but Add is not accepted as a valid Selection object member
Can someone help there ?
define a new style and apply it to the table ... no vba needed
this is a macro recording of an example style change ... if you wish to use vba
Selection.Tables(1).Style = "Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 2"
also, record a macro of doing a new style definition .... lots of good stuff in it

Getting display text as ###### for some of the cell in excel after writing from code

I am writting to an excel file from my vb code. The code goes as below
xlsheet3 = xlBook.Sheets.Add(After:=xlSheet)
With xlsheet3
.Columns(5).NumberFormat = "#"
.Cells(j + 1, 5) = someStringValue 'Here "j" is a row counter and this line is in a "for loop"
end with
After writing to excel, most of the cells in excel are correct. But some of the cell's text comes as ####### however if I click on the cell, formula bar shows the correct result. I have tried giving single code before adding the text still that did not help.
Please help me in resolving this.
Thank you
There is not any issue with your code. You need to increase the width of the column or have to use word wrap. In excel if your value is not fully visible it shows it is "######".
If widening and wrapping text doesn't work and the format is set to text which allows display of only 255 characters, try changing the format to general.
This just indicates that the cell is too small for showing the result: make it wider.
See for some common reasons why Excel displays "######" in cells.
Either the cell is too narrow to display the contents or the contents are over 256 characters.
Check what you're writing to the cell. If it's not too long then all you need to do is resize the column to fit the new contents.
This is simply what Excel does when the data in a column is too wide to be displayed in the current column width. Make the column slightly wider and you will see all your data.
To autosize the column so it is wide enough to display all its data, double click the column divider at the right edge of the column, in the header bar.