EF marking entities as modified with no changes - vb.net

Using proxies in EF6.1.3 with the following code (VB.NET): -
Dim DB As New BMContext
Dim sl = DB.StockLevels.First
Dim ee = (From e In DB.ChangeTracker.Entries Where e.Entity Is sl).Single
sl.Level = sl.Level
Checking ee.State before the final line correctly gives a state of Unmodified. After that line it shows as Modified even though the property has been set to what it already was. This even triggers an UPDATE when I call SaveChanges!
Data class code: -
Public Class StockLevel
Public Overridable Property ID As Integer
Public Overridable Property Level As Integer?
End Class
Obviously my actual code is rather a lot more complex as this example is pretty pointless other than demonstrating the problem.

"change-tracking proxies mark a property as modified whenever any value is written to it."
From source
Basically, since you're assigning a value to this property (even though it is the exact same value), you are receiving a Modified state.

I've ended up writing this to call before SaveChanges, although I find it a bit ridiculous that I need to...
Public Class DbEntityModification
Public ReadOnly Property FieldName As String
Public ReadOnly Property OriginalValue As Object
Public ReadOnly Property CurrentValue As Object
Public Sub New(FieldName As String, OriginalValue As Object, CurrentValue As Object)
_FieldName = FieldName
_OriginalValue = OriginalValue
_CurrentValue = CurrentValue
End Sub
End Class
<Extension()> Public Function GetChangedValues(e As DbEntityEntry) As IDictionary(Of String, DbEntityModification)
Dim ret As New Dictionary(Of String, DbEntityModification)
For Each propname In e.CurrentValues.PropertyNames
Dim nv = e.CurrentValues.Item(propname)
Dim ov = e.OriginalValues.Item(propname)
Dim Changed = False
If ov Is Nothing Then
Changed = nv IsNot Nothing
ElseIf Not ov.Equals(nv) Then
Changed = True
End If
If Changed Then
Dim m As New DbEntityModification(propname, ov, nv)
ret.Add(propname, m)
End If
Return ret
End Function
<Extension()> Public Sub MarkUnchangedAnyUnchangedEntities(ees As IEnumerable(Of DbEntityEntry))
For Each ee In ees
If ee.State = EntityState.Modified Then
If GetChangedValues(ee).Keys.Count = 0 Then
ee.State = EntityState.Unchanged
End If
End If
End Sub
<Extension()> Public Sub MarkUnchangedAnyUnchangedEntities(context As DbContext)
End Sub


How To Code So That Intellisense Follows The Complete Chain

While this code works and I can assign and retrieve values across all levels, intellisense only displays the methods or properties 1 level deep. How would I go about coding this so that I can follow my "Path" all the way down using intellisense and not necessarily have to just remember the methods or properties?
for instance if I type Wip. I get
but when I type Wip.Parts("Test"). , the SequenceNumbers member and its Methods/Properties are not displayed
I have the following code
Option Explicit
Private iSeq As String
Private iQty As Double
Public Property Get Qty() As Double
Qty = iQty
End Property
Public Property Let Qty(lQty As Double)
iQty = lQty
End Property
Public Property Get Sequence() As String
Sequence = iSeq
End Property
Public Property Let Sequence(lSeq As String)
iSeq = lSeq
End Property
Option Explicit
Private iPart As String
Public SequenceNumbers As Collection
Public Property Get PartNumber() As String
PartNumber = iPart
End Property
Public Property Let PartNumber(lPart As String)
iPart = lPart
End Property
Public Sub AddSequence(aSeq As String, aQty As Double)
Dim iSeq As clsSeq
If SeqExists(aSeq) Then
Set iSeq = SequenceNumbers.Item(aSeq)
iSeq.Qty = iSeq.Qty + aQty
Set iSeq = New clsSeq
With iSeq
.Sequence = aSeq
.Qty = aQty
End With
SequenceNumbers.Add iSeq, iSeq.Sequence
End If
Set iSeq = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set SequenceNumbers = New Collection
End Sub
Private Function SeqExists(iSeq As String) As Boolean
Dim v As Variant
On Error Resume Next
v = IsObject(SequenceNumbers.Item(iSeq))
SeqExists = Not IsEmpty(v)
End Function
Option Explicit
Public Parts As Collection
Public Sub AddPart(iPart As String)
Dim iPrt As clsPart
If Not PartExists(iPart) Then
Set iPrt = New clsPart
With iPrt
.PartNumber = iPart
End With
Parts.Add iPrt, iPrt.PartNumber
End If
End Sub
Private Function PartExists(iPT As String) As Boolean
Dim v As Variant
On Error Resume Next
v = IsObject(Parts.Item(iPT))
PartExists = Not IsEmpty(v)
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Parts = New Collection
End Sub
Sub TestWipCls()
Dim Wip As clsParts
Dim Part As clsPart
Set Wip = New clsParts
Wip.AddPart ("Test")
Set Part = Wip.Parts("Test")
Part.AddSequence "Proc7", 1505
Debug.Print Wip.Parts("Test").SequenceNumbers("Proc7").Qty
Part.AddSequence "Proc7", 100
Debug.Print Wip.Parts("Test").SequenceNumbers("Proc7").Qty
End Sub
That is because Parts is a Collection and its Default Member Call (or .Item) will return a value/object depending what was stored. While editing your code VBA does not know what kind of value/object is stored in the collection (as this is only established during run-time, eg. late-bound), so it can not give you any Intellisense-suggestions.
To circumvent this, you need a method (property/function) that returns a defined type of value/object (early-bound).
btw. (myCollection.("Foo") is the same as myCollection.Item("Foo"))
The solution is to create a custom collection that returns a value of a defined type.
The following example also explains how to implement a custom Collection so you can use the default member call instead of using .Item.
How to use the Implements in Excel VBA
While we're at it, please never use public variables in classes, make them accessible via Property Let/Set/Get methods!
More on this here: https://rubberduckvba.wordpress.com/2019/07/08/about-class-modules/
Example for a custom Collection for classes that implement ICustomElement (Interfaces are explained in the link above)
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "CustomCollectionTemplate"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Type TCustomCollection
CustomCollection as Collection
End Type
Dim this as TCustomCollection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set this.CustomCollection = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set this.CustomCollection = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
Attribute NewEnum.VB_UserMemId = -4
Attribute NewEnum.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
Set NewEnum = this.CustomCollection.[_NewEnum]
End Property
Public Sub Add(ByVal newCustomElement As ICustomElement)
this.CustomCollection.Add newCustomElement
End Sub
Public Sub Remove(ByVal Index As Long)
this.CustomCollection.Remove Index
End Sub
Public Function Item(ByVal Index As Long) As ICustomElement
Set Item = this.CustomCollection.Item(Index)
End Function
Public Function Count() As Long
Count = this.CustomCollection.Count
End Function
Thanks to M.Doerner & Mathieu Guindeon for the edits/comments

How to support contextual implicit conversions of custom object in Visual Basic .NET?

I want to use named error codes within my app. This should ensure, that every developer does not confuse numeric-only error codes with other codes, and also reduces the time a developer needs to realize what the error code should represent.
Compare this example:
Function New() As Integer
Return 0
End Function
with this example:
Function New() As Integer
Return ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS
End Function
Of course, I could let the developers write like the following:
Function New() As Integer
End Function
However, the code above raises a pitfall when a developer updates the actual return code but forgets about the comment. Some developer look at the actual return code and some at the comment. I want to mitigate that confusion.
I come up the following class (extract):
Public Class ErrorCodes
Private msName As String = Nothing
Private miValue As Integer = 0
Public Shared ReadOnly ERROR_SUCCESS As ErrorCodes = New ErrorCodes("ERROR_SUCCESS", 0)
Private Sub New(ByVal psName As String, ByVal piValue As Integer)
msName = psName
miValue = piValue
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property [Name] As String
Return msName
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property [Value] As Integer
Return miValue
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("[{0}]{1}", msName, miValue)
End Function
End Class
Now I want to use this ErrorCodes class like in the following example:
Function New() As Integer
Return ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS
End Function
As expected, I will produce an exception (type conversion) since the actual value I return is a instance of the class ErrorCodes instead of the generic data type Integer.
As you can see with the ToString() function, I let the class automatically/implicitly converts the instanced object into the generic data type String, when the class instance is assigned to a String typed variable.
Is there a way to do the same with the generic data type Integer like I did with ToString()?
I am using the .NET Framework 4.0, as for compatibility reasons with Windows XP SP3.
Another way to say what I want:
Dim stringVariable As String = ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS ' should be "[0]ERROR_SUCCESS".
Dim integerVariable As Integer = ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS ' should be 0.
I do not want to trigger implicit conversion warnings/errors, or to force the developer to typecast explicitly.
Yes you can do that with the use of Conversion Operators.
Here is the code:
Public Class Form1
Public Class ErrorCodes
Private msName As String = Nothing
Private miValue As Integer = 0
Public Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal ec As ErrorCodes) As String
Return ec.ToString
End Operator
Public Shared Narrowing Operator CType(ByVal ec As ErrorCodes) As Integer
Return ec.Value
End Operator
Public Shared ReadOnly ERROR_SUCCESS As ErrorCodes = New ErrorCodes("ERROR_SUCCESS", 0)
Public Shared ReadOnly ERROR_FAILED As ErrorCodes = New ErrorCodes("ERROR_FAILED", 1)
Private Sub New(ByVal psName As String, ByVal piValue As Integer)
msName = psName
miValue = piValue
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property [Name] As String
Return msName
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property [Value] As Integer
Return miValue
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("[{0}]{1}", msName, miValue)
End Function
End Class
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim em As String = ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS
Dim ev As Integer = ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS
Dim mm As String = String.Format("String: {0}, Value: {1}", em, ev)
End Sub
End Class
More info here
Hope this helps.
This, as jmcilhinney pointed out, uses Enums and the Description attribute.
Here is the class
' Imports System.Reflection
' Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class ErrorCodes
Public Enum ErrCode 'these are the error codes
'note that the codes should be unique
<Description("Success")> ERROR_SUCCESS = 0
<Description("Error A")> ERROR_A = 1
End Enum
Public Class InfoForErrCode
Public TheDescription As String
Public TheValue As Integer
Public AsString As String
End Class
Public Shared Function Info(TheError As ErrCode) As InfoForErrCode
Dim rv As New InfoForErrCode
rv.TheDescription = GetDescription(TheError)
rv.TheValue = TheError
rv.AsString = TheError.ToString
Return rv
End Function
Private Shared Function GetDescription(TheError As ErrCode) As String
Dim rv As String = ""
Dim fi As FieldInfo = TheError.GetType().GetField(TheError.ToString())
Dim attr() As DescriptionAttribute
attr = DirectCast(fi.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(DescriptionAttribute),
False), DescriptionAttribute())
If attr.Length > 0 Then
rv = attr(0).Description
rv = TheError.ToString()
End If
Return rv
End Function
End Class
And here is how it can be used
Dim foo As ErrorCodes.ErrCode = ErrorCodes.ErrCode.ERROR_SUCCESS
Dim inf As ErrorCodes.InfoForErrCode = ErrorCodes.Info(foo)
Stop 'examine inf
foo = ErrorCodes.ErrCode.ERROR_A
inf = ErrorCodes.Info(foo)
Stop 'examine inf

Comparing list of class by string length and text comparison

I have a List(Of Abbreviation).
The class "Abbreviation" contains the string members "Input", "Output" and "CaseSensitive".
The class is stated below.
I would like to sort this list so that the class with the "Input"
comes before
The comparison should thus first compare by string length, then by alphetical order, and then by CaseSensitive.
How could I sort the list this way?
Public Class Abbreviation
Implements IComparable
Private _sIn As String = String.Empty
Private _sOut As String = String.Empty
Private _bCaseSensitive As Boolean = False
Public Property Input() As String
Return _sIn
End Get
Set(value As String)
_sIn = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Output() As String
Return _sOut
End Get
Set(value As String)
_sOut = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property CaseSensitive() As Boolean
Return _bCaseSensitive
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
_bCaseSensitive = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal uInput As String, ByVal uOutput As String, ByVal uCaseSensitive As Boolean)
_sIn = uInput
_sOut = uOutput
_bCaseSensitive = uCaseSensitive
End Sub
End Class
First, you can simplify your code by using automatic properties. The compiler writes the get, set, and backer fields (the private fields). This is the preferred way in recent versions of Visual Studio if there is no extra code in the getter, setter.
Another small detail with your Sub New. It violates encapsulation to set the private fields directly. Always go through the Public Properties. There could be code in the setter that needs to run before storing the data in the private fields. Classes like to keep their data close to the vest in their private fields.
Example of Auto Implemented Properties
Public Property Input As String
Public Property Output As String
Public Property CaseSensitive As Boolean
The sort can be done in one line of code using a Linq query.
Dim orderedList = From abrev In lstAbreviations Order By abrev.Input.Lenght Descending Select abrev
To check the output...
For Each abrev As Player In orderedList
I think I got it, except the case sensitivity. CaseSensitive should come before CaseSensitive = False.
Public Class Abbreviation
Implements IComparable(Of Abbreviation)
Private _sIn As String = String.Empty
Private _sOut As String = String.Empty
Private _bCaseSensitive As Boolean = False
Public Function CompareTo(uOther As Abbreviation) As Integer _
Implements IComparable(Of Abbreviation).CompareTo
If uOther.Input.Length > Me.Input.Length Then
Return 1
ElseIf uOther.Input.Length < Me.Input.Length Then
Return -1
If uOther.Input > Me.Input Then
Return 1
Return -1
End If
End If
End Function

sort results (find method) not working

I am using ArcGIS. I am trying to sort the data manually after its found. I created a property class and loop through a Tlist to scrub unwanted data. However right before it binds to the data grid, I receive a cast error. I assume something is coming back null. Am I missing something??
Public Class temp
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Property DisplayFieldName As String
Public Property Feature As ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic
Public Property FoundFieldName As String
Public Property LayerId As Integer
Public Property LayerName As String
Public Property Value As Object
End Class
Public Class templst
Public Sub New()
Dim findresult = New List(Of temp)
End Sub
Private _findresult = findresult
Public Property findresult() As List(Of temp)
Return _findresult
End Get
Set(ByVal value As List(Of temp))
_findresult = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Private Sub FindTask_Complete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As FindEventArgs)
Dim newargs As New templst() 'puts Tlist (temp) into property
Dim templistNUMONLY As New List(Of temp) 'Tlist of temp
For Each r In args.FindResults 'class in compiled dll.
If Regex.Match(r.Value.ToString, "[0-9]").Success Then
templistNUMONLY.Add(New temp() With {.LayerId = r.LayerId,
.LayerName = r.LayerName,
.Value = r.Value,
.FoundFieldName = r.FoundFieldName,
.DisplayFieldName = r.DisplayFieldName,
.Feature = r.Feature})
End If
newargs.findresult = templistNUMONLY
Dim sortableView As New PagedCollectionView(newargs.findresult)
FindDetailsDataGrid.ItemsSource = sortableView 'populate lists here
End Sub
BIND TO GRID HERE: (Error here)
Private Sub FindDetails_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SelectionChangedEventArgs)
' Highlight the graphic feature associated with the selected row
Dim dataGrid As DataGrid = TryCast(sender, DataGrid)
Dim selectedIndex As Integer = dataGrid.SelectedIndex
If selectedIndex > -1 Then
'''''''''''''''''CAST ERROR HERE:
Dim findResult As FindResult = CType(FindDetailsDataGrid.SelectedItem, FindResult)
You populate FindDetailsDataGrid with objects of type temp, but you try to cast it to type FindResult instead. You should do:
Dim selectedTemp As temp = CType(FindDetailsDataGrid.SelectedItem, temp)
'*Create find result from selected temp object here*

VB.NET CType: How do I use CType to change an object variable "obj" to my custom class that I reference using a string variable like obj.GetType.Name?

The code below works for the class that I hard coded "XCCustomers" in my RetrieveIDandName method where I use CType. However, I would like to be able to pass in various classes and property names to get the integer and string LIST returned. For example, in my code below, I would like to also pass in "XCEmployees" to my RetrieveIDandName method. I feel so close... I was hoping someone knew how to use CType where I can pass in the class name as a string variable.
Note, all the other examples I have seen and tried fail because we are using Option Strict On which disallows late binding. That is why I need to use CType.
I also studied the "Activator.CreateInstance" code examples to try to get the class reference instance by string name but I was unable to get CType to work with that.
When I use obj.GetType.Name or obj.GetType.FullName in place of the "XCCustomers" in CType(obj, XCCustomers)(i)
I get the error "Type 'obj.GetType.Name' is not defined" or "Type 'obj.GetType.FullName' is not defined"
Thanks for your help.
Imports DataLaasXC.Business
Imports DataLaasXC.Utilities
Public Class ucCustomerList
'Here is the calling method:
Public Sub CallingSub()
Dim customerList As New XCCustomers()
Dim customerIdAndName As New List(Of XCCustomer) = RetrieveIDandName(customerList, "CustomerId", " CustomerName")
'This code below fails because I had to hard code “XCCustomer” in the “Dim item...” section of my RetrieveEmployeesIDandName method.
Dim employeeList As New XCEmployees()
Dim employeeIdAndName As New List(Of XCEmployee) = RetrieveIDandName(employeeList, "EmployeeId", " EmployeeName")
'doing stuff here...
End Sub
'Here is the method where I would like to use the class name string when I use CType:
Private Function RetrieveIDandName(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal idPropName As String, ByVal namePropName As String) As List(Of IntStringPair)
Dim selectedItems As List(Of IntStringPair) = New List(Of IntStringPair)
Dim fullyQualifiedClassName As String = obj.GetType.FullName
Dim count As Integer = CInt(obj.GetType().GetProperty("Count").GetValue(obj, Nothing))
If (count > 0) Then
For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
'Rather than hard coding “XCCustomer” below, I want to use something like “obj.GetType.Name”???
Dim Item As IntStringPair = New IntStringPair(CInt(CType(obj, XCCustomers)(i).GetType().GetProperty("CustomerId").GetValue(CType(obj, XCCustomers)(i), Nothing)), _
CStr(CType(obj, XCCustomers)(i).GetType().GetProperty("CustomerName").GetValue(CType(obj, XCCustomers)(i), Nothing)))
End If
Return selectedItems
End Function
End Class
' Below are the supporting classes if you need to see what else is happening:
Namespace DataLaasXC.Utilities
Public Class IntStringPair
Public Sub New(ByVal _Key As Integer, ByVal _Value As String)
Value = _Value
Key = _Key
End Sub
Public Property Value As String
Public Property Key As Integer
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace DataLaasXC.Business
Public Class XCCustomer
Public Property CustomerId As Integer
Public Property CustomerName As String
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace DataLaasXC.Business
Public Class XCCustomers
Inherits List(Of XCCustomer)
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal GetEmpty As Boolean)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace DataLaasXC.Business
Public Class XCEmployee
Public Property EmployeeId As Integer
Public Property EmployeeName As String
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace DataLaasXC.Business
Public Class XCEmployees
Inherits List(Of XCEmployee)
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal GetEmpty As Boolean)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
CType(expression, typename)
. . .
typename : Any expression that is legal
within an As clause in a Dim
statement, that is, the name of any
data type, object, structure, class,
or interface.
This is basically saying you can't use CType dynamically, just statically. i.e. At the point where the code is compiled the compiler needs to know what typename is going to be.
You can't change this at runtime.
Hope this helps.
Since List(Of T) implements the non-generic IList interface, you could change your function declaration to:
Private Function RetrieveIDandName(ByVal obj As System.Collections.IList, ByVal idPropName As String, ByVal namePropName As String) As List(Of IntStringPair)
And then your troublesome line would become (with also using the property name parameters):
Dim Item As IntStringPair = New IntStringPair(CInt(obj(i).GetType().GetProperty(idPropName).GetValue(obj(i), Nothing)), _
CStr(obj(i).GetType().GetProperty(namePropName).GetValue(obj(i), Nothing)))
Of course, you could still have the first parameter by Object, and then attempt to cast to IList, but that's up to you.
ctype is used to convert in object type.