Sorted results in function tojson - android-json

Gson.tojson(object) returns a alphabetically sorted json-string.
How can I keep the original sort order (from the database)?

Ok i am reading a json object using
jsonstring = gson.tojson(jsonobject) via urlconnection.
jsonobject is like {"fieldZ: "name", "fieldA: "name2",....}
when i am using toast to display the string (android-app) the result displayes is in alphabetical order of the json-fields.
I would like to display same order as if connect via url.


API parameters - filter with ARRAY_CONTAINS (cosmos db back end)

I have an API I am pinging which queries a cosmos db to return records.
I can filter on a simple string in my api call like so:
// return objects where '_Subject' field equals "filterTest"
string getUrl = $"...baseApiPath/?$filter=_Subject+eq+'filterTest'";
This is working perfectly.
But I cannot figure out the filter syntax to make my API query be based on ARRAY_CONTAINS.
// return objects where '_Attachments' field CONTAINS "945afd138aasdf545a2d1";
How would I do that? Is there a general reference for API filter syntax somewhere?
If you're asking about how to query, a query against a property with an array of values looks like this:
SELECT * FROM c WHERE ARRAY_CONTAINS(c._Attachments, "945afd138aasdf545a2d1")
Another example in this answer.

What are response objects sent through Kaizala API? string or JSON

Following is the response being sent
1. 10ce550c-4ee2-44a5-99d3-92552c9e8cfa:
Above values look like an array, but in JS, usually arrays do not have the beginning and ending " (quotes). So, is there something else that I am missing here
This is a json string. To retrieve the array you can do var array = JSON.parse().
In your example, following should work
var array = __responses.userIdToResponsesMap["10cde550c-4ee2-44a5-99d3-92552c9e8cfa"][0]

Why Term.Text returns invalid data for Numericfields in Lucene.Net even though it supposed to convert accrodingly?

I was trying to return all values in order to use them later for facets as following:
TermEnum termsEnum = reader.Terms(new Term(groupByField, string.Empty));
But as soon as I added a filed like this:
NumericField tempNumericField = new NumericField("price", Field.Store.YES, true);
Term.Text started to return wrong data for the price field.
Is there a way to return all date for both Field and NumericFields?
NumericFields are stored in an encoded form (allows for correct ordering, ranges etc).
Try using NumericUtils.PrefixCodedToInt (or the appropriate method for long etc)

filter result by taking out a matching regex in pig latin

I have some data that contains a url string, which all have some variety substring embeded.
my goal to to get a set of results which have the substring removed from the string:
rawdata: {
id Long,
url String
here's some sample rawdata:
the result I want is:
so basically remove teh subversion number( _v1|_v2|v3|_v4) from the url and create unique results.
How do I do that in pig?
Your best bet would be to do something like the following:
FOREACH data GENERATE id, CONCAT(REGEX_EXTRACT(url, '(/?[0-9]*)_,',1),'.html');
How about trying the following if the data is more complicated
FOREACH data GENERATE id, CONCAT(STRSPLIT(url, '_v[0-9]',1),'.html')
That should get everything before the version #, with the concat adding the .html back in. If both the before verson number and after verison number sections are more comlicated you could do something like:

Getting the last item in Sitecore content data

I am performing a search in which I have to get the 'ID' (field) of the last item stored in the sitecore/content/data/MyItem. The items stored in this folder are in 1000+ in number. I know Lucene search is by far efficient. I performed a Lucene Search to get the items based on the value like this:
using (IndexSearchContext searchContext = indx.CreateSearchContext())
var db = Sitecore.Context.Database;
CombinedQuery query = new CombinedQuery();
QueryBase catQuery = new FieldQuery("country", guidValueToSearch); //FieldName, FieldValue.
SearchHits results = searchContext.Search(catQuery); //Searching the content items by fields.
SearchResultCollection result = results.FetchResults(0, numOfArticles);
Here I am passing the guidValueToSearch for the items needs to be fetched for "country" field value. But I want to get the last item in the folder. How should I achieve this?
If you know you need the last childitem of /sitecore/content/data/MyItem, you could also use a more simple approach and get the parentItem and then retrieve the last child:
Item myItem = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem("/sitecore/content/data/MyItem");
Item lastItem = myItem.Children.Last();
The same could be done with Descendants instead of Children.
If you did want to implement it using search then have a look at this answer which explains how to extend the IndexSearchContext to have methods that accept a Lucene.Net.Search.Sort. You can then pass in the Sitecore.Search.BuiltinFields.Created or Sitecore.Search.BuiltinFields.Updated field (depending on what you are after).