regexp_like vs like operator : Oracle [closed] - sql

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am searching for multiple phrases using SQL 'like' operator. Same results can be extracted using Regexp_like function in Oracle. Which one is better/efficient to use and why? My observation is that 'like' works much quicker than regEX.
I am running my queries against very large dataset with few million rows.
Here are both the versions of the query
Using like:
lower(result) like '%the condition is absent%'
or lower(result) like '%partial presence of disease%'
Using Regexp_like():
regexp_like(lower(result),'^.*(the condition is absent)|(partial presence of disease).*$')


using mid function in bigquery [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a column that has data like this:
Expected output:
The column only has a 4 letter text text and its only at the beginning at the cell. But the numbers can vary in length. Also, I want to make sure the numbers are string.
There is no mid function in BQ.
Also, if you dont like my question or think it needs to be improve please give me a chance to improve it before flagging it.
Few options for BigQuery Standard SQL
SUBSTR(col, 5),
FROM `project.dataset.table`
If you just want the numbers, use substr():
substr(col, 5)
You can cast() this to a number if you want.

How to you use Max and Min expression in Ms Access SQL? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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CrimeData Table for 12 months
Crime Took place in Easternmost
I need to find the following:
Q.7 What type of Crime takes place in the …
(a) Easternmost ………………..
(b) Westernmost ………………..
(c) Northernmost………………..
(d) Southernmost………………..
I tried to find the crime took place in the Easternmost using the following SQL code
SELECT Max(CrimeData.Easting) AS MaxOfEasting, CrimeData.Type
FROM CrimeData
GROUP BY CrimeData.Type;
but I got more than one crime and also other Easting numbers. Can you please tell me if there are other good ways to find the solution.
Please see the attached pictures :)
Rather than using Max/Min, have a look at the TOP keyword in SQL. Some SQL might look like:
FROM CrimeData CD

How to check if one table is replica of other table in SQL? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How to find if one table is replica of other table in SQL
In SQL Server, you can compare the results of:
SELECT checksum_agg(checksum(*))
FROM Table1;
SELECT checksum_agg(checksum(*))
FROM Table2;
You could create a join with these as sub-queries if you want, too.
You may wish to use binary_checksum() instead of checksum(). The doc says that checksum() will treat strings that are equal as equal according to the collation (i.e., 'hello' and 'HELLO' if the collation is case-insensitive), while binary_checksum() compares the raw binary values of characters.
This works for MySQL:
CHECKSUM TABLE table_1, table_2;

Do table names with [Name1].[Name2] pattern differ from normal tables? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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When I look at Microsoft's sample AdventureWorks database, I see the table names follow a pattern such as:
Does this kind of specification differ from a normal pattern such as:
Is it only for readability or is there some other point to it?
It's SchemaName.TableName
So [Person].[Address] != PersonAddress
Instead it'll be Person.Address
The [] are optional, they exist because if you have special characters, or a reserve word in the object name, you will not be able to call the object without them.
For example select last name from people; is not going to work,
instead you need select [last name] from people;
You can find more information here.

Create an ORACLE data dictionary of tables with more than 2 indexes [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm having trouble trying to figure out in an ORACLE data dictionary whether a table has more than 2 indexes.
You can start by looking at a dictionary table such as ALL_INDEXES and trying something like this:
I haven't tried the code, or read the doc in detail to see if there may be cases where things show up twice, but it should put you on the track.