google authenticator vs vbscript - authentication

I have implemented this in vbscript.
My code given the same hex gives the right 6-digit otp, so that part is working.
I've also verified the HMAC-SHA-1. encoding against an online generator,, same input gives same output.
My time is the same as
I've generated a qrcode at with the string otpauth://totp/$LABEL?secret=$SECRET and the google authenticator app reads the code and starts outputting the 6 digit code changing every 30 seconds.
I've even tried trunc(time/30) +/-7500 steps to see if it was a timezone/daylight saving problem, to no avail.
As the other parts of the routine to generate the 6 digits seem to work I've come to the conclusion I don't understand this:
the url on the qr-code is
with the explanation
LABEL can be used to describe the key in your app, while SECRET is the
16-character base32-encoded shared secret, which is now known to both
the client and the server.
So when I calculate HMAC-SHA-1(SECRET, time()/30)
should the SECRET be the same string given to both the app and the calculation?
If I select a secret of 1234567890, the base32 is GEZDGNBVGY3TQOJQ according to
Should I then take
HMAC-SHA-1("1234567890", time()/30)
I believe I've tried both, and neither works.

The system unix time is correct.
I guess the problem might be with the secret in your HMAC-SHA-1 function. It very much depends on what the HMAC-SHA-1 expects.
Your string "123456790" might be a binary string. Is it an ascii representation or utf8? I.e. is this string 10 bytes or 20 bytes long?
I recommend getting the input string in your VBScript right.
On the other hand, instead of writing your own VBScript, you can also use a ready made solution like the privacyIDEA authentication server, which is open source and also comes with TOTP.


please explain? api signature example

(Update: still stuck after changes made from John's comment)
I am hoping for somebody to kindly try to explain in layman's terms how the signature is generated in the following example? I am pretty much stuck at this point.. I get the same result in an online hash generator (see picture below) and in my own code; but it differs from the example in the website (also pictured below).
edit: website seems only reachable through google search, direct link gives 404? So I attached the page as image, see below
Request: List all orders
GET /api/v4/futures/orders?contract=BTC_USD&status=finished&limit=50
resulting signature string (edit: updated, thanks #John Glenn):
(note that in the example on the website, there are line breaks for readability)
Signature generated according to the example:
Explanation from the website:
Signature generation method is HexEncode(HMAC_SHA512(secret,
signature_string)), i.e., the hexadecimal digest output of HMAC-SHA512
with APIv4 secret as secret and signature string as message.
But if I put it into a HMAC-SHA512 generator (e.g.,, the value I get is:
I suspect I am missing a very essential point but I am quite lost at this time..
thank you very much for your help!
Your resulting signature string is incorrect. According the to website, this is how you should build it, with each element separated by \n.
request verb
request URL
plain text query string from the URL
hash of the request body, which is an empty string in this case
the Unix timestamp in seconds
For your example, the resulting signature string values should be:
GET (but you have POST)
contract=BTC_USD&status=finished&limit=50 (MISSING from your string)
just use the empty string hash value from the example
use the Unix timestamp from the example
The "\n" were not regular expressions but actual newlines in the example. In other words, the newlines should be entered as ascii newline character.
Then I got the same result in the generator as from the website.

How to replicate sha256 hash example from CyberSource REST API documentation?

I am investigating the CyberSource REST API and want to test the JSON Web Token Authentication method as documented here:
I am unable to replicate the sha256 hash of the JSON payload described in the JWT Payload/Claim Set section.
"clientReferenceInformation" : {
"code" : "TC50171_3"
"orderInformation" : {
"amountDetails" : {
"totalAmount" : "102.21",
"currency" : "USD"
I've attempted to use the sha256sum command in binary and text format on a file containing the payload example. I've also attempted running this command on different permutations of this payload, such as without whitespace or newlines.
I expect to get the example hash of
but instead get
f710ef58876f83e36b80a83c8ec7da75c8c1640d77d598c470a3dd85ae1458d3 and other dissimilar hashes.
What am I doing wrong?
Since the alleged "example" hash contains 33 hex characters one can see that it is not a possible valid output of SHA256. So there is nothing you can do to make your example match theirs.
There is also a base64 example in that discussion, but it is also not valid base64. By adding an extra padding character '=' to the base64 it can be made valid, and decoding it reveals that it mostly matches the alleged SHA256 hash.
My guess is that the values on that page are just examples of what values look like to the human eye rather than test vectors you are supposed to match exactly.
Probably you are not doing anything wrong. Hash functions have a avalanche effect, wherein any different bit in the input changes a lot the output hash. If the site's original example used a different encoding, or had a different order for the JSON elements, or even had more or less tabs, spaces, line breaks, or any other "trash" character, you'll have a hard time to find a fitting message for the hash showed in the site.
Usually, cryptographic solutions use canonicalizations to avoid this kind of problem (different hash values for semantically equal messages). However, the JWT specification doesn't specify any type of canonicalization for JSON.
In short, I think you don't have to worry about this. Your JWT implementation will be correct as long you use a valid (correctly implemented) hash function.
Also, I noticed that the JWT specification doesn't specify a "Digest" field for the JWT payload. So, you may not even need to use this field. Unless CyberSource REST API makes it mandatory.

IOS JSON escaping special characters

I'm working in IOS and trying to pass some content to a web server via an NSURLRequest. On the server I have a PHP script setup to accept the request string and convert it into an JSON object using the Zend_JSON framework. The issue I am having is whenever the character "ø" is in any part of the request parameters, then the request string is cut short by one character.
Request string before going to server.
[{"description":"Blah blah","type":"Russebuss","name":"Roscoe Simulator","appVersion":"1.0.20","osVersion":"IOS 5.1","phone":"5555555","country":"Østfold","udid":"bed164974ea0d436a43f3cdee0e005a1"}]
Request string on server before any parsing
[{"description":"Blah blah","type":"Russebuss","name":"Roscoe Simulator","appVersion":"1.0.20","osVersion":"IOS 5.1","phone":"5555555","country":"Nord-Trøndelag","udid":"bed164974ea0d436a43f3cdee0e005a1"}
Everything looks exactly the same except the final closing ] is missing. I'm thinking it's having an issue when converting the string to UTF-8, but not sure the correct way to fix this issue.
Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?
first of all do not trust the xcode console in such cases. you never know which coding the console is actually using.
second, escape the invalid characters before you build you json string. easiest way would probably to make sure you are using the same unicode representation, like utf-8, all the time.
third, if there are still invalid characters use a json lib with a parser (does the encoding). validate the output by parsing back to e.g. NSString. or validate the output manually by using a web form like
the badest way is to replace the single characters in the string, build your json and convert back. one way to do this could be to replace e.g an german ä with its unicode representaion U+00E4 (
Thats the way I do it. I am glad that I nerver needed to go further than step three and this is the step you should do anyway to keep your code simple.
Please try to use Zends internal json Encoding:
Zend_Json::$useBuiltinEncoderDecoder = true;
should fix your issue.

How Do I Convert a Byte Stream to a Text String?

I'm working on a licensing system for my application. I'd like to put all licensing information (licensee name, expiration date, and enabled features) into an object, encrypt that object with a private key, then represent the encrypted data as a single text string which I can send via email to my customers.
I've managed to get the encrypted data into a byte stream, but I don't know how to convert that byte stream into a text value -- something that contains no control characters or whitespace. Can anyone offer advice on how to do that? I've been researching the Encoding class, but I can't find a text-only encoding.
I'm using Net 2.0 -- mostly VB, but I can do C# also.
Use a Base64Encoder to convert it to a text string that can be decoded with a Base64Decoder. It is great for representing arbitary binary data in a text friendly manner, only upper and lower case A-Z and 0-9 digits.
BinHex is an example of one way to do that. It may not be exactly what you want -- for example, you might want to encode your data such that it's impossible to inadvertently spell words in your string, and you may or may not care about maximizing the density of information. But it's an example that may help you come up with your own encoding.
I've found Base32 useful for license keys before. There are some C# implementations linked from this answer. My own license code is based on this implementation, which avoids ambiguous characters to make it easier to retype the keys. character set

According to MSDN uses this extended character set. In my experience it actually uses this:
What am I missing? Why does it say it uses the one and uses the other?
Am I doing something wrong?
Is there some sort of conversion tool to the original character set?
This behaviour is defined in the documentation of the Chr command:
The returned value depends on the code page for the current thread, which is contained in the ANSICodePage property of the TextInfo class in the System.Globalization namespace. You can obtain ANSICodePage by specifying System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ANSICodePage.
So, the output of Chr for values greater than 127 is system-dependent. If you want reproducible results, create the desired instance of Encoding by calling Encoding.GetEncoding(String), then use Encoding.GetChars(Byte()) to convert your numeric values into characters.
If you go up one level in the chart linked in your question, you will see that they do not claim that this chart is always the output of the Chr command:
The characters that appear in Windows above 127 depend on the selected typeface.
The charts in this section show the default character set for a console application.
Your application is a WinForm application, not a console application. Even in the console, the character set used can be changed (for example, by using the chcp command), hence the word "default".
For detailed information about the encodings used in .net, I recommend the following MSDN article: Character Encoding in the .NET Framework.
The first character set is Code Page 437 (CP437), the second looks like Code Page 1252 (CP1252) also known as Windows Latin-1.
I'd guess VB.Net is simply picking up the default encoding for the PC.
How did you write all this? Because usually, when you use a output stream function, you can specify the encoding going with it.
Edit: I know this is not C#, but you can see the idea...
You'd have to set the encoding of your filestream, by doing something like this:
Setting the encoding when creating the filestream