SQL Data Compare Tools that compare FileTable data - sql

Does anybody have any recommendations for SQL Data Comparison tools that will compare and synchronize FileTable data?
So far I have looked at Visual Studio Data Comparison tool, SQL Delta and SQL Data Compare by Redgate and none of them appear to do it.

You can use the xSQL Data Compare to compare the tables and generate synchronization scripts. It should be able to compare and synchronize FileTables.


Migrate data from SQL Server to PostgreSQL

I have a stored procedure function as well as table in the SQL Server enterprise 2014. I also have data in the table. Now I need same table and data in PostgreSql(pgAdmin4).
Can anyone suggest to me the idea to migrate data to POSTGRESQL or any idea on creating the SQL script so that I can use psql to run the script?
Depending on how much data you have, you could script out the table and data. Then you could tweak the script as needed for PostgreSQL:
Right click on the SQL database > Tasks > Generate Scripts
On the "Choose Objects" screen, select your specific table then select "Next>"
On the "Set Scripting Options" screen, select "Advanced"
Find the option called "Types of data to script", then select "Schema and data" and select "OK"
Set the filename and continue through the dialog until the file is generated
Tweak the sql script for any specific PostgreSQL syntax
If there is a larger amount of data, you might look into some type of data transfer tool like SSIS.
Exporting the table structure and data as Josh Jay describes will likely require some fixes where the syntax doesn't match, but it should be doable if not tedious. Luckily there are existing conversion tools available to help.
You could also try using a foreign data wrapper to map the tables in SQL Server to a running instance of PostgreSQL. Then it's just a matter of copying tables. Depends on your needs and where each database server is located relative to one another.
The stored procedures will be far more difficult to handle unfortunately. While Oracle's pl/sql language is substantially similar to PostgreSQL's pl/pgsql, MS SQL Server/Sybase's TransactSQL dialect on the other hand is different enough to require rewrites. If the TransactSQL functions also access .Net objects, the migration task may end up far more difficult as you reimplement dependencies or find logical equivalents.

Compare 2 Database all rows - different rows = output

i need a little bit help.
I have a developer DB (dev_home), in this db are many tables.
I need a compare to another DB (real_home).
The Tables are the same, but the table_names not!
For example i develop # dev_home, in the table personal.
In this table i've created new field, which are not exist in #real_home DB.
There are tools that do this i.e. compare two different instances of a database or two different databases etc ..
Such as
Red-Gate's SQL data comparison tool
You can also use Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition (Free)

merging two databases

I have two distinct mssql databases with identical schemas but different data on one system. I want to merge the data between the two databases by adding the data from one into the other.
I tried to use Redgate Data Compare but couldn't find any instructions how to do it.
Are there any tools (or databases that have built-in tools) or instructions to make this job fairly simple?
xSQL Software has developed a set of tools for this type of database operations. You can use xSQL Data Compare. To achieve the result you require you specify the left and right database, do the compare and then, to add the data that are missing from the left db to the right db you need to uncheck sync for the right rows and generate and execute the script.
Here you can see the rows unchecked:
And as you can see, the script does not generate any DELETE statements, only INSERTS for the rows that are missing on the right DB
Hope this helps!
Disclosure: I'm affiliated to xSQL Software

Merge two database to each other?

I have question about merge two or three database(SQL Express).
I have a project that any facility have own databases and every year these databases should merge with each other.
My problem is how can I merge these databases? what software can do it?
SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare by Red gate are good database tools for copying/merging data. http://www.red-gate.com/

Best way to generate random data into a database

What is the best method to generate random data in SQL database lke name surnames tel no etc?
Is there any tool available that can do this for you?
Basically I have a database and I would like to fill it out with demo data....
If SQL Server Redgate SQL Server SQL Data Generator does this.
This tool gives us the ability to download in a variety of formats, including the command for inclusion in the database