Visual Basic Handles and Multiple Variables with same name [duplicate] -

This question already has answers here:
How can I make a single event handler handle ALL Button.Click events?
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I've made a program in Visual Basic to open files by clicking in a PictureBox, but as a result, I've ended up with 36 pictureboxes, and it's being a pain to handle every one of them, as the only way I've discovered to reference the PictureBox(NÂș)
was making
Dim pictureBoxes(35) As PictureBox
and setting each one as following:
pictureBoxes(0) = PictureBox1
pictureBoxes(1) = PictureBox2
pictureBoxes(2) = PictureBox3
pictureBoxes(35) = PictureBox36
Then I could use it in a For Loop:
PictureBoxes(i).Image = iconForFile.ToBitmap()
So, my question is, is there a way to make it easier to reference, instead of doing that way?
The same thing is kinda making me wonder in the Handles part of the code:
Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click, PictureBox2.Click, PictureBox3.Click, PictureBox4.Click, PictureBox5.Click, PictureBox6.Click, PictureBox7.Click, PictureBox8.Click, PictureBox9.Click, PictureBox10.Click, PictureBox11.Click, PictureBox12.Click, PictureBox13.Click...
Any light would be very helpful, thanks!

I don't know how your controls are structured on the form, but if they are part of the same collection, a flowpanel for example, you can get all of the controls of a certain type. In your case you want to be able to access individual boxes so you can do this once and store the boxes in the list as you are already doing.
Dim pictureBoxes = FlowLayoutPanel.Controls.OfType(Of PictureBox)().Tolist()
For Each picture in pictureBoxes
AddHandler picture.Click, AddressOf PictureBox_Click


Needing Assistance with vb.NET Application

I don't normally post on forums because I try to find information for myself, and ask as an absolute last resort. I've tried scouring the net for answers, but I'm only receiving about half of the answer I'm looking for.
I'm currently building an application that deals with state law. There's one combo box and one text box. One for the offense title, and one for the numerical code for that particular code section. So say if I select "Kidnapping", it prepopulates the text box below it with "11-5-77", for example.
The method I've been using for, oh, about the last hour now, is:
If AWOffenseTitle.Text = "Kidnapping" Then
AWCN.Text = "11-5-77"
ElseIf AWOffenseTitle.Text = "False Imprisonment" Then
AWCN.Text = "11-5-78"
With AWOffenseTitle being the combo box name, and AWCN being the text box name. While this has proved to work perfectly well so far, I'm sure you can imagine with hundreds of offense titles, this is going to take a ridiculously long time. Well, I finally found a spreadsheet with offense titles and their respective title codes. What I'm looking to do is create two text files within a folder in the local directory "Offenses". One with a vertical list of offenses, and one with a vertical list of offense code numbers that populate the same lines in each. What I'm looking to do is populate the combo box with the contents of text file one (which I can do already), but then selecting an offense title will read the second text file and display it's proper title code. That's what has me at a loss. I'm relatively well-versed with vb.NET, but I'm not an expert by any means.
I'm hoping someone here will be able to provide a code example and explain it to me line-by-line so I can gain a better understanding. I want to get more proficient with VB although it's not so popular anymore. I've been using VB since 6.0, but not on a regular basis. More on a sporadic project kind of basis.
I really appreciate any assistance anyone might be able to provide, and if you need more information, I'd be glad to answer any questions. I tried to be as thorough as I could.
Thank you in advance!
First, you need to retrieve your data. I demonstrated using an Sql Server database containing a table named Offenses with columns named OffenseTitle and OffenseCode. You will have to change this code to match your situation.
Private Function GetOffenseData() As DataTable
Dim dt As New DataTable
Using cn As New SqlConnection("Your connection string"),
cmd As New SqlCommand("Select OffenseTitle, OffenseCode From Offenses;")
End Using
Return dt
End Function
As the Form loads, set the properties of the ComboBox. DisplayMember matches the name of the title column and ValueMember is the name of the code column.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim dt = GetOffenseData()
ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "OffenseTitle"
ComboBox1.ValueMember = "OffenseCode"
ComboBox1.DataSource = dt
End Sub
Then when the selected item in the combo changes, just set the .Text property of TextBox to the SelectedValue in the combo and your code appears.
Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectionChangeCommitted(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectionChangeCommitted
TextBox1.Text = ComboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString
End Sub
There are other ways to do this if your data source is other than a database. Please advise if you need additional help.
In addition to HardCode's comment and Mary's detailed answer, I can only add an answer that's somewhere in between them.
It might be the case, that the information is not taken from a database, but from another source, like a text/data file or a web service. So it might be useful to create an abstraction for the data source you actually use.
First, I create a class or struct that will hold the data for each combo box item.
Class Offense
Public ReadOnly Property Title As String
Public ReadOnly Property Code As String
Public Sub New(title As String, code As String)
Me.Title = title
Me.Code = code
End Sub
End Class
Next, you need a method that retrieves a list of offenses that you can bind to your combo box. It's entirely up to you how you fill/fetch the offenses list. I have simply hard coded your two values here.
Private Function GetOffenseData() As List(Of Offense)
Dim offenses As New List(Of Offense)
offenses.Add(New Offense("Kidnapping", "11-5-77"))
offenses.Add(New Offense("False Imprisonment", "11-5-78"))
Return offenses
End Function
At a certain moment (probably in your form's Load event handler), you need to initialize your combo box. Just like Mary did, I use data binding.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
AWOffenseTitle.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
AWCN.ReadOnly = True
AWOffenseTitle.DisplayMember = NameOf(Offense.Title)
AWOffenseTitle.ValueMember = NameOf(Offense.Code)
AWOffenseTitle.DataSource = GetOffenseData()
End Sub
Note that I use the NameOf operator to get the desired property names of the Offense class. If you ever decide to rename the properties of your Offense class, you will be able to easily detect where they are used, since the compiler will complain if your code still uses the wrong property names somewhere.
Finally, the app needs to react to combo box value changes, so that the text box will show the corresponding offense code. Mary used an event handler for the SelectionChangeCommitted event, but I use a handler for the SelectedIndexChanged event instead:
Private Sub AWOffenseTitle_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AWOffenseTitle.SelectedIndexChanged
AWCN.Text = AWOffenseTitle.SelectedValue
End Sub
(Up to now, I was not aware of the SelectionChangeCommitted event of the ComboBox control. I will need to look into this event to see if it is actually a better choice for this scenario, but I found that the SelectedIndexChanged event does the job just fine, so for now I sticked with that event, since I am more familiar with it.)

How to make a picture box appear randomly on the screen

I am coding a zombie game in and need to make the zombies(which I have put in picture boxes and an array, there are 13) appear randomly, maybe two each time 1 zombie is killed. How can I make this in code ? I am new to coding and cannot figure it out even after numerous searching.
I think I understand what you're trying to do.
You'll want to construct a picture box in code then define where you want it to "spawn" on your form.
You can start with something like this, if you're going to have more than one zombie at a time you'll want to either make a list of them or name them uniquely so you can reference them later on (moving them/despawning/etc)
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim zombie As New PictureBox
With zombie
zombie.Width = 100 'or the size you need
zombie.Height = 100 ' same thing
zombie.Top = 20 'or where you need it could be a random
zombie.Left = 20 'same as top
zombie.ImageLocation = "C:\mydocuments\zombie.png" 'change this to the location of your zombie image. if you're storing it in a resource you can call it here
End With
End Sub
This should get you started at least
edit: I missed the part where you said you have an array for your zombies, but you can do an array of your picture boxes as well

How to update a group of combo boxes using Loops

I have a form with combo boxes (cmbPort#) to select up to 8 serial ports. I want to first clear the item list for each, populate them with currently available system ports, and then add the option "Off" to each list. Finally, to set each combo box according to defaults saved in string spName(). I created a GroupBox (gBox1) and dragged each cmbPort onto it but I'm not sure how to reference the controls on it. I'm using VB 2015.
Can you help with VB.NET code to use loops ("For Each" or similar) to do this more efficiently?
Private Sub frmProp_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For Each sp As String In My.Computer.Ports.SerialPortNames
cmbPort1.Text = spName(1)
cmbPort8.Text = spName(8)
End Sub
Loops are an incredibly useful tool to master. I pitched here some code so you can get the idea, but I was working out of IDE so you might have to apply some fixes to this code to make it work as you want it to.
The main idea is that you shouldn't have to write a line more than once. If you multiply the same operation on several lines of code, you create potential problems for the future. Loops and subs are really helpful to prevent this kind of issues.
Private Sub frmProp_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'This is for later
Dim cmbIndex As Integer = 1
'You basically do the same operations for every Combobox in your list, son only one loop needed
For Each cmbPort As ComboBox In {cmbPort1, cmbPort2, cmbPort3 [...] cmbPort8} 'this is a way to declare an array
'Add SerialPortNames
For Each sp As String In My.Computer.Ports.SerialPortNames
'Add "Off"
'This last one is a little bit trickier because you want to match numbers
'This is the place where you get errors when something doesn't go as planned
'If you need to keep it inside the loop here's a way to achieve that, but honestly I would't do that
'Instead I would suggest that you take this part out of the loop and do it manually
If spName(cmbIndex) IsNot Nothing Then cmbPort.Text = spName(cmbIndex)
cmbIndex += 1
End Sub
You shouldn't consider efficiency into this equation, as this operation will not be called all the time, only on load. I mean: you should always do things in the best way you can, but optimization is sometimes the enemy of good, readable code.

Converting C# to is not working

I have translated some code from C# to for the purpose of getting Folder Browser functionality. The link to the code is here.....
My issue is that I have not been able to correcly translate these two lines of code to
TreeView1.TreeNodeExpanded +=new TreeNodeEventHandler(TreeView1_TreeNodeExpanded);
TreeView1.SelectedNodeChanged += new EventHandler(TreeView1_SelectedNodeChanged);
Every translator I have used has simply dropped the semicolon from the end of each line. But the editor still does not like them.
I could some help with this as it seems this effects the refresh of the selected folder in the tree view control.
I don't get to see the C drive folder unless I type the path in the text box, and the folder will still not expand.
thank you,
Use this:
AddHandler TreeView1.TreeNodeExpanded, AddressOf TreeView1_TreeNodeExpanded
AddHandler TreeView1.SelectedNodeChanged, AddressOf TreeView1_SelectedNodeChanged
A different way to do this would be to apply it at the method level:
Protected Sub TreeView1_TreeNodeExpanded(ByVal sender as Object, ByVal e as TreeNodeEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.TreeNodeExpanded
' Some code
End Sub
Protected Sub TreeView1_SelectedNodeChanged(ByVal sender as Object, ByVal e as EventArgs) Handles TreeView1.SelectedNodeChanged
' Some code
End Sub
You should run this in debug to find out what exactly is going on. I find a lot of times when events of this nature are run in, you have a conflicting event that "resets" the controls you are attempting to change.

Background worker problem [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Cross-thread operation not valid
I am testing a background workder. I am running the following code for the test.
Private Sub bgwTest_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles bgwTest.DoWork
Dim a As Integer = 0
Do While a < 10 'Infinite loop
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
PictureBox1.Visible = True 'Contains my animated GIF
'Purpose is GIF keeps looping (it is animated GIF) despite computer is stuck in infinite loop
End Sub
But this code generates the following error:
"Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'ComboBox1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."
Please help.
You should not modify GUI elements on non-GUI threads. All modifications to textboxes, comboboxes, labels, etc.. should be done on the main thread. In the case of a BackgroundWorker that would be inside the RunWorkerCompleted and ProgressChanged events.
So inside the DoWork event you could fill some data structure (a list for example) with calculated values and in the RunWorkerCompleted event read this structure and update the combobox.
You cannot access controls from another thread, you need to use delegates to achieve this.
Further reading on the matter is here: