How to assign variables from text file (batch only!) - variables

best user,
I tried to assign variables from a txt file in batch. I have a text file called "Final.txt".
script that I tested till now:
#echo off
set vidx=0
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (Final.txt) do (
SET /A vidx=!vidx! + 1
set var!vidx!=%%A
set var
set /p var1=
set /p var2=
set /p var3=
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set Counter=1
for /f %%x in ("Final.txt") do (
set "Line_!Counter!=%%x"
set /a Counter+1
if Counter== 0 goto :EOF
set /a NumLines=Counter - 1
echo %Line_1%
Echo please connect a device
The problem is that the code works, but it only assign the first line of the text file. I want to assign every line in the text file to a variable.Now I only have 5 devices,but in the future iw till expand to more lines. I will do more research, but if you have a solution. Your answers are always welcome!. If I can figure it out I am going to use it in my other script so you are a life saver. I only want to use batch for this.


Iterating through a folder batch

I'm somewhat new to batch, and I'm trying to build a program in batch that renames all the files to numbers, but it just doesn't work, I have no idea what the problem is here, I hope someone can help me find it.
#echo off
SET x=0
for %%I in (*) do(
SET /a x+=1
REN %%I %x%
How about this quick one ?
I provided an if condition to prevent the batch from renaming itself in case you have it in the same directory where your files are. (e.g. while testing)
You might want to change this according to your needs...
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /a x=0
for %%i in (*) do ( call :doit "%%i" )
goto eof
if /I %1 NEQ "numberize.bat" (
set /a "x=x+1"
ren %1 %x%

Assign variables in batch script

I'm new in Windows batch programming and I have found problems in the variable assignment. This is my code:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set Video=1
set FILEMEDIA=outputMedia.txt
for /f %%a in (%FILEMEDIA%) do (
set /a Video=%Video%+1
#echo Video
set file=%%a
#echo file
If FILEMEDIA has two lines I would like to obtain Video=2 and the line in file variable. However, at the end I obtain Video=1 and an error when I tried to print file (echo is off).
Some kind of duplicate with How do I increment a DOS variable in a FOR /F loop?
Variables that should be delay expanded are referenced with !VARIABLE! instead of %VARIABLE%.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set Video=1
set FILEMEDIA=outputMedia.txt
for /f %%a in (%FILEMEDIA%) do (
set /a Video+=1
#echo !Video!
set file=%%a
#echo file

Saving command into variable

I've question about this variables.How can I store result of a command into a variable? For example: saving drive serial into location variable.
SET location=vol
ECHO We're working with %location%
for /f "delims=" %%x in ('your command and parameters') do set "var=%%x"
where the 'single quotes' are required around the command from which you wish to save output.
Edit - now we know which command.
Comment - one variable can contain up to ~8,000 characters.
Here's a routine that will set the values in $1...$whatever and the entire set in $all with each field enclosed in angle-brackets.
SET "$all="
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=:" %%a IN (
'systeminfo 2^>nul^|findstr /n /r "$"'
) DO (
SET "$%%a=%%b"
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%c IN ("%%b") DO CALL SET "$all=%%$all%%<%%c>"
SET /a max=%%a
FOR /l %%z IN (1,1,%max%) DO CALL ECHO %%$%%z%%
thank you...please see my batch file contents:
for /f "delims=" %%x in ('systeminfo') do set "var=%%x"
command_line.exe %var%
only last line of 'systeminfo' saved in var variable and it is:
"data execution perevention available: yes"
I want to store all contetnt of systeminfo into variable!
thank you.I'm too basic
do you mean result of systeminfo is into all variable? at the end of your code can I add this command:
start command_line.exe $%all%
is this true?
can you put complete code for my batch file?

Importing variables from Text file, variables not incrementing

My goal is to be able to go into a specific folder, run a task, then when that task is completed, move to another folder and repeat.
#echo off
set vidx=0
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (z:\desktop\cookieclean\test.txt) do (
SET /A vidx=!vidx! + 1
set var!vidx!=%%A
set var
echo %var!vidx!%
set /a vidx+=1
echo %var!vidx!%
That is the code I am working on. I copied the code from somewhere else on the web and tried to get it to do what I wanted. the code above is just me attempting to take the test file, throwing in the 3 lines of text as the variables, then having it increment.
I'm sure it's something super simple, but I've been trying to get this to work for hours, and my rookie-ness is showing.
A pseudo code of what I'm TRYING to do would be
Input variables from text
Open folder containing files
Delete files that are older than X days
Move active folder to next folder in directory
Delete files that are older than X days
I'm just trying to use the cmd line.
You have your delayed and normal expansion reversed. You want the inner variable expanded before the outer one: !var%vidx%!
Your SET /A statement in your loop works, but you do not need to expand the variable. This would work just as well: SET /A vidx=vidx + 1, or better yet: SET /A vidx+=1
I also believe your logic to show results is incorrect. The code below should work.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "vidx=0"
for /f "tokens=*" %%A in (z:\desktop\cookieclean\test.txt) do (
set /a vidx+=1
set "var!vidx!=%%A"
set var
set "cnt=vidx"
set "vidx=1"
if %vidx% leq %cnt% (
echo !var%vidx%!
set /a vidx+=1
goto :loop
Here is a much simpler and more efficient method using FOR /L instead of a GOTO loop.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "vidx=0"
for /f "tokens=*" %%A in (z:\desktop\cookieclean\test.txt) do (
set /a vidx+=1
set "var!vidx!=%%A"
set var
for /l %%N in (1 1 %vidx%) do echo !var%%N!

wmic variables from txt file

I'm trying to get the output of the WMIC command to assign variables to each line.
I'm trying to get the out put to look like this:
1 first program installed
2 second program installed
3 third program installed
4 fourth program installed
5 ...etc
#Echo off
wmic /output:file.txt product get name /format:csv
rem wmic product get name
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set n=
Set _InputFile=c:\users\jorge\desktop\file.txt
For /F "tokens=*" %%I IN (%_InputFile%) DO (
Set /a n+=1
Set _var!n!=%%I
:: This line will display the variables just assigned
:: For testing only, delete when not needed
Set _
This won't work because wmic will give you Unicode file that for /f can not read (see here). Workaround is to use ('type file') instead:
#Echo off
:: not really need a csv here...
wmic /output:file.txt product get name /format:table
Set n=0
:: Suggest to use internal call :label rather than delayed expansion
For /F "tokens=* skip=1 delims=" %%I IN ('type file.txt') DO #call :Assign %%I
Set _
goto :EOF
Set /a n+=1
Set _var%n% = %*
goto :EOF