SQL Null dates return 1900-01-01 - sql

Here is part of my query:
IsNull(CONVERT(date, V_CONSTAT_ACTUAL_DATES.ID50), '') AS 'actualFinish'
V_CONSTAT_ACTUAL_DATES.ID50 is a NULL and is a datetime column. So the results I get is 1900-01-01, what I am trying to do is return nothing just ' ' How would I accomplish this?

The mixing of types you have now is definitely a problem.
If you want to display an empty string for a null date you need convert the date into a short date time string not a date. You can use the convert function to do that. The last parameter accepts a style code so you can have it display just the date part.
COALESCE(CONVERT(varchar(8), V_CONSTAT_ACTUAL_DATES.ID50, 101), '') AS 'actualFinish'
This will display the date in mm/dd/yy format if the column is not null, or an empty string if it is.
To see more about date to string conversions go to https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187928.aspx.

Rather than ISNULL or COALESCE try using a CASE statement -

Simple ISNULL Nested CAST function can remove 1900-1-1 value if data is NULL
ISNULL(CAST(CAST(<<DateColumn>> AS DATE) AS Varchar),' ') [<<Date Column Name>>]


Trying to eliminate '1900-01-01' from converted date column

I realise that there are other threads covering this but I can't find one that solves my problem.
I have three text columns that either contain a date or nothing (null), I'm converting the text to a date in order to use date filters once the date makes it to Excel.
Obviously, the null values get converted to '1900-01-01' but I can't find a way to show them as blanks, even with a subquery.
This is what I'm doing...
Select top 999999999
case when Engdate = '19000101' then '' else Engdate end as 'EngDate',
when VAR_AppID = '3' then nullif( CONVERT(date,concat(right([2201],4),
SUBSTRING([2201],4,2), left([2201],2))),null)
else nullif( CONVERT(date,concat(right([3429],4),
SUBSTRING([3429],4,2), left([3429],2))),null) end as 'Engdate',
case when ([2201] is not null and Len([2201]) = 10 ) then
CONVERT(date,concat(right([2201],4), SUBSTRING([2201],4,2), left([2201],2)))
else null end as 'EngagementRec',
The fields [2201], and [3429] are the text fields that contain the dates in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format.
Am I supposed to covert back to a text format to allow the '' to show a blank - and if so, will the dates still be recognised as dates?
As per answer of Anthony Green on sqlservercentral, you may try:
ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar, DateTimeColumnName,23),'') as DateTimeColumnName
Yes, Converting them text first won't do any bad (I think).
Try the following:
Select top 999999999
case when Engdate = '19000101' then '' else CONVERT(CHAR(10), EngDate, 120) end as 'EngDate' end as 'EngDate',
when VAR_AppID = '3' then nullif( CONVERT(date,concat(right([2201],4),
SUBSTRING([2201],4,2), left([2201],2))),null)
else nullif( CONVERT(date,concat(right([3429],4),
SUBSTRING([3429],4,2), left([3429],2))),null) end as 'Engdate',
case when ([2201] is not null and Len([2201]) = 10 ) then
CONVERT(date,concat(right([2201],4), SUBSTRING([2201],4,2), left([2201],2)))
else null end as 'EngagementRec',
As you may know, converting an empty string to the date datatype returns 1900-01-01.
Example SQL:
SELECT CAST ('' as date) AS [thedate]
The NULL value, when casted to the date datatype is still NULL.
Based on your code, I think all you have to do is change this line:
case when Engdate = '19000101' then '' else Engdate end as 'EngDate',
case when Engdate = '19000101' then NULL else Engdate end as 'EngDate',
I'm closing this one myself as I can't find anything that works.
Any combination of case statments, ISNULL(), NULLIF() etc result in either NULL or '1900-01-01'. Converting to text makes the date field unusable in Excel.
As the data will be coming into an Excel pivot table, I don't desperately need to resolve this as pivot tables eliminate null values anyway.
...I might come back to this if I need to show the data in a list.
Thanks to everyone that made suggestions!
According to the ms help on the Concat function (which is sql 2012 onwards not 2008)
If CONCAT receives arguments with all NULL values, it will return an empty
string of type varchar(1).
A zero length string will be implicitly converted to zero giving you the zero date in sql server. You need to handle the nulls before trying to convert the way you have done it.
Maybe use Try_convert instead.
Use try_convert with the right option.
TRY_CONVERT(Datetime, columnwithstringdate, 103)

Use Replace Function in Case When Condition

Table Name is tabelea columns are name,expdate. Both Column have not null contraints. Both column had character varying data type.
name expdate
A '10-05-2015'
B ' '
Now i want to fetch the value which expdate is not empty then convert to date format otherwise so empty. So i tried like this
select name,case when replace(expdate,' ','') <> '' then
to_char(cast(expdate as date),'dd-MM-yyyy') else null end from tablea
But is not work its show error invalid input syntax for type date: "' '".
How to solve this?
i tried trim also.
Postgresql 9.3
You can combine that in a single call if you convert empty strings to a null value:
select name,
to_char(cast(nullif(trim(expdate), '') as date),'dd-MM-yyyy')
from tablea;
The cast relies on some implicit data type conversion. It would be better to use to_date() with an explicit format instead:
to_char(to_date(nullif(trim(expdate), ''), 'dd-mm-yyyy'),'dd-MM-yyyy')
SQLFiddle example: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/a9831/1
You can use the tilde to compare your string with the desired date pattern, before making it a date:
case when expdate ~ '^[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{4}$' then
to_date(expdate, 'dd-MM-yyyy')
end as the_date
from tablea;
(Of course it is a bad idea to use a string data type to store dates in the first place.)
SQL fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/a66cf/2.

If/then/else in SQL Query

I would like to check a date value in my SQL query. If a date is equal to a predefined date then do not print anything, ELSE print the existing date value.
How can I write it correctly in order to take the desired date value ?
I have the following query:
WHEN (PaymentsMade.PaymentDate = '09/09/1987') THEN ' '
ELSE PaymentsMade.PaymentDate
) as dateOfPayment
When I run this query it works correctly when the date is equal to '09/09/1987' , whereas when the date is not equal to '09/09/1987' it prints '01/01/1900'.
How can I retrieve the dates values that are not equal to the predefined date '09/09/1987'?
Any advice would be appreciated.
The CASE clause needs to return a consistently-typed value, so it is implicitly converting a space to a date (which is evaluated as 1 Jan 1900).
You have two choices:
select a null instead of a blank space.
explicitly cast the date in the else condition to a string.
Here's an (implicit) example of the former:
SELECT (CASE WHEN PaymentsMade.PaymentDate <> '09/09/1987'
THEN PaymentsMade.PaymentDate
as dateOfPayment
Use NULL, not empty string
An empty string is cast to zero implicitly, which is '01/01/1900'
SELECT CAST('' AS datetime)
Using a CASE statement changes the value in that field, but doesn't change which rows are returned.
You appear to want to filter out rows, and if that is the case, use a WHERE clause...
PaymentDate <> '09/09/1987'
You could use NULLIF to replace a specific date with a NULL:
SELECT NULLIF(PaymentsMade.PaymentDate, '09/09/1987')
FROM ...
Don't just use an empty string, because it would be converted to the type of PaymentDate, which is probably a datetime, and an equivalent datetime for '' would be 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000.

SQL: Convert String of MMMDD to Datetime

I have a nvarchar(5) column of data that is formatted MMMDD (for example, OCT26). With my select statement, I'd like to convert it to a datetime data type with the current year, and then save that datetime value as an alias, say, UsefulDate. So something like 10-26-2012.
Something like: SELECT (whatever SQL gets the job done) AS UsefulDate
The exact formatting doesn't matter; I just need to be able to compare two dates together with greater than and less than operators. Also, sometimes the column will be blank. In that case, I'd like to set the alias to blank as well. Is this possible?
Thanks for your help!
You can convert varchar fields in format MMMDD to date with current year with :
select convert(datetime,'OCT26'+','+cast(year(getdate()) as varchar),107)
So your query would be something like :
select convert(datetime,case varcharDate when '' then null else varcharDate end +
','+cast(year(getdate()) as varchar),107) as UsefulDate
from table
select CASE WHEN ISDATE(mmmdd+' '+right(year(getdate()),4)) = 1
THEN CAST(mmmdd+' '+right(year(getdate()),4) as datetime)
END UsefulDate, *
from tbl

SQL Server: Using a case statement to see if a date is NULL and if it is returning ' '

I have a column in my select statement that looks like this:
This returns 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 for the ones that would otherwise be NULL
I know this because when I put in just fu.SentOutDate it comes up as NULL
Why does this happen and how can I just get it to return a blank value?
Try converting the date to a string so it doesn't try to convert '' to a date:
(CASE WHEN fu.SentOutDate IS NULL THEN '' ELSE CONVERT(varchar,fu.SentOutDate) END)
It's casting your '' to a DATETIME, since your other column you'd return is a datetime column.
will give you the same value...
You can convert this to a varchar(32), but I'm not certain of the ramifications
A column can only return one data type - DATETIME != string/VARCHAR.
If you want a zero length string in the event of the value being NULL, you have to explicitly change the data type, using CAST/CONVERT to change the non-NULL value to a VARCHAR/etc data type.
If you're just checking for NULL values, you might try ISNULL() and cast the date as a varchar.
SELECT ISNULL(CAST(fu.SentOutDate AS VARCHAR(50)), '') AS SendOutDate
FROM tablename
It sounds like you're displaying this value in a GUI or client somewhere. In my opinion, the best practice is to convert it from the NULL value there, not in the query.
If you ever create a database that scales to millions of users, you want a little processing as possible in the database and as much as possible in the client. Doing conversion of a date to character is an unneeded load on the system (character calculation is always much slower than math).
This may work:
case when ISNULL(convert(varchar, a.rec_dt, 108), '00:00:00')='00:00:00' then ''
else CAST(rec_dt as varchar)