Why is Multimap not camel cased? - naming-conventions

This one really annoys me (and my colleague).
It's not
So why didn't anyone notice this naming convention flaw or is there an intention behind this typo?

It's not a typo. Guava's Multimap is not a Map, i.e. it does not extend Map interface (and it shouldn't). See Guava's wiki page on this topic:
Multimap.get(key) always returns a non-null, possibly empty collection. This doesn't imply that the multimap spends any memory associated with the key, but instead, the returned collection is a view that allows you to add associations with the key if you like.
If you prefer the more Map-like behavior of returning null for keys that aren't in the multimap, use the asMap() view to get a Map<K, Collection<V>>. (Or, to get a Map<K,List<V>> from a ListMultimap, use the static Multimaps.asMap() method. Similar methods exist for SetMultimap and SortedSetMultimap.)
Multimap.containsKey(key) is true if and only if there are any elements associated with the specified key. In particular, if a key k was previously associated with one or more values which have since been removed from the multimap, Multimap.containsKey(k) will return false.
Multimap.entries() returns all entries for all keys in the Multimap. If you want all key-collection entries, use asMap().entrySet().
Multimap.size() returns the number of entries in the entire multimap, not the number of distinct keys. Use Multimap.keySet().size() instead to get the number of distinct keys.
On the other hand, Apache Commons Collections' MultiMap (not the capital "M" in map) extends Map, but it's a bit awkward in use, plus Apache devs also came to consludion that extending and mimicking map-like behavior in multimap is not what user wants, so they deprecated MultiMap (yes, you should not use old MultiMap interface and its implementations in new code!) and now recommend using MultiValueMap instead - it does not extend Map and has quite similar API to Guava equivalent.

The word "multimap" (one word, entirely lowercase) refers to a specific data structure. It's different from a "map", which is another data structure. So since they're different data structures, they have different names.
The Map interface you usually use in Java is the chosen name for an associative array, also known as "map", "dictionary", "hash", etc. Likewise, Guava's Multimap interface is their representation of the multimap data structure.


What is the purpose of the type system in light of CLOS (Common Lisp)?

It is my understanding that the memory layout of a Common Lisp object (bitwise tagging is defined by CLOS (classes).
I understand that every class has a corresponding type, but not every type has a corresponding class, because types can be compound (lists). I think that types are like logical constraints, as opposed to classes that are concrete "types" with a tagging scheme.
If this is correct, does the type system serve any other purpose other than being a logical constraint (such as specifying that an integer must be within a certain range, or that an array contains a particular type)?
If this is not correct, what purpose does the type system actually serve in light of CLOS? Thanks.
An object has only one class at a time, whereas it can satisfy multiple types.
The type system is a lattice, where you can compute a least-upper-bound and greatest lower bound of two types (using resp. or, and), and which admits a top type (T) and a bottom type (the NIL type, which is not the same as the NULL type).
An implementation of Common Lisp must be able to determine if a value belongs to a type, and that starts with atomic type specifiers, like character or integer, and grows with compound type specifiers (which can be defined by the user).
But whether this is done using tags or by static analysis is left to the implementation; in practice, CL is such that there are cases where you cannot statically determine the type of an object precisely (other than T), simply because an object can be redefined at a later point: you cannot assume its type is fixed (say: a function; that's why inlining or global declarations may help with type inference).
But if you have a scope in which a type can be guaranteed to be invariant, the the compiler is free to use unboxed data types to store values. Then you don't have tagged data. That is the case for local declaration of types for variables, but also for specialized arrays: once an array is built, its element type does not change over time and in some cases knowing that an array contains only (integer 0 15) elements can be used to pack data more efficiently.
CLOS was added to CL fairly late in the game (and it was not the only object system designed for CL)
Even with CLOS, the type system can be used by the compiler for optimizations and by user to reason about their code.
I think it's important to get away from the implementation of things, and instead concentrate on how the language thinks about them. Clearly the implementation needs to have enough information to know what sort of thing a given object is, and it's going to do that with some kind of 'tag' (which may or may not be some extra bits attached to the object -- some of it might be the leading bits of the address for instance). Below I've called this the 'representational type'. But you really have almost no access to that implementation detail from the language. It's tempting to think that, type-of tells you something which maps 1-1 onto the representational type, but that's not true: (type-of (cons 1 2) is permitted to return (cons integer integer) for instance, and I think it is probably allowed to return (cons integer number) or (cons (integer 1 1) (integer 2 2)). It's unlikely that there are distinct representational types for all of these: indeed there can't be since (type-of 1) can return (integer m n) for an infinite number of values of m & n.
So here's a take on how the language thinks about things, and the differences between classes and types, in CL.
Both the type system and the class system consist of a bounded lattice of types / classes. Being a lattice means that for any pair of objects there is a unique supremum (so, for types, a unique type of which both types are subtypes, and which has no subtypes for which that is true) and infimum (the reverse). Being bounded means there is a top & a bottom type / class.
Classes are first-class objects (you can store a class in a variable for instance).
All objects (including classes) belong to a class, and there is a well-defined operator to find the immediate class to which any object belongs.
There are a finite number of classes.
The class of an object corresponds fairly closely to its representational type, but not completely (there may be specialized array types which do not have corresponding classes for instance).
Classes can serve as types: (type-of 1 (class-of 1)) works, as does (subtypep (class-of 1) '(integer 0 1)) (the answers being t and nil, t respectively).
Types are ways to denote collections of objects with common properties, but they are not themselves objects: they are, if anything, just names for collections of things -- the language specification calls these 'type specifiers'. In particular there are an infinite number of types: think of the type (integer m n) for instance. A small number of this infinitude of types correspond to representational types -- the actual information that tells the system what sort of thing something is -- but obviously most of them do not. There may be representational types which do not have corresponding types.
Types in practice serve three purposes I think.
Type information can tell the system about what representational types to use which can help it check that things are the right representational type and optimise things.
Type information can let the system make inferences which can help things significantly.
Type information can let programmers talk about what sort of things they are dealing with, even when that information is not helpful to the system. The system can treat such declarations as assertions about types which can make programs safer & easier to debug. This is an important reason for types: even if the system does not check them, it is useful for the person reading your code to know that it expects, say, an integer in [0, 30], ie an (integer 0 30). Indeed, even if the system does not automatically check declarations you can force checks with, say (check-type x '(integer 0 30) ...).
The second case is interesting. Let's say I have something which I have told the system is of type (double-float 0.0d0). This is very unlikely to be more useful in terms of representational type than double-float would be. But if I take the square root of this thing then knowing this type might be very useful indeed: the system can know that the result is a double-float, rather than a (complex double-float), and those types are extremely unlikely to be representationally the same. So the system can use my type declaration to make inferences in this way (and these inferences can cascade through the program). Note that classes can't do this (at least CL's classes can't), and neither can the representational type of an object: you need more information than that.
So yes, types serve a number of very useful purposes which aren't satisfied by classes.
A type is a set of values.
A type specifier is some way to succinctly represent a type.
Implementations may do all kinds of markings and registering in order to help them sort out the types of things, but that is not inherent to the concept of types.
A class is an object describing a set of other objects. Since having a succinct name for such a set (type) is quite useful, Common Lisp registers the class name as a type specifier for the corresponding set of objects. That is the whole relation of types to classes.
The type system defines different objects that do different things. The CLOS system is more so used for methods that define special behaviors for types in a more logical way for some programmers. Coming from Java, the CLOS System was more logical and systematic for me, so it has a role for some programmers. I like to think of the CLOS system as a class in Java such as the Integer class, and the type system similar to primitives in Java. The CLOS system simply helps you extend your objects with methods in a more systematic way than creating a structure imho.

Work with dto's to build an API with DDD

I'm starting to work with dto's (data transfer objects) and I have some doubts about the best way to build the system architecture of the API.
Imagine a domain entity 'A', with relations to 'B', 'C' and 'D'. We have a service 'S' that return a json list with all "A's". It's correct to create an 'ADTO' in that service, fill with "BDTO's", "CDTO's" and "DDTO's"? If then we have another service "S2", and we need to return an specific set of "B's", then we need to create another tree of "B2DTO's" with "C2DTOS's", "D2DTO's"... ? Is this the correct way to do it?
I see that this way, we'll have a huge and complex tree of DTO's, with an specific DTO's for each use case.
I forgot the assemblers part. Is necessary to implement a different assembler for every DTO? for example, for an entity A, we have two DTO's. Can I use the same assembler or is better to have A1Assembler and A2Assembler?
Your DTOs should represent a set of data that you want your client to have. Usually, you should never 'copy' your entities into DTOs because you may have fields that you don't want to share with the world. Let's supposed that you are creating automatically a 'tracking' column with the ID of who entered that data, or say that you have a Customer entity with password fields. You don't want that to be part of your DTOs. That's why you must be EXTRA CAREFUL when using AutoMapper etc.
When you design DTOs think about what your client needs from that endpoint specifically. Sometimes DTOs may look the same and that's ok. Also, your DTOs can be as simple or as complex as needed. One crazy example, lets say that a page where you show an artist, his songs, the voting rate for those songs and some extra data.
If your use case justifies it, you may very well put all of that into a DTO. DTO all they do is carry data.
YES, your services should return DTOS (POCO).
Also, DTO is just naming convention. Don't get caught up in the "dto" suffix. A 'command' coming from a client is a DTO, but in that case you would call it AddNewCustomerCommand for example.
Makes sense?
I think you mistake what your DTO's are. You'll have 2 kind of DTO's Roughly speaking
1) they can be your domain entities, then you can return ADTO, BDTO and CDTO. But those DTO's can be fairly consistent (why would B2DTO be any different from BDTO)
If you look at what your json would look at
Id: 1
name: "foobar",
$type: "A",
B: [ {
name: "b-bar",
$type: "B"}]
CIds: [ 2,23, 42]
Here you see 2 kind of objects, some (B's) are returned in full in your DTO as subobjects. Others (like C) are turned by Id and can be queried separately. If it's S2 which implements the C query or not you don't care about.
2) When you get to an architecture like CQRS then you do get different DTO's. (projections or commands) but then you would also see this in the naming of the DTO's. Forexample are
AListOnOverviewPageDTO, AUserEditDetailDTO, etc.
Now it makes very much sense to have different DTO's since they are projections representing very different usecases. (and not a full object as is common in DDD)
Update The reason you want different DTO's are twofold. First of all it allows you to optimize each call separately. Maybe the list needs to be faster so (using CQRS) you can put the right indexes on your data so your listDTO will be returned faster. It allows you to reason about usecases more easily. Since each DTO represents 1 usecase/screen (Otherwise you get cases ok in the userlistDTO i need to populate only these 3 fields in this case ..etc.).
Furthermore you need to make sure you API is honest. NEVER EVER return a "age" field with empty data but have some other call return the same user but with another call return the same user with a real age. It makes your backend appear broken. However if i had a call to /users/list and another call to /users/1/detail it would be natural if the detail calls returned more fields about a specific user

Standard Structure for Object-Value Pairs

I'm attempting to create a class, A, that has a collection of objects, X[].
Each element in X will contain a reference to another class, B, and associate a Boolean value, U, with that reference.
In this way, I'll be able to create a instance of an object, and poll if it's relationship with X[i] is true, false, or none.
Is there a standard practice for doing this?
The particular problem I'm trying to solve is that I have a array of cells, each of which is defined by a positive or negative relationship to its bounding surfaces.
I want to loop through the cells, and find out the path length of a ray that transverses a series of them.
Don't restrict your thinking to objects or data structures. Think dynamically. If the Boolean value you want to associate to every class can be deduced from some logical rules, at it is likely the case, implement a message that will return that value. Then enumerate the classes and collect the Boolean values by sending the (same) message to all of them.
Then think dynamically again and apply the very same concept to calculate the collection of classes: do not hardcode them in a list or array, implement the message that will select them based on the logic that dictates such selection.
Of course, the ability to do all of this depends on the language of your choice as it will have to support classes as first-class objects. But hey, if you have a problem that can be better expressed in some language, different from the one you are currently using, take the opportunity to give it a try.

Overriding CompareTo when there are multiple ways to compare two objects of the same type?

What's a sound approach to override the CompareTo() method in a custom class with multiple approaches to comparing the data contained in the class? I'm attempting to implement IComparable(Of T) just so I have a few of the baseline interfaces implemented. Not planning on doing any sorting yet, but this will save me down the road if I need to.
Reading MSDN states mostly that we have to return 0 if the objects are equal, -1 if obj1 is less than obj2, or 1 is obj1 is greater than obj2. But that's rather simplistic.
Consider an IPv4 address (which is what I'm implementing in my class). There's two main numbers to consider -- the IP address itself, and the CIDR. An IPv4 address by itself is assumed to have a CIDR of /32, so in that case, in a CompareTo method, I can just compare the addresses directly to determine if one is greater or less than the other. But when the CIDR's are different, then things get tricky.
Assume obj1 is and obj2 is I could compare these two addresses a number of ways. I could just ignore the CIDR, and still regard as obj2 as being greater than obj1. I could compare them based on their CIDR, which would be comparing the size of the network (and a /8 will trump a /24 quite easily). I could compare them on both their numerical address AND their CIDR, on the off chance obj2 was actually an address inside the network defined by obj1.
What's the kind of approach used to handle situations like this? Can I define two CompareTo methods, overloaded, such that one would evaluate one address relative to another address, and the second would evaluate the size of the overall network? How would the .NET framework be told which one to use depending on how one might want to sort an array? Or do some other function that relies on CompareTo()?
For CompareTo, you should use a comparison that represents the default, normal sort order for a particular type. For example, in the example you gave, I would probably expect it to sort on the address first, then on the subnet size.
But for the case where there is no obvious "default" sort order, or when there are multiple ways to compare (such as case sensitive or not when comparing strings) the recommended approach is to use an IComparer<T>. This would be a separate object that is able to compare two instances of your type. For example, a AddressComparer or SubnetComparer. You could even make them static properties of a class which is what StringComparer does.
Just about all methods that take IComparable types should also have an overload that allows you to specify an IComparer to use instead. You don't have to implement both, but if it makes sense, do it. That way you can specify a particular comparer when needed or use the default built-in IComparable logic of your type.

Grammatically correct double-noun identifiers, plural versions

Consider compounds of two nouns, which in natural English would most often appear in the form "noun of noun", e.g. "direction of light", "output of a filter". When programming, we usually write "LightDirection" and "FilterOutput".
Now, I have a problem with plural nouns. There are two cases:
1) singular of plural
e.g. "union of (two) sets", "intersection of (two) segments"
Which is correct, SetUnion and SegmentIntersection or SetsUnion and SegmentsIntersection?
2) plural of plural
There are two subcases:
(a) Many elements, each having many related elements, e.g. "outputs of filters"
(b) Many elements, each having single related element, e.g. "directions of vectors"
Shall I use FilterOutputs and VectorDirections or FiltersOutputs and VectorsDirections?
I suspect correct is the first version (FilterOutupts, VectorDirections), but I think it may lead to ambiguities, e.g.
FilterOutputs - many outputs of a single filter or many outputs of many filters?
LineSegmentProjections - projections of many segments or many projections of a single segment?
What are the general rules, I should follow?
There's a grammatical misunderstanding lying behind this question. When we turn a phrase of form:
1. X of Y
2. Y X
the Y changes grammatical role from a noun in the possessive (1) to an adjective in the attributive (2). So while one may pluralise both X and Y in (1), one may only pluralise X in (2), because Y in (2) is an adjective, and adjectives do not have grammatical number.
Hence, e.g., SetsUnion is not in accordance with English. You're free to use it if it suits you, but you are courting unreadability, and I advise against it.
In particular, consider two other possessive constructions, first the old-fashioned construction using the possessive pronoun "its", singular:
3a. Y, its X
the equivalent plural:
4a. Ys, their X
and their contractions, with 4b much less common than 3b:
3b. Y's X
4b. Ys' X
Here, SetsUnion suggests it is a rendering of the singular possessive type (3) Set's Union (=Set, its Union), where you intended to communicate the plural possessive (4) Sets, their Union (contracted to the less common Sets' Union).
So it's actively misleading.
Unless you're getting hamstrung by a convention driven system (ruby on rails, cakePHP etc), why not use OutputsOfFilters, UnionOfSets etc? They may not be conventional but they may be clearer.
For example its pretty clear that ProjectionOfLineSegments and ProjectionsOfLineSegment are different things or even ProjectionsOfLineSegments....
Using plural forms of nouns can make them more difficult to read.
When you have a number of things, they are usually stored in a datastructure - an array, a list, a map, set, etc.. generically called a collection or abstract data type. The interface to a collection of items is typically part of the programming environment (e.g. Collections in java and .net, STL in C++) and is well understood by developers to involve quantities of items.
You can avoid pluralizing your nouns, and make the fact that you are dealing with multiple quantities explicit, and indicate how they are accessed by incorporating the name of the collection. For example,
VectorDirectionList - the vectors and their directions are listed, e.g. some kind of Pair type. Works particularly well if you have a VectorDirection, combining a Vector and a Direction.
VectorDirectionMap - if the vector directions are mapped from vector.
Because it's a collection type, dealing with multiple objects is understood as it is endemic to a collection type. It then puts it in the same class as SetUnion - a union always involves at least 2 sets, and a VectorDirectionList makes it clear there can be more than one VectorDirection.
I agree about avoiding homonyms where the word has more than one word class, e.g. Filter, (and actually, Set, although to my mind Set would not really be used in a class name as a verb, so I interpret it as a noun.) I originally wrote this using FilterOutput as an example, but it didn't read well. Using a compound for Filter may help disambiguate - e.g. ImageFilterOutputs (or applying my own adivce, this would be ImageFilterOutputList.)
Avoiding plural forms with class names seems natural when you consider that an instance of a class is itself always one item - "an instance". If we use a plural name, then we get a mismatch - an instance trying to imply that it is multiple things - it itself is just one thing, even if it references multiple other things. The collection naming above builds on this - you have an instance which is a list, a map etc so there is no mismatch.
I'm assuming you are talking about programming language constructs, although the same thinking applies to tables/views. These are understood to involve quantities of items and table names are consequently often singlular (Customer, Order, Item) even though they store multiple rows. Many-to-Many Mapping tables are usually compounds of the entities being related, e.g. relating orders to items - OrderItem. In my experience, using plurals for table names makes the SQL difficult to read.
To sum up, I would avoid plural froms as they make reading harder. There are sure to be cases where they are unavoidable - where using the plural form is more readable than creating a huge name of nested entities and collections, but these are the exception than the rule.
What are the general rules, I should follow?
Make it Clear -- for both visual and aural thinkers.
Make it Specific but Accurate.
Make it pass the "crowded room" or "emergency phone call" test.
To illustrate with the SetsUnion example:
"SetsUnion" is right out; It's easily confused for a typo and speaking it (even in your head) will confuse it for "Set's Union" (Or worse).
The plural is also implied, so the 2nd 's' is redundant.
SetUnion is better but still ambiguous.
UnionOfSets is clearer and should be the bare minimum standard.
But all of these, so far, are uselessly vague (unless you are working with pure mathematical theory).
The term really should be specific. For example, "Red cars", "Programmers who spent too much time on esoterica", etc.
These are all unions of sets, but they tell you something useful. ;-)
Finally, Phil Factor had the right of it. To paraphrase:
Can you shout a (term) out across a crowded room and have it keyed in, and successfully (used), by a listener at the other side?
Try yelling, "SetsUnion," or even, "UnionOfSets," across a packed Irish bar. ;-)
1) i would use SetUnion and SegmentIntersection because i think in this case the plurality is implied anyway and it just looks nicer that way.
2) again, i would use FilterOutputs and VectorDirections, for the same reason. you could always use MultipleFilterOutputs if you want to be more specific.
but ultimately it's entirely down to your personal preference.
I think that while general naming conventions and consistency are important, but in a very very tight/tricky algorithm, clarity should trump convention. If it helps, use veryLongAndDescriptiveIdentifiers.
What's wrong with Union()?
Moreover, "union of sets" turns into "sets' union" (the two sets' union is ...); I'm sure I'm not the only person who's okay with CamelCase but not CamelsCaseMinusApostrophes. If it needs an apostrophe to make sense, don't use it. Set.Union() reads exactly like "union of set(s)".
Mathematations will also say "the (set) union of A and B", or rarely "A and B's (set) union". "The sets' union of A and B" makes no sense!
Most people will also see Vector[] vectors and Directions[] vectorDirections and assume that vectors[i] corresponds to vectorDirections[i]. If things really get ambiguous, I use something like vector_by_index and vectorDirection_by_index. Then you can have Map<Filter,Output> output_by_filter or Map<Filter,Output[]> outputs_by_filter, which makes it very obvious what the key is (this is very important in Objective-C where it's completely non-obvious what type the keys or values are).
If you really want, you can add an s and get vectors_by_index, but then consistency gives you the silly outputss_by_filter.
The right thing is, of course, something like struct FilterState { Filter filter; Output[] outputs; }; FilterState[] filterStates;.
I'd suggest singular for the first word: SetUnion, VectorDirections, etc.
Do a quick class search in your IDE, for: Strings*, Sets*, Vectors*, Collections*
Anyway, whatever you choose, be consistent throughout the whole application.