react-native Is it possible to push a route in Navigator by swiping gesture - react-native

Is it possible to push a route in Navigator with the gestures within Navigator?
I assume if I use Pan responder, it will push a route after I swipe, which wont look as nice


How can I trigger the default swipe events of multiple components with a swipe from anywhere on the screen in react native?

I am using react native with expo. I have created a Carousel with react-native-snap-carousel and a material-top-tab-navigator with react-navigation 6.
My goal is, that when I swipe through the tab navigator the carousel should also detect the swipe and react as if it would get swiped itself. So whereever I swipe on the screen inside the tab navigator, the carousel should join the swipe action so to say.
Right now I can obviously only swipe through it when I place my finger inside its borders. Should I use react-native-gesture-handler or is there some way to connect or bundle the two events together so that when one component gets swiped, the same swipe gets apllied to the other component?

React Native - Drawer Navigation Gesture Start point

I'm using React native drawer navigation, when you swipe out from the left or right - it opens the drawer.
Does anyone know a way of changing the gesture start point, so that it starts slightly further into the screen?
My users are finding on curved screens it doesn't always drag out and feels un-natural to use.
I've looked through the documentation and couldn't find anything there.
Thank you!
Use edgeWidth props in react-navigation drawer.
Allows for defining how far from the edge of the content view the swipe gesture should activate.
For more details

React-navigation drawer wont open by slide gesture when scrollview is on current screen

I have ReactNavigation -> DrawerNavigation as a main navigator for my app and it holds StackNavigator as a base router for all app screens. Pretty basic setup i think.
Hovever: the first screen consist of ScrollView wchich is oriented horizontally. This interferes with drawer's edge drag to open functionality. Sometimes it works - most of the time scrollview takes over the swipe gesture.
I already increased the edgeWidth param in order to make sure it's not causing the issue.
My guess is the scrollview captures the gesture. Is there a way to give the drawer priority or to somehow limit scrollview gesture area so it's not trigerred at the edge of screen?
Much appreciate your help

React Navigation navigate and scroll

I'm using the StackNavigator from react-navigation and I'm trying to customize the navigation process.
On one screen, I have two buttons that both use the "navigate" function to redirect the user to the same screen (which is a scrollview). Is there any way to have one of the buttons scroll down to a different part of the screen after navigating?

How to push a modal screen using ReactNavigation?

I'm using ReactNavigation with a StackNavigator for my screens. From time to time, I need to push a modal screen which the user cannot hit "Back" for. It should also transition from bottom to top (similar to native modal controllers in iOS). I'm not sure how to use the navigate method to do so.
I am not familiar with ReactNavigation (although it looks nice, I'll take a look), but ReactNative already has a Modal component that does what you want (bottom top is the slide animation that has by default: Modal