Solaris 9 - Set project max-shm-memory for Sybase - project

When using Solaris 10, I use to execute projmod –s –K “project.max-shm-memory=(privileged,4G,deny)” ‘user.sybase’ before installing Sybase.
Now I am using Solaris 9 and the command is different, it doesn't know the option -s -K.
Could you please help me to find what I need to do/execute to change this project parameter on Solaris 9?
Thank you for your help

It's my understanding that for Solaris 9, you must edit the /etc/system file and shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=size.of.share.memory which is the equivalent max-shm-memory in Solaris 10.
Let me know if that helps.


Issue with Postgres on windows 10

I have installed PostgreSQL 13 on windows 10
When I tried to run this command:
$ which Postgres on Git Bash, It returns which: no Postgres in (/c/Users*ahmedeid/......
Could you help me solve the issue?
It seems that your PostgreSQL installation's bin directory is not on the PATH, so you cannot find the server executable.
You'll have to modify the PATH environment variable appropriately.
Another possibility is that your bash was already running when you installed PostgreSQL, so that its PATH setting is out of date. Try closing bash and start a new one. Maybe that one has the correct setting.

Can I use windows utility installed on Windows system with WSL

I think the answer to my questions is NO. But I need to get clarity be certain about this.
EXAMPLE: I have sqlcmd windows utility installed on windows and can use it with command prompt, simply type sqlcmd in command prompt and start typing T-SQL commands such as sp_databases;go will list the databases.
Next if I want to use WSL bash prompt for doing the same I believe the only way to do so is to first install sqlcmd for Ubuntu from WSL bash and then log in to localhost SQL Server with sqlcmd.
Please share what you know to help me get a better understanding of how to get full benefit of WSL for doing things such as using the sqlcmd command at WSL bash prompt.
Thanks for the help.
I have tried issuing this command at the WSL bash prompt which did not work:
/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ SQL\ Server/110/Tools/Binn/SQLCMD.EXE
OK I had some success, I needed some getting use to but there is some thing to go off here. To reiterate my name idea was that if a program such as R or Python is installed in windows I shouldn't have to re-install it in WSL with sudo apt-get install ...
So for using the sqlcmd utility the following command at bash worked:
/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe /C sqlcmd
This command will let give me a "black line/space" to type in T-SQL commands into. It gives me some success with my experiment, at first it looks funny since there was no prompt or anything but I just type the command sp_databases [enter] go [enter] and it does the trick.
Next I wanted to really wanted to test this and tried to run the R (installation that runs when I type >R at command prompt). This is command that worked at bash prompt:
/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe /C R --no-save
This was more satisfying as it printed R intro and started the R-shell/prompt, the issue was though (what I immediately noticed) was that if I use the up arrow key to scroll through previous commands its won't work rather ^[[A is printed on the screen at the prompt.
Next I tried another program Python, at command prompt in windows if I enter >python it starts a python with the intro, but at WSL bash prompt when I tried:
/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe /C python it takes me to blank line but unlike sqlcmd this time a simple python command like dir() dose not give back any output.
I would greatly appreciate if someone who knows more about these things could explain to me how I can use the programs already installed in windows with reinstalling them in WSL.
§ So why did the python program not start in WSL like it does at the command-prompt.
§ And in case of R program that did start how would I scroll through previous command if the up arrow key start printing ^[[A
Thanks for help, hope my question is clear enough.

Which yum variable can give 6 or 7 as output

I can see the yum variables as on Redhat page at Redhat docs
The variable $releasever resolves to 6Server or 7Server etc
Is there any default variable which can resolve to just 6 or 7
For RedHat 6Server and 7Server are the values that matter as far as I know.
I don't believe 6 and 7 don't mean anything in RH land (they do for CentOS though).
So I would doubt that there's anything built in for them.
But you can add a custom variable yourself easily enough by dropping a file in /etc/yum/vars/ and using its name as the variable.
So echo 6 > /etc/yum/vars/barever and then use $barever in the yum configuration.

SQLDeveloper not starting

When i try to start SQLDeveloper, it is giving me the following error in command prompt:
Error: This product requires a Java(TM) Platform 5.0 runtime.
You are using 1.4.2-b28 from C:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre
But my JAVA_HOME is set to java 6
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_32
Can anyone explain what exactly to do to resolve this?
Oracle SQL Developer uses a configuration file named products.conf which is situated at your roaming directory.
If you are using Windows 7 then the directory path will be:
Delete whole sqldeveloper directory from C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\
Re run sqldeveloper executable, this will prompt for jdk home
Select jdk home. i.e C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_55
In my case i had 2 folders under C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\
SQL developer
after removing both of them and launching installation dir\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper64.exe it worked.
True acknowledgement / attribution belongs to Vishal at the following URL: It describes in detail how to resolve this problem. From the page:
I am running Oracle 11g version of SQLDeveloper. I have same problem
noted above, after fresh install of Oracle. The summary is that
SQLDeveloper seems to require the Java 32-bit JDK.
Install 32-bit jdk V7 from Oracle:
There is a sqldeveloper.conf file located in
In the file change pathname within the line at end of file:
SetJavaHome C:\app\admin\product\11.2.0\client_1\jdk
To point to pathname of the jdk install directory; also sometimes
known as JAVA_HOME.
I had this problem too!
you should go to: C:\Users-your user name-\AppData\Roaming\sqldeveloper-version of your sql developer-
there is a file named product.conf there. Right click on it and edit it with notepad in the document change the address of java home and save it.
In my case, none of the other suggestions worked. Instead, I moved the installation directory from
anything else
And things worked again. Perhaps, some Windows registry value got broken in an unfixable way...
I don't think SQLDeveloper uses the environment variable. There should be a .conf file that contains a reference to the JDK directory.
I solved this by deleting the folder /home/USERNAME/.sqldeveloper
After that, I started SQLDeveloper and without typing anything, it found the right java-version and started without complaining :-)
So, if you don't want to delete the whole folder, maybe search there for the file which defines the java-version :-)
edit: just found that:
"Type the full pathname of a J2SE installation (or Ctrl-C to quit), the path
will be stored in ~/.sqldeveloper/jdk"
check the version of java that you are installing to you Pc the error show that you are using 4 so uninstall the java that you have then install a new one that is version higher than 5
Removing the instances from the registry worked for me.

Jdeveloper - Unrecognized option: -jrockit

Every time I try to run a weblogic webcenter application on Jdev I get the following error and I cant find any reference on how to fix this anywhere on the web.
starting weblogic with Java version: Could not create the Java virtual
machine. Unrecognized option: -jrockit
Try modifying the startWebLogic.cmd file (WIN7)
to contain
set JAVA_VM=-server
set MEM_ARGS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
Jdeveloper 11g do not support jdk 1.7
I fixed it by add to top of c:\users{user}\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system{version}\DefaultDomain\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd:
set SUN_JAVA_HOME=E:\Oracle\Java\jdk1.6.0_37
In OSX, look for the this folder /Users/{USERNAME}/.jdeveloper/system{VERSION}/DefaultDomain/bin
Edit the file and look for SUN_JAVA_HOME and make sure the value is the same value as your JAVA_HOME, i.e. /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk${JDK_VERSION}.jdk/Contents/Home, by default it seems it is set to an empty string "".
Edit the file and add the following before is called.
You can test it out by running sh ./, if it runs with -jrockit error, then all is good :)
I've also tested with Java JDK 1.7 and it seems to work.
The reason is, that older Weblogic Versions use the Java VM "JRockit"
The JRockit VM is no longer supported in Java 7 or higher.
All of the other solutions here seem to be hacks and none of them helped me.
I had the same Problem with a Weblogic 10.3.5 and I found out, the installation was incorrect.
The Problem is, that there is no java version check in the installer, so if you don't know that you can't use Java 7 or higher you are screwed.
These steps fixed it for me:
You need to make sure you have Java 6 or lower installed.
Reinstall the Weblogic and make sure to specify the correct JDK