DropDownListFor Composite Key with Value Column - asp.net-mvc-4

I'm building a Roles/Permissions component for my application. My Role view model looks like this:
public class RoleView
public int Id { get; set; }
public ApplicationWithPermissionsView Application { get; set; }
public List<RolePermissionView> Permissions { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, int>> PermissionValues
return EnumHelper.ToList<PermissionValue>();
public string Name { get; set; }
The RolePermission view model looks like this:
public class RolePermissionView
public int PermissionId { get; set; }
public int RoleId { get; set; }
public PermissionValue Value { get; set; }
PermissionValue is an enum that has members NotSet, Allow, Deny, and stores an int value in the database.
If I go to a role edit page, I display a list of permission categories, which each have a list of permissions, with the respective values (RolePermission) for each permission for that role. As you can see, RolePermissionView has composite keys (PermissionId, RoleId).
How can I build a drop down list, that shows a list of possible permission values and selects the correct permission value for that particular permission?
The following generates the drop down lists, but doesn't select any values. Also, doesn't give each dropdown list a unique name or ID, so binding definitely won't work. I assume if I later move this into an Editor Template they will have uniques.
#foreach (var permission in category.Permissions)
<td>#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Permissions.Find(p => p.PermissionId == permission.Id).PermissionValue, new SelectList(Model.PermissionValues, "Value", "Key"))</td>

The trouble here is mostly syntactic. Bear in mind that for things like DropDownListFor and the other *For-style helpers, you're passing an expression, not a literal instance of something. The helper then attempts to parse that expression to create a name attribute value on the input that will (hopefully) bind when the data is posted back. Obviously, then, doing something like Find is not going to work, because there's no way to translate that so that the same thing happens on the other end after posting. Instead, you should do something like:
#for (var i = 0; i < category.Permissions.Count(); i++)
<td>#Html.DropDownListFor(m => category.Permissions[i].PermissionValue, Model.PermissionValues)</td>
Now, the expression is concrete enough to bind to.
Also, Change your PermissionValues property to be IEnumerable<SelectListItem> instead of using KeyValuePair. Then, there's no need to manually create a SelectList, which will save you a lot of potential headaches. To construct the Value of the SelectListItem, I would simply append the two composite ids as strings (since the value must be a string anyways). Join them by some delimiter like a comma. Then, on post, you can get the posted value and split it by the same delimiter to get your two ids back. Obviously, you'll also then need to convert them both back to ints. You can only post one value back from a select, so this is really your only option when it comes to composite keys.


FluentAssertions GraphComparison, all properties of only output object should be filled

Often in my team people forget to map certain fields from an input object to an output object. I wanted to write a library for unit testing, that checks if all properties on an output object have been filled with a value different than the default value, if not, an exception should be thrown. Ofcourse certain properties will need to be able to be excluded.
I noticed that Fluent Assertions can already do this with the .Should().BeEquivalentTo() Graph comparison.
However, I when a property is not present on the input object, I run into some trouble. Given the following objects:
public class Input
public int Age{ get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public class Output
public int Age { get; set; }
public string FullName{ get; set; }
public static Output CreateFrom(Input i)
return new Output
Age = i.Age,
FullName= $"{i.FirstName} {i.LastName}"
When I do the following assertion:
var input = new Input
Age = 33,
FirstName = "Foo",
LastName = "Bar"
var output = Output.CreateFrom(input);
var fullName = $"{input.FirstName} {input.LastName}";
o => o.Using<string>(i => i.Subject.Should().Be(fullName)).When(
info => info.Path.Contains(nameof(output.FullName)))
I get an exception that FullName is not a property on the Input object, which is fair, but I can't use .Excluding(o => o.FullName) in this case because that would skip assertion all togheter.
I could use .Excluding(o => o.FullName), and write a seperate assertion below it as follows:
but that doesn't fix the problem I'm trying to solve, I want every property to be mapped, OR have a specific assertion in BeEquivalentTo so people don't forget to write mappings. And they can still forget to write this seperate assertion when they add .Exluding.
The .WithMapping<Input>() extension method will also not work, since you can assign one property on the input, to another property on the output, but doesn't account for the scenario described above.
IS there a way to do this with Fluent Assertions? That would be my preference since it's already included in the project. Are there anylibraries that tackle this specific scenario, or am I going to have to write this myself?

ASP.NET MVC 4 Display data From 2 Model using EF

I'm start learning ASP.NET MVC 4 and stuck displaying Data From 2 model in 1 File
Here's my Model
public class mst_item
[DisplayName("Item Code")]
public string item_code{get;set;}
[DisplayName("Item Name")]
public string item_name{get;set;}
public mst_item_unit unit_id{ get; set; }
public class mst_item_unit
public int unit_id { get; set; }
public string unit_name { get; set; }
Then My Controller :
public ActionResult Item()
var list_item = db.mst_item.Include("mst_item_unit").ToList();
return View(list_item);
Then How to display the unit_name based on the mst_item.unit_id in View using INNER JOIN or Include? something like :
#foreach (var item in Model)
#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.item_name)
#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.unit_name)
I get stuck here, But I success while displaying the mst_item data without joining mst_item_unit (just display the ID based on mst_item.unit_id) before.
You just have a couple of issues:
The parameter to Include should be a navigation property on your entity, not the table name. In other words, change it to:
var list_item = db.mst_item.Include("unit_id").ToList();
You have to access the properties of this second entity through the navigation property. In other words, this is the view code you would need:
#foreach (var item in Model)
#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.item_name)
#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.unit_id.unit_name)
That said, you've also got some stylistic problems here, which since you're new, I'll point out.
Class and property names should be camel-cased, i.e. MstItem, rather than mst_item.
Navigation properties should be named after the objects they connect to, i.e. unit_id should be something like MstItemUnit, or just Unit, if you prefer. That removes the need to specify a display name for it, as well.
The use of the _id suffix on this navigation property is particularly troubling, because it implies that this property is an int or Guid - you know, something that could be used an id - whereas actually you're referencing a full-fledged object.
While not as important, it makes little sense to repeat the class name or a portion thereof in the property names of that class. For example, unit_name should just be Name. Obviously, it's the name of the unit, because that's the class.
With those in place, your code becomes much more readable and "human". For example:
#Html.DisplayFor(m => item.Name)
#Html.DisplayFor(m => item.Unit.Name)
You should be creating a ViewModel that will relate both your models, populate that ViewModel in your controller and use that in your View. The below link is very much your case.
Multiple Models in a Single View (C# MVC3)

NHibernate JoinAlias on collection multiple times

I'm using NHibernate 3.33 and QueryOver with Postgre 9.2.
I've got two entities:
public class User {
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual IList<Reports> Reports { get; set; }
public class Report {
public virtual string Type { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime ReportDate { get; set; }
public virtual User Author { get; set; }
with association - one-to-many (I didn't append additional fields to entities like Id or Name to snippets above). Some report's types are avaliable - month, day.
My goal is to get summary for user - find out whether user has day-report and month-report for current day.
Note: month-report's ReportDate looks like first day of month. Also I want to get it as one row (if it was an SQL) to transform to dto:
public class UserSummaryDto {
public bool HasDayReport { get; set; }
public bool HasMonthReport { get; set; }
To achieve my goal I've tried following:
Report dayReport = null;
Report monthReport = null;
var currentDay; // some value of current day
var firstDay; // some value of first day of month
var report = session.QueryOver<User>
.Left.JoinAlias(u => u.Reports, () => dayReport, r => r.ReportDate == currentDay)
.Left.JoinAlias(u => u.Reports, () => monthReport, r => r.ReportDate == firstDat)
// some logic to check whether user has reports
And I've got error:
'duplicate association path:Reports'.
Is it possible to avoid this problem or it's a limitation of HNibernate?
To answer your question:
...Is it possible to avoid this problem or it's a limitation of HNibernate?
Have to say NO.
For more information see similar Q & A: Rename NHibernate criteria
We are not querying the DB, not using SQL (which does allow to do a lot). Here we work with "mapped" domain model, and that could bring some limitations - as the one discussed here...
If that could help, the workaround is to map such property twice and use the WHERE clause: 6.2. Mapping a Collection
where="" (optional) specify an arbitrary SQL WHERE condition to be used when retrieving or removing the collection (useful if the collection should contain only a subset of the available data)

How to auto-load details (with conditions) associated with an entity using Ria Services?

I'm developing a project using Silverlight 4 and Entity Framework 4 and I'm trying to auto-load the details (with conditions) associated with an entity when the client loads the EntityQuery.
So far, I've been able to put in place a solution, using the Include attribute, that returns all the details associated with the master entity. What I'm missing here is to be able to filter out the details based on some criteria.
As an example, here's what my entities look like:
Entity Movie
Id (int)
MovieLocalizedInformations (EntityCollection<MovieLocalizedInformation>)
Entity MovieLocalizedInformation
Id (int)
Movie_Id (int)
LanguageCode (eg.: en)
On my DomainService object, I expose the following method:
public IQueryable<Movie> GetMovies( string languageCode )
return this.ObjectContext.Movies.Include( "MovieLocalizedInformations" );
This works fine. But when I try to add where clause to filter out the localized information based on the language code, only the movies get loaded on the client.
Is there a way to achieve the filtering in one query?
Note: I'm also using the DomainDataSource with paging on the client so the solution needs to work with that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Not sure about Enitity Framework but with a LinqToSqlDomainService you use the LoadWith loadOption
to include the details entities and then use the AssociateWith LoadOption to filter the detail e.g
DataLoadOptions options = new DataLoadOptions();
options.LoadWith<Movies>(i => i.MovieLocalizedInformations);
options.AssociateWith<Movies>(i => i.MovieLocalizedInformations.Where(d=> myListOfIds.Contains(d.LocationId)));
For efficiency reason, I decided to go with custom DTO object that fetches the localized information and flatten the result.
But, the same problem occurred when my custom DTO needed to reference another custom localized DTO.
Here is how I came to do the same as the .Include( "PropertyName" ) that the ObjectSet offers:
Entity LocalizedMovieCollection
public class LocalizedMovieCollection
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } (the result of a sub query based on the language)
[Association( "LocalizedMovieCollection_LocalizedMovies", "Id", "MovieCollection_Id" )]
public IEnumerable<LocalizedMovie> Movies { get; set; }
Entity LocalizedMovie
public class LocalizedMovie
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } (the result of a sub query based on the language)
public int MovieCollection_Id { get; set; }
[Association( "LocalizedMovie_LocalizedMovieCollection", "MovieCollection_Id", "Id", IsForeignKey = true]
public LocalizedMovieCollection MovieCollection { get; set; }
Then, I've declared two methods: One that returns an IQueryable of LocalizedMovieCollection and the other, an IQueryable of LocalizedMovie. (Note: There must be at least one method that returns each type of entity for the entity to get auto-generated on the Silverlight client)
My goal is to automatically load the MovieCollection associated with a Movie so the method definition to get the movies is as follow:
public IQueryable<LocalizedMovie> GetMovies( string languageCode )
return from movie in this.ObjectContext.Movies
join movieLocalizedInfo in this.ObjectContext.MovieLocalizedInformations
on movie equals movieLocalizedInfo.Movie
join movieCollection in this.ObjectContext.MovieCollections
on movie.MovieCollection equals movieCollection
join movieCollectionLocalizedInfo in this.ObjectContext.MovieCollectionLocalizedInformations
on movieCollection equals movieCollectionLocalizedInfo.MovieCollection
where movieLocalizedInfo.LanguageCode == languageCode && movieCollectionLocalizedInfo.LanguageCode == languageCode
select new LocalizedMovie()
Id = movie.Id,
Name = movieLocalizedInfo.Name
MovieCollection_Id = movieCollection.Id,
MovieCollection = new LocalizedMovieCollection(){ Id = movieCollection.Id, Name = movieCollectionLocalizedInfo.Name }
When the Silverlight client loads the query, all the LocalizedMovies and their associated LocalizedMovieCollections will be loaded into the context.

NHibernate not updating all properties of entities

I'm experiencing an odd problem with FluentNHibernate: when I save my entity, one of the (reference) properties is not updated. Other properties, both fields and references, are updated, and the failing property is correctly mapped (retrieving entities works like a charm).
A (slightly simplified) description of what I'm doing:
Into my MVC action method, an InputModel is bound and set. It has a property for the TypeID, where I wish to set the Type of my entity (let's call the entity type Thing).
A new Thing object is created, and the simple properties of the InputModel is copied over. For a couple of complex properties, among them the Type property which isn't working and another property which is, the following is done:
2.1. The correct ThingType is fetched from the repository, based on the provided type id.
2.2. The type is set (using thing.Type = theType) on the new Thing object.
The Thing that I want to update is fetched from the repository, based on the id on the input model (not the same id as the TypeID).
All properties, complex and other, are copied over from the new thing (created by me) to the original one (fetched from db).
The original Thing is saved, using session.Save();.
As stated above, it's only one property that isn't working - other properties, following (as far as I can tell) the exact same pattern, work. I've also debugged and verified that the original Thing has the correct, updated Type when it is passed to session.Save().
I have no idea where to start troubleshooting this...
Update: The classes are plain POCOs:
public class Thing
public int ID { get; set; }
public string SomeSimpleProp { get; set; }
public ThingType Type { get; set; }
public OtherEntity OtherReference { get; set; }
public class ThingType
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
My exact mappings (except for the names of types and properties) are these:
// In ThingMap : ClassMap<Thing> constructor:
Id(t => t.ID).Column("ThingID");
Map(t => t.SomeSimpleProp);
References(t => t.Type).Column("ThingTypeID");
References(t => t.OtherReference).Column("OtherReferenceID");
// In ThingTypeMap : ClassMap<ThingType> constructor:
Id(t => t.ID).Column("ThingTypeID");
Map(t => t.Name);
As I said, OtherReference is updated correctly while Type is not. They are mapped identically, so I don't see how this could be a mapping error.
You should specify <many-to-one .... cascade="save-update"/> in order to update references.