Improve VBA flexibility to convert VLOOKUP to INDEX/MATCH - vba

After all my searching for code to read in a VLOOKUP formula and converting it to INDEX/MATCH came up empty, I wrote some myself.
However, the code (below) is lacking some of the flexibility I would like, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it work. Specifically, I would like to test each range criterion in the VLOOKUP formula for being an absolute reference or not, i.e. preceded by $, and carry that through to the INDEX/MATCH formula that results. For example, the formula =VLOOKUP(A2,$A$1:B$11,2,FALSE) should convert to =INDEX(B$1:B$11,MATCH(A2,$A1:$A11,0)).
NOTE: This sub depends on two functions (ColumnLetterToNumber and ColumnNumberToLetter). As their names imply they take column letters or numbers and interconvert them. Both these functions are short, simple, and work without problems. However, if anyone believes that the code to one or both of them would be helpful, I would be happy to provide them.
Additionally, any ideas on improving code readability and/or execution efficiency would also be appreciated.
Option Explicit
Public Sub ConvertToIndex()
Dim booLookupType As Boolean
Dim booLeftOfColon As Boolean
Dim booHasRowRef As Boolean
Dim lngStartCol As Long
Dim lngRefCol As Long
Dim lngStart As Long
Dim lngEnd As Long
Dim lngMatchType As Long
Dim lngInt As Long
Dim lngRowRef As Long
Dim strRefCol As String
Dim strOldFormula As String
Dim strNewFormula As String
Dim strLookupCell As String
Dim strValueCol As String
Dim strMatchCol As String
Dim strStartRow As String
Dim strEndRow As String
Dim strCheck As String
Dim strLookupRange As String
Dim strTabRef As String
Dim strSheetRef As String
Dim rngToMod As Range
Dim rngModCell As Range
Set rngToMod = Selection
For Each rngModCell In rngToMod
strOldFormula = rngModCell.Formula
lngStart = InStrRev(strOldFormula, "VLOOKUP(")
If lngStart > 0 Then
lngStart = InStr(lngStart, strOldFormula, "(") + 1
lngEnd = InStr(lngStart, strOldFormula, ",")
strLookupCell = Mid(strOldFormula, lngStart, lngEnd - lngStart)
lngStart = lngEnd + 1
lngEnd = InStr(lngStart, strOldFormula, ",")
strLookupRange = Mid(strOldFormula, lngStart, lngEnd - lngStart)
lngStart = lngEnd + 1
lngEnd = InStr(lngStart, strOldFormula, ",")
lngRefCol = CInt(Mid(strOldFormula, lngStart, lngEnd - lngStart))
lngStart = lngEnd + 1
lngEnd = InStr(lngStart, strOldFormula, ")")
booLookupType = (Mid(strOldFormula, lngStart, lngEnd - lngStart) = "TRUE")
If booLookupType Then
lngMatchType = 1
lngMatchType = 0
End If
booLeftOfColon = True
lngEnd = InStr(1, strLookupRange, "]")
If lngEnd > 0 Then
strSheetRef = Left(strLookupRange, lngEnd)
strLookupRange = Right(strLookupRange, Len(strLookupRange) - lngEnd)
strSheetRef = ""
End If
lngEnd = InStr(1, strLookupRange, "!")
If lngEnd > 0 Then
strTabRef = Left(strLookupRange, lngEnd)
strLookupRange = Right(strLookupRange, Len(strLookupRange) - lngEnd)
strTabRef = ""
End If
For lngInt = 1 To Len(strLookupRange)
strCheck = Mid(strLookupRange, lngInt, 1)
Select Case True
Case strCheck = ":"
booLeftOfColon = False
Case booLeftOfColon
If IsNumeric(strCheck) Then
strStartRow = strStartRow & strCheck
strMatchCol = strMatchCol & strCheck
End If
Case Else
If IsNumeric(strCheck) Then strEndRow = strEndRow & strCheck
End Select
Next lngInt
strMatchCol = Replace(strMatchCol, "$", "")
lngStartCol = ColumnLetterToNumber(strMatchCol)
strValueCol = ColumnNumberToLetter(lngStartCol + lngRefCol - 1)
If Len(strStartRow) > 0 Then strStartRow = "$" & strStartRow
If Len(strEndRow) > 0 Then strEndRow = "$" & strEndRow
strValueCol = strSheetRef & strTabRef & strValueCol & strStartRow & ":" & strValueCol & strEndRow
strMatchCol = strSheetRef & strTabRef & strMatchCol & strStartRow & ":" & strMatchCol & strEndRow
strNewFormula = "=INDEX(" & strValueCol & ",MATCH(" & "$" & strLookupCell & "," & strMatchCol & "," & lngMatchType & "))"
rngModCell.Formula = strNewFormula
End If
Next rngModCell
End Sub
At this time I am not looking for help to take this to the next step of enabling it to process VLOOKUP/HLOOKUP or VLOOKUP/MATCH combination formulas.

To avoid all errors I can think of, you would need to change it to a not so good looking way like this:
Sub changeToIndex()
Dim xText As Boolean
Dim xBrac As Long
Dim VLSep As New Collection
Dim i As Long, t As String
With Selection.Cells(1, 1) 'just for now
'it assumes that there is NEVER a text string which has VLOOKUP like =A1&"mean text with VLOOKUP inside it"
While InStr(1, .Formula, "VLOOKUP", vbTextCompare)
Set VLSep = New Collection
VLSep.Add " " & InStr(1, .Formula, "VLOOKUP", vbTextCompare) + 7
'get the parts
For i = VLSep(1) + 1 To Len(.Formula)
t = Mid(.Formula, i, 1)
If t = """" Then
xText = Not xText
ElseIf Not xText Then 'avoid "(", ")" and "," inside of the string to be count
If t = "(" Then
xBrac = xBrac + 1
ElseIf xBrac Then 'cover up if inside of other functions
If t = ")" Then xBrac = xBrac - 1
ElseIf t = ")" Then
VLSep.Add " " & i
Exit For
ElseIf t = "," Then
VLSep.Add " " & i 'the space is to avoid errors with index and item if both are numbers
End If
End If
Dim xFind As String 'get all the parts
Dim xRng As String
Dim xCol As String
Dim xType As String
xFind = Mid(.Formula, VLSep(1) + 1, VLSep(2) - VLSep(1) - 1)
xRng = Mid(.Formula, VLSep(2) + 1, VLSep(3) - VLSep(2) - 1)
xCol = Mid(.Formula, VLSep(3) + 1, VLSep(4) - VLSep(3) - 1)
If VLSep.Count = 5 Then
xType = Mid(.Formula, VLSep(4) + 1, VLSep(5) - VLSep(4) - 1)
xType = "0"
End If
Dim fullFormulaNew As String 'get the whole formulas
Dim fullFormulaOld As String
fullFormulaNew = "INDEX(" & xRng & ",MATCH(" & xFind & ",INDEX(" & xRng & ",,1)," & xType & ")," & xCol & ")"
fullFormulaOld = Mid(Selection.Cells(1, 1).Formula, VLSep(1) - 7, VLSep(VLSep.Count) - VLSep(1) + 8)
.Formula = Replace(.Formula, fullFormulaOld, fullFormulaNew) 'simply replace the old one with the new one
End With
End Sub
It also should work for very complex formulas. Still you would need some special checks to cut everything so it looks like you want. I just assumed that the range for the vlookup may be something like IF(A1=1,B1:C10,L5:N30) and this said, you would need additional subs to also clear something like this up. :(
A formula like
will be changed (messed up) this way to
Assuming your formulas are "normal" you can replace the the last part with:
Dim xFind As String 'get all the parts
Dim xRngI As String, xRngM As String
Dim xCol As String
Dim xType As String
xFind = Mid(.Formula, VLSep(1) + 1, VLSep(2) - VLSep(1) - 1)
xRngI = Mid(.Formula, VLSep(2) + 1, VLSep(3) - VLSep(2) - 1)
xCol = Mid(.Formula, VLSep(3) + 1, VLSep(4) - VLSep(3) - 1)
If VLSep.Count = 5 Then
xType = Mid(.Formula, VLSep(4) + 1, VLSep(5) - VLSep(4) - 1)
xType = "0"
End If
If xType = "FALSE" Then xType = 0
Do While Not IsNumeric(xCol)
Select Case MsgBox("Error: The Column to pick from is not numerical! Do you want to manually set the column (Yes) or directly use the last column of the input range (No)?", vbYesNoCancel)
Case vbYes
xCol = Application.InputBox("Input the column number for the input range (" & xRngI & "). '1' will be the range " & Range(xRngI).Columns(1).Address(0, 0) & ".", "Column to pick from", 1, , , , , 2)
Case vbNo
xCol = Range(xRngI).Columns.Count
Case vbCancel
xCol = " "
Exit Do
End Select
If xCol <> CInt(xCol) Or xCol > Range(xRngI).Columns.Count Or xCol = 0 Then xCol = " "
If IsNumeric(xCol) Then
Dim absRs As Boolean, absRe As Boolean, absCs As Boolean, absCe As Boolean
absCs = (Left(xRngI, 1) = "$")
absCe = (Mid(xRngI, InStr(xRngI, ":") + 1, 1) = "$")
absRs = (InStr(2, Left(xRngI, InStr(xRngI, ":") - 1), "$") > 0)
absRe = (InStr(Mid(xRngI, InStr(xRngI, ":") + 2), "$") > 0)
xRngM = Range(xRngI).Columns(1).Cells(1, 1).Address(absRs, absCs) & ":" & Range(xRngI).Columns(1).Cells(Range(xRngI).Rows.Count, 1).Address(absRe, absCs) 'for MATCH
xRngI = Range(xRngI).Cells(1, CLng(xCol)).Address(absRs, absCe) & ":" & Range(xRngI).Cells(Range(xRngI).Rows.Count, CLng(xCol)).Address(absRe, absCe) 'for INDEX
Dim fullFormulaNew As String, fullFormulaOld As String
fullFormulaNew = "INDEX(" & xRngI & ",MATCH(" & xFind & "," & xRngM & "," & xType & "))"
fullFormulaOld = Mid(Selection.Cells(1, 1).Formula, VLSep(1) - 7, VLSep(VLSep.Count) - VLSep(1) + 8)
.Formula = Replace(.Formula, fullFormulaOld, fullFormulaNew) 'simply replace the old one with the new one
End If
End With
End Sub
As you can see: the "simpler" the outcome, the more code you need. If the lookup_range is not just a address, this will fail.
If you still have any questions, just ask ;)


VBA, 2nd last "/" using InstrRev

I have code that parses out the last word on a string.
ie. Stack/Over/Flow will give me "Flow".
But I want to get "Over/Flow".
This is what I got, but only able to get "Flow"
arr(counter - 2) = "'" & mid(Text, InStrRev(Text, "/") + 1) & "'"
I would use Split()
Sub lastTwo()
Dim str As String
str = "Stack/Over/Flow"
Dim splt() As String
splt = Split(str, "/")
If UBound(splt) > 0 Then
Debug.Print splt(UBound(splt) - 1) & "/" & splt(UBound(splt))
End If
End Sub
Here is a function that does it:
Function lastParts(str As String, delim As String, x As Long) As String
Dim splt() As String
splt = Split(str, "/")
If UBound(splt) + 1 >= x Then
Dim t As String
t = "=INDEX(INDEX({""" & Join(splt, """;""") & """},N(IF({1},ROW(" & UBound(splt) - x + 2 & ":" & UBound(splt) + 1 & "))),),)"
lastParts = Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Evaluate(t)), delim)
lastParts = str
End If
End Function
It has three parts, the string, the delimiter and the number of returns.
It can be called using your code:
arr(counter-2) = lastParts(Text,"/",2)
or from the worksheet
Initially misread the question. You can nest InStrRev() calls
arr(counter - 2) = "'" & mid(Text, InStrRev(Text, "/",InStrRev(Text, "/")-1)+1) & "'"

Excel VBA code to trace precedents of cell

I have the following code which traces the precedents of an active cell and spits out a message box with the info. (It also searches for precedents in other worksheets and workbooks).
I am new to VBA, and I would like to request help on changing this code to spit out the precedent cell, formula, and address into a new worksheet after the active worksheet. Please can someone help me understand how to do this.
Should I create a new function to create a new sheet and copy the dynamic info onto it within the first sub?
For example, if I have the formula A1 + B1 in cell C1 of Sheet1, then I want a row in Sheet2 (newly created sheet) which shows Target Cell as C1, Target Sheet as Sheet1, Source Cell as A1, and Source Sheet as Sheet1. I also want another row in Sheet2 which shows Target Cell as C1, Target Sheet as Sheet1, Source Cell as B1, and Source Sheet as Sheet1.
Option Explicit
Public OtherWbRefs As Collection
Public ClosedWbRefs As Collection
Public SameWbOtherSheetRefs As Collection
Public SameWbSameSheetRefs As Collection
Public CountOfClosedWb As Long
Dim headerString As String
Sub RunMe()
Call FindCellPrecedents(ActiveCell)
End Sub
Sub FindCellPrecedents(homeCell As Range)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, pointer As Long
Dim maxReferences As Long
Dim outStr As String
Dim userInput As Long
If homeCell.HasFormula Then
Set OtherWbRefs = New Collection: CountOfClosedWb = 0
Set SameWbOtherSheetRefs = New Collection
Set SameWbSameSheetRefs = New Collection
Rem find closed precedents from formula String
Call FindClosedWbReferences(homeCell)
Rem find Open precedents from navigate arrows
headerString = "in re: the formula in " & homeCell.Address(, , , True)
maxReferences = Int(Len(homeCell.Formula) / 3) + 1
On Error GoTo LoopOut:
For j = 1 To maxReferences
homeCell.NavigateArrow True, 1, j
If ActiveCell.Address(, , , True) = homeCell.Address(, , , True) Then
Rem closedRef
Call CategorizeReference("<ClosedBook>", homeCell)
Call CategorizeReference(ActiveCell, homeCell)
End If
Next j
On Error GoTo 0
For j = 2 To maxReferences
homeCell.NavigateArrow True, j, 1
If ActiveCell.Address(, , , True) = homeCell.Address(, , , True) Then Exit For
Call CategorizeReference(ActiveCell, homeCell)
Next j
Rem integrate ClosedWbRefs (from parsing) With OtherWbRefs (from navigation)
If ClosedWbRefs.Count <> CountOfClosedWb Then
If ClosedWbRefs.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox homeCell.Address(, , , True) & " contains a formula with no precedents."
Exit Sub
MsgBox "string-" & ClosedWbRefs.Count & ":nav " & CountOfClosedWb
MsgBox "Methods find different # of closed precedents."
End If
End If
pointer = 1
For j = 1 To OtherWbRefs.Count
If OtherWbRefs(j) Like "<*" Then
OtherWbRefs.Add Item:=ClosedWbRefs(pointer), key:="closed" & CStr(pointer), after:=j
pointer = pointer + 1
OtherWbRefs.Remove j
End If
Next j
Rem present findings
outStr = homeCell.Address(, , , True) & " contains a formula with:"
outStr = outStr & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & CountOfClosedWb & " precedents in closed workbooks."
outStr = outStr & vbCr & (OtherWbRefs.Count - CountOfClosedWb) & " precedents in other workbooks that are open."
outStr = outStr & vbCr & SameWbOtherSheetRefs.Count & " precedents on other sheets in the same workbook."
outStr = outStr & vbCr & SameWbSameSheetRefs.Count & " precedents on the same sheet."
outStr = outStr & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "YES - See details about Other Books."
outStr = outStr & vbCr & "NO - See details about The Active Book."
userInput = MsgBox(prompt:=outStr, Title:=headerString, Buttons:=vbYesNoCancel + vbDefaultButton3)
Select Case userInput
Case Is = vbYes
MsgBox prompt:=OtherWbDetail(), Title:=headerString, Buttons:=vbOKOnly
Case Is = vbNo
MsgBox prompt:=SameWbDetail(), Title:=headerString, Buttons:=vbOKOnly
End Select
Loop Until userInput = vbCancel
MsgBox homeCell.Address(, , , True) & vbCr & " does not contain a formula."
End If
End Sub
Sub CategorizeReference(Reference As Variant, Home As Range)
Rem assigns reference To the appropriate collection
If TypeName(Reference) = "String" Then
Rem String indicates reference To closed Wb
OtherWbRefs.Add Item:=Reference, key:=CStr(OtherWbRefs.Count)
CountOfClosedWb = CountOfClosedWb + 1
If Home.Address(, , , True) = Reference.Address(, , , True) Then Exit Sub
If Home.Parent.Parent.Name = Reference.Parent.Parent.Name Then
Rem reference In same Wb
If Home.Parent.Name = Reference.Parent.Name Then
Rem sameWb sameSheet
SameWbSameSheetRefs.Add Item:=Reference.Address(, , , True), key:=CStr(SameWbSameSheetRefs.Count)
Rem sameWb Other sheet
SameWbOtherSheetRefs.Add Item:=Reference.Address(, , , True), key:=CStr(SameWbOtherSheetRefs.Count)
End If
Rem reference To other Open Wb
OtherWbRefs.Add Item:=Reference.Address(, , , True), key:=CStr(OtherWbRefs.Count)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub FindClosedWbReferences(inRange As Range)
Rem fills the collection With closed precedents parsed from the formula String
Dim testString As String, returnStr As String, remnantStr As String
testString = inRange.Formula
Set ClosedWbRefs = New Collection
returnStr = NextClosedWbRefStr(testString, remnantStr)
ClosedWbRefs.Add Item:=returnStr, key:=CStr(ClosedWbRefs.Count)
testString = remnantStr
Loop Until returnStr = vbNullString
ClosedWbRefs.Remove ClosedWbRefs.Count
End Sub
Function NextClosedWbRefStr(FormulaString As String, Optional ByRef Remnant As String) As String
Dim workStr As String
Dim start As Long, interval As Long, del As Long
For start = 1 To Len(FormulaString)
For interval = 2 To Len(FormulaString) - start + 1
workStr = Mid(FormulaString, start, interval)
If workStr Like Chr(39) & "[!!]*'![$A-Z]*#" Then
If workStr Like Chr(39) & "[!!]*'!*[$1-9A-Z]#" Then
interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "#")
interval = interval - 3 * CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) = ":")
interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "[$1-9A-Z]")
interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "[$1-9A-Z]")
interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "[$1-9A-Z]")
interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "[$1-9A-Z]")
NextClosedWbRefStr = Mid(FormulaString, start, interval)
Remnant = Mid(FormulaString, start + interval)
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next interval
Next start
End Function
Function OtherWbDetail() As String
Rem display routine
OtherWbDetail = OtherWbDetail & "There are " & OtherWbRefs.Count & " references to other workbooks. "
OtherWbDetail = OtherWbDetail & IIf(CBool(CountOfClosedWb), CountOfClosedWb & " are closed.", vbNullString)
OtherWbDetail = OtherWbDetail & vbCr & "They appear in the formula in this order:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
OtherWbDetail = OtherWbDetail & rrayStr(OtherWbRefs, vbCr)
End Function
Function SameWbDetail() As String
Rem display routine
SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & "There are " & SameWbOtherSheetRefs.Count & " ref.s to other sheets in the same book."
SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & vbCr & "They appear in this order, including duplications:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & rrayStr(SameWbOtherSheetRefs, vbCr)
SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "There are " & SameWbSameSheetRefs.Count & " precedents on the same sheet."
SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & vbCr & "They are (out of order, duplicates not noted):" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & rrayStr(SameWbSameSheetRefs, vbCr)
End Function
Function rrayStr(ByVal inputRRay As Variant, Optional Delimiter As String)
Rem display routine
Dim xVal As Variant
If IsEmpty(inputRRay) Then Exit Function
If Delimiter = vbNullString Then Delimiter = " "
For Each xVal In inputRRay
rrayStr = rrayStr & Delimiter & xVal
Next xVal
rrayStr = Mid(rrayStr, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
End Function
I believe it is best to add two new functions:
add the "info sheet" (and store it in a variable for later use)
Sub addInfoSheet()
Dim oldSheet
Set oldSheet = ActiveSheet
Sheets.Add After:=ActiveSheet
Set infoSheet = Sheets(ActiveSheet.Index)
End Sub
a sub that stores one line to the sheet, something like:
Sub addRowToInfoSheet(targetSheet As String, targetRange As String, sourceSheet As String, sourceRange As String)
infoSheet.Cells(rowInInfoSheet, 1) = targetSheet
infoSheet.Cells(rowInInfoSheet, 2) = targetRange
infoSheet.Cells(rowInInfoSheet, 3) = sourceSheet
infoSheet.Cells(rowInInfoSheet, 4) = sourceRange
rowInInfoSheet = rowInInfoSheet + 1
End Sub
Let me know if this helps.
EDIT: (v0.2) Now works for all sheets in current workbook. (And fleshed out for other workbooks.)
You could do something sneaky and hook the MsgBox function and parse the data from its output.
Just do a global search for MsgBox in your code and replace it with, for example, MsgBoxInterceptor.
Then you write the MsgBoxInterceptor() function, oh, say like the one below ;)
Run the RunMe() sub like normal, and voila! Instead of output to the screen, you get output to a new worksheet.
No need to even work out what your original code is doing!
NB The function provided only pulls the precedents from the active workbook.
Private Function MsgBoxInterceptor _
( _
Prompt, _
Optional Buttons As VbMsgBoxStyle = vbOKOnly, _
Optional Title, _
Optional HelpFile, _
Optional Context _
) _
As VBA.VbMsgBoxResult
Const i_TargetCell As Long = 1
Const i_TargetSheet As Long = 2
Const i_SourceCell As Long = 3
Const i_SourceSheet As Long = 4
Static slngState As Long
Static srngDataRow As Range
Static sstrTargetCell As String
Static sstrTargetSheet As String
Static slngClosedBookCount As Long
Static slngOpenBookCount As Long
Static slngSameBookCount As Long
Static slngSameSheetCount As Long
Dim f As WorksheetFunction: Set f = WorksheetFunction
Dim lngBegin As Long
Dim lngEnd As Long
Dim i As Long
Select Case slngState
Case 0: ' Get counts and target
Worksheets.Add After:=ActiveSheet
Set srngDataRow = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:D1")
srngDataRow.Value = Split("Target Cell:Target Sheet:Source Cell:Source Sheet", ":")
Set srngDataRow = srngDataRow.Offset(1)
lngBegin = InStr(1, Prompt, "]") + 1
lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, "'")
sstrTargetSheet = Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin)
srngDataRow.Cells(i_TargetSheet) = sstrTargetSheet
lngBegin = InStr(lngEnd, Prompt, "$") + 1
lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, " ")
sstrTargetCell = f.Substitute(Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin), "$", "")
srngDataRow.Cells(i_TargetCell) = sstrTargetCell
lngBegin = InStr(lngEnd, Prompt, ":") + 3
lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, " ")
slngClosedBookCount = Val(Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin))
lngBegin = InStr(lngEnd, Prompt, ".") + 2
lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, " ")
slngOpenBookCount = Val(Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin))
lngBegin = InStr(lngEnd, Prompt, ".") + 2
lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, " ")
slngSameBookCount = Val(Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin))
lngBegin = InStr(lngEnd, Prompt, ".") + 2
lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, " ")
slngSameSheetCount = Val(Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin))
slngState = slngState + 1
MsgBoxInterceptor = vbNo
Case 1: ' Get same book sources
lngEnd = InStr(1, Prompt, "[")
For i = 1 To slngSameBookCount
srngDataRow.Cells(i_TargetCell) = sstrTargetCell
srngDataRow.Cells(i_TargetSheet) = sstrTargetSheet
lngBegin = InStr(lngEnd, Prompt, "]") + 1
lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, "'")
srngDataRow.Cells(i_SourceSheet) = Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin)
lngBegin = InStr(lngEnd, Prompt, "$") + 1
lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, Chr$(13))
srngDataRow.Cells(i_SourceCell) = f.Substitute(Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin), "$", "")
Set srngDataRow = srngDataRow.Offset(1)
Next i
For i = 1 To slngSameSheetCount
srngDataRow.Cells(i_TargetCell) = sstrTargetCell
srngDataRow.Cells(i_TargetSheet) = sstrTargetSheet
lngBegin = InStr(lngEnd, Prompt, "]") + 1
lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, "'")
srngDataRow.Cells(i_SourceSheet) = Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin)
lngBegin = InStr(lngEnd, Prompt, "$") + 1
lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, Chr$(13))
If lngEnd = 0 Then lngEnd = Len(Prompt) + 1
srngDataRow.Cells(i_SourceCell) = f.Substitute(Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin), "$", "")
Set srngDataRow = srngDataRow.Offset(1)
Next i
slngState = slngState + 1
MsgBoxInterceptor = vbOK
Case 2: ' Just skipping through
slngState = slngState + 1
MsgBoxInterceptor = vbYes
Case 3: 'Get other book sources (STILL TODO)
lngEnd = InStr(1, Prompt, "")
For i = 1 To slngClosedBookCount
srngDataRow.Cells(i_TargetCell) = sstrTargetCell
srngDataRow.Cells(i_TargetSheet) = sstrTargetSheet
' lngBegin = InStr(lngEnd, Prompt, "]") + 1
' lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, "'")
' srngDataRow.Cells(i_SourceSheet) = Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin)
' lngBegin = InStr(lngEnd, Prompt, "$") + 1
' lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, Chr$(13))
' srngDataRow.Cells(i_SourceCell) = f.Substitute(Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin), "$", "")
Set srngDataRow = srngDataRow.Offset(1)
Next i
For i = 1 To slngOpenBookCount
srngDataRow.Cells(i_TargetCell) = sstrTargetCell
srngDataRow.Cells(i_TargetSheet) = sstrTargetSheet
' lngBegin = InStr(lngEnd, Prompt, "]") + 1
' lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, "'")
' srngDataRow.Cells(i_SourceSheet) = Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin)
' lngBegin = InStr(lngEnd, Prompt, "$") + 1
' lngEnd = InStr(lngBegin, Prompt, Chr$(13))
' If lngEnd = 0 Then lngEnd = Len(Prompt) + 1
' srngDataRow.Cells(i_SourceCell) = f.Substitute(Mid$(Prompt, lngBegin, lngEnd - lngBegin), "$", "")
Set srngDataRow = srngDataRow.Offset(1)
Next i
slngState = slngState + 1
MsgBoxInterceptor = vbOK
Case 4: ' Finished -> tidy up
slngState = 0
MsgBoxInterceptor = vbCancel
Case Else
End Select
End Function
The key to this code is the use of static variables, created with the Static keyword. These retain their values even after VBA stops running and is restarted. They are used in the code to allow a state machine to be constructed, which mimics a set sequence of user interaction with the message boxes.
The rest is just string parsing of the MsgBox messages.
EDIT: (v0.2) Now displays error messages.
EDIT: (v0.3) Now does a full trace back to hard-coded values.
All fun aside, if you're serious about tracing all the way back to a hard-coded value, the best way is to write a main RunMe_Controller sub to control the original code. Together with a hook function (and some helper function), this is actually the simplest way to leverage the existing code.
The MsgBoxInterceptor() function is smart enough to allow error messages through but silently traps all other MsgBox() calls.
See the section at the bottom of the answer for further important details.
Copy/paste the new bug-fixed RunMe code block to a module;
Insert v0.3 of the following updated code block into the previous code where indicated;
Do a "Current Module", "Find Whole Words Only" search for MsgBox with replacement MsgBoxInterceptor;
Add the following two references to the VBA project.
Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5
Microsoft Scripting Runtime
' Module : <in any standard module>
' Version : 0.3
' Part : 1 of 1
' References : Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5
' : Microsoft Scripting Runtime
' Online :
Private Const l_No_transformation As String = "No transformation"
Private Enum i_
z__NONE = 0
z__FIRST = z__NONE + 1
z__LAST = z__NEXT - 1
End Enum
Private meMsgBoxResult As VBA.VbMsgBoxResult
Public Sub RunMe_Controller()
Const s_Headers As String = "Source Cell::Source Sheet::Source Book::Target Cell::Target Sheet::Target Book::Formula"
Const s_Separator As String = "::"
Const l_Circular As String = "Circular"
Dim ƒ As Excel.WorksheetFunction: Set ƒ = Excel.WorksheetFunction
Dim dictFullRefTrace As Scripting.Dictionary '##Early Bound## As Object
Dim varRootRef As Variant
Dim varTargetRef As Variant
Dim varSavedTraceStepKey As Variant
Dim varNewTraceStep As Variant
Dim strNewKey As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Set to true for psychedelic display
Set dictFullRefTrace = New Dictionary '##Early Bound## = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
varRootRef = ActiveCell.Address(External:=True)
dictFullRefTrace.Add varRootRef & s_Separator & s_Separator, TheRefTraceStepAsArray(varRootRef)
dictFullRefTrace.Add s_Separator & s_Separator, TheRefTraceStepAsArray() 'Need two trace steps in dict to start dynamic expansion
For Each varSavedTraceStepKey In dictFullRefTrace: Do ' Can't use .Items as it is not dynamically expanded
If varSavedTraceStepKey = s_Separator & s_Separator Then ' Dummy trace step (dict exhausted) -> clean up fake trace steps
dictFullRefTrace.Remove varRootRef & s_Separator & s_Separator
dictFullRefTrace.Remove s_Separator & s_Separator
Exit Do
End If
varTargetRef = dictFullRefTrace(varSavedTraceStepKey)(i_.SourceRef)
Select Case True
Case varTargetRef Like "'?:*": ' Closed Wb -> ignore for now (TODO - auto open it)
Exit Do
Case varSavedTraceStepKey Like "*#": ' "No transformation" (from its own trace step) -> ignore
Exit Do
Case varSavedTraceStepKey Like "*" & l_Circular: ' "Circular" (from its own trace step) -> ignore
Exit Do
End Select
meMsgBoxResult = vbOK
FindCellPrecedents Evaluate(varTargetRef) ' ~= RunMe() - leverage the existing code to update the global Ref Collections
Select Case meMsgBoxResult
Case vbOK:
For Each varNewTraceStep In TheNewTraceSteps(fromTarget:=varTargetRef).Items
strNewKey = varNewTraceStep(i_.SourceRef) & s_Separator & varTargetRef & s_Separator
If dictFullRefTrace.Exists(strNewKey) Then ' Target is a circular ref -> mark it and then add it
strNewKey = strNewKey & l_Circular
varNewTraceStep(i_.Formula) = l_Circular
End If
If Not dictFullRefTrace.Exists(strNewKey) Then ' Ignore subsequent circular refs for this target
dictFullRefTrace.Add strNewKey, varNewTraceStep
End If
Next varNewTraceStep
Case vbIgnore: ' No transformation - typically occurs multiple times, so need multiple unique keys
varNewTraceStep = TheRefTraceStepAsArray(varTargetRef, varTargetRef)
strNewKey = varTargetRef & s_Separator & varTargetRef & s_Separator & varNewTraceStep(i_.Index)
dictFullRefTrace.Add strNewKey, varNewTraceStep
Case vbAbort: ' Error occurred and message was displayed
Exit Sub
Case Else
' Never
End Select
' Move dummy trace step to end
dictFullRefTrace.Remove s_Separator & s_Separator
dictFullRefTrace.Add s_Separator & s_Separator, vbNullString
Loop While 0: Next varSavedTraceStepKey
' Create, fill and format worksheet
With Evaluate(varRootRef)
Worksheets.Add after:=.Worksheet
End With
With ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Resize(ColumnSize:=i_.Index - i_.z__FIRST + 1)
.Value2 = Split(s_Headers, s_Separator)
.Font.Bold = True
With .Offset(1).Resize(RowSize:=dictFullRefTrace.Count)
.Cells.Value = ƒ.Transpose(ƒ.Transpose(dictFullRefTrace.Items)) ' Fill
.Sort .Columns(i_.Index), xlDescending, Header:=xlNo
End With
With .EntireColumn
.Columns(i_.Index).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
.Columns(i_.SourceCell).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.Columns(i_.TargetCell).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.AutoFilter i_.Formula, l_Circular
.Columns(i_.Formula).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Font.Color = vbRed
.AutoFilter i_.Formula, l_No_transformation
.Columns(i_.Formula).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Font.Bold = True
.Rows(1).Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Function TheNewTraceSteps _
( _
Optional ByRef fromTarget As Variant _
) _
As Scripting.Dictionary '##Early Bound## As Object
Dim pvarTargetRef As Variant: pvarTargetRef = fromTarget
Dim mtchMultiCellAddress As VBScript_RegExp_55.Match '##Early Bound## As Object
Dim strFormula As String
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim strKey As String
Dim astrTraceStep() As String
Dim varRunMeSourceRef As Variant
Dim varRefCollection As Variant
Set TheNewTraceSteps = New Dictionary '##Early Bound## = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
strFormula = Evaluate(pvarTargetRef).Formula
With New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp '##Early Bound## = CreateObject("VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp")
.Global = True
.Pattern = "(?:(?:[:]| *)(?:\$?[A-Z]{1,3}\d+:\$?[A-Z]{1,3}\d+))+"
If .test(strFormula) Then
For Each mtchMultiCellAddress In .Execute(strFormula)
For Each rngCell In Evaluate(mtchMultiCellAddress.Value)
strKey = rngCell.Address
If Not TheNewTraceSteps.Exists(strKey) Then
astrTraceStep = TheRefTraceStepAsArray(rngCell.Address(External:=True), pvarTargetRef)
TheNewTraceSteps.Add strKey, astrTraceStep
End If
Next rngCell
Next mtchMultiCellAddress
End If
End With
For Each varRefCollection In Array(SameWbSameSheetRefs, SameWbOtherSheetRefs, OtherWbRefs)
For Each varRunMeSourceRef In varRefCollection
strKey = Evaluate(varRunMeSourceRef).Address
If Not TheNewTraceSteps.Exists(strKey) Then
astrTraceStep = TheRefTraceStepAsArray(varRunMeSourceRef, pvarTargetRef)
TheNewTraceSteps.Add strKey, astrTraceStep
End If
varRefCollection.Remove 1
Next varRunMeSourceRef
Next varRefCollection
End Function
Private Function TheRefTraceStepAsArray _
( _
Optional ByRef SourceRef As Variant = vbNullString, _
Optional ByRef TargetRef As Variant = vbNullString _
) _
As String()
Static slngIndex As Long ' Required for reverse ordering of trace output
Dim pvarSourceRef As String: pvarSourceRef = Replace(SourceRef, "''", "'")
Dim pvarTargetRef As String: pvarTargetRef = Replace(TargetRef, "''", "'")
Dim astrTraceStepValues() As String: ReDim astrTraceStepValues(1 To i_.z__LAST)
Dim strFormula As String: strFormula = vbNullString
Dim astrSourceCellSheetBook() As String
Dim astrTargetCellSheetBook() As String
astrSourceCellSheetBook = Ref2CellSheetBook(pvarSourceRef)
astrTargetCellSheetBook = Ref2CellSheetBook(pvarTargetRef)
If pvarSourceRef = vbNullString _
Or pvarTargetRef = vbNullString _
' slngIndex = 0 ' Dummy or root ref, i.e., new trace started -> intialize static variable
slngIndex = slngIndex + 1
With Evaluate(TargetRef)
strFormula = IIf(.HasFormula And pvarSourceRef <> pvarTargetRef, "'" & Mid$(.Formula, 2), l_No_transformation)
End With
End If
astrTraceStepValues(i_.SourceCell) = astrSourceCellSheetBook(1)
astrTraceStepValues(i_.SourceSheet) = astrSourceCellSheetBook(2)
astrTraceStepValues(i_.SourceBook) = astrSourceCellSheetBook(3)
astrTraceStepValues(i_.TargetCell) = astrTargetCellSheetBook(1)
astrTraceStepValues(i_.TargetSheet) = astrTargetCellSheetBook(2)
astrTraceStepValues(i_.TargetBook) = astrTargetCellSheetBook(3)
astrTraceStepValues(i_.Formula) = strFormula
astrTraceStepValues(i_.Index) = slngIndex
astrTraceStepValues(i_.SourceRef) = SourceRef
TheRefTraceStepAsArray = astrTraceStepValues
End Function
Private Function Ref2CellSheetBook(ByRef Ref As Variant) As String()
Dim × As Long: × = 4
Dim astrCellSheetBook() As String: ReDim astrCellSheetBook(1 To i_.z__LAST)
If IsMissing(Ref) Then GoTo ExitFunction:
× = × - 1: astrCellSheetBook(×) = Mid$(Ref, InStr(Ref, "[") + 1, Abs(InStr(Ref, "]") - InStr(Ref, "[") - 1))
× = × - 1: astrCellSheetBook(×) = Mid$(Ref, InStr(Ref, "]") + 1, Abs(InStr(Ref, "!") - InStr(Ref, "]") - 2))
× = × - 1: astrCellSheetBook(×) = Mid$(Ref, InStr(Ref, "!") + 1)
astrCellSheetBook(×) = Replace(astrCellSheetBook(×), "$", "")
Ref2CellSheetBook = astrCellSheetBook
End Function
Private Function MsgBoxInterceptor _
( _
Prompt, _
Optional Buttons As VbMsgBoxStyle = vbOKOnly, _
Optional Title, _
Optional HelpFile, _
Optional Context _
) _
As VBA.VbMsgBoxResult
If Buttons = vbOKOnly _
If Prompt Like "*does not contain a formula*" _
Or Prompt Like "*contains a formula with no precedents*" _
meMsgBoxResult = vbIgnore
meMsgBoxResult = vbAbort
MsgBox Prompt, Buttons, Title, HelpFile, Context
End If
End If
MsgBoxInterceptor = vbCancel
End Function
Bug-fixed original code:
Option Explicit
Public OtherWbRefs As Collection
Public ClosedWbRefs As Collection
Public SameWbOtherSheetRefs As Collection
Public SameWbSameSheetRefs As Collection
Public CountOfClosedWb As Long
Dim headerString As String
' <-- Insert other code here
Sub RunMe()
Call FindCellPrecedents(ActiveCell)
End Sub
Sub FindCellPrecedents(homeCell As Range)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, pointer As Long
Dim maxReferences As Long
Dim outStr As String
Dim userInput As Long
If homeCell.HasFormula Then
Set OtherWbRefs = New Collection: CountOfClosedWb = 0
Set SameWbOtherSheetRefs = New Collection
Set SameWbSameSheetRefs = New Collection
Rem find closed precedents from formula String
Call FindClosedWbReferences(homeCell)
Rem find Open precedents from navigate arrows
headerString = "in re: the formula in " & homeCell.Address(, , , True)
maxReferences = Int(Len(homeCell.Formula) / 3) + 1
On Error GoTo LoopOut:
For j = 1 To maxReferences
homeCell.NavigateArrow True, 1, j
If ActiveCell.Address(, , , True) = homeCell.Address(, , , True) Then
Rem closedRef
Call CategorizeReference("<ClosedBook>", homeCell)
Call CategorizeReference(ActiveCell, homeCell)
End If
Next j
On Error GoTo 0
For j = 2 To maxReferences
homeCell.NavigateArrow True, j, 1
If ActiveCell.Address(, , , True) = homeCell.Address(, , , True) Then Exit For
Call CategorizeReference(ActiveCell, homeCell)
Next j
Rem integrate ClosedWbRefs (from parsing) With OtherWbRefs (from navigation)
If ClosedWbRefs.Count <> CountOfClosedWb Then '#robinCTS#' Should read (ParsedClosedWbRefs <> CountOfNavigatedClosedWbRefs)
If ClosedWbRefs.Count = 0 Then
MsgBoxInterceptor homeCell.Address(, , , True) & " contains a formula with no precedents."
Exit Sub
MsgBoxInterceptor "string-" & ClosedWbRefs.Count & ":nav " & CountOfClosedWb
MsgBoxInterceptor "Methods find different # of closed precedents."
End If
End If
pointer = 1
For j = 1 To OtherWbRefs.Count
If OtherWbRefs(j) Like "<*" Then
OtherWbRefs.Add Item:=ClosedWbRefs(pointer), Key:="closed" & CStr(pointer), after:=j
pointer = pointer + 1
OtherWbRefs.Remove j
End If
Next j
Rem present findings
outStr = homeCell.Address(, , , True) & " contains a formula with:"
outStr = outStr & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & CountOfClosedWb & " precedents in closed workbooks."
outStr = outStr & vbCr & (OtherWbRefs.Count - CountOfClosedWb) & " precedents in other workbooks that are open."
outStr = outStr & vbCr & SameWbOtherSheetRefs.Count & " precedents on other sheets in the same workbook."
outStr = outStr & vbCr & SameWbSameSheetRefs.Count & " precedents on the same sheet."
outStr = outStr & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "YES - See details about Other Books."
outStr = outStr & vbCr & "NO - See details about The Active Book."
userInput = MsgBoxInterceptor(Prompt:=outStr, Title:=headerString, Buttons:=vbYesNoCancel + vbDefaultButton3)
Select Case userInput
Case Is = vbYes
MsgBoxInterceptor Prompt:=OtherWbDetail(), Title:=headerString, Buttons:=vbOKOnly
Case Is = vbNo
MsgBoxInterceptor Prompt:=SameWbDetail(), Title:=headerString, Buttons:=vbOKOnly
End Select
Loop Until userInput = vbCancel
MsgBoxInterceptor homeCell.Address(, , , True) & vbCr & " does not contain a formula."
End If
End Sub
Sub CategorizeReference(Reference As Variant, Home As Range)
Rem assigns reference To the appropriate collection
If TypeName(Reference) = "String" Then
Rem String indicates reference To closed Wb
OtherWbRefs.Add Item:=Reference, Key:=CStr(OtherWbRefs.Count)
CountOfClosedWb = CountOfClosedWb + 1
If Home.Address(, , , True) = Reference.Address(, , , True) Then Exit Sub '#robinCTS#' Never true as same check done in caller
If Home.Parent.Parent.Name = Reference.Parent.Parent.Name Then
Rem reference In same Wb
If Home.Parent.Name = Reference.Parent.Name Then
Rem sameWb sameSheet
SameWbSameSheetRefs.Add Item:=Reference.Address(, , , True), Key:=CStr(SameWbSameSheetRefs.Count)
Rem sameWb Other sheet
SameWbOtherSheetRefs.Add Item:=Reference.Address(, , , True), Key:=CStr(SameWbOtherSheetRefs.Count)
End If
Rem reference To other Open Wb
OtherWbRefs.Add Item:=Reference.Address(, , , True), Key:=CStr(OtherWbRefs.Count)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub FindClosedWbReferences(inRange As Range) '#robinCTS#' Should read FindParsedOtherWbReferences
Rem fills the collection With closed precedents parsed from the formula String
Dim testString As String, returnStr As String, remnantStr As String
testString = inRange.Formula
Set ClosedWbRefs = New Collection
returnStr = NextClosedWbRefStr(testString, remnantStr)
ClosedWbRefs.Add Item:=returnStr, Key:=CStr(ClosedWbRefs.Count)
testString = remnantStr
Loop Until returnStr = vbNullString '#robinCTS#' Better if add " Or testString = vbNullString"
ClosedWbRefs.Remove ClosedWbRefs.Count '#robinCTS#' then this no longer required
End Sub
Function NextClosedWbRefStr(FormulaString As String, Optional ByRef Remnant As String) As String
Dim workStr As String
Dim start As Long, interval As Long, del As Long
For start = 1 To Len(FormulaString)
For interval = 2 To Len(FormulaString) - start + 1
workStr = Mid(FormulaString, start, interval)
If workStr Like Chr(39) & "[![]*[[]*'![$A-Z]*#" Then '#robinCTS#' Original was "[!!]*'![$A-Z]*#"
If workStr Like Chr(39) & "[![]*[[]*'!*[$1-9A-Z]#" Then '#robinCTS#' Original was "[!!]*'!*[$1-9A-Z]#" Not required?
interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "#") '#robinCTS#' Not required as always Like "*#" here?
interval = interval - 3 * CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) = ":")
interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "[$1-9A-Z]")
interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "[$1-9A-Z]")
interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "[$1-9A-Z]")
interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "[$1-9A-Z]")
NextClosedWbRefStr = Mid(FormulaString, start, interval)
Remnant = Mid(FormulaString, start + interval)
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next interval
Next start
End Function
Function OtherWbDetail() As String
Rem display routine
OtherWbDetail = OtherWbDetail & "There are " & OtherWbRefs.Count & " references to other workbooks. "
OtherWbDetail = OtherWbDetail & IIf(CBool(CountOfClosedWb), CountOfClosedWb & " are closed.", vbNullString)
OtherWbDetail = OtherWbDetail & vbCr & "They appear in the formula in this order:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
OtherWbDetail = OtherWbDetail & rrayStr(OtherWbRefs, vbCr)
End Function
Function SameWbDetail() As String
Rem display routine
SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & "There are " & SameWbOtherSheetRefs.Count & " ref.s to other sheets in the same book."
SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & vbCr & "They appear in this order, including duplications:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & rrayStr(SameWbOtherSheetRefs, vbCr)
SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "There are " & SameWbSameSheetRefs.Count & " precedents on the same sheet."
SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & vbCr & "They are (out of order, duplicates not noted):" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & rrayStr(SameWbSameSheetRefs, vbCr)
End Function
Function rrayStr(ByVal inputRRay As Variant, Optional Delimiter As String)
Rem display routine
Dim xVal As Variant
If IsEmpty(inputRRay) Then Exit Function
If Delimiter = vbNullString Then Delimiter = " "
For Each xVal In inputRRay
rrayStr = rrayStr & Delimiter & xVal
Next xVal
rrayStr = Mid(rrayStr, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
End Function
Closed workbooks are not auto-opened (yet)
Formulas referencing closed workbooks will display the pathname
Formulas referencing open workbooks won't display the pathname, unlike your example
Only expands simple hard-coded multi-cell ranges (for now)
Doesn't expand whole columns or rows, yet, only grabs the first cell
Doesn't find/expand INDEX, OFFSET or any other similar calculated ranges
Expanded ranges are not sorted any may not be ordered nicely.
RunMe code bugfixes now allow proper detection of closed workbook refs as requested
Simple multi-cell ranges now expand out as requested
Circular references are properly accounted for
Hard-coded values show a bold "No transformation" as requested
Hard-coded values display multiple times if accessed from multiple targets
Apostrophes in sheet names are properly taken care of
Note: If you are curious about my variable naming convention, it is based on RVBA.

How can I open and define two Excel files in VBA?

As a part of a bigger macro, and need to open and define two workbooks and sheets (I am aware of that I define my worksheets as Variant, I need this for future operations). I get a mistake when I try to set value to SheetRI. What can it be?
Sub compareQRTsAll()
Dim ActiveWb As Workbook
Dim ActiveSh As Worksheet
Dim SheetFasit As Variant
Dim SheetRI As Variant
Dim FolderFasit As String
Dim FileFasit As String
Dim FolderRI As String
Dim FileRI As String
Dim WbFasit As Workbook
Dim WbRI As Workbook
Dim WbFasitPath As String
Dim strRangeToCheck As String
Dim nShFasit As Integer
Dim nShRI As Integer
Dim iRow As Long
Dim iCol As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
i = 2
j = 6
Set ActiveWb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ActiveSh = ActiveWb.Worksheets(1)
strRangeToCheck = "A1:AAA1000"
FolderFasit = ActiveSh.Range("J6")
FolderRI = ActiveSh.Range("J7")
Do While ActiveSh.Cells(j, 8) <> ""
FileFasit = Dir(FolderFasit & "\*" & ActiveSh.Cells(j, 8) & "*.xls*")
Set WbFasit = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=FolderFasit & "\" & FileFasit)
SheetFasit = WbFasit.Worksheets(1).Range(strRangeToCheck)
nShFasit = WbFasit.Sheets.Count
FileRI = Dir(FolderRI & "\*" & ActiveSh.Cells(j, 8) & "*.xls*")
Set WbRI = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=FolderRI & "\" & FileRI)
SheetRI = WbRI.Worksheets(1).Range(strRangeToCheck) '<-------------THIS DOESN'T WORK
nShRI = WbRI.Sheets.Count
If nShFasit <> nShRI Then
MsgBox "QRT " & ActiveSh.Cells(j, 8) & " has different number of sheets in fasit and in RI. Further check will not be performed"
ElseIf nShFasit = nShRI And nShFasit = 1 Then
For iRow = LBound(SheetFasit, 1) To UBound(SheetFasit, 1)
For iCol = LBound(SheetFasit, 2) To UBound(SheetFasit, 2)
If SheetFasit(iRow, iCol) = SheetRI(iRow, iCol) Then
' Do nothing.
ActiveSh.Cells(i, 1) = "Check row " & iRow & ", column " & iCol & " in " & ActiveSh.Cells(j, 8)
ActiveSh.Cells(i, 2) = SheetFasit(iRow, iCol)
ActiveSh.Cells(i, 3) = SheetRI(iRow, iCol)
i = i + 1
End If
Next iCol
Next iRow
End If
'close workbooks
Dim wb As Workbook
For Each wb In Workbooks
If Not wb Is ActiveWb Then
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If
Next wb
j = j + 1
End Sub
The problem was in range strRangeToCheck = "A1:AAA1000". Some of my files are saved as .xls, and there is no AAA column on Excel 2003.
Dim FolderRI As String
Dim FileRI As String
Dim WbFasit As Workbook
Dim WbRI As Workbook
Dim WbFasitPath As String
Dim strRangeToCheck As String
Dim nShFasit As Integer
Dim nShRI As Integer
Dim iRow As Long
Dim iCol As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
i = 2
j = 6
Set ActiveWb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ActiveSh = ActiveWb.Worksheets(1)
strRangeToCheck = "A1:IV1000"
' If you know the data will only be in a smaller range, reduce the size of the ranges above.
'FolderFasit = InputBox("Enter path to the forder with correct QRTs")
'FolderRI = InputBox("Enter path to the forder with QRTs from RI")
FolderFasit = ActiveSh.Range("J6")
FolderRI = ActiveSh.Range("J7")
Do While ActiveSh.Cells(j, 8) <> ""
FileFasit = Dir(FolderFasit & "\*" & ActiveSh.Cells(j, 8) & "*.xls*")
Set WbFasit = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=FolderFasit & "\" & FileFasit)
SheetFasit = WbFasit.Worksheets(1).Range(strRangeToCheck)
nShFasit = WbFasit.Sheets.Count
FileRI = Dir(FolderRI & "\*" & ActiveSh.Cells(j, 8) & "*.xls*")
Set WbRI = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=FolderRI & "\" & FileRI)
Debug.Print FileRI
SheetRI = WbRI.Worksheets(1).Range(strRangeToCheck)
nShRI = WbRI.Sheets.Count
If nShFasit <> nShRI Then
MsgBox "QRT " & ActiveSh.Cells(j, 8) & " has different number of sheets in fasit and in RI. Further check will not be performed"
ElseIf nShFasit = nShRI And nShFasit = 1 Then
For iRow = LBound(SheetFasit, 1) To UBound(SheetFasit, 1)
For iCol = LBound(SheetFasit, 2) To UBound(SheetFasit, 2)
If SheetFasit(iRow, iCol) = SheetRI(iRow, iCol) Then
' Do nothing.
ActiveSh.Cells(i, 1) = "Check row " & iRow & ", column " & iCol & " in " & ActiveSh.Cells(j, 8)
ActiveSh.Cells(i, 2) = SheetFasit(iRow, iCol)
ActiveSh.Cells(i, 3) = SheetRI(iRow, iCol)
i = i + 1
End If
Next iCol
Next iRow
End If
'close workbooks
Dim wb As Workbook
For Each wb In Workbooks
If Not wb Is ActiveWb Then
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If
Next wb
j = j + 1
End Sub

How can I Split a Cell by Carriage Return and Append Values?

I'm trying to split a cell by Carriage Return (3 cells to the left of my current cell) and concatenate 'AND' for all Carriage Returns, except the last one, and for the last one I want to concatenate 'YES'
Here is my VBA script.
CellSelect = ActiveCell.Value
CellAddress = ActiveCell.Address
Dim splitVals As Variant
arrLines = Split(Sheets("CP (POS) Tasklist").Range(CellAddress).Offset(0, -3).Value, Chr(10))
For Each strLine In arrLines
Debug.Print strLine
Sheets("CP (POS) Tasklist").Range(CellAddress).Offset(0, 0).Value = strLine & Sheets("CP (POS) Tasklist").Range(CellAddress).Offset(0, -2).Value
End If
Here is a screen shot of my setup. Basically, I'm trying to concatenate what's in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cells, into the 4th cell.
I think I'm close. I just can't seem to get it working correctly.
Just Replace with StrReverse will workfine. No For or Array required.
Sub test()
Dim strOrig As String
Dim strNew As String
'strOrig = Sheet1.Cells(1)
strOrig = "a " & Chr(10) & " b " & Chr(10) & " c " & Chr(10)
Debug.Print strOrig
' a
' b
' c
strNew = StrReverse(Replace(StrReverse(strOrig), Chr(10), StrReverse("YES"), , 1))
strNew = Replace(strNew, Chr(10), "AND")
Debug.Print strNew
'a AND b AND c YES
End Sub
I got it working with this.
CellSelect = ActiveCell.Value
CellAddress = ActiveCell.Address
Dim splitVals As Variant
arrLines = Split(Sheets("CP (POS) Tasklist").Range(CellAddress).Offset(0, -3).Value, Chr(10))
arrLinesLast = UBound(arrLines)
For Each strLine In arrLines
If arrLinesLast <> 1 Then
If arrLinesLast = 0 Then Exit Sub
Debug.Print strLine
Sheets("CP (POS) Tasklist").Range(CellAddress).Offset(0, 0).Value = Sheets("CP (POS) Tasklist").Range(CellAddress).Offset(0, 0).Value & " " & strLine & " " & Sheets("CP (POS) Tasklist").Range(CellAddress).Offset(0, -2).Value & Chr(10)
arrLinesLast = arrLinesLast - 1
Sheets("CP (POS) Tasklist").Range(CellAddress).Offset(0, 0).Value = Sheets("CP (POS) Tasklist").Range(CellAddress).Offset(0, 0).Value & " " & strLine & " " & Sheets("CP (POS) Tasklist").Range(CellAddress).Offset(0, -1).Value
arrLinesLast = arrLinesLast - 1
End If
You can try this: split the cell value to an array and then add AND or YES if it is the last item in the array:
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Sheet1.Range("A1")
AppendAndYes rng
End Sub
Sub AppendAndYes(rngCell As Range)
Dim varItems As Variant
Dim lngIndex As Long
'get lines by splitting on line feed
varItems = Split(rngCell.Value, vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
'loop through and add AND or YES
For lngIndex = LBound(varItems) To UBound(varItems)
If lngIndex < UBound(varItems) Then
varItems(lngIndex) = varItems(lngIndex) & " AND"
varItems(lngIndex) = varItems(lngIndex) & " YES"
End If
Next lngIndex
'update cell value
rngCell.Value = Join(varItems, vbLf)
End Sub

how to select a section of ranges

To assign xx in the AP column, i have to check some fields that they must be filled before the xx assignment
i tried to assign some columns to a variable and i did the control to that variable, but it seems like it doesn't work
I got an error on this line
Set MaPlage = Columns("A:R" & "W:E").Rows(i)
this is my code :
Sub Decision()
Dim cell As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim z As Integer
Dim u As Integer
Dim t As Integer
Dim l As Integer
Dim p As Integer
Set MaPlage = Columns("A:R" & "W:E").Rows(i)
For i = 2 To ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If CStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 31).Value) = "Completed - Appointment made / Complété - Nomination faite" And (ActiveSheet.MaPlage.Value) = "<>" Then
If CStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 14).Value) = "AEP" _
Or CStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 14).Value) = "CMC_REV" _
Or CStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 14).Value) = "CMC_APT" _
Or CStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 14).Value) = "CS_TPD" _
Or CStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 14).Value) = "DM_ID" Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 42).Value = "XX"
End If
End If
Next i
Combining all the comments try this:
For i = 2 To ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set maplage = Range("A" & i & ":H" & i & ",J" & i & ":R" & i & ",W" & i & ":Z" & i & ",AA" & i & ":AO" & i)
If UCase(Left(ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 31).Value), 3) = "COM" _
And WorksheetFunction.Countif(MaPlage,"") = 0 Then
Select Case UCase(Left(ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 14).Value), 3)
Case "AEP", "CMC", "CS_", "DM_"
ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 42).Value = "XX"
End Select
End If
Next i