Vuejs v-for set unique data - vue.js

I have a component that I can add when I click on the button.
<button type="submit" #click="components ++">add select box</button>
<div v-for="component in components">
<select class="selectpicker form-control" v-model="" value={{}}>
<option v-for="exercise in exercises">{{ }}</option>
In this template when I add a couple of them and select a value,all the other components (select box) update with the same value.How can I make them have a unique value?
import ExerciseSelectbox from './ExerciseSelectbox.vue'
export default {
methods: {
fetchexercises: function(){
this.$http.get('/api/exerciseinstructions').then(function (data) {
comoponents: { ExerciseSelectbox },
data() {
components: 1,
newCustomizedExercise : {
ready() {

This is old, but I was also looking for this answer. I found that the Vue documentation mentions this:
Inside v-for blocks we have full access to parent scope properties.
v-for also supports an optional second argument for the index of the
current item.
<ul id="example-2">
<li v-for="(item, index) in items">
{{ parentMessage }} - {{ index }} - {{ item.message }}
So you can use this index parameter to set the id of each element in your loop to keep each one separate.
Or you can set the set your model to a name in the array. Something like v-model="customized_exercise[index].name". But I haven't actually tried this option.
I found another SO answer about how to use v-bind if you want to string concatenate the index variable in a data attribute.
<a v-bind:href="'uniqueName' + index">12312</a>


How to make single property in array reactive when using `ref` instead of `reactive`?

I have a component that displays rows of data which I want to toggle to show or hide details. This is how this should look:
This is done by making the mapping the data to a new array and adding a opened property. Full working code:
<script setup>
import { defineProps, reactive } from 'vue';
const props = defineProps({
data: {
type: Array,
required: true,
dataKey: {
type: String,
required: true,
const rows = reactive( => {
return {
opened: false,
function toggleDetails(row) {
row.opened = !row.opened;
<template v-for="row in rows" :key="row.value[dataKey]">
<!-- Toggle Details -->
<a #click.prevent="() => toggleDetails(row)">
{{ row.value.key }}: {{ row.opened ? 'Hide' : 'Show' }} details
<!-- Details -->
<div v-if="row.opened" style="border: 1px solid #ccc">
<div>opened: <pre>{{ row.opened }}</pre></div>
<div>value: </div>
<pre>{{ row.value }}</pre>
However, I do not want to make the Array deeply reactive, so i tried working with ref to only make opened reactive:
const rows = => {
return {
opened: ref(false),
function toggleDetails(row) {
row.opened.value = !row.opened.value;
The property opened is now fully reactive, but the toggle doesn't work anymore:
How can I make this toggle work without making the entire value reactive?
The problem seems to come from Vue replacing the ref with its value.
When row.opened is a ref initialized as ref(false), a template expression like this:
{{ row.opened ? 'Hide' : 'Show' }}
seems to be interpreted as (literally)
{{ false ? 'Hide' : 'Show' }}
and not as expected as (figuratively):
{{ row.opened.value ? 'Hide' : 'Show' }}
But if I write it as above (with the .value), it works.
Same with the if, it works if I do:
<div v-if="row.opened.value">
It is interesting that the behavior occurs in v-if and ternaries, but not on direct access, i.e. {{ rows[0].opened }} is reactive but {{ rows[0].opened ? "true" : "false" }} is not. This seems to be an issue with Vue's expression parser. There is a similar problem here.

Changing one Vuejs v-model value is changing all other values

I have a Nuxtjs/Vuejs application within which I am creating multiple Nodes. These Nodes have the Radio button for which I have assigned v-model. However, when I change the value of one Vuejs v-model is affecting all other Node Values. Following is the code sample that I have created for the Node. The ID value is unique for each Node.
<div ref="el">
<div class="header">
Node: {{ ID }}
<label for="identifierTypeURN">URN</label>
<label for="identifierTypeWebURI">WebURI</label>
I am aware that this is happening because I am using the same v-model name for all the Nodes so I changed to something like this. But still the issue persists:
<div ref="el">
<div class="header">
Node: {{ ID }}
<div v-for="node in allNodeInfo" :key="node.identifiersId">
<div v-if="node.identifiersId === ID">
<label for="identifierTypeURN">URN</label>
<label for="identifierTypeWebURI">WebURI</label>
export default {
data () {
return {
ID: '',
nodeId: '',
eventCount: '',
bizStep: '',
allNodeInfo: [],
instanceIdentifierSyntax: ''
mounted () {
this.$nextTick(() => {
const id = this.$
const data = this.$df.getNodeFromId(id.slice(5))
this.ID =
this.nodeId =
this.allNodeInfo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.$store.state.modules.ConfigureIdentifiersInfoStore.identifiersArray, null, 4))
const identifiersNode = this.allNodeInfo.find(node => node.identifiersId === this.nodeId)
this.instanceIdentifierSyntax = identifiersNode.identifierSyntax
console.log(JSON.stringify(this.allNodeInfo, null, 4))
methods: {
// On change of the IdentifierSyntax change, change the value in the respective node info
instanceIdentifiersSyntaxChange (syntaxValue) {
// Change the value of the respective syntax within the Node information in IdentifiersNode array
console.log(this.ID + " --- " + syntaxValue)
I know I am making some small mistake where I need to differentiate each Nodes V-model but nothing is clicking me. Can someone please help me.
You have to pass your node and your v-model also to your methods within this event.. like this, because for every loop in your v-for there will be a "new created node" which includes your v-model and than you can refer to this:
#change="instanceIdentifiersSyntaxChange('URN', node, identifierSyntax)"
In your methods you just do everything based on your node.identifierSyntax = HERE WHAT YOU WANT..
Hopefully I understood the question correct and helped you out!
EDIT: (Standard procedure)
Normally it looks like this when you add a single "input" to your v-for.
<div v-for="node in inputs" :key="">
<input v-model="node.someDefinition" :value="node.someDefinition"/>
<div #change="another_Function(node, someDefinition)></div>
<button #click="add_new_Input>ADD</button>
data() {
return {
id: 0,
inputs: [{ //this is representing the first input when side will be loaded
//your stuff in here as well
methods: {
add_new_Input() {
id: += 1
This should be enough.. So in your template you have a v-for where your are looping over an array (or something else but in my case it's an array) with all inputs - be aware every input of me gets an unique ID when it will be created or added.
Also you have - in my case here - an input-tag where you can get the v-model or set the :value. It's binded to my unique node which I have created in my methods.
If you pass your #change you also have to pass the current node and the v-model / value that the correct one will be changed.
Hopefully it now helps you out!

How to search within nested objects

I have done my research trying to figure out how to achieve what I am describing below, however I had no luck.
In my Algolia index, some records have nested objects.
For example, title and subtitle attributes are of the following format:
"en": "English title",
"gr": "Greek title"
I would like to execute queries only for a specific subset (in our example "en" or "gr") of these attributes, withoute "exposing" any facet in the UI — language selection would ideally be done “automatically” based on a variable (lang) passed to the Vue component with props. I am using Laravel Scout package with default Vue implementation, as described in documentation here.
My InstantSearch implementation is pretty simple, I am not defining anything specific regarding queries and searchable attributes, I am currently using all the default functionality of Algolia.
<div class="search-box">
<ais-search-box placeholder="Search posts..."></ais-search-box>
slot-scope="{ item }"
<div class="list-image">
<img :src="'/images/' + item.image" />
<div class="list-text">
{{ item.title }}
{{ item.subtitle }}
import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';
export default {
data() {
return {
searchClient: algoliasearch(
route: route,
props: ['lang'],
computed: {
computedItem() {
// computed_item = this.item;
I would like to somehow pass an option to query “title.en” and “subtitle.en” when variable lang is set to “en”. All this, without the user having to select “title.en” or “subtitle.en” in the UI.
Maybe computed properties is the path to go, however I cannot find how to reference search results/hits attributes (eg item.title) within computed property. It is the code I have commented out.
I think, you can use computed property. Just transform current item according to the current language variable.
new Vue({
template: "<div>{{ computedItem.title }}</div>",
data: {
langFromCookie: "en",
item: {
title: {
en: "Hello",
ru: "Привет"
computed: {
computedItem() {
const item = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.item));
for (value in item) {
if (typeof item[value] === "object" && Object.keys(item[value]).includes(this.langFromCookie))
item[value] = item[value][this.langFromCookie];
return item;
<div id="app"></div>
<script src=""></script>
If lang variable is available via props, you can check that inside list-text class and return {{title.en}} or {{}} accordingly by passing a dynamic lang value title[lang] like below
<div class="list-text">
{{ item.title[lang] }}
{{ item.subtitle[lang] }}
If you want to make a request according to lang prop when component mounts ,then you can make a request inside mounted() method then query like below
mounted() {

Using Slots or slot-scopes in v-for loops to access properties?

I'm having a difficult time understanding slots for some reason and why they should even be used. The only reason I can think of that would be nice for usuage is if we can reference specific properties within a v-for loop of an element and output different templates quicker perhaps...
So, am thinking, and possibly I could be wrong in thinking this, but if I have a variable like so:
const items: [
label: 'My Label',
url: '#',
headerTitle: 'My Header Title'
label: 'My Label 2',
url: '',
headerTitle: 'My Header Title 2'
label: 'My Label 3',
url: ''
export default {
data () {
return {
items: items
And than in the template, possibly this:
<div v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="">
<template slot-scope="headerTitle">
<h1>{{ item.headerTitle }}</h1>
<template slot-scope="label">
<div class="mylabel">
{{ item.label }}
<template slot-scope="url">
<a :href="item.url">{{ item.label }}</a>
I don't know if this makes sense or not, but basically using the property as a slot-scope and than for everytime that property is defined, it will output something. But this doesn't work properly. Is this not what slot-scopes are for within component v-for loops? Is this not how to use these properties of an array of objects?
This kinda makes sense to me. Anyways to do it like this perhaps?

Computed properties in vue not reflected in select list

I have a vue component that is meant to create a select list with all available options. The save method puts the saved value into a vuex store. The available fields are generated using a computed property on the component that calls the vuex getter for the list.
In the component, there's a v-for with a v-if that checks that the select item isn't already being used by another component (by looking at a mapped property on the list item object).
Testing this, everything seems to be working as expected, the vuex store gets the list, it accepts the update, and once a save is called, the destination field is marked as mapped and that mapped property is visible in the vuex debug panel.
However, the other select lists on the page don't get updated to reflect the (now shorter) list of available options.
Once the select item is selected in another instance of the component, I'd expect the other components to drop that select option- but it appears the v-if is not re-evaluated after the initial load of the component?
Sorry, here's the basic component:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-4">
{{ item.source_id }}
<div class="col-8">
<select v-model="destination" class="form-control form-control-sm">
<option v-for="dest in destinationFields" v-if="shouldShow(dest)" v-bind:value="">{{ }} - {{ dest.label }} ({{ dest.dataType }})</option>
export default {
props: ['item'],
data() {
return {
destination: ''
methods: {
shouldShow: function(dest) {
if (this.hideDestination && (!dest.hasOwnProperty('mapped') || === this.destination)) {
return true
} else if (!this.hideDestination) {
return true
return false
computed: {
destinationFields: function() {
return this.$store.getters.visibleDestination
hideDestination: function() {
return this.$store.getters.hideMappedDestinations // boolean
I think a better approach would be to already filter the data inside of your computed function as follows:
computed: {
destinationFields: function() {
return this.$store.getters.visibleDestination()
.filter(dest => !dest.hasOwnProperty('mapped') || === this.destination)
hideDestination: function() {
return this.$store.getters.hideMappedDestinations // boolean
You would also have to change your template to:
<select v-model="destination" class="form-control form-control-sm">
<option v-for="dest in destinationFields" v-bind:value="">{{ }} - {{ dest.label }} ({{ dest.dataType }})</option>