What happen if I forgot to add Core Data when creates the project in xcode 7+ ,ios 9,with Objective C [duplicate] - objective-c

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Adding Core Data to existing iPhone project
(13 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have an ios project written in objective C. When I create the project I forgot to add core data (absolutely at that moment I create the project, I didn't have a need of core data and now I want). so is it a matter with Xcodee 7+ and if I add now core data to my project, can I continue with the normal way. Or else do I have to copy & paste files from a project which created with core data. Searching for a better and easy way to do this.
how can I do this.hope your helpful answer with this.

If you select the use CoreData option in the new project wizard, it just puts in some boilerplate code and includes the CoreData framework in your build settings. You can do this after the fact with no problems.
There are plenty of tutorials that will show you how to do this as well. They are easy to find with a cursory google search.
If you don't want to go through the trouble of finding a tutorial, the easiest thing to do is create a new project with CoreData and add the pieces in that project that are missing in yours (last time I looked at the template project, most of the CoreData code was in the app delegate, and of course you'll need to add a data model file).
UPDATE: Removed link to first tutorial I found doing a cursory google search, since it is no longer available.


Unable to find required project

Hi I installed the SDK for azure sphere properly and as I was looking for any trail projects i got some in Github. but as explained in that I need proper template in visual studio to start a project coding. but i'm only able to access two project templates where as i can see there are 5 templates on Azure sphere. so hoping to get any reason or solution to get them.This is what im getting as of now
What im actually looking for
Unfortunately, Microsoft removed most of the Azure Sphere Templates. As you've found there are only a couple templates left. The strategy they are following now is to provide examples on their GitHub project here: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sphere-samples
I think this approach is a good one, because they can update projects on GitHub at any time. With the previous approach they had to wait for a SDK release to update the templates.

Reusing ExtJs code for Sencha project. Actual experience?

We're currently developing big project using ExtJs 4.0 as a frontend framework. Backend is Entity Framework + SQL Server but it's not important to the matter of this question (I hope).
I'm looking to add mobile version of our application using Sencha Touch. I've read couple articles stating that somewhat 40-50% code can be reused. Does anybody have any real experience doing so?
If I'm using ExtJs MVC architecture will I reuse only models / stores classes? Or is there any way to also reuse for example some of business logic inside controllers?
What will be actually project organization and folders structure? Do I need to keep two different trees or is everything can be combined under one roof and only while building different projects I would get different app-all.js files?
There's some notes here:
Combining Sencha Touch and ExtJS in your Project
video no doubt coming soon, senchaworld.com is the place for vids.

How to use Ext-designer to create UI for multiple pages?

In the example section in extjs4 official site, the source code is clean and direct (on a single page). However the ext designer uses MVC architecture that I am quite confused.
If I want to create UI using extjs 4, for multiple page, am I supposed to create multiple projects in ext designer?
I think these are two seperate questions '1. should I use MVC' and '2. Why does Designer NOT use MVC'.
In my opinion that answer to 1. should be 'yes' unless you project is relatively small and you feel comfy managing the entire codebase in one long file. This quickly becomes unmanagable and there is a lot of searching needed to locate the section you're after.
The answer to 2. is that designer is aimed to provide designers (funnily enough!) who often won't have any coding experience the ability to create prototypes and templates that developers can pick apart and build into applications. At least that was true with designer version 1.
I believe designer 2 is aimed much much at being able to directly port code into applications but if you're talking about version 1 I think you will need to take the code generated by the designer and move it into an MVC style structure in order to build applications which are anything more than a couple of simple pages.

Update core data

I relased version 1 in appstore that contain coredata database , in version 2 I added new fields to the database how to modify dynamically the old database , with keeping the data
I already did without versioning and don't have the old version , and the application will crash on the customer ipad
any suggestion please
take a look at the Core Data Model Versioning and Data Migration Programming Guide
I would encourage you to start using source control. XCode 4 has SVN and Git built in, you should give it a try - both are pretty easy to learn, and prepares you for when you need to have multiple people working on a project. Having your code in source control would have made this a straightforward problem to fix, you can get previous versions of any file at any point in time.
The WWDC 2011 videos have some good content on using source control effectively and efficiently as well.

How to share WinForms and code between 2 projects

I have a working Windows Forms app (split into an EXE and a few DLLs). Now I've been asked to look at creating another app (MyAppLite) that has only a very small subset of the functionality. Think of it as similar to MS Word Viewer vs. MS Word.
Everything that I need to build MyAppLite is contained in the main solution - essentially I need to use a couple of the WinForms and whatever bits in the DLLs they call into.
What would be the best way to do this?
I was thinking of creating another Project in my solution for MyAppLite, then adding the necessary source files as links (using Add Existing Item > Add As Link in Solution Explorer).
I definitely wouldn't want to maintain 2 copies of the source code.
FYI it's a .NET 2.0 VB app, using VS2008.
You can create a new class library to contain your forms that are common to both projects. Create the new project and copy the forms from the original project into the new class library. Then you can import the class library into both the original project (after removing the original versions of the forms) and the MyAppLite version. If you need to change the forms, change it in the class library and then recompile your applications
You could refactor your project so that it would keep the common functionality in a MyAppCore project, and reference that from both MyApp and MyAppLite. The core dll would contain all the common functionality and take parameters as to what to allow and what to restrict, so the set of features in your lite version is customizable(say you have a customer that reaaaallly wants a preview of a certain feature).