What's the name of Polygon Masking? - masking

When masking a bitmap by reducing the polygons it's displayed on, what is the name of doing this?
I often see this done for physics, sort of, to have an edge around an object for detection etc, but a long while ago remember seeing a similar approach being used with polygons for visual masking, but have completely forgotten what it was called or how to find it.
In this example, the polygons are used to "mask" some of the image:
What's the name of using polygons to do masking in this manner?

According to the definition you gave, the technique you're referring to could be Gouraud shading, whose definition is also reported in the Video-Based Rendering book on page 50:
Hole-filling: for polygons that are not depicted in any image,
determine appropriate vertex colors; during rendering, Gouraud shading
is used to mask the missing texture information.

Not sure what your talking about, but it's either rasterization (projecting polygons to a plane), or "apply a texture" (projecting an image to a set of polygons), or decimation (reducing the amount of polygons)


GODOT: What is an efficient calculation for the AABB of a simple 3D model from a camera's view

I am attempting to come up with a quick and efficient means of translating a 3d mesh into a projected AABB. In the end, I would like to accomplish something similar to figure 1 wherein only the area of the screen covered by the cube is located inside the bounding box highlighted in red. ((if it is at all possible, getting the area as small as possible, highlighted in blue, would increase efficiency down the road.))
Figure 1. https://i.imgur.com/pd0E20C.png
Currently, I have tried:
Calculating the point position on the screen using camera.unproject_position(). this failed largely due to my inability to wrap my head around the pixel positions trending towards infinity. I understand it has something to do with Tan, but frankly, it is too late for my brain to function anymore.
Getting the area of collision between the view frustum and the AABB of the mesh instance. This method seems convoluted, and to get it in a usable format I would need to project the result into 2d coordinates again.
Using the MeshInstance VisualInstance to create a texture wherein a pixel is white if it contains the mesh instance, and black otherwise. Visual instances in general just baffle me, and I did not think it would be efficient to have another viewport just to output this texture.
What I am looking for:
An output that can be passed to a shader informing where to complete certain calculations. Right now this is set up to use a bounding box, but it could easily be rewritten to also use a texture. It also could be rewritten to use polygons, but I am trying to keep calculations to a minimum in the shader.
Certain solutions I have tried before have worked, slightly, but this must be robust. The camera interfacing with the 3d object will be able to move completely around and through it, meaning at times the view will be completely surrounded by the 3d model with points both in front, and behind.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
I will try my best to update this post with information if needed.

Vulkan: Framebuffer larger than Image dimensions

This question primarily relates to the dimension parameters (width, height, and layers) in the structure VkFramebufferCreateInfo.
The actual question:
In the case that one or more of the VkImageViews, used in creating a VkFrameBuffer, has dimensions that are larger than those specified in the VkFramebufferCreateInfo used to create the VkFrameBuffer, how does one control which part of that VkImageView is used during a render pass instance?
Alternatively worded question:
I am basically asking in the case that the image is larger (not the same dimensions) than the framebuffer, what defines which part of the image is used (read/write)?
Some Details:
The specification states this is a valid situation (I have seen many people state the attachments used by a framebuffer must match the dimensions of the framebuffer itself, but I can't find support for this in the specification):
Each element of pAttachments must have dimensions at least as large as the corresponding framebuffer dimension.
I want to be clear, that I understand that if I just wanted to draw to part of an image I can use a framebuffer that has the same dimensions as the image, and use viewports and scissors. But scissors and viewports are defined relative to the framebuffer's (0,0) as far as I can tell from the spec, although it is not clear to me.
I'm asking this question to help my understand of the framebuffer as I am certain I have misunderstood something. I feel it may well be the case that (x,y) in framebuffer space, is always (x,y) in image space (As in there is no way of controlling which part of the VkImageView is used).
I have been stuck on this for quite sometime (~4 days), and have tried both the Vulkan: Cookbook and the Vulkan Programming Guide, and read most of the specification, and searched online.
If the question needs clarification, please ask. I just didn't want to make it overly long.
Thank you for reading.
There isn't a way to control which part of the image is used by the framebuffer when the framebuffer is smaller than the image. The framebuffer origin always maps to the image origin.
Allowing attachments to be larger than the framebuffer is only meant to allow reusing memory/images/views for several purposes in a frame even when they don't all need the same dimensions. The typical example is reusing a depth buffer (but not it's contents) for several different render passes. You could accomplish the same thing with memory aliasing, but engines that have to support multiple APIs might find it easier to do it this way.
The way to control where you render to is by controlling the viewport. That is, you specify a framebuffer size that's actually big enough to cover the total area of the target images that you may want to render to, and use the viewport transform/scissoring to render to a specific area of those images.
There is no post-viewport transformation that goes from framebuffer space to image space. That would be decidedly redundant, since we already have a post-NDC transform. There's no point in having two of them.
Sure, VkRenderPassBeginInfo has the renderArea object, but that is more of a promise from the user rather than a guarantee for the system:
The application must ensure (using scissor if necessary) that all rendering is contained within the render area, otherwise the pixels outside of the render area become undefined and shader side effects may occur for fragments outside the render area.
So basically, the implementation doesn't do anything with renderArea. It doesn't set up a transformation or anything; you're just promising that no framebuffer pixels outside of that area will be impacted.
In any case, there's really little point to providing a framebuffer size that's smaller than the images sizes. That sort of thing is more the perview of the renderArea than the framebuffer specification.

How does Blender calculate vertex normals?

I'm attempting to calculate vertex normals for various game assets. The normals I calculate are used for "inflating" the model (to draw behind the real model producing a thick outline).
I currently compute the normal for each face and average all of them (several other questions on Stack Overflow suggest this approach). However, this doesn't work for sharp corners like this one (adjacent faces' normals marked in orange, the normal I'm trying to calculate is outlined in green).
The object looks like a small pedestal and we're looking at the front-left corner. There are three adjoining faces (the bottom face isn't visible; its normal points straight down).
Blender computes an excellent normal that lies squarely in the middle of the three faces' normals; it seems like it somehow calculates a normal that has minimum rotation to each of the three face normals. Blender's normal also doesn't change when the quads are triangulated differently.
Averaging the faces' normals gives me a different normal that points slightly upward in the Z-axis (-0.45, -0.89, +0.08). Inflating my model this way doesn't produce a good outline because the bottom face of the outline is shifted up and doesn't enclose the original model.
I attempted to look at the Blender source code but couldn't find what I was looking for. If anyone can point me to the algorithm in the Blender source, I'd accept that also.
Weight the surface normals by the angle of the faces where they join. It is a common practice in surface rendering (see discussion here: http://www.bytehazard.com/code/vertnorm.html), and will ensure that your bottom face is weighted stronger than the two slanted side faces. I don't know if Blender does it differently, but you should give it a try.

Perspective distortions correction

I'm searching for a methods of text recognition based on document borders.
Or the methods that can solve the problem of finding new viewpoint.
For exmp. the camera is in point (x1,y1,z1) and the result picture with perspective distortions, but we can find (x2,y2,z2) for camera to correct picture.
The usual approach, which assumes that the document's page is approximately flat in 3D space, is to warp the quadrangle encompassing the page into a rectangle. To do so you must estimate a homography, i.e. a (linear) projective transformation between the original image and its warped counterpart.
The estimation requires matching points (or lines) between the two images, and a common choice for documents is to map the page corners in the original images to the image corners of the warped image. This will in general produce a rectangle with an incorrect aspect ratio (i.e. the warped page will look "wider" or "taller" than the real one), but this can be easily corrected if you happen to know in advance what the real aspect ratio is (for example, because you know the type of paper used, whether letter, A4, etc.).
A simple algorithm to perform the estimation is the so-called Direct Linear Transformation.
The OpenCV library contains routines to help accomplishing all these tasks, look into it.

In OpenGL ES 2.0, how can I draw a wireframe of triangles except for the lines on adjacent coplanar faces?

I vaguely remember seeing something in OpenGL (not ES, which was still at v1.0 on the iPhone when I came across this, which is why I never used it) that let me specify which edges of my polygons were considered outlines vs those that made up the interior of faces. As such, this isn't the same as the outline of the entire model (which I know how to do), but rather the outline of a planar face with all its tris basically blended into one poly. For instance, in a cube made up of tri's, each face is actually two tris. I want to render the outline of the square, but not the diagonal across the face. Same thing with a hexagon. That takes four tris, but just one outline for the face.
Now yes, I know I can simply test all the edges to see if they share coplanar faces, but I could have sworn I remember seeing somewhere when you're defining the tri mesh data where you could say 'this line outlines a face whereas this one is inside a face.' That way when rendering, you could set a flag that basically says 'Give me a wireframe, but only the wires around the edges of complete faces, not around the tris that make them up.'
BTW, my target is all platforms that support OpenGL ES 2.0 but my dev platform is iOS. Again, this Im pretty sure was originally in OpenGL and may have been depreciated once shaders came on the scene, but I can't even find a reference to this feature to check if that's the case.
The only way I know now is to have one set of vertices, but two separate sets of indices... one for rendering tris, and another for rendering the wireframes of the faces. It's a real pain since I end up hand-coding a lot of this, which again, I'm 99% sure you can define when rendering the lines.
GL_QUADS, glEdgeFlag and glPolygonMode are not supported in OpenGL ES.
You could use LINES to draw the wireframe: To get hidden lines, first draw black filled triangles (with DEPTH on) and then draw the edges you are interested in with GL_LINES.