HAL support in Rest-Assured - spring-data-rest

I use Spring-Data-Rest (SDR) to create a REST-Service.
For integation tests I use Rest Assured (RA).
The problem arises when I try to send a domain object via RA to the service.
Relations are expressed via links and my domain objects do not have links, just related entities.
Is there any JsonMapper for RA which translates the related entities into links?
Thank you

No there's no such thing built into Rest Assured. What you could to do is to create a filter that does this for you (but I'm not sure how easy or hard this would be).


How to implement api versioning?

I have an web API application that will serve many clients at different times of release and now i need to implement a versioning. Because the API code will be constantly updated and API users will not be able to instantly change their API. Well, the standard situation is when you need to introduce versioning in general. I'm finding a way to organize it inside my API. It's clear that it will not be different folders with an application on the server, conditionally called app_v1, app_v2, app_v2.1, etc., cause this is duplication, redundancy and bad practise.
It's look like will be one application, and in the controllers at the code level there will be a division of the logic already, like If(client_version==1) do function1() else if(client_version==2) do function2(), etc. It seems that git supports tags, this is something similar to versioning, but because all supported versions of the application need be on the server at the same time, this is not about that. how i can realize an architecture in this case?
There are many well-known ways to use API versioning to make code work with older versions. (backward compatibility). The general purpose of API versioning is a way to make sure that different clients can use different versions of an API at the same time. I've seen several ways to do API versioning, such as:
URL Path Versioning: In this method, the number of the version is part of the API endpoint's URL path. For instance:
URL Query String Parameter: In this method, the version number is added to the API endpoint's URL as a query string parameter. For instance:
HTTP Header: In this method, the version number is put in an HTTP header, like the Accept-Version header. For instance:
Accept-Version: 1
Accept-Version: 2
If you are using dotnet for you project I would like recommend to standard library for that recommend to check this out. Or you can find solid materials in term of WebApi Versioning following link by #Steve Smith.
There is another answer.

Guide to designing complex API that works in a RESTful way?

I have tried out the RESTful API concept and found out that its a great mindset for building resources APIs. For example, adding comment to post would be
POST /posts/{id}/comments
However, there are some cases, correct me if I am wrong, that the expected APIs can not really be model as a simple CRUD
For example, adding product to the system requires adding picture, adding multiple tags specify its category?
How do I do this the restful way?
1.) Do I force the API user to follow after multiple API calls?
POST /pictures -- add picture
GET /categories -- get selected category
POST /tags -- add tags
POST /products -- input picture, category, tags ids as JSON fields
2.) Do I use nested object which automatically do find all subresources?
POST /products -- input nested JSON array with picture/category/tags object field
In this case, all subresources will be existing resources instead of some (picture, tags) that should be posted.
Also, what would happen if adding picture succeed internally but adding tags failed?
3.) Do I just do a casual API? How does this fit with REST? Doesn't this break the RESTful idea?
POST /add_products
Is there any guide to deal with complex API for RESTful APIs?
Thank you.
In my opinion, one of the biggest misconception people have about REST is that internal models (tables in db or document in mongo) and REST resources must be same. REST resources can be a real model or it can be an abstract entity as well which might not exist in db.
So in this case, your url with POST i.e. POST /products request is perfectly alright as far as REST is concerned. And advice from my personal experience - One doesn't needs to be too dogmatic about url as long as basic principles of REST are conserved such as
Use right HTTP verbs
Use right status codes
Cacheable architecture
Unique indentification of resource by url
Hypermedia (if you can go that far)

HATEOAS and client implementation

I have read a few articles about HATEOAS and the way that API should be implemented such that you can traverse to different states by following the links. But I'm confused as to how the client should be implemented?
From this answer:
The client knows nothing about how the server designs its URIs other
than what it can find out at runtime.
Does the client need to crawl from the root node down to a nested resource to just make a POST if it doesn't know the direct URI?
What would be the purpose of API documentation then?
For implementing HATEOAS server needs to include links to responses that goes from server to client, and client uses these links in response to communicate to server.
For eg. Client request Product list, server will respond with list of products with link to Add, edit and delete the products (if user is able to do that), which will then be transformed in client into links or buttons like Edit Product, Delete Product.
This blog might help you get more understanding.
Does the client need to crawl from the root node down to a nested resource to just make a POST if it doesn't know the direct URI?
Yes unless the root page does not contain the link which describes the POST.
What would be the purpose of API documentation then?
It describes the metadata the client can recognize for example by a link or by a property. So it describes the capabilities of the service.
To answer your first question "Does the client need to crawl from the root node down to a nested resource to just make a POST if it doesn't know the direct URI?"
The answer is No. The client always does not have to crawl from the root node. It is possible to design the URI;s such a way that the navigation to reach the direct URI can be from other views. For example if the purpose of the URI (/Products/product1/Delete) is to delete product , then it should be possible to reach this by either crawling from the /Products or by giving a namespace query of Products/Deleteview. This "DeleteView" URI should give all the URI's of the delete view. i.e it can return a uri collection like Products/product1/Delete, Products/product2/Delete etc.
To your second Question "What would be the purpose of API documentation then?"
Concept of API is a legacy of the past. Ideally the URI itself should be the documentation. This way the client can be programmed to discover and take only things that it can respond to.
We got hold of unique technology which manages these namespaces. so we are shielded from this view manipulation ourselves. I recommend using a technology to manipulate and create these URI namespaces.

Semantic store and entity hub

I am working on a content platform that should provide semantic features such as querying with SPARQL and providing rdf documents for the contained content.
I would be very thankful for some
clarification on the following
Did I get that right, that an entity
hub can connect several semantic
stores to a single point of access?
And if not, what is the difference
between a semantic store and an
entity hub?
What frameworks would you use to
store content documents as well as
their semantic annotation?
It is important for the solution to be able to later on retrieve the document (html page / docs such as pdf, doc,...) and their annotated version.
Thanks in advance,
The only Entityhub term that I know is belong to Apache Stanbol project. And here is a paragraph from the original documentation explaining what Entityhub does:
The Entityhub provides two main services. The Entityhub provides the
connection to external linked open data sites as well as using indexes
of them locally. Its services allow to manage a network of sites to
consume entity information and to manage entities locally.
Entityhub documentation:
Enhancer component of Apache Stanbol provides extracting external entities related with the submitted content using the linked open data sites managed by Entityhub. These enhancements of contents are formed as RDF data. Then, it is also possible to store those content items in Apache Stanbol and run SPARQL queries on top of RDF enhancements. Contenthub component of Apache Stanbol also provides faceted search functionality over the submitted content items.
Documentation of Apache Stanbol:
Access to running demos:
You can also ask your further questions to stanbol-dev AT incubator.apache.org.
Alternative suggestion...
Drupal 7 has in-built RDFa support for annotation and is more of a general purpose CMS than Semantic MediaWiki
In more detail...
I'm not really sure what you mean by entity hub, where are you getting that definition from or what do you mean by it?
Yes one can easily write a system that connects to multiple semantic stores, given the context of your question I assume you are referring to RDF Triple Stores?
Any decent CMS should be assigning documents some form of unique/persistent ID to documents so even if the system you go with does not support semantic annotation natively you could build your own extension for this. The extension would simply store annotations against the documents ID in whatever storage layer you chose (I'd assume a Triple Store would be appropriate) and then you can build appropriate query and presentation layers for querying and viewing this data as required.
Apache Stanbol
Do you want to implement a traditional CMS extended with some Semantic capabilities, or do you want to build a Semantic CMS? It could look the same, but actually both a two completely opposite approaches.
It is important for the solution to be able to later on retrieve the document (html page / docs such as pdf, doc,...) and their annotated version.
You can integrate Apache Stanbol with a JCR/CMIS compliant CMS like Alfresco. To get custom annotations, I suggest creating your own custom enhancement engine (maven archetype) based on your domain and adding it to the enhancement engine chain.
One this is done, you can use the REST API endpoints provided by Stanbol to retrieve the results in RDF/Turtle format.

Do REST API URLs have to look like this?

Is it true that to implement a RESTful API, one has to implement a URL structure that looks like this
where the /123 would be used for edit, delete
Another way to ask the question is: can a URL that looks like this be called RESTful?
You don't have to design your URI structure like that. It could also be /some_obscure_string/base64_encoded_title/unique_id. This could also be RESTful, depending on several other factors.
But there are several best practices on how to design URIs in a RESTful web application and being as simple and as human readable as possible is one of them.
Your example http://example.com/script.php?method=get_title&blogid=123 could also be RESTful, but the query parameters indicate that some kind of RPC- or RMI-over-HTTP is used instead.
To sum it up: Don't put too much thought into your URI design. This will come automatically with a good and proper RESTful design of your application.
The Idea behind REST is that every resource has it’s own URL and you use the different HTTP methods to interact with those resources. It makes sense to define the URL structure so that the hierarchy between different resources is reflected in the URL, but you don’t have to.
If you have URLs like this
you still could provide an RESTful API to this. The Idea is that a GET to /all-posts/ returns a list of the URLs of every post object and the client uses those URLs to interact with the resources. Basically the URLs should be treated as opaque data by the client.
As long as the URL that is embedded in the client doesn’t change you also could change the structure without having to change the client.
Your example URL probably doesn’t belong to a RESTful API, since it contains a method get_title. In REST a URL represents a thing. What is to be done with the thing (should it be modified, should it contents be retrieved, ...) is not part of the URL, for that REST uses the different HTTP methods.
A key aspect of REST is that the url is the resource. a uri like
doesn't put the resource identifier in the resource portion of the uri. that's not to say that a RESTful API shouldn't ever use get parameters; in fact, that's just fine:
might be a great way to get the URI's of the 3rd page of oldest posts. However, using get parameters in this way should only be used in requests where the method is also GET. PUT and especially POST methods should really use simple uri's with the resource that will be affected in only the path portion.
RESTful URI design is all about resources access and they should be structured in the RESTful manner, so you should not have any query strings.
e.g. of GET
Anything and everything is called RESTfull these days, just look at some of the responses by it's inventor Dr Roy Fielding and you'll get some ideas. It is worth doing some reading on the subject.
P.S you do not need post,get etc in your URIs, HTTP protocol is at present mostly used for consuming REST APIs and you can pass verb as a part of the call. Also there is a concept of content negotiation i.e you can request any available format from REST API (json,xml atc).
The REST concept is really based on the fact that it is URL driven, and not driven by large data-blobs. With REST, you don't have to pass a giant soap request to invoke a method - your method call/object creation/whatever you want to do is invoked simply by the URL, and the verb you used vs that URL.
Example URLs:
GET http://del.icio.us/api/
GET http://del.icio.us/api/peej/tags/
GET http://del.icio.us/api/peej/tags/test
DELETE http://del.icio.us/api/peej/bookmarks/[hash]
The structure of your URLs doesn't matter. What does matter is that each URL identifies exactly 1 resource. Each resource can have multiple URLs that point to it but each URL should only point to 1 resource.
This can be helpful. Ref:
RESTful service URLs