match line that doesnt contain certain words - sql

I have the following string:
ignoreword1,word1, ignoreword2
i would like to match any word that is not ignoreword1 or ignoreword2
this is what i have so far
the main goal is to use the regex as part of postgresql database to select rows where the column match a substring after removing "ignoreword1", "ignoreword2" and the comma ","

To match any word that is not ignoreword1 or Ignoreword2 use 
In PostgreSQL, word boundaries are [[:<:]] and [[:>:]], so use something like:
Pattern details:
[[:<:]] - leading word boundary
(?!(?:ignoreword1|ignoreword2)[[:>:]]) - fail the match if the whole string is either ignoreword1 or ignoreword2
[a-zA-Z]+ - one or more any ASCII letters.


Regex Extract SQL

I have a string in one of my columns that looks like this:
DadC - Review Vid - Vid - Eng - TC
How can I regex extract using SQL the second to last word 'Eng'?
How can I regex extract the second-word 'Review Vid"?
Currently in google SQL I have a query that looks like this to extract the last word:
REGEX_EXTRACT(column_name, r'(\w+$)') AS lan
Your regular expression (\w+$) contains the following bits:
(...) capture the stuff inside
\w a word character: letters and numbers and underscore
+ at least one of the previous thing
$ the end of the text
So \w+ means "at least one word character"
And \w+$ means "at least one word character at the end of the text"
And (\w+$) means "capture at least one word character at the end of the text"
But you don't want to capture those word characters - you want something earlier in the text.
So \w+ - \w+ would match two words with a dash between.
And \w+ - \w+$ would match two words with a dash between at the end of the text.
And all that is left is to put parens around the part you want to capture: (\w+) - \w+$

Replacing the nth white by an asterisk in GBQ

REGEXP_REPLACE("My dog is funny and happy", r"(\S+ \S+ \S+)", r"*") This is my SQL for achieving this. My output should look something like this = My dog is funny *and happy
When I try the above query it removes the first few words. How do I work this out?
You should use a backreference:
REGEXP_REPLACE("My dog is funny and happy", r"^((?:\S+\s+){4})", r"\1*")
REGEXP_REPLACE("My dog is funny and happy", r"^(?:\S+\s+){4}", r"\0*")
See the regex demo. Details:
^ - start of string
((?:\S+\s+){4}) - Group 1 (\1 in the replacement will refer to this group value): four occurrences of one or more non-whitespaces followed with one or more whitespaces.
\0 refers to the whole match value.
See the regexp_replace reference:
REGEXP_REPLACE(value, regexp, replacement)
Returns a STRING where all substrings of value that match regular
expression regexp are replaced with replacement.
You can use backslashed-escaped digits (\1 to \9) within the
replacement argument to insert text matching the corresponding
parenthesized group in the regexp pattern. Use \0 to refer to the
entire matching text.

Find phone numbers with unexpected characters using SQL in Oracle?

I need to find rows where the phone number field contains unexpected characters.
Most of the values in this field look like:
This is expected. However, we are also seeing character values in this field such as * and #.
I want to find all rows where these unexpected character values exist.
Numbers are expected
Hyphen with numbers is expected (hyphen alone is not)
NULL is expected
Empty is expected
Tried this:
WHERE phone_num is not like ' %[0-9,-,' ' ]%
Still getting rows where phone has numbers.
from address you can edit regex to match your needs.
I am going to use example regex for this purpose
select * from Table1
Where NOT REGEXP_LIKE(PhoneNumberColumn, '^[+]*[(]{0,1}[0-9]{1,4}[)]{0,1}[-\s\./0-9]*$')
You can use translate()
WHERE translate(Phone_Number,'a1234567890-', 'a') is NOT NULL
This will strip out all valid characters leaving behind the invalid ones. If all the characters are valid, the result would be NULL. This does not validate the format, for that you'd need to use REGEXP_LIKE or something similar.
You can use regexp_like().
WHERE regexp_like(phone_num, '[^ 0123456789-]|^-|-$')
[^ 0123456789-] matches any character that is not a space nor a digit nor a hyphen. ^- matches a hyphen at the beginning and -$ on the end of the string. The pipes are "ors" i.e. a|b matches if pattern a matches of if pattern b matches.
Oracle has REGEXP_LIKE for regex compares:
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(phone_num,'[^0-9''\-]')
If you're unfamiliar with regular expressions, there are plenty of good sites to help you build them. I like this one

Delete specific pattern between commas in text file

I have thousand of SQL queries written over notepad++ line by line.Single line contain single SQL query.Every SQL query contain list of columns to be selected from database as comma separated values.Now we want certain columns not to be part of that list which follow a specific pattern/regular expression.The SQL query follows a specific pattern :
A trimmed column has been selected as alias 'PK'
Every query has got a 'dated'where condition at the end of it.
Sometimes the pattern which we wish to remove exist in either PK/where or both.we don't want to remove that column/pattern from those places.Just from the column selection list.
Below is the example of a SQL query :
After removal of columns/patterns query should look like below :
want to remove below patterns from each and every query between the commas :
If the pattern exist within TRIM/DATE function it should not be touched.It should only be removed from column selection list.
Could somebody please help me regarding above.Thanks in advance
You may use
(?:\G(?!^)|\sas\s(?=.*'\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}'$)) - two alternatives:
\G(?!^) - the end of the previous location, not a position at the start of the line
| - or
\sas\s(?=.*'\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}'$) - an as surrounded with single whitespaces that is followed with any 0+ chars other than line break chars and then ', 2 digits, /, 2 digits, /, 4 digits and ' at the end of the line
(?:(?!\sfrom\s).)*? - consumes any char other than a linebreak char, 0 or more repetitions, as few as possible, that does not start whitespace, from, whitespace sequence
\K - a match reset operator discarding all text matched so far
,?\s* - an optional comma followed with 0+ whitespaces
[A-Z_]+_(?:[FRC]ID|TSP)_[A-Z_]+ - ASCII letters or/and _, 1 or more occurrences, followed with _, then F, R or C followed with ID or TSP, then _, and again 1 or more occurrences of ASCII letters or/and _.
See the regex demo.

Regex not matching correct string

I am busy building a lookup table for specific names of merchants. I tried to make use of the following regex but it's returning less results than the standard "like" function in Netezza SQL. Please refer to below:
SQL Like function: where trim(upper(a.MRCH_NME)) like '%CNA %' -- returns 4622 matches
Regex function in Netezza SQL: where array_combine(regexp_extract_all(trim(upper(a.MRCH_NME)),'.*CNA\s','i'),'|') = 'CNA' -- returns 2226 matches
I looked at the two result sets and found that strings such as the following aren't matched:
015764 CNA CRAD
I made use of the following regex expression: /.*CNA\s'/
Any idea why the above strings aren't being returned as matches?
Thank you.
You probably should be using regexp_like:
FROM yourTable
This would be logically identical to the following query using LIKE:
FROM yourTable
It seems to me the problem is more with your code rather than the regex. Look: like '%CNA %' returns all entries that contain a CNA substring followed with a literal space anywhere inside the entry. The '.*CNA\s' regex matches any 0+ chars other than newline followed with CNA and **any whitespace char*.
Acc. to this reference, \s matches "a white space character. White space is defined as [\t\n\f\r\p{Z}].
Thus, you should in fact just use
or, better with a word boundary check:
where \b marks a transition from a word to non-word and non-word to word character, thus ensuring a whole word search and justifying the regex usage.
If you do not need to match the merchant name as a whole word, use the regular LIKE with '%CNA %', it should be more efficient.