Setting up a CNAME / Nickname for a remote server - ssh

Let's say I have a digital ocean droplet - 68.456.72.184
When ssh-ing into my remote server, I'd rather not have to type out the whole ssh command -
ssh 68.456.72.184
The host's name is Stormtrooper - how do I make it so that client machines can ssh into the server via
ssh Stormtrooper
I imagine this requires some sort of configuration on the local client machine that's connecting? In what order does does a client machine search for host names? I imagine there's some local setting where it looks for "Stormtrooper"'s IP address, and if not found it it looks in the local network, and then looks in the "global" network (i.e. public DNS).
I'm not quite sure how that lookup process works, so an explanation there would be great as well.

You can create local ssh_config in ~/.ssh/config with a content:
Host Stormtrooper
Hostname 68.456.72.184
And then you can ssh to that server using ssh Stormtrooper (even tab completion will work for you).
Connecting using FQDN will work too if you have correctly set up DNS. If you have a domain Stormtrooper.tld pointing to this IP, you are able to ssh using
ssh Stormtrooper.tld
For local network resolving, you would need local DNS, which would do this translation for you.


SSH: Can I always trust a remote server with dynamic IP?

I have a server that I need to connect to sometimes. It has a public IP, but the IP is renewed quite often. To combat that, I have a script that will update a DNS record to map to my new IP.
This setup works, but once the IP changes, I get the error:
Then I have to delete the key from my client, using ssh-keygen -R, and it works again.
But this seems redundant, as I can't really see how this adds any security. Can I configure this setup so that it always trusts this connection?
The setup is using ProxyJump if that would change anything.

Use sshuttle to route traffic to company's VPN server

I need to access company's internal network without using their OPENVPN server directly (My ISP blocks it). So I used an instance with a public IP, where my company is located, and have configured a OPENVPN client then used it to connect to the company's OPENVPN server.
(public IP instance) ===OPENVPN===> (Company)
Now, I need to achieve a further thing, which is working from my local machine by using VPN over SSH tunnel using sshuttle, such that the topology becomes:
(local) ===SSHUTTLE===> (public IP instance) ===OPENVPN===> (Company)
Note that public IP instance has two network adapters; eth0 (it has public IP) and tun0 (which belongs to OPENVPN)
I installed sshuttle, and tested the next command:
sshuttle --dns -r <user>#<public IP instance address>
It says connected after then but I still cant access anything. I tested dig and it returned results showing addresses of company's internal services. However, I still can't ping them. I tested using traceroute and it stops at some point after displaying some hops.
One important point is that I can't ping the tun0 address (on public ip instance) from my local machine.
I suspect that I need to add some routes on the intermediate public IP instance, but I am not sure.
I would appreciate any help
Thanks in advance
your setup is right but your assumptions are wrong.
Initially, check that your vpn is working fine on the jump box , if linux just check
route -n
Wrong assumptions:
sshuttle will route your dig commands , sshutle only route TCP and DNS queries are UDP
using --dns in your sshuttle meanless as you wont gain dns of vpn but of the jump box and that wont work
you should add the DNS of local vpn in your /etc/resolv.conf with target domain for local discovery
like : < call tech support to provide you with right DNS , you can find it in vpn log on jump box
search companydomain.internal
nameserver 10.x.y.z
its better to split the traffic and only target your company CIDR over sshuttle , most of them use parts of instead of all traffic
important note: that may be your company block egress traffic to the internet over VPN access

Does the ssh protocol send the remote name to the remote machine?

If I ssh into, where also resolves to, is there any way for the remote machine to tell which hostname was used for the connection?
i.e. Does the ssh protocol send the remote name to the remote machine, like SNI in HTTPS?
(I am running an ssh server from within an application, so I am free to modify the ssh server to provide this information, if ssh clients provide it.)
As far as I know, there is no protocol extension like SNI for SSH. The DNS name (of the server) is not passed to the server by the client. See also this discussion.

Forward server HTTP traffic to handle in another device via SSH Tunnel

I'm developing some webhook required direct access public domain to internal machine, thinking use SSH tunnel to forward data, or got alternative solution?
Hosting server & development machine are in same network (Hosting server)
2nd machine is virtual mapping using forticlient firewall without static or dynamic IP in visible in hosting server, so is 1 way initial communication right now.
In this case possible to setup SSH tunnel forward all traffic from to handle in development machine port 8080?
How to ssh syntax look like?
This could be done by setting up an SSH tunnel to the remote machine:
ssh -L localhost:80:localhost:8080 development-system
Every request to port 80 on the hosting-server is now forwarded to port 8080 on the development-system.
Please note, that the port 80 on the hosting-server could only be used, when you start the SSH command as root. Also note that the port 80 is only accessible from the hosting-server. To access the port 80 on the hosting-server from everywhere use the following:
ssh -L 80:localhost:8080 development-system
Be sure that you want that.
A good introduction to the topic could be found at

Access remote folder via an intermmediate machine on a graphical file manager

I want to access a remote folder on a server B that is accessible only via a server A. I have accounts on both machines.
To access a terminal on B i would first connect to A via ssh, and then hop to B.
To use a port on B I would do the same, establishing a port mapping via ssh tunneling.
But what can I do to access a folder on B from a graphical file manager, like dolphin, using a protocol like fish? How can I establish the intermmediate connection?
I have tried the indirect way of creating a tunnel from localhost:port to the intermmediate machine, and from there to the target machine, and connect to fish://localhost:port on the file manager, but keep getting connection refused.
You can do that using standard sshfs if you configure the intermediate machine as a proxy in your client configuration (default location is ~/.ssh/config):
Host <remote>
ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p proxy
Host proxy
Hostname <real-proxy>
where <remote> is the hostname / IP address of the remote machine (%h will be replaced by it later). <real-proxy> is the hostname / IP address of the intermediate machine.
Then you can mount your remote filesystem locally and access it using whatever graphical file manager you like:
sshfs <remote>:/remote/path /mnt/mountpoint