Building a map/flowchart to better understand a database - sql

I am interested in creating a map of my database, so that I may understand it better. I am having difficulties understanding which tables relate to other tables, and I think a map, or flowchart would help me greatly. Has anyone done this? If so, how did you accomplish it?

You can try SQL Server Management Studio Express. Just right click on Database Diagrams and create a new diagram. You can select existing tables that you desire.
You can follow an excellent guide step by step here.

If you have Microsoft visio, that's a good software in creating a flowchart.

I use Lucid Chart ( occasionally because we don't have Visio either. They offer a free account, which works pretty well, apart from the limit on the number of items you can put in one document (I want to say it's a limit of 60 entities).


Alter data source

Power BI can connect to various data sources and run SELECT queries.
Is it possible to run also other queries (INSERT INTO, UPDATE...)?
Now I need it for a postgresql database, but could use also for others in the future.
No, you can't run directly INSERT/UPDATE queries from Power BI. This isn't the idea of the tool. If you find you need it, then probably there is a major flaw in your design, or you are not using the right tool for this job. But there are few ways to workaround this (again, I'm not saying that you SHOULD do it). Usually this is done in a combination with custom written Power App, embedded in your report in Power Apps visual. The idea is that the app will write to the database, and will refresh your report after that (if needed).
You can start here and I will recommend you to look at this in-depth session - Writing back data to PowerBI from your reports.
The answer is No if I am very straight forward. PBI is a analysis platform for data. There are probably some advance way to do that but, this is not logical or good idea to think about manipulating data from report or from any BI tools. You can search answers from different blog where the same questions asked. For more details, you can check below links-
help link 1
help link 2

How do I create queries to SQL Server tables via Visual Studio when no knowledge about SQL nor Linq?

Let´s be frank, my knowledge regarding SQL language is very low.
Nevertheless, my boss gave me the task to build a database application using the following tools: SQL Server and Visual Studio 2008; C#. I use the VS DataSet as a local mirror of the SQL Server.
And let´s be frank again, my understanding of the VS Query builder is also very small, I´m finding it quite confusing, actually. So no help to find from Query builder.
And my knowledge of Linq is even lower...
Perhaps I should mention that the deadline for the project is "aggressively" set, so I have no chance to learn enough about these things during the project. And I´m a bit stupid too, which is no help when it comes to challenges like this (on other occations it might be quite useful though)
With these permissions, what should I do (except for killing myself or retire) to be able to query my tables in a sufficient way?
Start learning. Look for another job at the same time. Obviously your boss is an idiot - giving you tasks to be not qualified for (or the story is a little different - would not be the first "specialist" trying to find employment that is clueless).
Sorry, I really dont know what else to say here - if yo do not know how to do your job, learn. If that does not work, then you can not do your task. Simple like that.
SQL Query takes a day to get started (on a beginner level). If you do not have this time - get your boss hire someone who has the knowledge.
keep a c# reference book handy. Also a book on sql or you can use sql books online. You can always google for your specific problem or use a forum to get answers. Be optimistic, quit whining and get to your task. All the best.
what type of task you want to do in SQL ? define in Detail.
and start working on the sql it's easy to understand.
there is a visual query designer in visual studio. that might be helpful. Open up server explorer, right click and existing database connection or create a new one and then right click to select 'New Query'.
In the query designer, you can add table and visually add conditions for joins, aggregates etc. and see the query being formed.
Use MS Access:
Start up Access, create a new DB.
Import your SQL Server DB to your new Access DB.
Select Create tab -> Query Wizard -> Simple Query Wizard (and it IS simple to use).
When the query is created, you can use the SQL code in your original SQL Server based application - but as SQL Server and Access aren´t 100% aligned, you might need to do some adjustments - google it up. Here is however a good page that will help you out.
Bonus is that it´s a good way to learn SQL "on the fly".

Practical implementation of SSAS(Step by step)

I am a novice in SSAS with some theoretical knowledge in it.
I would like to do the very first and the simplest of all implementation in that.
I searched in Google but the one's I found are a bit high enough for me to grasp.
Could you please suggest me some good links/articles(Step by Step [ would be better if diagrams are given]) to start with.
I mean no inbuit AdventureWorks SSAS db. I like to say not the examples given in Microsoft Press book entitled SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Step By Step (0735621993). Though it is good and basically helps to learn but I fell (after completing first 3 chapters) that there I need to install some already given DW's which I am not looking for
Everything should be from scratch so that I will learn properly though it may take a bit time.
Also it would be of great help to me and also for peoples like me if someone can tell direct the sequential steps to follow from start to end (like create dimensions, measures then cube etc. ) for creating a SSAS project.
You can find some step by step articles here.
I recommend you Applied Microsoft Analysis Services 2005 and Practical Business Intelligence with SQL Server 2005
See this question for more info.

Recommendations for good SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) examples/samples for ETL?

I'm looking for some decent examples/samples using SSIS to do some ETL from one SQL Server database to another not necessarily within the same instance.
The idea is to migrate rows of data with their heirarchies (relationships) from one OLTP database to another.
There are some advantages SSIS offers us which makes it a good choice as the migration/ETL platform (amongst other things it needs to be fully configurable and able to be executed on an automated schedule).
Does anyone know of any decent samples/examples besides the MS community samples (on Codeplex)?
Edit: I've also had a look at though I haven't found exactly what I'm looking for..
There are Microsoft Tutiorials on how to use each Task Component and concept available here:
You will likely need to review several tutorials in order to aquire the knowledge to create a solution for your specific scenario.
Another excellent source of SSIS tips is Jamie Thomson's Blog. The man is a bit of wizard with SSIS:
Once you have had a look over the material, if you require specific assistance then feel free to drop a line.
Here are some good articles/tutorials from Microsoft on ETL:
Check out the Sql Server Central and Sql Server World Users' Group (SSWUG) sites. If you can't find the examples/tutorials/experts you need in those two places, give up coding and take up cooking, because those sites are treasure troves!

Data synchronizing with SQL Server Management Studio

I was just about to buy's compare package when I came to realize it seems highly unlikely a task like this isn't something that can be performed from the Management Studio.
I have a development database and I have a live database.
I develop my application adding stored procedures, correcting small things in the data structure and maybe add some new tables.
Now I want the changes added to the live server. As it is unlikely I have kept 100% track of all of my changes I would of course like if it just new itself what I have changed.
Does anyone know what's best practice in Management Studio for this task? I mean it must be a task we all gets confronted with in larger projects.
If you do it with management studio it's all restricted to your own head. YOU will have to keep track of all the changes etc. I find that Redgates SQL Compare 8 and SQL Data Compare 7 does the trick. I recently moved the structure of a production database over to something totally different within minutes thanks to Redgate.
I have earlier tried to use Management Studio but it does not perform very well at complex tasks.
You really should be keeping your database schema in version control along with your source code.
What's wrong with it not being in the IDE? It has its own interface.
This tool save me hours a day. Not only because I dont HAVE to remember everything, but I then dont have to fix the production server if I missed something. I can work on multiple systems and push updates to each of them in a 10th of the time it would take me in the Management Studio.
This tool is by far the best 3rd party tool ive used for sql server. Its a godsend. A cheap one at that.
Just dont have the arrow pointing the wrong way ;-)
Okay I just bought Redgate :)
I have worked with it before so i can only agree that it is state of the art, I was just stunned to realize that Management Studio don't have anything that corresponds to this.
Thanks for the great answers!
Stackoverflow really is the pleace to ask these kinda things.