Neko hxssl not working for HTTPS - ssl

I'm working on a bigger project rewrite, with quite a big codebase already written in neko. One of the aspects of the project is a data scraper which would (during peak hours) have 100+ connections open to a WebSockets server. Originally, this was done with lots of nodejs processes running, using a WebSockets npm package. The problem was that this was somewhat unreliable, and would slow down the machine running these processes quite a lot. I hoped to solve this with Threads running in a single neko process.
But, I ran into a problem where I didn't expect it – the very awkward support (or lack thereof) of SSL / TLS in haxe. As I understand, the only native OpenSSL wrapper available is the hxssl haxelib. I installed it, but it didn't work with the WebSockets still, so I traced the problem to a simpler case – just a single HTTPS connection, like so:
import haxe.Http;
class Main {
public static function main(){
var http = new Http("");
http.certFolder = 'certs';
http.certFile = 'certs/ca-certificates.crt';
http.setHeader("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml");
http.setHeader("Accept-Language", "en-US");
http.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=0");
http.setHeader("Connection", "close");
http.setHeader("DNT", "1");
http.setHeader("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", "1");
http.setHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36");
http.onData = function(data:String){
Sys.println("Data: " + data.substr(0, 50) + " ...");
http.onError = function(msg:String){
Sys.println("Error: " + msg);
http.onStatus = function(status:Int){
Sys.println("Status: " + status);
The problem is that sometimes the output of this is simply:
Status: 200
Error: Custom((1) : An unknown error has occurred.)
And the worst part is the randomness with which this happens. Sometimes it happens a number of times in a row, even if I don't rebuild the project. I'm running this on an OS X machine at the moment.
The certs folder is filled with certificates copied from the certs on an up-to-date Ubuntu server. I've tried without the certFolder and certFile lines, with pretty much the same results, however.
Any ideas about what could cause this? Writing a better wrapper / native implementation of OpenSSL is probably out of question, I'm somewhat pressed for time. I tried a cpp build of the above, which failed spectacularly with Sockets code, I'm not sure I want to go down that road either.

Perhaps you can try the RC for the upcoming 3.3 release, it has built-in Neko/Hxcpp support for SSL/TLS.


log4shell POC : no HTTP redirect

I am trying to understand/reproduce Log4shell vulnerability, using this poc and also information from Marshalsec.
To do that, I've downloaded Ghidra v10.0.4, which is said (on Ghidra download page) to be vulnerable to log4shell. Installed it on an ubuntu VM, along with java 1.8 (as stated in POC), and loaded the Poc + marshalsec snapshot.
Tried to start Ghidra, it said java 11 was needed, so although I've installed java 1.8 I still downloaded java 11 and, when you start ghidra, it says the installed version is not good enough and ask for the path to a java11 version; so I just gave him path to the jdk11 directory and it seems happy with it. Ghidra starts alright.
Then set up my listener and launched the poc, got the payload string to copy/paste in ghidra, and got a response in the ldap listener saying it'll send it to HTTP. But nothing more. The end.
Since the HTTP server is set up by the same POC, I thought maybe I just couldn't see the redirection, so I started the http server myself, started the ldap server myself with marshalsec, and retried (see pics below for exact commands/outputs).
Setting http server:
Set listener:
Setting LDAP server:
Send payload string in Ghidra (in the help/search part, as shown in kozmer POC); immediately got an answer:
I still receive a response on the LDAP listener (two, in fact, which seems weird), but nothing on the HTTP. The the Exploit class is never loaded in ghidra (it directly sends me a pop-up saying search not found, I think it is supposed to wait for the server answer to do that?), and I get nothing back in my listener.
Note that I don't really understand this Marshalsec/LDAP thing so I'm not sure what's happening here. If anyone have time to explain it will be nice. I've read lot of stuff about the vuln but it rarely goes deeply into details (most is like: the payload string send a request to LDAP server, which redirect to HTTP server, which will upload the Exploit class on the vulnerable app and gives you a shell).
Note: I've checked, the http server is up and accessible, the Exploit.class file is here and can be downloaded.
Solved it.
Turned out for log4shell to work you need a vulnerable app and a vulnerable version of Java; which I thought I had, but nope. I had Java 11.0.15, and needed Java 11 (Ghidra need Java 11 minimum, only vulnerable version of Java 11 is the first one).
Downloaded and installed Java 11, POC working perfectly.

How to change/tweak Python 3.10 default SSL settings for requests - sslv3 alert handshake failure

The issue:
Python 3.10 increased the default security settings of the TLS stack. Awesome. I have a legacy application running something that theses settings do not like. I don't know what exactly. How do tweak these settings to let my request through?
The story:
I'm writing a small script to extract some information from a Jazz RTC instance running on premise. It clearly has a... problematic ssl certificate. Nothing that a "verify=False" shouldn't fix. Well, it does not.
When I run the following code in python 3.10...
if __name__ == '__main__':
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
data = {
'j_username': username,
'j_password': password
result =, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False).json
... i get this handshake error.
requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='...', port=...): Max retries exceeded with url: /ccm/authenticated/j_security_check (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE] sslv3 alert handshake failure (_ssl.c:997)'))
BUT, it works without a problem on Python 3.9. Looking around for an answer, I found out about the heightened security defaults added to python 3.10, like this question... but nothing on how to tweak them to make this work with my requests.
The details:
This is what the browser developer tools report
As usual, this is a very limited enterprise environment. I can't do
much. No admin privileges.
The department responsible for that host, as expected, says it can't be fixed, giving some shallow excuses.
"If it works on 3.9, why not use it?" - Well, several reasons. The major one being 3.10 is the version accepted for use in the company environment. If they even find out I sneaked in a conda 3.9 venv to test stuff, I'll get a mean lecture.
Any help is appreciated! o/
#PatrickMevzek 's comment led me to other queries and this question.
Which showed me how to change the used ciphers AND security level. The following snippet from #bgoeman worked for my environment:
import urllib3
requests.packages.urllib3.util.ssl_.DEFAULT_CIPHERS = 'ALL:#SECLEVEL=1'
Obviously, in general THIS SHOULD NOT BE USED. This will allow for man-in-the-middle attacks and other nasty things. Be careful and mindful when changing these settings.

Io: Protocol 'https' unsupported

I am trying to fetch a file over HTTPS in Io language:
url := URL with("")
url fetch println
And I get this:
location = "/opt/local/lib/io/addons/Socket/io/"
message = "Protocol 'https' unsupported"
I was trying to find something on the net, but, as everybody knows, it's not easy because of the name. I only found this thread but that's quite old.
How can I get the HTTPS support in Io?
I've found that there is a SecureSocket addon, a wrapper over OpenSSL, in Io's source. It wasn't installed when I did sudo port io install on my MacBook with Mountain Lion, though. I tried building it from source, but no luck. It didn't build for me on a Linux machine, either.
I just tried to build Io from source (git clone again (using the included script and it turned out that cmake did detect OpenSSL:
-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib/libssl.dylib;/usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib
But then the SecureSocket addon is not built. Its readme file: says:
The DTLS1 bindings are not usable unless the patches in this file are
applied to OpenSSL 0.9.8e. However, this patch includes a
deactivation of the handshake retransmission code in d1_both.c,
making it unsuitable for production environments. I take no
responsibility, etc, etc. If you want to use it anyway, apply the
patches(gathered from various newsgroups and my own experimentation)
and uncomment the commented-out block of For what it's
worth, DTLS support in OpenSSL is new as of 0.9.8 and is pretty buggy
to begin with. It's a nice idea, but it doesn't seem to be
production ready at all yet. These bindings are no exception.
If you can't get io to do it your best option would be calling an external tool like wget or curl which can and then loading the file/result locally or returning it via a pipe.
For anybody else interested in another workaround, it should be possible to put stud in front of an Io program which will do the SSL stuff. I have not tested that myself yet.
stud - The Scalable TLS Unwrapping Daemon stud is a network proxy that
terminates TLS/SSL connections and forwards the unencrypted traffic to
some backend. It's designed to handle 10s of thousands of connections
efficiently on multicore machines.

Node.js + SSL support

Recent commits reference TLS progress. Any idea when it will be ready?
If not, what are the options for using SSL with a node app at the present time? Reverse proxy nginx? Is there a good tutorial available for using SSL with node?
Most professional apps need to support SSL these days and it would be great to be able to use node for these now.
Node.js 0.3.4 has been released.
Primordal mingw build (Bert Belder)
HTTPS server
Built in debugger 'node debug script.js'
realpath files during module load (Mihai Călin Bazon)
Rename net.Stream to net.Socket
Fix process.platform
var https = require('https');
var fs = require('fs');
var options = {
key: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-cert.pem')
https.createServer(options, function (req, res) {
res.end("hello world\n");
Node 3.x is not supposed to be used in production, it's unstable, bleeding edge development. 2.6 still has the old SSL implementation, which works.
If you want to know when all the stuff gets finished, your best bet is to either ask on the Google Group, or Ryan on Twitter.
Just for reference ... here's a JavaScript implementation of SSL/TLS:
At the moment, it is only a client-side implementation. It would need to be expanded to cover server-side. For someone with a little knowledge about how TLS works, however, it shouldn't be too difficult to add to the existing framework.
From my experience node 0.2 SSL support is very flacky and unreliable.
We use nginx as a proxy.

Long delays and messed up AJAX responses when running Pylons app via Apache

I have a Pylons app that I'm trying to set up using Apache and FCGI. The Pylons INI file has this in it:
use = egg:Flup#fcgi_thread
host =
port = 40100
This used to work on an old CentOS server with Pylons 0.9.7, but now I'm trying to set it up on a new one, running Ubuntu 10.04 and Pylons 1.0. I can connect to the app and load main page, but it's very slow. It then makes AJAX requests and the HTTP responses to those are all messed up: sometimes I'll get half of the response text (eg. half a GUID that the server sent), other times there will be HTTP headers and binary junk in the body of the response. Each response is also delayed by about 15 seconds. The app works fine on the same server when using Paster directly.
I've never seen anything like this before. Any idea what's going on?
In case anyone else runs into this, turning off the gzip module in Apache fixed the problem. I still don't know why it happened.