SQL Server full text search and spaces - sql

I have a column with a product names. Some names look like ‘ab-cd’ ‘ab cd’
Is it possible to use full text search to get these names when user types ‘abc’ (without spaces) ? The like operator is working for me, but I’d like to know if it’s possible to use full text search.

If you want to use FTS to find terms that are adjacent to each other, like words separated by a space you should use a proximity term.
You can define a proximity term by using the NEAR keyword or the ~ operator in the search expression, as documented here.
So if you want to find ab followed immediately by cd you could use the expression,
'NEAR((ab,cd), 0)'
searching for the word ab followed by the word cd with 0 terms in-between.

No, unfortunately you cannot make such search via full-text. You can only use LIKE in that case LIKE ('ab%c%')
You can create a view (WITH SCHEMABINDING!) with some id and column name in which you want to search:
REPLACE(columnname,' ','') as search_string
FROM YourTable
Then create index
Then create full-text search index on search_string field.
After that you can run CONTAINS query with "abc*" search and it will find what you need.
But it wont help if search_string does not start with your search term.
For example:
ab c d -> abcd and you search cd

No. Full Text Search is based on WORDS and Phrases. It does not store the original text. In fact, depending on configuration it will not even store all words - there are so called stop words that never go into the index. Example: in english the word "in" is not selective enough to be considered worth storing.
Some names look like ‘ab-cd’ ‘ab cd’
Those likely do not get stored at all. At least the 2nd example is actually 2 extremely short words - quite likely they get totally ignored.
So, no - full text search is not suitable for this.


How do I perform a query in Postgres using a URL slug?

Let's say I have a URL as Follows:
I have a business_listings table in Postgres that contains a column business_name. I have a record in the table with 'Casey's Grille'
How can I query 'caseys+grill' against 'Casey's Grille'?
Would I need to use full text search? How would I go about doing this?
Since you are not searching for regular words, but for proper names, and you probably also want to find results that are similar in spelling, you should use trigram GIN indexes and similarity search.
This problem looks simple at first, but it is a can of worms.
The solution should consider all the use cases: is it only a matter of removing/rewriting special characters? Do you need to consider typos (is casey grill the same)? Do you need to consider distinctive marks (is Casey's Grill #2 the same)? Do you need to consider abbreviations (is NY Grill the same as New-York Grill?) Do you need to consider numbers (is 1st av. Grill the same as first avenue grill)?
If it is your database + website, the simplest is to record/compare the URL slug directly.
Else, or if you don't control the URL (like if it is the result of a search box), you may want to store/compare a parsed name. Using both the DB title and the URL slug, you transform the name to common elements. For example you change common abbreviations to their full text, you remove all special characters, you remove/add space, if your language has accents you can remove them, standardize the casing etc. Only you can find and apply the suitable transformations.
Then you can compare the two parsed named, using any suitable comparison method (trigram, plain equality, like queries etc)
I assume you actually want a single slug of the text value in business_name and you want this to be a unique identifier for this particular business.
You can create an additional column business_name_slug and create a unique index on this column.
Then you can create a before insert or update trigger that writes the slug created from business_name into this column.
The tricky part is to create a logic that
generates an url friendly version of the the business name (there should be some example in Blog Posts,Githuhib Gists etc., for example)
avoids naming collisions so your unique constraint will not raise an error when inserting/updating

Optimising LIKE expressions that start with wildcards

I have a table in a SQL Server database with an address field (ex. 1 Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2XFF) which I want to search with a wildcard before and after the search string.
FROM Table
WHERE Address_Field LIKE '%nham%'
I have around 2 million records in this table and I'm finding that queries take anywhere from 5-10s, which isn't ideal. I believe this is because of the preceding wildcard.
I think I'm right in saying that any indexes won't be used for seek operations because of the preceeding wildcard.
Using full text searching and CONTAINS isn't possible because I want to search for the latter parts of words (I know that you could replace the search string for Guil* in the below query and this would return results). Certainly running the following returns no results
FROM Table
WHERE CONTAINS(Address_Field, '"nham"')
Is there any way to optimise queries with preceding wildcards?
Here is one (not really recommended) solution.
Create a table AddressSubstrings. This table would have multiple rows per address and the primary key of table.
When you insert an address into table, insert substrings starting from each position. So, if you want to insert 'abcd', then you would insert:
along with the unique id of the row in Table. (This can all be done using a trigger.)
Create an index on AddressSubstrings(AddressSubstring).
Then you can phrase your query as:
AddressSubstrings ads
ON t.table_id = ads.table_id
WHERE ads.AddressSubstring LIKE 'nham%';
Now there will be a matching row starting with nham. So, like should make use of an index (and a full text index also works).
If you are interesting in the right way to handle this problem, a reasonable place to start is the Postgres documentation. This uses a method similar to the above, but using n-grams. The only problem with n-grams for your particular problem is that they require re-writing the comparison as well as changing the storing.
I can't offer a complete solution to this difficult problem.
But if you're looking to create a suffix search capability, in which, for example, you'd be able to find the row containing HWilson with ilson and the row containing ABC123000654 with 654, here's a suggestion.
WHERE REVERSE(textcolumn) LIKE REVERSE('ilson') + '%'
Of course this isn't sargable the way I wrote it here. But many modern DBMSs, including recent versions of SQL server, allow the definition, and indexing, of computed or virtual columns.
I've deployed this technique, to the delight of end users, in a health-care system with lots of record IDs like ABC123000654.
Not without a serious preparation effort, hwilson1.
At the risk of repeating the obvious - any search path optimisation - leading to the decision whether an index is used, or which type of join operator to use, etc. (independently of which DBMS we're talking about) - works on equality (equal to) or range checking (greater-than and less-than).
With leading wildcards, you're out of luck.
The workaround is a serious preparation effort, as stated up front:
It would boil down to Vertica's text search feature, where that problem is solved. See here:
For any other database platform, including MS SQL, you'll have to do that manually.
In a nutshell: It relies on a primary key or unique identifier of the table whose text search you want to optimise.
You create an auxiliary table, whose primary key is the primary key of your base table, plus a sequence number, and a VARCHAR column that will contain a series of substrings of the base table's string you initially searched using wildcards. In an over-simplified way:
If your input table (just showing the columns that matter) is this:
id |the_search_col |other_col
42|The Restaurant at the End of the Universe|Arthur Dent
43|The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy |Ford Prefect
Your auxiliary search table could contain:
id |seq|search_token
42| 1|Restaurant
42| 2|End
42| 3|Universe
43| 1|Hitch-Hiker
43| 2|Guide
43| 3|Galaxy
Normally, you suppress typical "fillers" like articles and prepositions and apostrophe-s , and split into tokens separated by punctuation and white space. For your '%nham%' example, however, you'd probably need to talk to a linguist who has specialised in English morphology to find splitting token candidates .... :-]
You could start by the same technique that I use when I un-pivot a horizontal series of measures without the PIVOT clause, like here:
Pivot sql convert rows to columns
Then, use a combination of, probably nested, CHARINDEX() and SUBSTRING() using the index you get from the CROSS JOIN with a series of index integers as described in my post suggested above, and use that very index as the sequence for the auxiliary search table.
Lay an index on search_token and you'll have a very fast access path to a big table.
Not a stroll in the park, I agree, but promising ...
Happy playing -
Marco the Sane

How to tackle efficient searching of a string that could have multiple variations?

My title sounds complicated, but the situation is very simple. People search on my site using a term such as "blackfriday".
When they conduct the search, my SQL code needs to look in various places such as a ProductTitle and ProductDescription field to find this term. For example:
FROM dbo.Products
WHERE ProductTitle LIKE '%blackfriday%' OR
ProductDescription LIKE '%blackfriday%'
However, the term appears differently in the database fields. It is most like to appear with a space between the words as such "Black Friday USA 2015". So without going through and adding more combinations to the WHERE clause such as WHERE ProductTitle LIKE '%Black-Friday%', is there a better way to accomplish this kind of fuzzy searching?
I have full-text search enabled on the above fields but its really not that good when I use the CONTAINS clause. And of course other terms may not be as neat as this example.
I should start by saying that "variations (of a string)" is a bit vague. You could mean plurality, verb tenses, synonyms, and/or combined words (or, ignoring spaces and punctuation between 2 words) like the example you posted: "blackfriday" vs. "black friday" vs "black-friday". I have a few solutions of which 1 or more together may work for you depending on your use case.
Ignoring punctuation
Full Text searches already ignore punctuation and match them to spaces. So black-friday will match black friday whether using FREETEXT or CONTAINS. But it won't match blackfriday.
Synonyms and combined words
Using FREETEXT or FREETEXTTABLE for your full text search is a good way to handle synonyms and some matching of combined words (I don't know which ones). You can customize the thesaurus to add more combined words assuming it's practical for you to come up with such a list.
Handling combinations of any 2 words
Maybe your use case calls for you to match poorly formatted text or hashtags. In that case I have a couple of ideas:
Write the full text query to cover each combination of words using a dictionary. For example your data layer can rewrite a search for black friday as CONTAINS(*, '"black friday" OR "blackfriday"'). This may have to get complex, for example would black friday treehouse have to be ("black friday" OR "blackfriday") AND ("treehouse" OR "tree house")? You would need a dictionary to figure out that "treehouse" is made up of 2 words and thus can be split.
If it's not practical to use a dictionary for the words being searched for (I don't know why, maybe acronyms or new memes) you could create a long query to cover every letter combination. So searching for do-re-mi could be "do re mi" OR "doremi" OR "do remi" OR "dore mi" OR "d oremi" OR "d o remi" .... Yes it will be a lot of combinations, but surprisingly it may run quickly because of how full text efficiently looks up words in the index.
A hack / workaround if searching for multiple variations is very important.
Define which fields in the DB are searchable (e.g ProductTitle, ProductDescription)
Before saving these fields in the DB, replace each space (or consecutive spaces by a placeholder e.g "%")
Search the DB for variation matches employing the placeholder
Do the reverse process when displaying these fields on your site (i.e replace placeholder with space)
Alternatively you can enable regex matching for your users (meaning they can define a regex either explicitly or let your app build one from their search term). But it is slower and probably error-prone to do it this way
After looking into everything, I have settled for using SQL's FREETEXT full-text search. Its not ideal, or accurate, but for now it will have to do.
My answer is probably inadequate but do you have any scenarios which wont be addressed by query below.
FROM dbo.Products
WHERE ProductTitle LIKE '%black%friday%' OR
ProductDescription LIKE '%black%friday%'

Strange issue with SQL contains - ignoring starting characters of a string

I am experiencing a strange issue with the sql full text indexing. Basically i am searching a column which is used to house email addresses. Seems to be working as expected for all cases i tested except one!
FROM Table
WHERE CONTAINS(Email, '"email#me.com"')
For a certain email address it is completely ignoring the "email" part above and is instead doing
FROM Table
WHERE CONTAINS(Email, '#me.com')
There was only one case that i could find that this was happening for. I repopulated the index, but no joy. Also rebuilt the catalog.
Any ideas??
I cannot put someone's email address on a public website, so I will give more appropriate examples. The one that is causing the issue is of the form:
When i do
WHERE CONTAINS(Email, "'a.b.c#somedomain.net.au"')
The matching rows which are returned are all of the form .*#somedomain.net.au. I.e. it is ignoring the a.b.c part.
Full stops are treated as noise words (or stopwords) in a fulltext index, you can find a list of the excluded characters by checking the system stopwords:
SELECT * FROM sys.fulltext_system_stopwords WHERE language_id = 2057 --this is the lang Id for British English (change accordingly)
So your email address which is "a.b.c#somedomain.net.au" is actually treated as "a b c#somedomain.net.au" and in this particular case as individual letters are also excluded from the index you end up searching on "#somedomain.net.au"
You really have two choices, you can either replace the character you want to include before indexing (so replace the special characters with a match tag) or you remove the words/character you which to include from the Full Text Stoplist.
NT// If you choose the latter I would be careful as this can bloat your index significantly.
Here are some links that should help you :
Configure and Manage Stopwords and Stoplists for Full-Text Search
Create Full Text Stoplists

SQL Contains - only match at start

For some reason I cannot find the answer on Google! But with the SQL contains function how can I tell it to start at the beginning of a string, I.e I am looking for the full-text equivalent to
LIKE 'some_term%'.
I know I can use like, but since I already have the full-text index set up, AND the table is expected to have thousands of rows, I would prefer to use Contains.
You want something like this:
Rather than specify multiple terms, you can use a 'prefix term' if the
terms begin with the same characters. To use a prefix term, specify
the beginning characters, then add an asterisk (*) wildcard to the end
of the term. Enclose the prefix term in double quotes. The following
statement returns the same results as the previous one.
-- Search for all terms that begin with 'storm'
SELECT StormID, StormHead, StormBody FROM StormyWeather
WHERE CONTAINS(StormHead, '"storm*"')
You can use CONTAINS with a LIKE subquery for matching only a start:
FROM myTable WHERE CONTAINS('"Alice in wonderland"')
) AS S1
WHERE S1.edition LIKE 'Alice in wonderland%'
This way, the slow LIKE query will be run against a smaller set
The only solution I can think of it to actually prepend a unique word to the beginning of every field in the table.
e.g. Update every row so that 'xfirstword ' appears at the start of the text (e.g. Field1). Then you can search for CONTAINS(Field1, 'NEAR ((xfirstword, "TERM*"),0)')
Pretty crappy solution, especially as we know that the full text index stores the actual position of each word in the text (see this link for details: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms142551.aspx)
I am facing the similar issue. This is what I have implemented as a work around.
I have made another table and pulled only the rows like 'some_term%'.
Now, on this new table I have implemented the FullText search.
Please do inform me if you tried some other better approach