Google consumer surveys - retrieve results via API - google-surveys

I am trying to retrieve the results of a completed Google survey. Using this url/resource per the google docs: I get the same error when attempting through the Google playground.
Get:{my surveyurlID}/results.
I get the following error:
"domain": "global",
"reason": "INVALID_VALUE",
"message": "Invalid Value supplied to API:
Authentication token is same as used to get the survey meta data ( which works).
Not sure what value is invalid. Any help appreciated.

Unfortunately, the "try it now" widget doesn't support media downloads and we currently only provide the results as an excel file.
In order to get the results you'll need to specify a media type in your request. You can do so with the following endpoint:
I would recommend using an OAuth 2 library to authenticate and then accessing the above endpoint.
We'll work on improving the documentation and clarifying this.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


How do I redeem a domain with GoDaddy's API?

I have a subaccount that has a domain in the "redemption" state after it expired, and I would like to "redeem" it so I can renew it. From looking in the API docs, it is only available in the v2 API, and I was able to get started in the v2 API with some help. However, even with the correct UUIDv4 customer ID for the domain, I get the error: { "code": "ERROR_INTERNAL", "message": "Internal Server Error"}
The POST body is not labelled as required in the docs, but it is required. To get details on each of the fields, you need to click on the button (which is easy to miss) that switches between "Example Value" and "Model" (screenshot)

Instagram API for ADS posts not working

I get instagram post details (likes, comments) by using the media endpoint:
$data1 = file_get_contents("$media_id/likes?access_token=$access_token");
This works for normal posts from my feed, but when I input the $media_id for an instagram post that is an AD I always get invalid media id
"meta": {
"error_type": "APINotFoundError",
"code": 400,
"error_message": "invalid media id"
Are ads treated as different types of posts or the API is unable to retrieve any details from them?
Yes, the ads are treated like a different type of post and can only be managed or fully read by means of the Facebook APIs. Try the Graph API, the Marketing API or the Business Manager API, that's where I got the most useful tips and results.
(sorry, dont have enough rep to post more than two links. But don't worry, you'll find it on google in a heartbeat)
Instagram ADS API has been integrated into Facebook Marketing API.
All the details are here:
There is a workaround to get some details on an AD. If you query the oembed endpoint, like this: you get some data.
I wasn't able to get any comments though.

InvalidSearchIdentifierException on using the yodlee testdrive

I have just login to Yodlee platform and exploring the API, I have gone through the quick start and test drive, now I'm getting the InvalidSearchIdentifierException when I'm just using default values provided by test drive sample app. The error shown is
"errorOccurred": "true",
"exceptionType": "com.yodlee.core.transactionsearch.exceptions.InvalidSearchIdentifierException",
"referenceCode": "_47ee0b3c-ea92-4a7a-9ba7-0a02bad49d47",
"message": "Invalid argument value: com.yodlee.core.transactionsearch.TransactionSearchIdentifier#21d77397"
but according to the documentaion the search identifier is 192168210225-1377612242609--1002083317-TX_SEARCH mentioned in link
please anybody tell me why I'm getting this error
anyway testdrive app is here
You are using getUserTransactions API, so I assume you want to get user's transactions. You should be using excuteUserSearchRequest API to get the user's transactions, getUserTransactions API should be used when you user has more than 500 transactions as excuteUserSearchRequest API returns transactions in batches of 500. For more details refer this.

Not able to get User Transaction details from Yodlee API

I'm using the developer Test API module and using one of the 5 dummy accounts provided by Yodlee, For a particular user I have managed to add a dummy DAG bank account and one real bank account which is visible in getAllSiteAccounts details Api so its obvious that site have been added.
But while using the getUserTransactions API I'm getting error
"errorOccurred": "true",
"exceptionType": "com.yodlee.core.transactionsearch.exceptions.InvalidSearchIdentifierException",
"referenceCode": "_567afa0b-9d5a-4fb4-9db1-afd4f43c39c2",
"message": "Invalid argument value: com.yodlee.core.transactionsearch.TransactionSearchIdentifier#2ad082d0"
I also tried using the executeUserSearchRequest still didn't get any transaction details
"searchIdentifier": {},
"numberOfHits": 0
Can you please guide me If I'm using the API's correctly ?
You should use executeUserSearchRequest API to get the transactions. You should check the date range you have provided while searching for transactions and also try to remove itemAccountId.identifier and then search, you should get the transactions.
I'm having the same issue the only difference though is that I don't have any issues on DAG accounts, but when I used our production account I can't get the user transactions. I was reading this post Get all user transactions with executeUserSearchRequest and I guess the solution is to make sure that your server/code have the same timezone configuration.

Yodlee REST API: How to resolve CobrandUserAccountLockedException?

Currently, I am making the following POST call:
(Note that I inserted a fake login and password for the purpose of this post). I am getting the following response:
{"Error":[{"errorDetail":"The account for user sbCobFoo is locked"}]}
I wasn't able to find anything in the Yodlee documentation, other than that this error represents CobrandUserAccountLockedException. Has any one encountered this error and/or know how to resolve it (i.e. unlock my account)?
You will need to reach out to your Yodlee Customer Service representative to get your credentials unlocked. Yodlee does not provide any API to unlock user/cobrand account(s).