VBA - Workbook Macro Pass Error - vba

I have created an Excel file containing about 5 pages of vba code. All was good until,I choosen to create a macro for the workbook for its protection. Something like.
Dim pass as string/
if pass <> "PAR> or pass<>"par" then activeworkbook.close.
I think that the OR messes the things up. Now I can't access my workbook. Whatever pass I introduced it closes the workbook. I may mention here that pass is an inputbox.
Can someone help me in resolving this problem. I've lost my entire work.
LE: i've made it! Thank you for your support! :)

Try this way:
Sub main()
Dim secAutomation As MsoAutomationSecurity
'Remember the macro security settings and disable macros in target workbook. '
secAutomation = Application.AutomationSecurity
Application.AutomationSecurity = msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable
Workbooks.Open "<path to your workbook>"
'Reinstate previous macro security settings. '
Application.AutomationSecurity = secAutomation
End Sub
or manually change your Macro settings to 'Disable all macros with notification'

open any other workbook and get to the VBA IDE (ALT+F11)
type in Immediate Window
then you can open your "impossible" workbook
as soon as you need things back regular type in the Immediate Window

Try to open another workbook, and use statement application.enableEvents = false then before close this workbook, open workbook you wish


How to run a macro from a different workbook in a shared network?

So, I've done a lot of research on this and my code isn't working still. As per the title, the problem is this:
I pull a data report off of a website, this report is downloaded as an .xlsx file. I created a macro on the ribbon so I when I click it, it will then open another workbook and run that macro. The code I'm using is as below:
Option Explicit
Sub NotHardAtAll()
Dim ws As Worksheet,
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\Users\a0c27n\Desktop\Projects\incident_extended_report1.xlsm"
'With Sheets("Sheet4").Activate '*Not sure if this is enter code here
necessary...at all*
Application.Run "!ADDHMKRFID"
'End With
End Sub
I've tried putting the path before the macro (i.e. Application.Run"'incident_extended_report1.xlsm!ADDHMKRFID") but it doesn't work either*
I'm aware, at least form the research I've done, that I should be able to just use the 'Application.Run' Method, however I couldn't get it to access the correct sheet.
When I run the Macro, it pulls a Run-time error '1004' error, a '400', or the it pulls the most is: "Cannot run the macro '!ADDHMKRFID'. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disable."
The file that I'm trying to pull the macro from is below:
Workbook name: incident_extended_report1.xlsm
Worksheet name: Sheet4 (TEST MACRO)
Macro Name:
End Sub
I understand that the C:\ is not a shared network, the one I will be working out of will be the S:\, however I'm not sure how much information I can post due to confidentiality.
Please ask for any clarification or questions you may have. I've been stuck for a bit and am not sure what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance!
The string you need to pass to Application.Run depends on whether the workbook containing the macro is active, and if it isn't, the filename of the macro-containing workbook (IE: what's in the workbook.Name property).
if the macro is supposed to be run while the data report workbook is active, you want:
dim wb_data as Workbook: set wb_data = ActiveWorkbook
dim ws_data as Worksheet: set ws_data = ActiveSheet
dim wb_macro as Workbook
set wb_macro = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="C:\Users\a0c27n\Desktop\Projects\incident_extended_report1.xlsm")
Application.Run wb_macro.Name & "!ADDHMKRFID"
This will guarantee that the correct string is supplied, even if you change the name of the macro file.
Otherwise, if the macro workbook is supposed to be active, skip activating the data worksheet, as the last opened workbook will be active by default, then use "ADDHMKRFID" as your string. Note that the "!" is missing. You need that only if you are specifying a macro in another workbook. It's the same kind of notation used when referring to data in other worksheets.
First of all, I solved my own problem. I would, however, be grateful if someone might explain to me why it worked the way it did.
I saved the original macro on the shared network, but I had to save it as a module (in this case Module1). I also saved the 2nd macro (to run the original one) in a different workbook (though it shouldn't matter, as long it is not a .xlsx file).
The Code I wrote was:
Sub Test() 'Name doesn't matter
Application.Run "'S:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\incident_extended_report.xlsm'!module1.ADDHMKRFID"
End Sub
Then I saved this macro to the ribbon so I could run it on the data report.xlsx file I have to download. Now, anytime I want to run the original macro, I just click the Test Macro, and it'll run the other one!
I'm guessing if you want to close the other workbook that you opened, you can just add a
Workbooks (“S:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\incident_extended_report.xlsm").Close Savechanges:=False
Good Luck!

How to make vba code to run auto-close only on active workbook?

Here's the scenario. I have multiple excel workbooks that copy and paste data among each other. So the macro works to open.copy.close from one workbook then open.paste.close to another. I am working on creating a function to auto run macro when file is closed.
Here's the issue, when I click macro button in workbook 1, it is supposed to open.copy.close from workbook 2. However, because of the auto run when file is closed function in workbook 2, an error will occur (2 macros cannot run at the same time)Any solution for this? I am looking for a solution to only auto run macro when file is closed IF IT IS AN ACTIVE WORKBOOK. Here is what I have now:
Workbook 1
Sub workbook_beforeclose(cancel As Boolean)
Application.Run "Sheet1.UpdateYellowTabs_Click"
End Sub
Workbook 2
Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Application.Run "Sheet12.UpdateGreen_Click"
End Sub
How do I code it in the workbook code to only make this run only when it's active/closed by a human user and not when open/close by macro?
Well I am not sure to understand your final goal from this, but I can answer the "technical" question. Technically, if you want to check if a given workbook is active: If Application.ActiveWorkbook Is Me,
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
If Not Application.ActiveWorkbook Is Me Then Exit Sub ' <-- add this test
' Whatever code goes here
End Sub
But problem is that invoking wb2.close will make the workbook wb2 the "active" one during the execution of the macro. So this method won't work. Another method is to disable events before closing the workbook; so that the event Workbook_BeforeClose will not fire. After that, you can enable events back if needed. The code looks like this:
' ... open wb2 and do the work with it
Application.EnableEvents = False
wb2.Close False
Application.EnableEvents = True
notice, if you had already disabled events at the beginning of the current macro, which is usually recommended, then this additional code wouldn't be needed.

unable to close opened excel workbook

I am building a excel file with commandbuttons, userforms etc. that contain links to other workbooks.
For the commandbuttons on my sheet I use the same code as for the commandbuttons in my userforms:
workbooks.open "path"
with the userform commandbuttons ater this the following is added
unload me
When I open a workbook via a userform I am unable to close it afterwards. I must activate my workbook first, then activate the opened one and then can I close it
I have tried putting "unload me" befor and after the "workbooks.open" but this doesn't change anything.
I also tried the followin, also didn't work:
unload me
dim wb as workbook
set wb = workbooks.open"pathname"
anyone any ideas?
Example of how it is now:
Someone needs to make a price calculation. they open the prices userform in my file. they click on the button "calculationfile". The calculationfile opens. they make there calculation and now they are finished in the calculationfile. So they want to close it by clicking on the cross. But they can't click the cross. then they switch to my file on the taskbar and then switch back to the calculation file. now they are able of clicking the cross
I dont understand why they can't click it the first time but they can click it after switching between mine and the openend workbook.
I suspect this is due to improper form handling and the "default instance" recreating itself after you unload it. If you don't create your own instance of the form before you show it, VBA will do all kinds of squirrelly things when you use it after it's unloaded.
If all you need to do is open a workbook and unload the form, *don't increment the workbook's reference count before you unload the form. Also, don't attempt to run any other code after you call Unload Me from the form. The code you posted should simply be:
Workbooks.Open "pathname"
Unload Me
Of course the calling code for the form isn't in the question, but it can likely be solved there as well.
Unload only affects a UserForm.
Try adding a reference to the open workbook and then closing it like so:
dim wb as Workbook
set wb = Workbooks.Open "pathname"
' do whatever with it while it's open
If whatever you are doing is not automated, you will need a button on your form that will set the reference to the workbook and close it once the user has completed editing.
If you define the workbooks that you open as a variable - you will be able to close them easily. Keep in mind this does not save the workbook.
Dim DataBook As Workbook
Set DataBook = Workbooks.open ("pathname")
' Do something useful with the file
It is not completely clear what you are trying to ask here, but I'll give it my best in providing you a full answer. If you are having no success with the Unload Me statement when it comes to closing a user form, try specifying the full form name in VBA. That is:
Unload UserFormName
If you are trying to close the workbook you have opened (via the user form), you can use the Workbooks.Close method:
Dim wb as Workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="C:\example.xls")
'Close workbook
'Unload form
Unload ExampleForm
More on the use of the Unload statement can be found here:- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa445829(v=vs.60).aspx
And more on the use of the Workbooks.Close statement can be found here:- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff838613.aspx
I'm not sure what's causing the behavior you describe (inability to click the "Close" X button in the active Excel window). However your current workflow is:
User interacts with form to review/access a file
User clicks a button on the form which unloads the form
User is then expected to manually close out of the file opened in (1)
A better solution would be to remove the third step, and close the workbook from one of the form's event-handlers (UserForm_QueryClose or UserForm_Terminate). Alternatively you could add this to a CommandButton's Click event, but that's not very different than requiring the user to manually close the file.
This could be as simple as:
Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
' should be called when form Unloads
On Error Resume Next
Workbooks.Close "filename.xlsx"
End Sub
In this manner, the file will be closed any time the user closes or otherwise unloads the userform.
OK I think I found a way around it.
Let's say I have a workbook1 which has a form called ControlPage with command button that opens up workbook2.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim workbook2 As Workbook
Dim workbook1name As String
workbook1name = ThisWorkbook.name
Set workbook2 = Workbooks.Open("workbook2.xlsx")
End Sub
So basically because 'activate' bit doesn't seem to work properly when I try to activate workbook 2 straight away, I just activate the first, and then the second one ane after another. Twisted but did the trick for me.

How do I disable and enable macros on the fly?

I would like to test an Excel VBA app I made.
However the VBA code messes around with the visibility of cells and that's a pest when editing the sheet.
Is there an option is enable and disable macro's on the fly without having to
Close the sheet
Change the macro settings
Reopen the sheet
Close the sheet
Change the macro settings.
As far as I know, you can't enable / disable macros from an opened workbook on the fly.
Yet, you shouldn't have to because macros are only triggered thanks to a user click.
The only case I would see is for the Event Procedures (Worksheet_Change or else).
You could then create procedures to activate / deactivate events and call them from buttons in your worksbook:
Sub enableEvents()
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Sub disableEvents()
Application.EnableEvents = False
End Sub
You can also try these tips from Chris Pearson website using global vars you would change depending on your needs:
Public AbortChangeEvent As Boolean
And check if afterwards:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If AbortChangeEvent = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
' rest of code here
End Sub
To disable macros on the fly, use "Application.EnableEvents = False" via the Immediate window in the VBA editor (and "Application.EnableEvents = True" to turn them back on).
You can also hold down SHIFT when you open a document to disable macros.
As of Excel 2010* there's actually an option on the "Developer" tab which allows you to disable macros as easy as ABC. Design Mode lets you do just that!
*Maybe even earlier versions.
I often fire Macros when opening a workbook but sometimes I don't want the Macro to fire so I can work on the code. So what I put a Macro in a separate workbook that does the following:
Disables macros
Opens the workbook in question
Enables macros
Then closes the original workbook
Leaves the second workbook open
Here's the code:
Sub OpenClose()
'Opens Workbook below with Macors disabled
'After it is open Macros are enabled
'This Workbook then closes without saving changes, leaving only the workbook below open
'User only needs to change the workbook name on the next line
WorkbookToOpenNoMacros = "Gaby.xlsm"
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = Application.ThisWorkbook
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Workbooks.Open (ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & WorkbookToOpenNoMacros)
Application.EnableEvents = True
wb.Saved = True
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub
I have Office 2013 and I found a button on the VBA window that did this for me very easily.
There's a play, pause and stop button on the toolbar. In Excel, they are actually called, Run Macro, Break and Reset.
Click the Break button (pause) and any running macros should stop running. I only tested it on one macro but seems reasonable to presume that this will work in general.
Also, I believe those buttons were there for many versions of Excel, so it's worth checking earlier versions.

Disable clipboard prompt in Excel VBA on workbook close

I have an Excel workbook, which using VBA code that opens another workbook, copies some data into the original, then closes the second workbook.
When I close the second workbook (using Application.Close), I get a prompt for:
Do you want to save the clipboard.
Is there a command in VBA which will bypass this prompt?
I can offer two options
Direct copy
Based on your description I'm guessing you are doing something like
Set wb2 = Application.Workbooks.Open("YourFile.xls")
If this is the case, you don't need to copy via the clipboard. This method copies from source to destination directly. No data in clipboard = no prompt
Set wb2 = Application.Workbooks.Open("YourFile.xls")
wb2.Sheets("YourSheet").[<YourRange>].Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SomeSheet").Cells(<YourCell")
Suppress prompt
You can prevent all alert pop-ups by setting
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
To copy values only: don't use copy/paste at all
Dim rSrc As Range
Dim rDst As Range
Set rSrc = wb2.Sheets("YourSheet").Range("YourRange")
Set rDst = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SomeSheet").Cells("YourCell").Resize(rSrc.Rows.Count, rSrc.Columns.Count)
rDst = rSrc.Value
If I may add one more solution: you can simply cancel the clipboard with this command:
Application.CutCopyMode = False
I have hit this problem in the past - from the look of it if you don't actually need the clipboard at the point that you exit, so you can use the same simple solution I had. Just clear the clipboard. :)
If you don't want to save any changes and don't want that Save prompt while saving an Excel file using Macro then this piece of code may helpful for you
Sub Auto_Close()
ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub
Because the Saved property is set to True, Excel responds as though the workbook has already been saved and no changes have occurred since that last save, so no Save prompt.
There is a simple work around. The alert only comes up when you have a large amount of data in your clipboard. Just copy a random cell before you close the workbook and it won't show up anymore!
Just clear the clipboard before closing.
proposed solution edit works if you replace the row
Set rDst = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SomeSheet").Cells("YourCell").Resize(rSrc.Rows.Count, rSrc.Columns.Count)
Set rDst = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SomeSheet").Range("YourRange").Resize(rSrc.Rows.Count, rSrc.Columns.Count)