SQL field constraint that forces a column to be ascending - sql

I am working on a small table that has a user input with a number field. The number that the user inputs has to be larger by a few points than the current highest number. Can I also check that the score has to be for instance 1 higher if the current highest score is < 10 but 5 higher if the current highest 10 <= score < 100?
for instance:
user score
1 1
1 2
1 4
1 5
1 7
Now, I want a constraint that will check on insert that the inserted score is bigger than the current highest score by x amount.
Is such a constraint possible?

Such a constraint is difficult to implement. If you care about performance, can you simply input the difference?
1 1
1 1
1 2
1 1
1 2
If you do the data this way, then you can use check (score > 0) and then use sum(score) over (order by ??), where ?? specifies the ordering of the rows.
Otherwise, you'll need to use either a trigger or user-defined function to implement the constraint.


Decrement all values in a column after insert at top SQL

Before Inserting
Id Priority
1 . 1
2 . 2
3 . 3
After Inserting Id: 4, Priority 2
Id Priority
1 . 1
4 . 2
2 . 3
3 . 4
fairly new to postgres, and i have a table with a column named priority. this column should have unique values, and if you attempt to give a row a priority that already exists, it would basically insert it with that priority, and decrement all the priorities that are <= by one to accommodate it.
is there a term for this sort of behavior? i know it will involve a column with unique values, but are there any model constraints i can introduce to enable this sort of behavior? or do i need to manually code an algorithm to do this and account for all edge cases.
I wouldn't store priority as it's own field. Create the table as ID, priority, Date_entered. Then use:
Select ID, rank() over (order by priority, date_entered) as priority
I suspect since the rank can change so frequently, calculating it on the fly like this would be preferential to attempting to store the rank and keep it updated.
There is a logical flaw to this that I can spot already...if record 4 was inserted as priority 2 (so the database contains 2 priority 2 records), there really wouldn't be an easy way to inject ID 5 between ID 4 and 2 without manipulating the date_entered field.
second edit:
Allowing the priority column to be decimal (priority 2 entered, then priority 2.5 entered, and so on), then using the rank() function to resolve that to an integer would get around that. There isn't a pretty answer here that I can find

Selecting Rows and removing duplicates based on some fields based on two fields and limit to Top Ten?

Having this table:
Row Athlete Event Mark Meet
1 1 3 10 A
2 2 2 5 A
3 3 3 3 A
4 4 4 7 A
5 2 2 4 A
6 3 2 5 B
7 1 1 10 C
How can I select all rows but remove duplicate rows with have the athlete in the same event (Fields Athlete and Event), and pick the lowest (or highest Mark for that athlete), I would also like to limit each event to top 10 athletes (not shown in results)
Expected Output (choosing highest mark), (row 5 is removed)
Row Athlete Event Mark Meet
1 1 3 10 A
2 2 2 5 A
3 3 3 3 A
4 4 4 7 A
6 3 2 5 B
7 1 1 10 C
Thanks for the help the query that did what I wanted (minus the top ten) is:
SELECT [tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].Eventnum, [tblPerformanceData- FieldBoys].Mark, [tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].Meet, [tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].CY, [tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].AthleteID, [tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].MeetID
FROM [tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys] INNER JOIN MaxAthleteByEventBoysField ON ([tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].AthleteID = MaxAthleteByEventBoysField.AthleteID) AND ([tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].Mark = MaxAthleteByEventBoysField.MaxOfMark) AND ([tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].Eventnum = MaxAthleteByEventBoysField.Eventnum)
GROUP BY [tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].Eventnum, [tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].Mark, [tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].Meet, [tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].CY, [tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].AthleteID, [tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].MeetID
ORDER BY [tblPerformanceData-FieldBoys].Mark DESC;
You can do it using cascading queries. Try running a group-by query on the main table that only includes the athlete, event, and mark. The max or min clause would be applied to the mark depending on the outcome you're looking for. Use this query as the source for a second query where you link back to the initial table using direct links between the athlete, event, and Mark field. what the second query should look like
That solves the first part. I'm not sure how to get the top ten for each event using queries.
I don't own or have access to MS Access, but I can give you SQL, and hope Access will support some basic syntax.
Option 1: it's easier if Row is your primary key but you do not need to return it in the result; in this case you can even get both MIN and MAX of the Mark for the same athlete in the same row using a simple query:
Athlete, Event, Meet, MAX(Mark) AS HighestMark, MIN(Mark) AS LowestMark
Athlete, Event, Meet
Note: I assumed you also want to group by Meet, but if that's not the case, you could remove it from GROUP BY, but then its value loses meaning in the result.
Option 2: Row is primary key, but you do need to return it - obviously in this case min and max cannot be returned in the same row and the query looks quite different:
Row, Athlete, Event, Mark, Meet
MyTable m0
FROM MyTable m1
Athlete = m0.Athlete AND
Event = m0.Event AND
Meet = m0.Meet
Mark = (SELECT MAX(Mark)
FROM MyTable
Athlete = m1.Athlete AND
Event = m1.Event AND
Meet = m1.Meet)
Athlete, Event, Meet, Mark)
Few notes:
above query returns MAX(Mark); change it to MIN(Mark) to return lowest values
this query could be rewritten with JOINs as well; I'm not sure which method Access likes better (i.e. runs faster)
it has 2 sub-queries; the top sub-query MAX(Row) is there to make sure only 1 row is selected if the same athlete in the same meet and event gets the same Mark; in this case, the greater Row is returned
it is possible to return both MIN and MAX with one query (as separate rows) at the expense of additional sub-queries, but that you didn't ask for

SQL-Have 2 number columns. Trying to replace a context number with a sequence

I have a data set right now with 3 columns.
Column 1 is Order number and it is sequential in its own right and a foreign key
Column 2 is Batch number and it is a sequence all of its own.
Column 3 is a time stamp
The problem I have is as follows
Order Batch TimeStamp
1 1
2 2
1 3
3 4
2 5
1 6
I am trying to work out the time differences between batches on a per order basis.
Usually I get a sequence number PER orderid but this isnt the case. I am trying to create a view that will do that but my first obstacle is translating those batch sequences into a sequence number PER Order
My ideal Output
Order Batch SequenceNumber TimeStamp
1 1 1
2 2 1
1 3 2
3 4 1
2 5 2
1 6 3
All help is appreciated!!
This is what row_number() does:
select t.*, row_number() over (partition by order order by batch) as seqnum
from t;
Note: you have to escape the column name order because it is a SQL reserved words. Just don't use reserved words for column names.
row_number() is ANSI standard functionality available in most databases (your question doesn't have a database tag). There are other ways to do this, but row_number() is the simplest.

Updating values with conditions

Let's assume I have a table like that
id rank degree
1 4 3
2 3 3
**rank 4 has 4 degrees.
**rank 3 has 4 degrees.
And we will assume that each rank has some number of degrees. I will assume that rank 3 has 4 degrees.
And I want that, when I increase a degree that is the maximum for the current rank, the rank increases by 1 and the degree resets back to 1. For example, I want to increase the degree of the id 2 in the above table by 1. As a result, the rank should be 4 and the degree should be 1.
How can I make that update efficiently in SQL Server 2008?
I assume you want to update all rows with the same rank of the one with id=3.
UPDATE t SET t.rank = t.rank + 1, t.degree = 1
FROM tableName t
WHERE rank = (SELECT rank FROM tableName t2 WHERE id=#id)
Is this what you want?
update t
set degree = (case when degree = 5 then 1 else degree + 1 end),
rank = (case when degree = 5 then rank + 1 else rank end)
where id = 3;
If there is a reference table containing information about the maximum degree for every supported rank (let's call it dbo.ranks), something like this:
rank maxdegree
---- ---------
1 3
2 4
3 5
4 4
... ...
where maxdegree is assumed to be an integer greater than 0, then here's how you could use it:
t.rank += t.degree / r.maxdegree,
t.degree += t.degree % r.maxdegree + 1
FROM dbo.atable AS t
INNER JOIN dbo.ranks AS r
ON t.rank = r.rank
where dbo.atable is assumed to be the name of the table to update.
Note that this query is only intended for increasing by 1. If you want it to be able to increase degree by an arbitrary number, you will need to make more substantial changes than just replacing 1 in the + 1 bit.
Also, this query will not work correctly with some cases of invalid data in your table (like degrees greater than the corresponding maximums), so make sure you've removed any anomalies in your data before trying to use this.

Access SQL how to make an increment in SELECT query

I Have an SQL query giving me X results, I want the query output to have a coulmn called
count making the query somthing like this:
count id section
1 15 7
2 3 2
3 54 1
4 7 4
How can I make this happen?
So in your example, "count" is the derived sequence number? I don't see what pattern is used to determine the count must be 1 for id=15 and 2 for id=3.
count id section
1 15 7
2 3 2
3 54 1
4 7 4
If id contained unique values, and you order by id you could have this:
count id section
1 3 2
2 7 4
3 15 7
4 54 1
Looks to me like mikeY's DSum approach could work. Or you could use a different approach to a ranking query as Allen Browne described at this page
Edit: You could use DCount instead of DSum. I don't know how the speed would compare between the two, but DCount avoids creating a field in the table simply to store a 1 for each row.
DCount("*","YourTableName","id<=" & [id]) AS counter
Whether you go with DCount or DSum, the counter values can include duplicates if the id values are not unique. If id is a primary key, no worries.
I frankly don't understand what it is you want, but if all you want is a sequence number displayed on your form, you can use a control bound to the form's CurrentRecord property. A control with the ControlSource =CurrentRecord will have an always-accurate "record number" that is in sequence, and that will update when the form's Recordsource changes (which may or may not be desirable).
You can then use that number to navigate around the form, if you like.
But this may not be anything like what you're looking for -- I simply can't tell from the question you've posted and the "clarifications" in comments.
The only trick I have seen is if you have a sequential id field, you can create a new field in which the value for each record is 1. Then you do a running sum of that field.
Add to your query
DSum("[New field with 1 in it]","[Table Name]","[ID field]<=" & [ID Field])
as counterthing
That should produce a sequential count in Access which is what I think you want.
(Stolen from Rob Mills here:
Alright, I guess this comes close enough to constitute an answer: the following link specifies two approaches: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/microsoft-office/an-access-query-that-returns-every-nth-record/
The first approach assumes that you have an ID value and uses DCount (similar to #mikeY's solution).
The second approach assumes you're OK creating a VBA function that will run once for EACH record in the recordset, and will need to be manually reset (with some VBA) every time you want to run the count - because it uses a "static" value to run its counter.
As long as you have reasonable numbers (hundreds, not thousands) or records, the second approach looks like the easiest/most powerful to me.
This function can be called from each record if available from a module.
Example: incrementingCounterTimeFlaged(10,[anyField]) should provide your query rows an int incrementing from 0.
'provides incrementing int values 0 to n
'resets to 0 some seconds after first call
Function incrementingCounterTimeFlaged(resetAfterSeconds As Integer,anyfield as variant) As Integer
Static resetAt As Date
Static i As Integer
'if reset date < now() set the flag and return 0
If DateDiff("s", resetAt, Now()) > 0 Then
resetAt = DateAdd("s", resetAfterSeconds, Now())
i = 0
incrementingCounterTimeFlaged = i
'if reset date > now increments and returns
i = i + 1
incrementingCounterTimeFlaged = i
End If
End Function
autoincrement in SQL
SELECT (Select COUNT(*) FROM table A where A.id<=b.id),B.id,B.Section FROM table AS B ORDER BY B.ID Asc
You can use ROW_NUMBER() which is in SQL Server 2008
FROM myTable
Then RowNum displays sequence of row numbers.