How to change logo on Ribbon menu VB.NET -

I saw ribbon menu at VB Ribbon Control .But I dont know how to change LOGO on top-left menu. Help me please.
Thank for your help.


Dictate home ribbon idMso

I am coding a custom add-in for PowerPoint and customizing the ribbon. I would like to hide the "Voice" group (big dictate button) from the Home tab, but I can't find the idMso for the element.
Anyone has experience in that?

Hide VBA codes when double clicking controls buttons

I have inserted a combo box on PPT slide. When I double click the combo box, the VBA editing window will pop up. Is there a way that when I double click the box, VBA code does not pop up? I don't want users to see my actual codes and VBA window in general.
Thanks in advance!
I think you might have design mode on. Have a look under Developer > Controls > Design Mode. Turning it off should remove that behaviour.

How expand collapse on menu to be implemented?

I am new on bigcommerence any one guide me how can i implement + icon functionality on clicking menu item?
here is my website: forevermodo
when i click on "New In" menu button in mobile view it takes me to a link but i want it to expand the sub menu instead.
any one guide me what should i do here? any help would be appreciated.

Any control like context menu in DevExpress?

I'm using controls from DevExpress to develop desktop application in VB.NET. Now, I want to add context menu also from DevExpress. But I cannot find such control in toolbox. Is it missing only in my version or DevExpress has not developed such context menu yet?
Thank you in advance
The XtraBars Suite allows you to create multi-purpose popup menus.
These menus can be used as dropdown lists for toolbar or ribbon buttons

creating a tip balloon over a control on hover?

I simply want when someone hovers his mouse over a checkbox a "tip balloon" to appear describing what the control does?
How can this be done?
Using VB.NET with Visual Studio 2010.
Drag a ToolTip control from the toolbox on the left onto your form (the designer will then put it below your form, since it's not meant to be visible normally). By default it will be named "tooltip1".
Then select your checkbox and go over to its properties window. You should see a property labeled "Tooltip on tooltip1" - set this to whatever you want. When you run the app and hold the mouse over your checkbox, you should see the tooltip text.
For WinForms, see Display a tooltip over a button using Windows Forms, or briefly stated...
Drag in a ToolTip.
this.toolTip1.SetToolTip(this.targetControl, "My Tool Tip")
For WPF:
<Button>Click Me
<ToolTip>Blob of text.
</Button>"Your text", then your control)