Unable to trigger SonarLint Analysis on whole Project - intellij-idea

I have installed the latest sonarLint plugins with Intellij 2016.1.2.
Analyze on the fly works fine. However, I can't find in the IntelliJ "Analyze" tab any "Analyze with SonarLint". In the SonarLint window>issues tab, I can only see scope "current file" or "opened files". I don't see any Project scope.
So my question is how to trigger the analysis on my whole project ?

Since SonarLint v2.8, it's possible to analyze all files in the project.
Open the SonarLint Tool Window, go to the Project files tab, and click in the "play" button.
There is also an action to which you can assign a shortcut.
More information here: https://www.sonarlint.org/intellij/howto.html

The easiest two ways to do project analyze:
Choose Analyze | Analyze with SonarLint
Press Ctrl + Shift + S

As #Duarte - SonarSource Team suggests Sonar-Lint has a different purpose. It is intended to use to analyze for code changes in current file(s). i.e. it cannot perform analysis which needs to compare 2 files. (ex: finding duplicates, coverage etc.)
For your purpose that best way to achieve is running SonarQube with preview mode.
As per this, the preview mode has been deprocated in v 6.6 and will be dropped in future.

they stated many times that their intent is to support only new issue being introduced running an on-fly analysis on files being changed.
If you wanna run a full analysis you should use the SonarQubeCommunity plugin or visit your remote Sonar Server.
If you wanna gather only coverage information within your IDE, use the Jacoco plugin.
However there is an open feature request to browse those issues directly in the SonarLint plugin: https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SLE-54
Yes, that screenshot is confusing, but that feature was previously available.

Since version 2.8 analysis of all files in the project is possible.


Finding new Sonar issues with SonarLint for IntelliJ

Is there any way to retrieve only the new Sonar issues brought by a SCM change with the SonarLint plugin for IntelliJ?
Thank you.
On the Report tab, there's a button labeled Analyze VCS Changed Files,
which will analyze only the files that were modified since the last commit.
The analysis report will include all issues in these files,
not only the new issues.
Currently SonarLint doesn't have a feature to show only the new issues in these files. This sounds like an interesting feature. Perhaps you could suggest it on the community forum.

How to turn off SonarLint automatic triggering on IntelliJ IDEA

Is there some way of turning-off automatic SonarLint analysis in Intellij IDEA?
I have some 10,000 to 20,000 lines-of-code classes (don't ask, not my fault, trying to refactor). Every time I edit even a single character in the class, the SonarLint plugin makes IDEA unusable for a few minutes.
It is not possible to save the "Automatically trigger analysis" checkbox in the unchecked state in Other Settings > SonarLint General Settings. Is there some other solution to my problem? I really want to use the plugin. I just can't use it in automatic mode.
For intellij:
Go to File -> Settings
New window will open
In new window
Expand tools -> locate SonarLint and click on it.
Under settings tab of SonarLint -> uncheck the box 'Automatically trigger Analysis'.
Go to File -> Settings -> Other Settings -> SonarLint General Settings then
uncheck the Automatically trigger analysis check box
There was a bug in SonarLint for IntelliJ that prevented the configuration to be properly saved.
It was fixed in the latest version 2.3.2:
About the performance, please make sure you are using the Java analyzer 4.2, as you might be experiencing this problem: https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SLI-100.
It is embedded in the latest SonarLint, but if you use the connected mode, you also need to check which version of the Java analyzer is installed in the SonarQube server.
We are always trying to improve performance, so feel free to open a topic in the SonarLint Google group with the verbose analysis log so that we can investigate why it takes so long to analyze the file.
In Android Studio 3.5.2:
Go to File -> Settings -> Tools -> SonarLint -> Settings(Tab) then uncheck the Automatically trigger analysis check box.

IntelliJ Run Configuration Broken by an Incompatible Plugin I Can't Uninstall?

I had been developing an application on a trial version of IntelliJ 2016 Ultimate. Since the trial version ran out, I resumed work using the Community Edition. However, trying to launch my application yielded the following error:
Unknown run configuration type #com.intellij.j2ee.web.tomcat.TomcatRunConfigurationFactory
"No problem" I thought, just an incompatible plugin that was installed with Ultimate that I don't really need anyway. I opened the Plugins section of the Preferences menu, but I can't find the plugin in question. Below is a partial screenshot of the plugin list where I would expect to see the plugin listed in the error message.
The configuration can also not be edited from the Run/Debug Configurations menu, but lists the Run Configuration error as: "Broken configuration due to unavailable plugin or invalid configuration data."
Am I really unable to uninstall the Ultimate plugin preventing my run configuration from working from the Community Edition? What can I do to fix this if so?
It's have been a long time since this question was launched but it might be useful for new searches.
I got the same error with Dart and Flutter.
Just go to Menu >> File >> Settings. Then type plugins on the search box. Check if your plugins need to be updated (in my case Dart and Flutter). I the screenshot I had clicked in the "update" green button. So it turns into "Restart IDE" text. It should fix the problem once you restart the IDE.
To the best of my knowledge the community edition of IDEA will not load and run plugins that are not compatible with it. Moreover, by default, the community edition uses a different configuration directory than the Ultimate edition. So unless you modified the config directory to use, the community version should not be picking up the Ultimate Edition's plugins. Based on the error you show, I think the issue is you simply need to delete that Run configuration. The error is saying that that Run configuration wants to use a Plugin (The Tomcat Plugin) that is not available (i.e. not installed).
If you still want to confirm what plugins are installed, you can manually uninstall a plugin by removing it from the plugins directory. Note that some plugins are simply a standalone JAR, in the plugins directory, others are sub-directories within the plugins directory. Just delete the JAR or sub-directory.
That plugins directory is the idea config directory. See Directories used by the IDE to store settings, caches, plugins and logs for information on its location. On windows for example, by default it will be:
Ultimate: C:\Users\UserName\.IntelliJIdea2016\config\plugins
Community: C:\Users\UserName\..IdeaIC2016\config\plugins
I forgot to mention... bundled plugins are in ${idea-install-directory}/plugins. So for the ultimate edition, the Tomcat plugin is in ${idea-install-directory}/plugins/Tomcat. That is why, as you mentioned in your comment below, you are not seeing that plugin in the user installed plugin directory I mentioned above.
updating flutter and android studio worked in my
Simple upgrade Dart plugin..
Go to Settings/Plugins/Browse Repositories and search dart (Language) and upgrade
this will work.
I had a similar worded issue "Run Configuration Error: Broken configuration due to unavailable plugin or invalid configuration data."
In the bottom right part of the Rider IDE, you will see a popup that says
"Plugin supporting feature (Run Configuration[UNITY_ATTACH_AND_PLAY]) is currently disabled."
Click enable plugins, and restart when Rider asks you to do so.
If this does not work, remember that one possible reason is the issues with macOS indexing (my Macbook started to malfunction after its battery hit 0). A way to check is to try and search a file from the top right corner(). If you can not find existing files, this means macOS messed up with indexing.
To solve it, click Apple icon on top left side and go to System Preferences -> Spotlight -> Privacy Tab -> Add all folders to the "won't index" box -> Remove everything you have added so they get reindexed.
Lastly, go to Rider and hit File -> Invalidate Caches and Restart.

IntelliJ change lists without source control

We are being forced to work with Rational Team Concert [RTC] source control, which has very weak integration with IntelliJ (There is an IntelliJ plugin, but it's just buggy and extremely painful to work with).
So I plan to manage the source control outside IntelliJ using the windows shell extension or the eclipse plugin console.
Is it possible to manage IntelliJ change lists manually without connecting with any source control?
The only solution that I could think of so far, is having a mock SVN server to connect IntelliJ to, but this has many downsides to it...
Please help, I don't want to move to Eclipse :\
What I usually see is the use of an intermediate SCM tool which can interface with IntelliJ without disrupting the target SCM used (here RTC, through a local workspace or sandbox)
For instance, you can use git, as in "In git, what is a changelist?".
Once you are ready to commit, you can refresh your pending changes view in IntelliJ IDEA (if you are using the "JazzConnect-IntelliJ")

Any decent Eclipse plugin for monitoring Jenkins?

I have found an old plugin for Eclipse from 2009 to monitor a Hudson server but it has two major drawbacks:
No support for multiple Hudson/Jenkins servers
Clicking on a Job in the view results in a window showing a 404 exception
Does anyone know a newer (maintained) Eclipse plugin for Jenkins?
There is a Mylyn connector for Hudson, which also works for Jenkins (Update site is http://download.eclipse.org/mylyn/releases/latest/)
Eclipse Juno includes the Mylyn Builds view. It shows the last built time and a summary of your build plans. You can directly see test results and jump to the corresponding code. Build failures are marked red just as in the Problems view.
Menu -> Windows -> Show View -> Mylyn Builds
If you don't have it, install it:
Menu -> Help -> Install New Software... -> http://download.eclipse.org/mylyn/releases/juno
Mylyn Integrations -> Mylyn Builds Connector: Hudson/Jenkins
Mylyn SDKs and Frameworks -> Mylyn Builds
They are also available for Eclipse Indigo.
Normally the Builds view automatically connects with your Hudson/Jenkins server, just wait a few seconds. If not, add it manually. Just don't add it multiple times, since there is no easy removal mechanism (except removing the plugin's xmi file in your eclipse workspace).
The server preferences allow for adding individual build plans. Click refresh first.
Don't forget to activate "Refresh Automatically" in the view menu.