how can i manage unread badge count using qucikblox in iOS? - quickblox

I am using latest SDK of quickblox. So can you let me know how i can get the un-read badge count in the iOS device.

If you're asking about the application icon badge number, you can use this approach:
If you're asking about dialogs unread count, then you should use the property unreadMessagesCount of the class instance of QBChatDialog


react-native-device-info unique ID

Is it safe to use a react-native-device-info unique ID? From what I can understand it will always remain unique for both iOS and android no matter how many times the app will be uninstalled.
If not kindly suggest what else we can use to uniquely identify the device since I want to make sure every user login with a separate device.
const uniqueId = DeviceInfo.getUniqueID();
// iOS: "FCDBD8EF-62FC-4ECB-B2F5-92C9E79AC7F9"
// Android: "dd96dec43fb81c97"
iOS: This is IDFV so it will change if all apps from the current apps
vendor have been previously uninstalled. android: Prior to Oreo, this
id (ANDROID_ID) will always be the same once you set up your phone.
I was doing SDK for analysts, which generates billions of events every day and I can find the following.
For iOS:
IDFV - changes after user re-install app(if user had only one your app).
I recommend to use next form: currentTimeInMilliseconds_IDFV and save this to KeyChain. KeyChain is updated only after user reset the device to the factory settings.
For Android:
Android don't have a cool version.
I recommend to use form: android.os.Build.SERIAL_Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID.
Each argument aren't unique and one million devices have about 100 repeats.
But sorry, I don't have example for react native, if you need an example I can search later.

Access deep link information from Reminders API?

iOS 9 introduces a new reminders feature which allows you to deep link back to any app (including 3rd party apps which implement the NSUserActivity API).
For example, if you launch Messages, tap a conversation, hold the home button, and say, "Remind me about this in 5 minutes," you will get a reminder with a Messages icon. Tapping on the Messages icon from within Reminders later on will take you directly to that conversation.
If I use the EKReminder API, I can get this reminder, but can I get any of this other information?
In other words, is there any way to:
Know that this reminder has special metadata associated with it?
Get the deep link associated with it?
Get the icon of the app that will handle the deep link (just like the Reminders app does)?
From Apple's iOS 9 page:
"Remind me about this when I get in the car."
Siri can remind you about things you’re looking at in your apps — like Safari, Mail, and Notes — and want to follow up on later. If you’re halfway through an email, you can say “Remind me about this tonight.” Or if you’re looking at a place in Maps you want to stop at later, you can ask for a reminder when you get to your car.

How do I send notifications on an AndroidTV?

I have been reading the documentation pages for Notifications for Android devices but I want to build and display notifications on an Android-TV. I have used several apps in the AndroidTV and none of them shows notifications, instead sometimes they appear in the recommendations bar,which leads me to believe that it may not be possible to display notifications on this family of devices.
My end goal is to dispatch a Heads-up notification (priority flag set to MAX) so it can be shown regardless of what the user is doing.
Can someone help me to achieve this, maybe pointing me to some more specific docs?
UPDATE I have found this application that displays notifications, but I cannot understand how it works. Is it possible that it is mimicking notifications without working with Android's API?
I also think notification will appear as "recommendation" and not appear as "notification".
For the Notifications for Android TV app, I guess it is using custom designed Toast instead of Notification.

Need a way to alert users when building spotify app

I'm building a spotify app that does some work in the background and should then alert the user if it finds a match. I can't find a way to notify the user on the main plane when I have found something of interest.
I'd like to have something like a counter on my app name or some form of notification in order to alert the user that something has changed in my app and that they should come to the app.
Does anyone know if this is possible ?
You would need to notify them via Facebook, Spotify doesn't allow you to identify the individual users on the Spotify platform through the api.
Also there is the issue of that your App unloads after 60seconds of the user not being on the App Pane (off in a playlist etc).
So whilst a counter icon that you suggest would be wonderful.
The App Unload-er needs to go away first.

Updating application icon Badge in iPhone 3.0, when application is not running

I have an application, which lists number of IM sent by any of my friend using my application. And application icon show number of unread IMs to me. If my application is running in foreground, I can update badge by calling web service every 1 minute which will return number of unread IMs. Suppose, if the person is using iPhone3.0 and application is not running, how can i update the badge? Push notification without alert, but with just number of unread IMs as badge number will work?
Please advice, Thank you.
Yes if the user enables push notifications and allowes it for your app then you can use them to just adjust the badge counter.
At last, we found the problem, the problem is passing badge parameter as string in JSON payload, Now we are sending it as number, so even when the application is in background, badge getting set properly.
Thank you for your all help.