Selenium keywords in Robot Framework - selenium

With this solution can i map the Selenium commands to Robot Framework keywords. It works good. But i think its impossible to map all the selenium keywords in the formatters. How can i call Selenium commands in Robot Framework ? In the deprecated library SeleniumLibrary i can call the keyword Call Selenium Apoi. Is there a solution for Selenium2Library ?
I would like this functionality for record a test for Robot Framework with Selenium IDE.

There are some solutions to convert Selenese to RF+Selenium2Library.
This is a Python converter, Se-IDE-format-to-Robot-Framework.
This is a Selenium IDE file exporter Robot-Framework-Formatter
It does the mapping you want, and you may expand it using the Resource file. It would be good if more selenese mappings would be proposed by you (PR).


Fitnesse: integration with Selenium WebDriver

I am working on a Selenium WebDriver project, written using the page object pattern.
I wanted to know whether is there any way in which I can integrate FitNesse and Selenium WebDriver project?
I know FitNesse can be used with Selenium IDE, however, I have no idea whether is it possible to use Fitnesse with WebDriver.
You sure can, it's just Java after all. One example of such a project is (my own set of FitNesse fixtures):
You could use my fixture (BrowserTest) to execute the test. Or only use the web driver setup fixture (selenium driver setup), which also also the setup to be overridden in a CI environment, and do your own thing with web driver in a custom fixture.

Selenium IDE or Builder, can they connect with Selenium Server 2?

Is there any possible way to execute the output of either Selenium IDE browser plugin or Selenium Builder plugin with the selenium-server-standalone.jar?
When I try to execute the Selenium IDE selenese output with the -htmlSuite flag of the selenium-server JAR, the server complains that sendKeys is not a valid command. sendKeys is a selenium V1 command, but the Selenium IDE outputs V2. You'd think the server could execute V2 syntax, but it can't.
When I save V1 syntax from Selenium Builder, and try to execute that with the -htmlSuite flag I get an error that "click" does not implement the event interface. (I'm guessing some other v1/v2 incompatibility)
There doesn't seem to be a way to execute the JSON output of Builder against the server either (there's a Jenkins plugin that claims to do this, but it doesn't seem to have enough logging or debug information to tell if it did anything at all).
Is there anyway to run the output of any GUI tool against Selenium Server 2?
According to this bug, the selenese runner part of selenium server is abandoned. But why would someone bother compiling, packaging and shipping abandoned code that doesn't work? I find it really hard to believe that something as popular as Selenium doesn't work with its own IDE browser plugin.
Yes, you can. First, do your research in the Selenium documentation and start a Selenium Grid on your computer. Then, you can use Maven to run Selenium Builder scripts (using a method like what I have done here: )
Of course, for the Builder scripts to connect to the Grid hub you need to change the calls to:
new FirefoxDriver();
to this instead:
new RemoteWebDriver( "http://hubIP:4444/wd/hub", capabilities );
, or something similar.
Thats it.
The correct answer is, "no, Selenium Server v2 does not support Selenium IDE output nor Selenium Builder output".
If you want to use the output of Selenium IDE browser plugin you need the incredible Selenese Runner project.
Why this requires a 3rd party tool and isn't part of the Selenium family of products is beyond me.

Can i use MyEclipse IDE instead of Eclipse IDE (Eclipse for Testers) for using testing with Selenium

I am new with Selenium and having java development experience.
I have installed Selenium IDE as plugin with Firefox.
I have MyEclipse IDE. Should i download another Eclipse IDE for using testing with Selenium Webdriver. If yes then please suggest which version of Eclipse would be best suited for my purpose?
If you want to learn the basics of selenium IDE you better play around with selenium IDE in Firefox.
If you have knowledge in any of the programming languages like Java, python, ruby, c#, PHP
You can use Selenium Webdriver along with any of the mentioned programming languages to write automation testing scripts.
COming to eclipse IDE,when you start using Selenium Webdriver, you need to use Eclipse IDE. other wise if you use Selneium IDE in Firefox, there is no need to use Eclipse as Selenium IDE is just a record and playback tool(also you can add and modify the selenium commands).
you can use Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers present in the below link.
No. Perhaps we can not use MyEclipse with selenium. Furthermore IDE is not relevant alternate to Eclipse.

playframework seleniums intellij idea intelli sense support

I'm writing selenium tests in playframework 1.2.4 using IntelliJ idea (it has some support of playframework now). Is it possible to use some syntax help for selenium tests, which is actually located in html files?
For example there is a tests (in mytest.test.html file)
#{selenium 'software detail renders with back-link on board'}
Of course I can use intelli-j templates/sniplets. But I would prefer syntax support.
There is a special plugin for IntelliJ IDEA that helps with Selenium tests:
It provides XPath/CSS highlighting and completion for the most used Selenium APIs, including Geb, Selenide and ScalaTest.

Help with Selenium Webdriver download?

I have Selenium IDE and i want to install Selenium Webdriver.
1) Can anyone tell me where can i download selenium webdriver. i don't see any link available in the documentation.
2)Can i use selenium webdriver with PHPUnit? I see some materials saying php is not supported in selenium 2 however there are some download links available for phpbindings for webdriver what is this exactly?
3)If i have Selenium webdriver do i still need selenium server to run test cases in different browsers?
I would appreciate your answers...
I completely agree with you. They have a ton of documentation, but they do a horrible job of explaining what you actually need. It took me about 2 days to put all the pieces together. You will need a few things...
If you are running tests with C#, download NUnit, C# client drivers. Create a class library project in Visual Studio and reference the dlls (assemblies) for NUnit (for appropriate dotnet version) and the C# client drivers. Compile your class library. It should create a dll inside of the bin\Debug directory. Then go into NUnit, create a project, and then open your assembly in that bin\Debug directory. That should get you started.
If you're developing using Java, download JUnit (not NUnit) and then download the Java Client Drivers, and use Eclipse instead of Visual Studio. You can launch JUnit right from Eclipse.
I've only tried NUnit and JUnit before. But I'm sure PHPUnit can also be launched from Eclipse (educated guess). There seems to be the most documentation for Java and Python.. from experience, but I've been doing everything in .NET and I haven't had anything I couldn't solve.
The Unit Testing software isn't required, but the code the format add-ins for Firefox Selenium IDE will build the code for NUnit (C#) or JUnit (Java), etc... so most use those tools.
If you want to get some boilerplate code, go into Selenium IDE and turn on experimental features under options. Then export your C# code (or Java code) from the format menu after you've recorded your commands. It won't all convert 100%, so be aware of that. Just google from there to get questions answered.
One thing to watch out for... clickAndWait commands won't convert to click and wait in the code. You will either need to do an implicit wait or a thread.sleep wait after certain commands before you'll be able to access the next element if you're waiting for an action to occur. You will also want to turn on native events so you can fire certain JavaScript events. Your fire events won't work if the driver doesn't have this turned on. The WebDriver driver.
If you have any other questions, let me know.
You can download Selenium server as well as client driver from the following:
You can download "" from the following source:
In C# context:
Now the better way of including packages in C# project is using nuGet. nuGet is packaging utility which when executed from its powershell command window, quickly downloads the dll files and links them to project. Below link details on how to use nUGet to install packages of selenium webdriver, selenium support and nUnit.
How to invoke/run different type of web driver browser using remote webdriver in C#