Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Data.DataTable' to 'RxPMIS.DSet01.tbSystemUsersDataTable' - sql

Okay I may be asking this the wrong way, however simply put:
I am using tableAdapters in my dataset (DSet01) and have several Fill / Get data statements that I would like to eliminate by just passing on an SQL statement to populate the main dataset e.g. Main Table Adapter:= "tbSystemUsers" which has a general "Fill" "Get"...i.e. "Select * from tbSystemUsers" ... and instead of adding another query in this tableAdapter I want to create an SQL statement such as "Select * from tbSystemUsers WHERE (userId = #userID)".
And return the dataset which I can view on my data-grid.

I shouldn't have asked this question here: simply put the Project I inherited from a work colleague initially used a auto generated table adapters in its data-set designer. So this time around when i defined my classes, it fails because the GetData containers have already been define.
Either remove the table adapters class Or initialize my output to the same
existing one as in:
psmDS02.tbIssuesDataTable myIssues = new psmDS02.tbIssuesDataTable();
int postID = this.psmDS02.tbIssues[tbIssuesBindingSource.Position].issuesID;
myIssues = (psmDS02.tbIssuesDataTable) PsDataLayer.cls_0_gridsData.Issues_GetData_ID(postID);
The conversion is in the third line. Thanks


VB.NET + LINQ: Save in a single class attribute the result of querying two columns from different tables

I have two tables: Estructura (with two fields I want: descripcion_morologica and interpretacion) and estrato (with two fields I want: descripcion_larga and interpretacion_explic). On the other side I hace a class in VS with the attributes descripcion and interpretacion. Both tables have a common field called id_excavacion, which I pass to the method as a parameter.
What I'm trying to achieve is to make a query which saves in the "descripcion" attribute the results of t1.descripcion_morfologica and t2.descripcion_larga and also saves in "interpretacion" the results of t1.interpretacion and t2.interpretacion_explic.
So far, I've tried like this:
'GET: api/Excavacions/ListadoUE/5
Function GetListadoUEs(ByVal idExcavacion As Integer) As IQueryable(Of ListadoUEDto)
Dim listado =
From estru In db.Estructura
Join estra In db.Estrato On estra.id_excavacion Equals estru.id_excavacion
Where estru.id_excavacion = idExcavacion
Select New ListadoUEDto With {
.Descripcion = estru.descripcion_morfologica And estra.descripcion_larga,
.Interpretacion = estru.interpretacion And estra.interpretacion_explic
End Function
But I only get null, despite the id I pass actually exists.
Thanks a lot in advance!!
You should almost certainly not be using And there. That is a Boolean operator, for combining True and False values. As is always the case, if you want to concatenate Strings then you use &, which is the string concatenation operator.
You should have Option Strict On and then the compiler would have warned you that you were doing something that doesn't make sense. You should turn it On in the project properties and also in the VS options, so it is On by default for future projects. That will force you to put more thought into what data types you use and, therefore, make you write better code.

Telosys does not generate column definition (i.e. for CHAR-columns)

When using Telosys to generate entities with the java7-persistence-commons-jpa-T300 templates the column annotation never includes columnDefinition when generating the #Column annotation in JpaRecord-classes. That forces database schemageneration with hbm2ddl always to generate VARCHAR columns.
But when the origin database column is an CHAR-column the generated record-class should also generate columnDefinition... i.e.: #Column(columnDefinition = "CHAR(xx)", name = "VVT_NR", nullable = false, length = 20)
Is there a way to force telosys to generate the columnDefinition (with correct length for xx of course)?
The JPA function "$jpa.fieldAnnotations()”
used in the mentioned template is a shortcut to generate the "classical" JPA annotations for a given field and indeed it doesn’t generated all the “#Column” optional elements (for example “table”, “insertable”, “updatable” and “columnDefinition” are not generated)
In version 3 there's no way to force the generator to produce the "columnDefinition".
But if you really want to generate the “columnDefinition” you can create a specific function or a specific macro.
To create a Velocity macro see :
To create a specific function see this other question :
Is it possible in a Telosys template to call a function created specifically?
For a specific function you can reuse the "$jpa" class source code :

Call stored function without knowing the parameter names through

Can some one suggest me how to call a stored function in oracle through
From should i able to pass the values to arguments of that function without knowing the parameter names?
Example: I have a function,
Create or Repalce Function Func_Name(param1 Varchar2,param2 varchar2)
Inorder to call this function through, we need to give
Is there anyway so that i cannot use the parameter name and call the function
Thanks in advance
The way that we handled it was to open the Oracle DB up through an OleDbConnection, then call GetOleDbSchemaTable asking for the Procedure_Columns.
For example:
DataTable dtTable;
dtData = this.Connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Procedure_Columns, new object[] {null, null, sName, null});
foreach (DataRow theRow in dtData.Rows)
// Columns available in the row include:
// column_name, data_type, type_name, precision, and scale
Then, if you need to execute it without valid parameters (for example, to get the columns it exposes) you could execute it using DbNull.Value for each parameter.
Also, I can't remember exactly how Oracle operates, but in SQL Server you need to include the namespace when executing the function (i.e. select * from dbo.fn_my_test()). Also, depending on how the function is structured, you may have to select from it instead of executing it.
I'm not sure if you can use named parameters with Oracle.
When you create the parameterized query, try using question marks as a place holder:
Select col1, col2 From tablename Where col1 = ? and col2 = ?
Then, be sure to add the parameters to the command object in the correct order.
You don't need to know the parameter names to call it.
You need to know the number and type of them
Adding parameter names to the call means you don't have to pass all of them and / or you can pass them in a different order to the signature of the SP.
Call it like a parameterised query.
int customer_ID = 786;
Command.CommandText = 'Exec SP_MYProc #MyVar';
Command.Parameters.Add(new Parameter('MyVar',DbType.Int,customer_ID));

loading serialized data into a table

For an answer to another question, I wanted to load some serialized lua code into a table. The string to be loaded is of this form:
SavedVars = { }
SavedStats = { }
(where each of the {...} might be any Lua expression, including a table constructor with nested data. I'm assuming it is not calling any (global) functions or using global variables.
What I finally want to have is a table of this form:
{ ["SavedVar"] = { }, ["SavedStats"] = { } }
I do not want to have global variables SavedVars afterwards.
How to do this most elegantly?
(I already found a solution, but maybe someone has a better one.)
Here is my solution:
-- loads a string to a table.
-- this executes the string with the environment of a new table, and then
-- returns the table.
-- The code in the string should not need any variables it does not declare itself,
-- as these are not available on runtime. It runs in a really empty environment.
function loadTable(data)
local table = {}
local f = assert(loadstring(data))
setfenv(f, table)
return table
It loads the data string with loadstring and then uses setfenv to modify the global environment of the function to a new table. Then calling the loaded function once fills this table (instead of the global environment), which we then can return.
Setting the environment to a new table has the effect that the code can't use any global data at all. I think this is a good way to sandbox the code, but if it is not wanted, you could populate the table before or provide it with some metatable (but unset it before returning the table).
This loading function will also work with serialized data produced like in Saving Tables with Cycles.

How to retrieve multiple rows from a stored procedure with Linq to SQL?

I've recently started to work with Linq to SQL and wondered how to get multiple rows as a result of executing a stored procedure,here's a simple sp i want to work with:
CREATE PROCEDURE gsp_ftsmultiple
#SearchKey varchar(100)
SELECT Label, theContent
FROM FtsTest
WHERE FREETEXT( theContent, #SearchKey )
Executing this sp from management studio is fine,but the corresponding method in the generated context class returns a int value, and I don't know how to get the actual rows, tried using the OUT parameters, but they can return only one result.
I think all you need to do is make a class that matches your result schema and make sure the function in the dbml has it as a return type.
see here on msdn
Try creating the fulltext predicates as wrapper functions instead of sprocs, like this. Worked for me.
When sqlmetal generates the code for this procedure, it doesn't pass a valid argument for the query to work.
Try to put something like this on the top of you SP:
IF #SearchKey IS NULL OR LEN(#SearchKey) = 0
SELECT N'' AS Label, N'' AS theContent WHERE 1 = 0
It will now deduce that 2 NVARCHAR columns are the usual output and generate code accordingly
PS. Code off my head, untested
I tested the following code snippet and it worked fine. If you put the generated code here, I can take a look and check where is the problem. Anyway, you can create a partial class as same name as your generated data context class and add the desired method manually as follows.
public partial class FooDataContext: System.Data.Linq.DataContext
[System.Data.Linq.Mapping.Function(Name = "GetFoo")]
public System.Data.Linq.ISingleResult<Foo> GetFoo()
System.Data.Linq.IExecuteResult res = base.ExecuteMethodCall(this, (System.Reflection.MethodInfo)System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod());
return (System.Data.Linq.ISingleResult<Foo>)res.ReturnValue;
You'd might be better off just running the query in itself, seeing as you're not really doing anything that requires a procedure. Just make sure you escape the search key properly.