Add text to automatic labels and textboxes -

The following code creates/formats labels and textboxes to a groupbox.
My problem is that i want to change the textbox text to 1 and 0 periodically ( like intercalated ), and i have no idea how to.
Private Sub ResizeData()
' Create as many textboxes as fit into window
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim y As Integer = 10
Dim z As Integer = 20
While y < grpData.Size.Width - 100
labData = New Label()
labData.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(30, 20)
labData.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(y, z)
labData.Text = Convert.ToString(x + 1)
txtData = New TextBox()
txtData.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(50, 20)
txtData.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(y + 30, z)
txtData.TextAlign = System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Right
txtData.Tag = x
x += 1
z = z + txtData.Size.Height + 5
If z > grpData.Size.Height - 40 Then
y = y + 100
z = 20
End If
End While
End Sub
i need something like this:
...and so on.
Thank you!

Private Sub ResizeData()
' Create as many textboxes as fit into window
Dim a As Integer = 1
Dim x As Integer = 1
Dim y As Integer = 10
Dim z As Integer = 20
While y < grpData.Size.Width - 100
Dim labData As New Label()
labData.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(30, 20)
labData.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(y, z)
labData.Text = Convert.ToString(a)
Dim txtData As New TextBox()
txtData.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(50, 20)
txtData.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(y + 30, z)
txtData.TextAlign = System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Right
txtData.Tag = x
txtData.Text = x
a += 1
If x = 1 Then
x = 0
ElseIf x = 0 Then
x = 1
End If
z = z + txtData.Size.Height + 5
If z > grpData.Size.Height - 40 Then
y = y + 100
z = 20
End If
End While
End Sub
To give only the first 2 textboxes a value '1', use the same code above with these 3 lines modified:
Dim txtData As New TextBox() With {.Name = "txt" & a}
txtData.Text = 0
If txtData.Name = "txt1" Or txtData.Name = "txt2" Then txtData.Text = 1 'add this line just below the above one

Maybe using a boolean would work. Not the cleaner way but it should work
Where you dim everything:
Dim even as boolean
And after all the property changes of the txtData:
if even then
end if
even= not even


I have problem that says System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: 'Bad Data. ' in when trying to import RSA parameters

Here's the code I am not sure if there's any hidden error but on runtime when trying to import the rsa parameters it pops up that error
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO
Public Class RSA_Test_Form
Public FactorList As New List(Of Integer)
Public FindFactor As Long
Public PString, QString, ModulusString, ExponentString, DString, DPString,
DQString, InverseQString As String
Function ModInverse(ByVal a As Long, ByVal b As Long) As Long
Dim b0 As Long = b
Dim t As Long
Dim q As Long
Dim x0 As Long = 0
Dim x1 As Long = 1
If b = 1 Then Return 1
While a > 1
q = a \ b
t = b
b = a Mod b
a = t
t = x0
x0 = x1 - q * x0
x1 = t
End While
If x1 < 0 Then x1 += b0
Return x1
End Function
Function gcd(ByVal n1 As Long, ByVal n2 As Long) As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim minimum As Integer
If n1 < n2 Then
minimum = n1
minimum = n2
End If
For i = minimum To 1 Step -1
If n1 Mod i = 0 And n2 Mod i = 0 Then
Return i
End If
Return gcd
End Function
Sub FindFactorFunction()
Dim x As Long
For x = 2 To FindFactor - 1
If FindFactor Mod x = 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GenerateBTN_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles GenerateBTN.Click
Dim Result As Long = 0
Dim Result2 As Long = 0
Dim Result3 As Long = 0
Dim Random1, Random2 As New Random()
Dim P, Q, Modulus As Long
Dim Exponent, D, DP, DQ As New Nullable(Of Long)
Dim InverseQ As New Nullable(Of ULong)
Dim Modulus1 As Long = 0
Dim LoopCount As Integer = 0
Dim ls, ls2 As New List(Of Long)
Dim PrimeString As String
PrimeString = ""
Using MyNewStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader("AllPrimes.txt")
PrimeString = MyNewStreamReader.ReadLine().ToString
While PrimeString <> "" And LoopCount <= 1249
LoopCount += 1
PrimeString = ""
PrimeString = MyNewStreamReader.ReadLine
End While
End Using
Using MyNewStreamReader2 As StreamReader = New StreamReader("AllPrimes.txt")
PrimeString = ""
PrimeString = MyNewStreamReader2.ReadLine().ToString
LoopCount = 0
While PrimeString <> ""
If LoopCount >= 1250 And LoopCount <= 2499 Then
End If
LoopCount += 1
PrimeString = ""
PrimeString = MyNewStreamReader2.ReadLine
End While
End Using
Dim rand = Random1.Next(0, ls.Count)
Dim rand2 = Random2.Next(0, ls2.Count)
P = ls(rand)
Q = ls2(rand2)
Result3 = gcd(P, Q)
While Result3 <> 1
rand = Random1.Next(0, ls.Count)
rand2 = Random2.Next(0, ls2.Count)
P = ls(rand)
Q = ls2(rand2)
Result3 = gcd(P, Q)
End While
MessageBox.Show("P= " & P & "Q= " & Q)
Modulus = (P - 1) * (Q - 1)
Modulus1 = Modulus + 1
FindFactor = Modulus1
Dim Count As Integer = 0
Dim Count2 As Integer = 0
For A As Integer = 0 To FactorList.Count - 1
Result = gcd(FactorList.ElementAt(A), Modulus)
If Result = 1 Then
Count += 1
End If
Dim PositionArray(Count) As Integer
Count = 0
For A As Integer = 0 To FactorList.Count - 1
Result = gcd(FactorList.ElementAt(A), Modulus)
If Result = 1 Then
PositionArray(Count) = FactorList.ElementAt(A)
Count += 1
End If
Dim Number1, Number2 As Long
Dim GetResult As Boolean = False
Count = 0
If PositionArray.Count = 2 Then
Exponent = PositionArray(0)
D = PositionArray(1)
While GetResult = False And Count <> PositionArray.Count
For Count = 0 To PositionArray.Count - 1
For Count2 = Count + 1 To PositionArray.Count - 1
Number1 = PositionArray(Count)
Number2 = PositionArray(Count2)
Result2 = Number1 * Number2 Mod Modulus
If Result2 = 1 Then
GetResult = True
End If
If GetResult = True Then
Exit While
End If
End While
End If
Dim Selection As Integer = MessageBox.Show(Number1 & "=E And D= " & Number2, "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
If Selection = DialogResult.OK Then
Exponent = Number1
D = Number2
DP = D * P
DQ = D * Q
InverseQ = ModInverse(Q, P)
MessageBox.Show("DP= " & DP)
MessageBox.Show("DQ= " & DQ)
MessageBox.Show("InverseQ= " & InverseQ)
In here when generating RSA numbers, I can not always get the correct numbers so i am using this website to check that i have get the correct RSA numbers and the D and Exponent was not = 0
Everytime I get Exponent and D, I will always use this website to check P,Q,Exponent and D to make sure it's correct
End If
If Exponent.HasValue And D.HasValue Then
PString = P.ToString
QString = Q.ToString
ModulusString = Modulus.ToString
ExponentString = Exponent.ToString
DString = D.ToString
DPString = DP.ToString
DQString = DQ.ToString
InverseQString = InverseQ.ToString
In here all D,P,Q,DP,DQ,Exponent,Modulus,InverseQ value has been calculated and checked
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Number2ByteConverterBTN_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Number2ByteConverterBTN.Click
If it's possible try check the coding here, perhaps this place was the place that i do it wrongly
I initially thought of using BitCoverter.GetBytes() to convert the long and Ulong datatype value
But in the end, the bitconverter.getbytes() doesn't work for me so i have to first convert all those long and ulong data type values into string then use BYTE.PARSE() to convert the string into byte value
That's how i do it
If let's any experts here confirmed that the coding above worked and all the values are correct then try to check is there any potential error here
Dim PByte, QByte, ModulusByte, ExponentByte, DByte, DPByte, DQByte, InverseQByte As Byte()
ReDim PByte(PString.Count)
ReDim QByte(QString.Count)
ReDim ModulusByte(ModulusString.Count)
ReDim ExponentByte(ExponentString.Count)
ReDim DByte(DString.Count)
ReDim DPByte(DPString.Count)
ReDim DQByte(DQString.Count)
ReDim InverseQByte(InverseQString.Count)
Dim TempPByte, TempQByte, TempModulusByte, TempExponentByte, TempDByte As New Byte
Dim StringBuilder As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder2 As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder3 As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder4 As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder5 As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder6 As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder7 As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder8 As New StringBuilder
For i As Integer = 0 To PString.Length - 1
PByte(i) = Byte.Parse(PString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To QString.Length - 1
QByte(i) = Byte.Parse(QString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To ModulusString.Length - 1
ModulusByte(i) = Byte.Parse(ModulusString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To ExponentString.Length - 1
ExponentByte(i) = Byte.Parse(ExponentString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To DString.Length - 1
DByte(i) = Byte.Parse(DString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To DPString.Length - 1
DPByte(i) = Byte.Parse(DPString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To DQString.Length - 1
DQByte(i) = Byte.Parse(DQString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To InverseQString.Length - 1
InverseQByte(i) = Byte.Parse(InverseQString.ElementAt(i))
Dim MyRSAParams As New RSAParameters
MyRSAParams.P = PByte
MyRSAParams.Q = QByte
MyRSAParams.Exponent = ExponentByte
MyRSAParams.Modulus = ModulusByte
MyRSAParams.D = DByte
MyRSAParams.DP = DPByte
MyRSAParams.DQ = DQByte
MyRSAParams.InverseQ = InverseQByte
MyRSA = RSA.Create()
End Sub
Private Sub RSA_Test_Form_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim temp, temp2 As Integer
temp = gcd(1, 2)
temp2 = gcd(2, 3)
FindFactor = 0
End Sub
End Class
What I am trying to do in the generate button was to create the suitable parameters for RSA.
The parameters I was actually able to generate them but in either ULong or Long data type.
When i first convert them into array of Bytes I have considered to use BitConverter but it doesn't work at least in my case.
The only way i am only able to make them into array of Bytes was by making the ULong or Long data type variable into string.
Then convert those string into Byte then put them into ByteArray
I hope it was correct but it is out of my reach for now.
Any ideas on how can i make the parameter data to be accepted as rsa parameter? Problem with If-statement not being run when the statement is true

With the following global variables:
Dim SpilleBræt(8, 8) As PictureBox
Dim Position(8, 8) As String
Dim MarkeretFelt(8, 8) As String
Dim FeltFarve As String
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim AktivMarkering As Boolean = 0
Dim SpilleBrik As String
And this code:
Private Sub PictureBox_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim FeltValg As PictureBox = CType(sender, PictureBox)
If AktivMarkering = 1 Then
x = Mid(, - 1, 1)
y = Mid(,, 1)
Select Case Position(y, x)
Case "LightTileMarked"
Me.SpilleBræt(y, x).BackgroundImage = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(SpilleBrik & "LightTile")
Case "DarkTileMarked"
Me.SpilleBræt(y, x).BackgroundImage = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(SpilleBrik & "DarkTile")
Case Else
'fjerner markerede
Select Case Position(y, x)
Case "BlackTower", "WhiteTower"
Case "BlackHorse", "WhiteHorse"
Case "BlackBishop", "WhiteBishop"
Case "WhiteKing", "BlackKing"
Case "WhiteQueen", "BlackQueen"
Case "WhitePawn", "BlackPawn"
For k As Integer = y To 1 Step -1
If Position(k, x) = "" Then
If (k + x) Mod 2 = 1 Then
FeltFarve = "DarkTile"
FeltFarve = "LightTile"
End If
Me.SpilleBræt(x, k).BackgroundImage = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(FeltFarve)
ElseIf Position(k, x) = "WhitePawn" Or Position(k, x) = "BlackPawn" Then
'background død brik
k = 1
End If
End Select
End Select
'indsætter markering
'x,y i picturebox'ens navn fx ->(SpilBrik44) hvor x=4 og y=4
x = Mid(, - 1, 1)
y = Mid(,, 1)
Select Case Position(y, x)
Case "BlackTower", "WhiteTower"
Case "BlackHorse", "WhiteHorse"
Case "BlackBishop", "WhiteBishop"
Case "WhiteKing", "BlackKing"
Case "WhiteQueen", "BlackQueen"
Case "WhitePawn", "BlackPawn"
For k As Integer = y To 1 Step -1
If Position(k, x) = "" Then
If (k + x) Mod 2 = 1 Then
FeltFarve = "DarkTileMarked"
FeltFarve = "LightTileMarked"
End If
Me.SpilleBræt(x, k).BackgroundImage = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(FeltFarve)
MarkeretFelt(x, k) = FeltFarve
AktivMarkering = 1
ElseIf Position(k, x) = "WhitePawn" Or Position(k, x) = "BlackPawn" Then
'background død brik
k = 1
End If
End Select
End If
End Sub
I have a problem with the first If statement aktivmarkering=1, goes directly to the 'Else' even though if statements is true.
First time code is run, aktivmarkering is = 0, and therefore it obviously goes to 'Else', but after that one has ben run AktivMarkering is = 1, and first if should be executed. I don't see why not - anyone whos able to help?

VBA Format Userform Numeric Output

I have a spreadsheet/userform combo that takes user input to calculate product pricing/percent tax/and square footage in consideration to output a total cost for flooring in one of the userform's textboxes.
My userform is calculating everything correctly, but I am trying to figure out how to format the output box so that it only displays values up to two digits past the decimal (i.e. $1.00). Currently, it displays up to four digits or more beyond the decimal (as seen in the Total Area, Tax Amount, and Final Price text boxes).
My userform code is as follows (I left out some non-pertinent sections that had to do with opening and closing the userform but everything that has to do with the functioning of it is there):
Public Sub SumTool()
Dim A, B, C, D, E, F As Double
Dim x As Double
Dim finalSum As Double
Dim addUp As Double
Dim BeforePercent As Double
Dim Prcnt As Double
Dim percentALT As Double
Dim percentSum As Double
Dim i As Integer
addUp = 0
finalSum = 0
BeforePercent = 0
x = 0
i = 0
'These are all area measurements
A = 280
B = 118
C = 96
D = 243
E = 38
F = 83
Do While i < 1
'These are checks to see if checkboxes in the userform are True/False and
'correspond to the area measurements above
If LR.Value = True Then
x = x + A
x = x
End If
If BR1.Value = True Then
x = x + B
x = x
End If
If BR2.Value = True Then
x = x + C
x = x
End If
If KT.Value = True Then
x = x + D
x = x
End If
If BA.Value = True Then
x = x + E
x = x
End If
If HALL.Value = True Then
x = x + F
x = x
End If
i = i + 1
'I have different calculations because the user has the option of
'whether they want to include tax or not. If they do not (first option)
'no special conversions have to take place. If they do, the program has to
'take the entry and convert it from 5 or 10 to 0.05 or 0.10 and then carry
'forward with the rest of the operations
If Me.Y.Value = False Then
Prcnt = 0
addUp = x
finalSum = addUp * Me.ProductPrice.Value
Me.FinalResultsBox.Value = finalSum
Me.SqFtBox.Value = addUp
Me.TaxAmountValue.Value = 0
Prcnt = Me.SalesTaxNumber.Value
addUp = x
percentALT = Prcnt * 0.01
BeforePercent = addUp * Me.ProductPrice.Value
percentSum = percentALT * BeforePercent
finalSum = BeforePercent + percentSum
Me.FinalResultsBox.Value = finalSum
Me.SqFtBox.Value = addUp
Me.TaxAmountValue.Value = percentSum
End If
End Sub
You may try something like this...
Me.FinalResultsBox.Value = Format(finalSum, "$0.00")

How to convert Colored image into black and white using

I'm Using Visual studio 10.i want to convert colored image into a black and white?
i have tried to do following code it gets success but it takes lots of time to convert. can i do convert it without using anyloop in
Thanks In Advance
Dim img As Bitmap = New Bitmap((Image.FromFile("D:\\imgnam.jpg")))
Dim c As Color
Dim i As Integer = 0
Do While (i < img.Width)
Dim j As Integer = 0
Do While (j < img.Height)
c = img.GetPixel(i, j)
Dim r As Integer = 0
r = Convert.ToInt16(c.R)
Dim g As Integer = 0
g = Convert.ToInt16(c.G)
Dim b As Integer = 0
b = Convert.ToInt16(c.B)
Dim ans As Integer = ((r _
+ (g + b)) _
/ 3)
If (ans > 128) Then
r = 255
g = 255
b = 255
r = 0
g = 0
b = 0
End If
c = Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)
img.SetPixel(i, j, c)
j = (j + 1)
i = (i + 1)
Dim Bmp1 As New Image(Of Bgr, [Byte])("D:\\imgnamNew.jpg")
ImageFrame = Bmp1
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

Visual Basic - variable names auto increment / loop

Is there a way when I want to do this:
textbox1.text = x + i
textbox2.text = x + i
textbox3.text = x + i
To do for example like this?
for l = 0 to 2
textbox(l) = x + i
Assuming these controls are inside a userform, do something like:
Private Sub FillTextboxes()
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
x = 10
For i = 0 To 2
Me.Controls("textbox" & i + 1).Text = x + i
Next i
End Sub